Which sentence best expresses the central idea of the passage?

Juno Reaches Jupiter

adapted from NASA

After an almost five-year journey to the solar system’s largest planet, NASA's Juno spacecraft successfully entered Jupiter’s orbit during a 35-minute engine burn. Confirmation that the burn had completed was received on Earth at 8:53 p.m. PDT, Monday, July 4, 2016. Juno's principal goal is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter. With its suite of nine science instruments, Juno will investigate the existence of a solid planetary core. It will also map Jupiter's intense magnetic field, measure the amount of water and ammonia in the deep atmosphere, and observe the planet's auroras. The mission also will let us take a giant step forward in our understanding of how giant planets form and the role these titans played in putting together the rest of the solar system. As our primary example of a giant planet, Jupiter also can provide critical knowledge for understanding the planetary systems being discovered around other stars.


Answer 1


junos principal goal is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter


Related Questions

Textual ambiguity abounds in The Scarlet Letter, especially in how its central characters are developed and described. How is Hester portrayed as both a noble woman and as a sinner?


Answer: Hester was portrayed as a sinner when she had an affair when she was married and she portrayed a noble woman when hr selflessness is reflected in the services she renders to the poor, needy, and sick.


I looked it up when trying to find the answer as well


When Hester had an affair while married, she was depicted as a sinner, and when her selflessness is mirrored in the services she provides to the poor, hungry, and sick, she is seen as a great lady.

Notice how the lighting changes during the course of the text. Cite evidence to show how the lighting has changed. How does this change in imagery reflect the changing character of Mary



The light is mirrored in Mary's persona.


Both lamps in the room are "alight" at the start of the short passage. The lights in the grocery store are still turned on. It's dark outside when the officers arrive to investigate, and Mary catches "the flash of a torch through a chink in the curtain."

The light is mirrored in Mary's persona. At first, she appears content and happy, as signified by the lamps being lit. Her spirit darkens after she murders her husband, and it darkens much more when she orders the officers to consume the murder weapon.

5. Could you please ask the audience to remain seated for a few minutes? (Change into imperative. Use please see)



Could you ask the audience to please sit for a few minutes?


Imperative statements could be expressed in other to make diverse nature of statements in English language. The imperative statement might be used to issue a command such as :

Sit down!

Don't speak!

When dishing out instructions or issuing commands, imperative statements are usually in play. Imperative statements could also be used to make a request such as it is used in the question above ;

Could you ask the audience to please sit for a few Minutes?

Read the excerpt below and answer the question.
SAM: ...People get hurt in all that bumping, and we're sick and tired of it now. It's been going on for too
long. Are we never going to get it right?...Learn to dance life like champions instead of always being just a
bunch of beginners at it?
Do you think Sam is right as he describes his dream for the world-"A World Without Collisions"-to Hally? Will the world
ever "get it right?" In at least 200 words, explain what Sam's message means to you and If you believe people can learn
to "dance life like champions." Support your essay using details from the play, current events, and your studies.


Answer: In this excerpt from A World Without Collisions, Sam describes how he dreams the world to be in the future. I think his main idea has good intentions, he feels sorry for those who get hurt in "learning how to live life". He also seems to think that everybody should take control of their lives and don't be just a victim on everything that happens. This way of thinking has good intentions, but it is not always realistic or even easy to do.

First of all, unexpected things happen in life and some are pretty big and sad, and we do not control everything that happens around us. It is true that we can try and control our emotions in order to feel better, but not what happens outside our bodies. The thing is also, we can chose not to be victims, but it is healthy sometimes to embrace the bad feelings to because only by accepting our sadnesses or pains is that we will be able to move forward. If we deny this bad feeling, our bodies will eventually speak for us and show us that we have been hiding important issues that we should face. I agree, we should "dance life like champions", but doing so is also embracing the bad feelings, connecting with them, and get pass through them. We ARE going to get hurt "in all that bumping" and it is ok.

The King ordered the young soldier to
be brought before him.
Change it into Passive voice



The young soldier was ordered to be brought before the king.


In passive sentences, the subject undergoes the action of the verb.



The young soldier was ordered to be brought before the king.


In passive sentences, the subject undergoes the action of the verb.


critically discuss three nagative reosons why some people join protest action​


Answer: Oh yanno and then yannno again

Fill in: already, since, for, just, yet, ever, never, 5 so far. 1 He has won ten competitions ..... 2 They haven't signed up for the games 3 He has played professional hockey......... ten years. 4 The team has ......... won two games and is hoping to win its third next week. 5 "Have you ........ tried skydiving?" "No, I'm really afraid of heights." 6 Tom is the captain of the football team. He has been captain ......... 2006. 7 The visiting team has........ arrived and the game will be starting in ten minutes. 8 Although he's a good swimmer, he has won a competition.



