Which quotation best develops the theme that true love is more important than custom?

"'You are included in the conscription, Fernand, and are only at liberty on sufferance, liable at any moment to be called upon to take up arms.'"

"'You see, Mercédès,' said the young man, 'here is Easter come round again; tell me, is this the moment for a wedding?'"

"'Well, repeat it,—repeat it, I beg of you, that I may at last believe it! Tell me for the hundredth time that you refuse my love, which had your mother's sanction.'"

"'Yes, you have been cruelly frank with me; but do you forget that it is among the Catalans a sacred law to intermarry?'"


Answer 1


Option 3


i took the test, failed this part, reviewed it, and thats how i know.

Related Questions

3 ways by which harmful substances could contaminate food



Three ways by which harmful substances could contaminate food are physical contamination, chemical contamination and biological contamination.

Here is your answer!

Have a good day!!!

What is the mistake in this sentence? "Learning to fly a plane and swimming were two skills Lucy really wanted to learn."


Answer and Explanation:

There is the same error repeated in two places in this sentence. This is because the sentence needs conjunctions before the verb "to fly" and before the word "lucy". Conjunctions are words that allow connections between the clauses of a sentence, allowing them to be read with fluidity and cohesion. Without these conjunctions, sentences are incorrect and incoherent.

The sentence written with the conjunctions correctly would be:

"Learning how to fly a plane and swimming were two skills that Lucy really wanted to learn."

You decide to take up a sport to spend your free time to stay healthy . Which sport would you choose : football ; swimming ; badminton ?



I would go for swimming cause it's good for health and it's fun too

Write a paragraph using the topic "the best experience in my life."​



When I was a child, every summer my parents would take us on a short vacation to visit our grandma, but this time it was something different. It was nine summers ago when I was about 9 or 10, my parents told me some exciting news about going on a special fun road trip the following Friday. Surely, my two little sisters and I were very excited because we were not just going on any ordinary road trip but on a special one.I wanted to know why it was a special trip, so I asked them, and they told me to remain patient until we arrived at our destination and see. For the next couple of days, the curiosity built inside me; I could hardly wait.

Friday finally came; it was a hot sunny day and was time for us to leave to go on this “special trip” that my parents told us about. We started to pack all of our necessary things into the van and was ready for this road trip.

Choose the correct form of the word to complete the sentence.
I love to play


Answer is OC. Domino's. Hope this will help you

OC is the right one bud.

[tex] what\:is\: meaning\:of\: diminished\:?[/tex]​



made smaller or less. is the meaning

I hope this will help you

reread paragraph 14 of The moral logic of survivor guilt. What inference can you make about how Captain Prior felt about keeping in touch with Makeyk´s mother? Support your inference using details from the text



Where is the paragraph

what is code made up of?
A. letters that spell out different words
B. Hand out motions that convey signals
C. Longer words to be confused to others
D. Signals or Symbols that communicate something



in pretty sure it's D

usually codes and symbols

Read each the sentence carefully. If a comma is needed, rewrite (type) the sentence and add
the comma in the correct spot. If the sentence is correct, write correct.

Before leaving class the student checked his bag for books.



Before leaving class, the student checked his bag for books.


Who is Ganesh Man Singh?​


Ganesh Man Singh was the leader of the democratic movement of 1990 in Nepal. He is revered as the Father of Democracy and the Iron-man of Nepali politics. He joined Praja Parishad to protest against the autocratic rule of the Ranas.


Ganeshman Singh is a political leader of Nepal and also known as Ironman of Nepal.

Complete with correct pronoun.
Peter and I are brothers. ..........share the same bedroom together.



There are no pronouns to go off of but I am assuming the answer is "We."


We is a pronoun.

We share the same bedroom together.

Which of the following sentences uses the active voice? Select one: a. Rows of lettuce wilted in the heat of a late August day. b. The drooping wheat was revived by a long, soaking rain. c. Plump and juicy, the tomatoes were harvested at the peak of flavor. d. The corn crop is expected to turn a profit this year.



d. The corn crop is expected to turn a profit this year.


Active voice is the use of verb in which the subject performs the action and takes a direct object.

Therefore, from the given answer choices, the choice that uses active voice is option D.

This is because, the subject "the corn crop" performs the action and takes the direct object "profit"

Based on the structure of the passage, which event most directly caused city authorities to try to outlaw plays?



its D


just took the quiz

Read the passage and then answer the question:
The Old Kingdom of Egypt was the time when the pyramids
were built. The Middle Kingdom that followed was a time
of prosperity. The New Kingdom after that was a time of
great pharaohs and expansion.
Which term best describes the structure of the passage?
A. Objective
B. Contextual
C. Cause and effect
D. Chronological


This seems to be written as contextual, but all still in order. Therefore, I believe the answer would be B - contextual :) If not it must be D, hopefully someone else can give more clarity!!

