Which picture shows how an organism uses parental care to ensure the
continuation of its species?


Answer 1
1 picture which picture shows how an organism uses parental care to ensure the continuation of its species ?
Answer 2

B pictures lamo



Please Mark me brainliest

Related Questions

Genetic variation is more commonly found in sexually reproducing organisms, as compared to asexually reproducing organisms, because
1 point
in asexual reproduction gametes fuse to lead to new genetic combinations
in sexual reproduction the gametes formed are all genetically identical
in asexual reproduction the gametes formed are genetically different
in sexual reproduction gametes fuse to lead to new genetic combinations



In sexual reproduction gametes fuse to lead to new genetic combinations


In sexually reproducing organisms, there are two parents who create genetically diverse offspring.

This occurs because the gametes of the two parents combine to create very unique genetic combinations, which lead to increased genetic variation.

On the other hand, asexually reproducing organisms reproduce without a partner.

Their offspring are identical clones to the parent, so they have much less genetic variation.

So, the correct answer is that In sexual reproduction gametes fuse to lead to new genetic combinations.

Which of the following can a UAV do?
1. Provide information about geography
2. Provide information about soil nutrients
3. Provide information about soil hydration
4. Provide information about plant health



Provide information about geography


UAVs are otherwise known as unmanned aerial vehicles or drones. They are usually remotely controlled and monitored from a screen. They can be flown over a large expanse of land to obtain geographical information such as the topography of an area,  the distance between two points, the height above sea level, and so on.

Except the UAVs are specially designed and equipped with extra features, they cannot be used to obtain information relating to soil nutrients, soil hydration, or information about plant health on a field.

Hence, the correct answer would be option 1,

Answer: Provide information about geography


It's correct

describe the role of enzymes in seeds germination​



Enzymes such as amylase ,protease and lipase are liable for solubilizing spare food materials in form of starch, protein and lipids correspondingly

in seed and deliver energy and other fundamentals food materials to germinating embryo.

The seed proteins are catalyzed by protease enzyme and break it into amino acid and peptides that a e transferred to growing embryo.

The amino acids obtained from metabolism of the proteins are further used in biosynthesis of enzymes,hormones,proteins, pyrimidines and Purine bases.

The starch is catalyzed by enzyme amylase that provides the food materials for growth and development of embryo . Similarly lipase are enzymes that are responsible for metabolism of the triacylglycerols into glycerols and fatty acids.This is also the source of energy for growing embryo

A researcher is examining a sample of smooth muscle tissue under a microscope. Which of the following would correctly describe what he sees? (2 points)

Short cells with no striations and one nucleus per cell

Long cells with no striations and one nucleus per cell

Long cells with striations and no nuclei

Short cells with striations and no nuclei


The answer would be B

how many different versions of a gene are carried in a single normal cell?



two versions of a gene are carried in a single normal cell called alleles

identiying Parts of Spheres Use the drop-down menus to identify the spheres to which each part belongs.

A lake is part of the ___

Water vapor in the air is part of the___

Glacier and iceburgs are part of the___

The rocky mountains are part of the___

A deer is part of the____​



Answer is

A lake is part of the hydrosphere.

Water vapor in the air is part of the atmosphere.

Glacier and icebergs are part of the cryosphere.

The Rocky Mountains are part of the geosphere.

A deer is part of the biosphere.

Why do animal cells not need central vacuoles?
A: Animal cells are round.
B:Animal cells have cell walls.
C:Animals do not produce their own food
D:bodies have skeletons.



B:animal cells have cell walls

Cellular Respiration is the process of what?

A. The release of energy from food.

O B. Producing oxygen at the cellular level.

C. Breathing.

D. The creation of food, powered by the energy of the sun.

Reset Selection




The answer is B


Think of it this way; Respiration = Breathing and we are on the cellular level

Cellular respiration is the process of releasing energy from food. The correct option is A.

What is cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is the process of breaking down food molecules into simpler forms to produce energy in the presence of oxygen. The oxygen is added to the food to produce energy and release carbon dioxide and waste material out of the body.

Oxygen is taken from the environment, and they are attached to the hemoglobin molecule of the blood and taken into the body, then this oxygen is used in the metabolic function of the body.

Breathing is the process of getting air into the lung and out of the lungs. It is not a part of cellular respiration.

Thus, the correct option is A. The release of energy from food.

To learn more about cellular respiration, refer to the link:



y’all i need help please help


Answer: It is (D) Skin

Explanation: Skin can absorb materials, it also protects our body, it also regulates our body temp.

Skin does all of those things

¿Qué acciones podrían realizar para poder reducir los gases de efecto invernadero como el Co2?



Ser conscientes del impacto de las emisiones de CO2. ...

Reducir el uso del coche privado. ...

Practicar una movilidad sostenible. ...

Aumentar nuestra eficiencia energética. ...

Consumir energía renovable. ...

Seguir una dieta con baja huella de carbono. ...

