which pronouns in this excerpt from Issac asimovs the fun they had


Answer 1


Where exactly is the excerpt?

Related Questions

Directions: Read the following selection, and answer the question that follows.

Blue-Screen Technology

The camera rolls as an actor stands in front of a blue screen. The actor stands alone, saying his lines. However, when you see the actual movie, he is talking to a formidable seven-foot-tall monster in a creepy dark forest. A process called blue-screen technology is used to insert images into a background. Today, moviemakers use this process to combine digitally created, or computer-generated, characters with real people on the screen. Here's how it works:

The scene calls for a real character to interact with a seven-foot-tall digitally created monster. First, the real character's part must be filmed. He may rehearse with another actor who plays the part of the monster. During the rehearsal, the "monster" might wear a tall hat to represent the stature of the monster. The real actor practices looking at the top of the hat during the scene so that it seems that he is looking up at a very tall creature. The actor gets used to where the monster stands and moves. The monster's movements are marked on the floor so that the actor doesn't walk on top of the monster during the scene. Then it is time for the scene to be shot. The actor stands alone in front of a blue screen and delivers his lines as if the monster were there. Eventually, the blue background is deleted, using a computer, and images of the digital monster and background are then transferred to the film.

Which of the following is a reasonable conclusion to draw from the reading?
Scenes with seven-foot-tall monsters are easy to add with blue-screen technology.
Movies are more fun to watch because of blue-screen technology.
Adding special effects to movies using blue-screen technology isn't worth the effort.
As a result of blue-screen technology, adding special effects to movies is easier and faster.



I think the answer is D because as we advance with blue screen tech., the producers of a movie may take different spec.affects strategy with different digital companies 2 produce the best outcome.

Companies have 2 prove that they have the most advanced tech., 2 fit a scene.


competition is difficult between companies. They only employ "The best of the best."




did it on eage 2022

The speaker compares his heart to an empty nest in order to



The speaker compares his heart to an empty nest in order to emphasize the fact that his love has left. The nest is a metaphor for his heart. When he is in love, he is so happy, that he can't contain his joy. ... The speaker is also feeling empty and sad because his love is gone.

The speaker compares his heart to an empty nest in order to show readers that his wife left him making him be all alone. As he compares his heart to an empty nest it is a Metaphor for him being alone p

what effects does the first-person point of view of "The yellow wallpaper" most likely have on the reader



The effct allows the reader to connect with the narrator and hear the voice as she descends into madness

What does “second epitaph in two days” mean? Explain.



a funeral oration from at over and tomb


is a short text honoring a deceased person

strictly speaking,it refers to text that is inscribed

on a tomb stone or plaque,

Identify and describe two social issues that Realist writers worked to improve by making more Americans
care about the problems. For each issue, name a writer who wrote realistically about the situation.




The first American to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature (1930) was Sinclair Lewis. He wrote about nothing but social issues. The 1920s was his golden era.

The two I'm most familiar with is the two I'll write about. The first was Dodsworth, which is perhaps his masterpiece.

It is the story of a rich industrialist who decides to give it all up and live in Europe. His wife was the real meat of the book; it is her life that bears the pointed satire of the book. Lewis was not enamored with everything American and she was what he despised most. She was frivolous, wasteful, cruel, but she had a hold on Dodsworth. And that is the point of the book. Lewis painted her the way he did because he was trying to awaken America into being more useful, more dedicated and less unthinking than they were in the 20s. It's a dark novel, very realistic in its contents, and not too overly hopeful that things would improve. Still in spite of her, he hoped. Lest you think that Lewis had his knife sharpened on women's hide, the woman Dodsworth eventually falls is everything his wife is not.

The second book I'll talk about is Babbitt. George Babbitt was the embodiment of another trait Lewis was not fond of. He hated unthinking  hypocrisy and George was both. He was a hypocrite and unthinking. He was a likable buffoon (that's my interpretation -- it certainly was not what Lewis thought) who got along by agreeing with everyone -- not realizing what he was doing at all. The book actually takes Babbitt apart by mocking his lack of anything that resembled centrality or intelligence. He had no real political will. He opposed everything that those in power had to say, particularly the clergy who were themselves taken apart in Elmer Gantry.

A very old but astonishingly good movie still about Elmer Gantry was made in 1960 and if you live in a mid sized city they likely have it. It shows Gantry at his best/worst. Dodsworth is also a film and it too is a masterpiece. Babbitt has his own film but he is much slimier in Elmer. Babbitt's film is much older than 1960. It's too bad he only had a cameo part.

I've not covered Gantry, because some people are very sensitive about how Religion is treated. And I add this caution: if you are sensitive to how religion is written about, then don't watch Gantry. Lewis shows no mercy. The film is much kinder and enough of Gantry shines though that we tend not to like him. His charm does nothing for him.