Read the poem and answer the question.

[1]I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
[5]Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
[10]Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
[15]A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
[20]In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Line 19 signals a tone shift from joyful to _______________________.



i think it is reflective

Read these sentences.
There is no such thing as global warming. Even if there was, think of the animals at the equator that like warmer weather. What would happen to
them if there was global cooling?
Which logical fallacy is used here?
a. ad hominem
Ob.non sequitur
c. bandwagon appeal
d. red herring



Red Herring


The writer distracts from global warming by discussing another topic on animal well being. Distracts from argument at hand.

Which of the following statements are you most likely to hear during a well-conducted peer review?
A I’m sorry, I didn’t get a chance to read June’s essay—what is it about?
B If you added more details, your essay would be more convincing.
C Roberto never knows how to end his essays, as this essay shows.
D Let me tell you about the essay I wrote—it’s about football too!



The answer is:


Option D sounds like the answer for your question since saying abt the essay you wrote definitely proves that it is a well conducted peer review

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Let me tell you about the essay I wrote—it’s about football too! is statements are you most likely to hear during a well-conducted peer review. Hence, option D is correct.

What is peer review?

Peer review is the process used to assess a paper's quality before to publication. Independent experts in the area evaluate submitted manuscripts for originality, validity, and significance to help editors decide whether to publish them in their journal.

"I know I can count on you to finish things up fast." "Your communication skills are excellent, and I appreciate how clearly you always express your ideas." "You are always ready to listen if someone has a question or needs help.

Through the peer review process, the reviewees' coworkers give their opinions on the performance, skills, and attitude of the reviewees. The particular actions can change.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about peer review, click here



After reading about the devastating effects of nuclear weapons, do you think they should ever be used in war again? Why or why not? What are other technologies that cause more harm than good to humanity?





They should be used because although harmful, they help protect our country. There are powerful weapons that's helped us before. Some other technologies that cause more harm than good, are guns,cellphone, and the list goes on and on.

QUESTION 1 (Faulty parallelism)    1.1  Correct the series in the following sentences. 1.1.1     In the grand scheme of things, everyone’s emotions get in the way of objective to think, testing and judging. 1.1.2     Nezi had to iron, do washing, and shopping before her parents arrived. 1.1.3     Driving a car requires coordination, patience, and to have good eyesight. 1.1.4     Ziyanda prefers jeans to wearing a suit. 1.1.5     The committee needs to decide whether the company should reduce its workforce, cut its benefits or lowering worker’s wages. ​



1.In the grand scheme of things, everyone's emotions get in the way of the objective to think, test and judge.

2. Nezi had to iron,wash and shop before her parents arrived.

3.Driving a car requires coordination, patience and good eyesight.

4.Ziyanda prefers jeans to a suit.

5. The committee needs to decide whether the company should reduce its workforce, cut benefits or lower worker’s wages.


sounds right this way

The man is labeled a looter because of...

A his physical appearance.
his clever break-in.
his clothing
his past crimes.


The man is labeled a looter because of...


Dhis past crimes.

because of his physical apperarance

hey someone help me please​



howling winds, swirling snow


upload a little clear picture of text

Which evidence most strongly supports the theme that one should be open to new culture experience?


The author dwells upon the details of jasmins former life in the United States rather than on her new life in Italy

Evidence most strongly supports the theme that one should be open to new culture experience the author dwells upon the details of Jasmin's former life in the United States rather than on her new life in Italy. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

What is culture?

A society's complete way of life, including its language, religion, customs, and fashion sense, is referred to as its “culture.” Many geographic factors affect the culture. Communication includes the culture.

The author captures Jasmin's joy at discovering the unique customs and ways of living in her new home. In the market, Jasmin's cultural perspective shifts.

Jasmin's newfound contentment with the way of life in Aviano demonstrates the importance of being receptive to other cultural experiences.

Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on culture, here:



Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 1: Thomas bought that pen at a low _______ at a local shop yesterday.
A. fee B. salary C. fare D. price


The most appropriate word to complete this sentence is price

The words fee, salary, fare, and price are related to money. However, all of these have slightly different meanings and are used in different contexts.

In the case of the word price, this refers to the money someone pays for a product. This makes this word appropriate to complete the sentence "Thomas bought that pen at a low..." because this is related to buying a product.

On the other hand, the word fee is usually used to refer to the money paid for services, the word fare is used in transportation contexts and salary is used to refer to the money someone receives for their work.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/18520997

What are the four questions that are answered by an adjective?