Convertirse en un consumidor sostenible.

Más elementos…

Which of the following represents a population?
1 point
a single pigeon in a given area
a group of pigeons in a given area
a group of pigeons, mice and trees that live in a given area
all living things and non-living things in a given area



A single pigeon in a given area


It tells us the actual number of pigeon in a specified area

When a pathogen is growing and multiplying within or on a host (which may or may not result in overt symptoms) this is known as a(n) ______. Multiple choice question. infection latent infection infectious disease opportunistic infection



Infection would be the answer for the blank

should shellfish, which is labeled frozen but reicieved thawed, be accepted


No, bacteria can grow on and in it and can make you sick. Especially if warm.


For which reason are various countries reluctant to make firm commitments to make deep reductions in greenhouse gases?

A. They believe reducing greenhouse gases will reduce the standard of

living in their countries.

B. Most of the emissions come from just a few rich nations.

C. They believe reducing greenhouse gases will not make a difference on

climate change.

D. all of the above


i think the most valid answer would be d

Question 1 of 25
The overall increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
directly corresponds with all of the following except.
A. the decrease in the growth rate of some human populations.
B. changing weather patterns.
C. the overall increase in average global temperatures.
O D. the melting of the ice caps.


A. The decrease in growth rate of some human populations

Quốc gia Đong Nam A nào có sản lượng lúa gạo lớn nhât



Việt Nam

Việt Nam has the greatest rice production of any southeast Asian country.

The broad, spread-out part of the leaf is called the ________ or lamina and its edge is called

the_________. The tip of the leaf is called the _________. Leaves of some plants have a stalk called

a ________. The portion of the leaf attached to the stem is called the ___________. Small leaf-like

structures may be present near the leaf-base. These are called ___________​



him follow me please



Chemical processes that involve one or more chemical reactions keep living things alive. Which of these types of chemical reactions joins small organic molecules into organic macromolecules? O A. Combustion O B. Hydrolysis O C. Oxidation O D. Dehydration​


Answer: Oxidation


Because when oxidation occurs it is basically telling you that the atoms are being changed into a different state hope this helped!

Two closely related beetle species are in the same location. They exhibit reproductive isolation, and they are both diploid. Biologists are arguing about whether it is more likely that they evolved via sympatric or via allopatric speciation. What statement presents the best argument


Adaptation speciation

Which capacity makes living beings to adjust in hard environment


The biological referred to as Adaptation makes living beings to adjust in exhausting atmosphere.

Adaptation, in biology, is that the method by that species measure suitable their several atmosphere, thanks to Natural Selection’s method ensuing into patrimonial variation over many generations.

What is Adaptation?

According to Evolution, Adaptation method is that the process underneath that organisms suits the present atmosphere in conjunction with the modifications thanks to change in atmosphere.

Adaptation is connected with the idea of evolution that was propounded by Darwin and Wallace.

According to Wallace, the evolution of organisms was supported 2 factors: Adaptation and dynamic atmosphere.

To develop the idea of evolution by survival, Wallace and Darwin targeted not solely on straightforward adaptation however additionally proceeded more to clarify however organisms adapt and evolve.

Biologically Adaptation will be in 3 forms:

- Psychological kind

- generative kind

- sequence Frequency

Psychological form- associate degree animal or plant adapt by adjusting consistent with its immediate atmosphere.

Example- modification in temperature or metabolism with a rise in altitude

Reproductive form- method of adaptation thanks to genetic variations among people that is customized i.e. having larger success in—a specific environmental context.

Gene frequency- the method of adaptation happens through associate degree ultimate modification within the sequence frequency relative to blessings bestowed by a selected characteristic, like the coloration of wings within the moths.

Organisms will adapt to associate degree atmosphere in several ways in which. they will adapt biologically, which means they alter body functions

Example- individuals living at high altitudes have evolved changes in their body chemistry and may survive at high altitudes for a brief time as a result of their bodies raise their levels of hemoprotein.

They can additionally exhibit activity adaptation.

Example of activity adaptation is however emperor penguins in Antarctica foregather to share their heat within the middle of winter.

What is theory of Natural Selection?

The theory of survival was given by Darwin in 1859.

Natural selection is that the method through that populations of living organisms adapt and alter.

Individuals in an exceedingly population square measure naturally variable, which means that they're all completely different in some ways in which.

This variation means some people have traits higher suited to the atmosphere than others. people with adaptive traits—traits that provide them some advantage—are a lot of seemingly to survive and reproduce.

These people then pass the adaptive traits on to their offspring. Over time, these advantageous traits become a lot of common within the population.

Through this method of survival, favorable traits square measure transmitted through generations.

Natural selection will cause phylogeny, wherever one species offers rise to a replacement and clearly completely different species. it's one among the processes that drives evolution and helps to clarify the range of life on Earth.