The films

Dodsworth and Elmer Gantry.

Help me please…………………….



D: reduce your grammar and spelling mistakes

What electrical appliances do people in your country have at home?





clothe washer

dish washer


water cooler

room heater

and many are there

introduce your self ( family, old, professional experienca...)


Hi, my name is Dragon. I am in 9th grade with an A- average. I have trouble making friends because I'm smart. I have a little brother and sister who are twins. Their names are Coral for the girl, and Wave for the boy. My parents are divorced. So spend all the time with my mom. In the summer I go to New York to visit my dad.  

as the main speaker in a debate write your contribution against the motion teachers should not be allowed to use Cane's on students



(Name) Here,

    Schools have long banned corporal punishment. But now there is a debate about whether the decision to ban corporal punishment in schools was the right one and whether it should be reinstated.

1. It is wrong and inappropriate.

No, because

Using physical force to discipline or punish a child clearly violates basic human rights. A child's right to safety is stated in Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. To protect children, all services should ensure that definitions of abuse do not condone any form of sexual activity. Corporal punishment is both legally and morally wrong. There are plenty of alternatives to beating a child! For example, a parent can deny children privileges, restrict their hobbies, or even force them to work to make amends for bad behavior. behavior. However, physically harming a child is completely unnecessary. What would it be like if the conductor was beaten instead of the other way around? No way.

Yes, because...

So, by having this article, you are saying that parents or teachers cannot punish their children. misbehaving in school and at home? If we all follow this article and do not punish our children, how are we supposed to "strike the fear of God into them"? How do we punish children? Already have kids It will become a "living hell" if this continues and corporal punishment is used. Because I used to be a kid, I know that slapping a kid's hand or grounding them does nothing but make them more defiant towards rules. How are we preparing them for the real world? You blew it. The cops won't smack your hand and corner you. But the ramifications will be huge. So, do you want a disciplined or a lawless generation? You say...

2. Discriminates against children with disabilities.

No, because

Because of panic attacks, repeated bullying, or lack of self-control, I did many bad things as a child with Asperger's. In my desperation to remove something from the classroom that I disliked. No way physical I would not have given in to punishment. I would have been seriously injured if I had been left alone to work in a room. This would be fine if teachers could tell the difference between troubled children and those who can be helped, but they can't and don't often. Anyway, I sympathize.

Yes Because...

I believe it is obvious that a child would not be admitted to school if his or her parents were unaware of any behavioral issues. Keeping in mind that most cases are publicity stunts, we are to blame. Isolate. Of course, this is still used today, but it seems to fail with anger. People think it's cool to break the rules to impress friends or family. admirers. Embarrassment is my preferred method of deterring bad behavior.

3. It raises crime and violence.

No, because

Corporal punishment has been linked to increased aggression, substance abuse, and criminality. Because they don't know any better, many victims of corporal punishment lash out and repeat the abuse. In other words, it teaches kids to be violent. Violence and crime are increased by corporal punishment. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) agrees, stating that "the more children are spanked, the more adult anger they report, the more likely they are to spank their own children and approve of child abuse. In adulthood, the more married they are, the more marital conflict they have. Thus, corporal punishment not only starts violence does not only affects children's lives as adults. The government should work to reduce violence, not increase it by reintroducing one of its founders.

Yes because...

This claim is unsupported by data. There's a reason. Because statistics show that after corporal punishment was made illegal, crime increased by 67%. The data strongly support reintroducing corporal punishment.

    Finally, I oppose corporal punishment. That's because if someone has punched someone or done anything violent to someone, you're basically hitting them and telling them that violence isn't the answer. Also, if you do this to them, you are teaching them that violence is acceptable and they may do it to you later. Because you taught them it was okay. Also, they may commit crimes because of you. 70% of these kids are known to have a troubled future due to past corporal punishment. A lot of today's kids have a bad attitude, so the cane or any other corporal Some teachers have favorites who are not punished if they do wrong, and non-favorites who are disliked. People who did nothing wrong got the cane or any other corporal punishment. This would be unfair and considered favoritism.

Thanks for listening,

Is it true that resignation appears at the ----- possible time?

Select one:
A. most
B. terrible
C. worst
D. worse





Because the worse resignation is possible anytime

The statement will be Is it true that resignation appears at the most possible time. The correct option is A.

The sentences have been satisfied with the subject-verb agreement. The relationship of the subject with the verb has been satisfied with the use of the correct form of the verb.

In the given sentence, the resignation has been the verb and the noun has been time. The possible time has been quantified with time. The option that suits the quantity of time has been the most.

Thus the statement will be Is it true that resignation appears at the most possible time. The correct option is A.