Adjectives answer the following questions: What kind?, How many?, or Which ones

what is the main them of the play?​



Playing brainly


Brainly is application which teaches you to learn any thing and you can ask question if you don't know about any thing.

2. REREAD Reread lines 1-12. Then, write a summary of the text so far, including essential supporting details.


The article Life after People is written by Dolores Vasquez. The article is about how human is responsible for affecting the earth and its habitats.

Humans are contaminating rivers, cutting off tress and increasing pollution.

If there will be no humans on earth, the earth will turn into a machine world. There will be robots instead of human being, there will be lesser pollution, car will move driver less, dogs will be able to move freely and are not directed by the owners.

Human use so many luxuries which increases environmental pollution.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24313274

my brother has been able to drive since he....I feel terrible


my brother has been able to drive since he saw the accident I feel terrible

hope is the correct answer

How does Dickens use language to prove that the Master is in great shock when Oliver asks for more?



Dickens shows that the Master is in great shock by writing that the Master's face turned red and he asked,"What did you say, boy?"


It proves he couldn't believe what his ears were hearing.

The following vocabulary words are scrambled. Unscramble each word and write the resulting mode of transportation.

a. Icaicletb
b. bicicleta


a. Bicileta…. Looks like you already solved it

The unscrambled form of the word "Icaicletb" by using the hint(mode of transportation) is known as bicicleta.

What is the meaning of unscrambling a word?

The meaning of unscrambling a word is a rearrangement process of a disordered word to give it a significant meaning. This significant meaning would have already been given as a hint.

In the question given, we have a Portuguese word that is scrambled as:


Now, using the hint(i.e. mode of transportation), the word is unscrambled as:

bicicleta    (which is known as a bicycle in English terms).

Learn more about unscrambling a word here:


Select the correct text in the passage.
Edward, in the passage, is known for his honesty and hardworking attitude, until one day a stranger leaves a sack of money with his wife for safe
Which detail in the excerpt best highlights the moral transformation that Edward undergoes?
The Man that corrupted Hadleyburg
by Mark Twain (adapted excerpt)
At eleven Edward arrived, and while his wife was saying "I am so glad you've comer" he was saying, "I am so tired-tired clear out it is dreadful
to be poor, and have to make these dismal Journeys at my time of life. Always at the grind, grind, grind, on a salary, and he sitting at home in his
slippers, rich and comfortable."
"I am so sorry for you, Edward, you know that; but be comforted; we have our livelihood, we have our good name-"
"Yes, Mary, and that is everything. Don't mind my talk-It's just a moment's irritation and doesn't mean anything. Kiss me--there, it's all gone
now, and I am not complaining any more. What have you been getting? What's In the sack?"
Then his wife told him the great secret. It dazed him for a moment; then he said: "it welghs a hundred and sixty pounds?
Why, Mary, It's forty thousand dollars--think of it-a whole fortunel Not ten men in this village are worth that much. Give me the paper." He
skimmed through it and said: "Isn't it an adventurel Why, It's a romance; It's like the Impossible things one reads about in books, and never sees
In life." He was well stirred up now, cheerful, even gleeful. He tapped his old wife on the cheek, and said humorously, "Why, we're rich, Mary.
rich; all we've got to do is to bury the money and burn the papers. If the gambler ever comes to Inquire, we'll merely look coldly upon him and
say: "What is this nonsense you are talking? We have never heard of you and your sack of gold before," and then he would look foolish, and



He tapped his old wife on the cheek, and said humorously, "Why, we're rich, Mary.  rich; all we've got to do is to bury the money and burn the papers. If the gambler ever comes to Inquire, we'll merely look coldly upon him and say: "What is this nonsense you are talking? We have never heard of you and your sack of gold before," and then he would look foolish, and


The point at which the poor man who was thought to be honest began scheming on ways to hide the money and burn the papers connotes a point of moral transformation. Instead of maintaining his honest stance with his poor wife, he allowed the excitement of having so much money to becloud his sense of reasoning. Thus, he compromised on his moral integrity. This proves that the true nature of a man is revealed when faced with tempting circumstances.