To learn more about Adaptation and Natural Selection here



which structure will be found in the nucleus of body cells in a woman?

a) x allele

b) x chromosomes

c) y allele

d) y chromosome


The x chromosomes are found in the nucleus of body cells in a women. Thus option b is correct.

What are chromosomes?

Chromosomes are defined as a thread like structure located in the nucleus of every cell in our body and are formed of tightly coiled DNA surrounding proteins.

Chromosomes plays very important role in human body.

The primary purpose of chromosomes is to transport DNA and genetic information from parents to offspring.

It play a vital role during cell division.

They keep DNA from becoming twisted and damaged.

There are basically two types of chromosomes.

AutosomesSex chromosomes

Thus, the x chromosomes are found in the nucleus of body cells in a women. Thus option b is correct.

To learn more about chromosomes, refer to the link below:



Along the inferior surface of the liver are several structures that collectively resemble the letter H. The ______ and the round ligament of the liver form the vertical superior parts of the H; the inferior vena cava and the ligamentum ______ form the vertical inferior parts.


Along the inferior surface of the liver are several structures that collectively resemble the letter H. The gallbladder and the round ligament of the liver form the vertical superior parts of the H; the inferior vena cava and the ligamentum venosum form the vertical inferior parts.

The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ localized on the right side of the body, directly under the liver. This organ functions to store a digestive fluid called bile until it's needed for digestion.

The round ligament of the liver (also called ligamentum teres hepatis) is a remnant of the fetal umbilical vein. This ligament is part of the coronary ligament of the liver.

The ligamentum venosum (also called the hepatogastric ligament) is a deep cleft on the posterior surface of the liver. It is a fetal remnant ligament attached to the left branch of the portal vein within the porta hepatis.

Learn more in:


The combination of chemical reactions that make up an organisms help to organize raw materials into living matter





easy biology question below first correct answer gets brainliest




Following the rule of "like dissolves like", the hydrophilic head of the phospholipid molecule dissolves readily in water. The long fatty acid chains of a phospholipid are nonpolar, and thus avoid water because of their insolubility

How do membrane proteins contribute to the membrane potential?



The proton pump results....


double checked my notes

Aquaporins result in a combination of positive charges intracellularly and negative charges extracellularly

What are Aquaporins?

Aquaporin is a group of membrane proteins found in cell membranes and selectively permit water to pass into and out of the cell. Also known as water channels, aquaporins are integral membrane pore proteins. Aquaporins are found in plants, bacteria and animals. They are observed in the vacuolar membranes and plasma membranes. The basic function of most aquaporin is to transport water across cell membranes in response to osmotic gradients created by active solute transport. Aquaporins enable passive transport which means they allow the movement of molecules across a cell without using energy.

To know more refer to,



Explain why stem cell research is a controversial subject. What are some of the sources for stem cells?



Stem cell research is a controversial subject because they are human embryonic stem cell (hESC), and obtaining stem cells involves the destruction of human embryos


The inner cell mass of a 5 to 7-day-old blastocyst can be used to generate pluripotent stem cell lines. Human embryonic stem cell investigation, on the other hand, is morally and politically fraught since it encompasses the killing of human embryos.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are the primary raw material of the body, the cells that give rise to every other cells with specialized functions.

Under the right circumstances, stem cells differentiate to form the most cells known as daughter cells in the body or in a research lab.

Stem cells are mostly found in bone marrow. This is how they divide in order to produce new blood cells.

Once mature, blood cells end up leaving the bone marrow and reach the bloodstream. A small number of immature stem cells enter the bloodstream.

Bone Marrow has long been thought to be the best source of stem cells.

Previously, if a patient required a stem cell transplant but didn't have access to umbilical cord blood stem cells, they earned a bone marrow transplant.

Thus, this is the reason to have stem cell research as a controversial subject.

For more details regarding stem cells, visit:



⇒ What is ethnobiology?



Ethnobiology is the scientific study of dynamic relationships among peoples, biota, and environments. ... The diversity of perspectives in ethnobiology is our greatest strength.

it is the scientific study if dynamic relationship between people,biota and environment

3. Suppose you work for a Blabbit Labs, the developer of many different pharmaceutical products. Your research
division has stumbled across a new drug that you believe cures male pattern baldness. Before you can start selling the
drug, you must demonstrate to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that the drug is effective.
a. What is the question being asked?


First I would ask if it is safe. Is there any side effects? Does it contain anything that may cause an allergy reaction?

In regards to the information given, the question being asked should be”Is the drug that is believed to cure male pattern baldness effective?” although I’m not completely sure that was what you were looking for but I hope that helped!!

What is the main cellular structure involved in respiration?



The mitochondria is the main cellular structure involved in respiration

Identify the graph that matches each of the
following stories:
a. I had just left home when I realized I had forgotten my books so I went back to pick them up.
b. Things went fine until I had a flat tire.
c.I started out calmly, but sped up when I realized I was going to be late.



A. 4, B. 2, C. 1


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