For more information about the subject-verb agreement, refer to the link:


All D The New Bag What happens in the middle of the story? Amy dropped her new bag in the water. Amy was sad, but then a lady stopped to help. Amy said, "Thank you!" The lady smiled and then walked away. Amy drops her new bag in the water A lady smiles and then walks away A lady stops to help Amy.




8) I'm so tired from fatigue that I feel as if a roller ____me
A. had run over
B. will run over
C. is running over
D. has run over
9. The rescue team ___more victims of the quake alive if they____ better equipment.
A. saved - had
B. were able to - had
C. had saved - would have had
D. might have saved - had
10. Marcus ___over to help with the project over the weekend, but he will be taking his mother to hospital for some tests.
A. is coming
B. may come
C. would come
D. will come​





had run over me

9) might have saved if they had

10) may come

8. is running over

9.saved - had

10.is coming



The correct answer is A. Much ... effect


To ask questions in English you can use "how much" and "how many"; these two differ in that the first is used to ask for uncountable nouns such as air, salt, sugar, among others, while the second is used for countable such as apples, people, animals, hours, among others. Therefore, the most appropriate word to ask about the amount of salt that is healthy to eat per day is "how much". On the other hand, the word "affect" is a verb that refers to action, while "effect" is a noun that refers to the consequences of an event. So, the most appropriate is the noun because the text is wondering about the effect that salt has on health and not how it "affects" health. So the answer is A. Much ... effect.

La Tomatina on the last Wednesday of August every year.
A. hold B. held C. is held D. be held



C. is held


step by step explanation




D. be held

Help me please…………………





The Puritans advanced intellectual recognition for the American Colonies in what way?


The Puritans created an educational system and influenced their children to eagerly pursue their studies. This is how they promoted the intellectual recognition of the colonies.

Although the Puritans molded all their activities to religious life and the quest for divine grace and salvation, they strongly believed in the education of children, as they believed that they had a great capacity for learning and should be educated as children to become wise adults and and capable of carrying the values of Puritanism.

With this, the Puritans were the pioneers to create a school system in America, where children, in addition to studying the principles of religion, learned to read and write, in addition to taking classes in mathematics and arithmetic.

You can find out more about this at the link below:



Which option is the best point of comparison between the genres of horror
and comedy?
A. The role of fear in the story
B. The importance of the past
C. Hijinks and absurd situations
D. The direction of a typical plot


The answer would be:

D: The direction of a typical plot.

why are Don Gonzala and Laura annoyed with each other?



Dona Laura is annoyed with Don Gonzalo because despite her warning he scares away the birds which were feeding on her crumbs in the park. Don Gonzalo is annoyed because she is complaining about some birds which were feeding in a public park.

i have(go) since 1965





trước since là thì htht.................

a peace above all earthly dignities a still and quiet conscience explanation



Answer:William Shakespeare

Henry VIII, Act 3, Scene 2. Wolsey responds to Cromwell’s question of how he is after his downfall. He has abandoned ambition and achieved redemption, finding true happiness and peace at last.

Write an article to your college newspaper between 150-200 words about the advantages and disadvantages of using social media by college students



Originally, Social Media was a way to interact with friends and family but later on, Business Organizations have taken interest in this popular communication method to reach out to customers. Social Media plays a significant role in helping to grow businesses. Social Media platforms are becoming a natural place to reach targeted potential customers as 50% of World’s population use social media now a day. Many business organizations recognize the benefit of social media as a communication platform to communicate with their customers.

Here are some of the advantages of using social media to build a brand or to run an existing business

By using social media, a business organization can create a real human connection to the customers

Social Media plays an important role in Lead Generation by offering an easy way for the customers to express interest in their business.

Social Media is becoming the most important part of a sales funnel of any business as a number of people using social media is growing day by day.

Social Media is an excellent platform to promote one’s well-researched content in front of new people to grow the audience base.

Social Media gives business owners the opportunity to connect with their fans and followers every time they log in to their account.

Conclusion to social media essay

Social Media is a crucial tool for almost all kinds of businesses. Business organizations use this platform to find and engage with customers, generate sales through promotion and advertising and offering customers after sale service and support. Though Social Media is becoming an important part for business organizations, unplanned activities in Social Media can kill a business too.

Final Words: – Social Media is becoming an important part of our life, thus an essay on Social Media was needed. Taking this in mind, We, Team Guide to Exam have decided to write an essay on Social Media. In this essay on Social Media, we are trying to include different category wise short essays for students of different standards. In addition to that, we have written a long essay on Social Media (700+ Words) for higher-level students.




Can you please repeat that?


Jumbled words are when words are placed in incorrect or improper patterns resulting in a useless or meaningless sentence. And to make them a meaningful sentence, the given words are arranged and reordered.