Other Questions
Hello again! This is another Calculus question to be explained. The prompt reads that "If f(x) is a twice-differentiable function such that f(2) = 2 and [tex]\frac{dy}{dx}[/tex] = [tex]6\sqrt{x^2 + 3y^2}[/tex], then what is the value of [tex]\frac{d^2y}{dx^2}[/tex] at x = 2?"My initial calculation lead to 12, but then I guessed 219 as the answer and it was correct. Would any kind soul please explain why the answer would be 219? Thank you so much! In the diagram, the amplitude of the wave is shown by:AB CD what fraction of 1 day is 48 minutes Which is the correct translation?to hopeO couterO esprerO regarderO accepter Help me fill in these blanks with the correct words/wordage?Instructions: From the choices in parentheses, choose the correct one (present indicative, preterit, or present subjunctive) based on the information in the primary clause and the conjunction used. Remember that ESCAPA conjunctions always use the subjunctive (provided there is a "que") and the other conjunctions require you to determine if the action in the primary clause has not yet happened, generally happens, or already happened.1. Iremos a la selva con tal de que ___________ buen tiempo (hace / hizo / haga).2. Mi familia siempre lo pasa bien cuando nosotros ______________ (vamos / fuimos / vayamos) de vacaciones.3. Los pjaros empezaron a volar en cuanto nosotros ___________________ (hacemos / hicimos / hagamos) ruido.4. Pienso hacer un viaje a Nicaragua tan pronto como __________________ (me grado / me gradu / me grade)5. Es importante reciclar para que ________________ (tenemos / tuvimos / tengamos) un medioambiente limpio para nuestros hijos.6. Los cazadores (hunters) mataron a los cerdos hasta que no ______________ (queda / qued / quede) ni uno vivo.7. A menos que __________________ (conservamos / conservemos) los recursos naturales, habr problemas de contaminacin.8. Las familias empezaron a gastar menos electricidad despus de que _________________ (salen / salieron / salgan) los avisos en la televisin sobre la importancia de la conservacin.9. Es urgente que cortemos los rboles muertos en California antes de que _____________ (hay / hubo / haya) ms incendios.10. El gobierno dice que la Tierra no puede sobrevivir sin que ___________________ (imponemos / impusimos / impongamos) restricciones sobre el uso de gasolina. Un muelle se alarga 20 cm cuando ejercemos sobre l una fuerza de 24 N. Calcula:El valor de la constante elstica del muelle The Volume of a sphare is 28/3 times the surface area calculate The surface area and the Volume of the sphere, correct to the nearest whole number. If Jan can weed the garden in 2 hours and her husband can weed it in 1 hour and 30 minutes, find how long it takes them to weed the garden together. ! ASAP ! Due in the morning Isobel is pulling water up from an old-fashioned well. She lifts the bucket of water at a rate of 4 ft/s, and after 1 s, the bucket is 1 ft below the top of the well. Select the equation in point-slope form for the line that represents the height of the bucket relative to the top of the well. A. y + 1 = 4x 1 B. y 1 = 4x + 1 C. y 1 = 4(x + 1) D. y + 1 = 4(x 1) pls answer this guys pls Choose a country which is not covered in Part VII of the textbook. For example: Brazil, Japan, China. Respond to the following: Name the country Explain the types of music which are most common in that country Use information on pages 390-392 to describe the types of instruments used in that country Describe the sound of the music. How does it sound to you What is the pressure of 4 moles of helium in a 50 L tank at 308 K?Use PV = nRT.A. 24.64 atmB. 0.13 atmO C. 0.51 atmD. 2.02 atm _(9)=(2(1-2(2)^(9)))/(1-2(2))PLEASE HELP ME OUT. Select the appropriate descriptions of the correlation coefficient (r).a. r describes the clustering of the points around a line, relative to the SDs.b. r says how the average value of y depends on x.c. r determines the accuracy of the regression predictions, through the formula for r.m.s. error.d. All of the above are accurate descriptions of the uses of r. C. 4. Join the pairs of sentences with the connectives given in the bracket.a. I like dancing. My father doesn't like dancing. (but) b. He studied hard. He failed his exam. ( although) c.I was sick. I didn't attend my class yesterday. ( because ) d. The phone rang. I was taking my online class. ( while ) We explore internet. We can learn many new things. ( so that ) .Read this excerpt from a students essay that compares and contrasts Earth to Mars. What points are being compared about the subjects?In the entire solar system, Mars boasts general features that are some of the biggest, widest, and deepest. One of its standouts is the immense Olympus Mons, a volcano of such size and scale that its own peak reaches above most of the Martian atmosphere. Olympus Mons could not even exist on Earth; with Earth's stronger gravity field, the massive volcano would collapse under its own weight if it were here. The Martian giant rises about 23 kilometers from the surrounding plains. On Earth, the closest thing resembling this volcanic giant is the Mauna Loa peak on Hawaii, which rises about 10 kilometers from its base on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. Both of these mountains are dramatically taller than the Himalayan Mt. Everest. But Mt. Everest is not a volcano; both Mauna Loa and Olympus Mons are. What is the theme of and of clay we are created Find COS Instructions: Find the value of the trigonometric ratio. Make sure to simplify the If needed The liver develops: as a ventral outgrowth of the embryonic foregut. incorporates both endodermal and mesodermal components. develops in the ventral mesentery. is connected to the stomach by the lesser omentum. All of the above.