The given jumbled words "repeat/please/that/you/can/?" are arranged or reordered to make a new, meaningful sentence. The resulting new sentence is

"Can you please repeat that?"

Need help ASAP 20 points



its very blurry can you take another picture again

You are going to travel by coach together for a whole day. There are some things you might take for the journey. Decide together what you will take



you can take some snacks to eat along the way

you can take water along with you so that whenever your thirsty, water will be available

you can take communication devices like Mobile phones with you because you may require it, in emergencies

you can also take along some clothings too for the night

Which word best describes Thomas Paine's tone in "the crisis, no1


INSPIRATIONAL. His work calls out to everyone of his readers to become inspired and take action against subtle attack from the British that will be done in any way possible.

POINTS ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Read the following description:

In a story, a prince must discover the source of a mysterious mist that is covering the kingdom, preventing crops from growing. The prince travels to the top of a mountain and discovers a lonely dragon whose tears are creating the mist. The dragon is gentle and kind, but the kingdom's residents fear him. The prince tells the people that the dragon is harmless. They befriend the dragon, the crops are saved, and the dragon becomes an official protector of the kingdom.

What are two literary themes that can be identified in this description?

The challenges of cooperation and the importance of economic success

The difficulties of leadership and the importance of identifying others' skills

The importance of not prejudging others and the value of nonviolent solutions

The value of community and the dangers of standing out



A and C


It is definitely not D and probably not B, so A and C are the most likely answers.

I know it is C because the Prince didn't judge the dragon and gave a non-violent solution to include the dragon.

Bhagat Singh was called a traiton by British, but we consider him as a sies​



The British caught him and BK Dutt when they threw harmless bombs into the Central Assembly in Delhi on April 8, 1929. The witness was Sobha Singh, father of Khushwant Singh, who identified Bhagat Singh and BK Dutt. The traitor, as usual, got rich quickly. They are now used to deceiving the people by feigning "patriotism" while hiding their revolutionary ideology and spreading lies against them!


The British hanged Bhagat Singh and his friends today, March 23, 1931. Congress and RSS did not protest this heinous imperialist crime!

what is the danger of not passing on information from generation to generation?​


Not passing on, accurate, history from one generation to the next is like severing an anchor chain. All the relevant information, inspiration, wisdom & knowledge accumulated over the millennia would be gone. Nothing left to build upon. What worked from those that did not. The anchor of the past gives us foundations of society, moral, spiritual & ethical ways of achieving civility with each other. Unfortunately, you can already see the results with those who want to destroy culture & tradituon. Selfish tribalism takes over with people separating out by skin color & differing beliefs systems. A scortched earth policy when it come to dealing with others of a different belief system.

Zero tolerance. Only group think. All moral & ethical behaviors of the past destroyed. Just a small group of radicals in power & control of the media, both in news & social. They set the only agendas. Yes, when they say just two sexes & genders no longer exist, they no longer are true. Truth comes from the new order. The reset. The New Normal.And the low hanging fruit that will easily believe this garbage is the very young now thirsting for direction & purpose which has now been removed. The youths inner core is no longer nourished as in the past. Where traditionns, strong role models, spirituality, ethical & moral beliefs were strengthened, & personal identity formed.

That is why they are so desperate to cut that traditional anchor chain with the past. T they don't want it corrupting the youth to know the knowledge of the past. To prevent them from developing a strong inner core of self. (Kind of like in 1933 Germany) Back then they burned books.

what is the definition of human rights?​



Human rights are standards that recognize and protect the dignity of all human beings. Human rights govern how individual human beings live in society and with each other.


Analyze one of three poems - "The Lady of Shalott" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson,
Sonnet 50 by William Shakespeare, or "Grievance" by Amy Lowell - and then write a
new poem that uses the same meter, rhyme scheme, and form as the one you
analyzed. Your original poem should be at least two stanzas long (about 8 lines), or
exactly 14 lines if you're writing a sonnet.
Your assignment should include the following elements:
• An introduction paragraph with a hook and a thesis statement about the theme of
the poem you've chosen to analyze
• An analysis paragraph that describes the rhyme scheme and meter of your
chosen poem
• 8 - 10 annotations that go into detail about the poetic elements in your chosen
• An original poem that follows the same form (sonnet, ballad, or free verse) as the
poem you've chosen to analyze


●An introduction paragraph with a hook and a thesis statement about the theme of thepoem you've chosen to analyze●An analysis paragraph that describes the rhyme scheme and meter of your chosen poem●8 – 10 annotations that go into detail about the poetic elements in your chosen poem●An original poem that follows the same form (sonnet, ballad, or free verse) as the poemyou've chosen to analyze

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