1- so far, 2- for, 3-for, 4-never, 5-ever, 6-for, 7-just, 8-never


Mark the above as brainliest ok

Which statement best describes the claim made in the excerpt?



Thomas Jefferson organized his argument in the body of the Declaration of Independence by listing the B) ways in which the King of England oppressed the colonists.


what is the theme of the book refugee. I would love no g o o g l e d answers :)​I will mark Brianliest!!! l would love if someone could answer!!!!



Trauma and grown up


Hope this helps (No explanation needed)


Which sentence is an example of an objective summary?

A. Mortimer is a witty writer who adds humor to history.
B. It must have been horrible to live in Elizabethan times.
C. Quality health care today is wonderful, but overpriced.
D. Modern medicine has changed dramatically since the 1500s.


C is the correct answer

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Passage A
When Dorothy stood in the doorway and looked around, she could see nothing but the great gray prairie on every side. Not a tree nor a house broke the broad sweep of flat country that reached to the edge of the sky in all directions. The sun had baked the plowed land into a gray mass, with little cracks running through it. Even the grass
was not green, for the sun had burned the tops of the long blades until they were the same gray color to be seen everywhere. Once the house had been painted, but the sun blistered the paint and the rains washed it away, and now the house was as dull and gray as everything else.

Passage B
The road was smooth and well paved, now, and the country about was beautiful, so that the travelers rejoiced in leaving the forest far behind, and with it the many dangers they had met in its gloomy shades. Once more they could see fences built beside the road; but these were painted green, and when they came to a small house, in which a farmer evidently lived, that also was painted green.
They passed by several of these houses during the afternoon, and sometimes people came to the doors and looked at them as if they would like to ask questions; but no one came near them nor spoke to them because of the great Lion, of which they were very much afraid. The people were all dressed in clothing of lovely emerald-green color and wore peaked hats like those of the Munchkins.

Questions :
1- What is the most common color of the area around Dorothy’s home?
2-What is the most common color of the surroundings in this passage?
3-What do you think the author is trying to say about the differences in these two places?


1 - Gray

2 - Green

3 - One is bleak, and without life. While the other is vibrant, and is completely opposite of the other.

Which of the following describes elaboration



elaboration can mean like adding more information or explaining much more .  some other words for elaboration can be development,expansion ,progress and much more


Tania is writing a five paragraph essay about the history of the olympics. Which two essential elements should she include in the conclusion of the essay?


Answer: Does it has answers?


Thinking Critically and Solving Problems

To cut costs, the Rose City school board has decided to eliminate art and music courses. Isabella's
daughter plans to go to art school after high school and needs access to art courses.
Which action shows that Isabella understands the importance of root cause analysis when wanting to
effect change?
A) She meets with the school principal to express her concerns about the decision.
B) She makes a list of why the school board may have decided to drop art and music classes.
She asks teachers, students, and parents to sign a petition in favor of keeping art and
music classes.
OD) She uses social media to boycott the school if the school board does not change its decision.



She makes a list of why the school board may have decided to drop art and music classes.


The concept of root cause analysis could be explained as an evaluation process which one takes in other to understand the undying reasons or causes of a particular action or Decison. Understanding the undying facts will allow for a thoughtful and efficient approach towards finding a lasting solution to such problem rather than a quick and premature approach to solving problem.

In the scenario above, the best approach which could be taken is to evaluate the cause of the school's decision, knowing this will allow her visualize the problem from her own perspective as well as the school's. This will then enable her come up with an effective solution.

the assignment for this lesson is to compare and contrast the objectivity of two sources,representing two different media,that discuss the same topic or event. you must also provide an objective summary of the sources to show the reader thar you have a goood understanding of the content



Please try explaining better

please we need a better understanding

what is meaning of marshmello?​



According to gogle it is a soft, chewy confection made with sugar and gelatin.



Like the fluffy marshmallow?


a. A light, spongy, very sweet confection made of corn syrup, gelatin, sugar, and often vanilla. b. A confection of sweetened paste, formerly made from the root of the marshmallow plant.

Which argument is most clearly based on false causality?
A. All I can say about my rival's idea is that he's a thief and he should
be ignored.
B. My bad luck started the day that mummy was dug up. It's the
mummy's fault.
C. Letting students wear hats will just open the doors to their
wearing anything.
O D. Cynthia E. Platt deserves the award for excellence because of her


The sentence "Letting students wear hats will just open the doors to their wearing anything" is an example of false causality, as shown in option C.

What is false causality?It is a logical fallacy.Shows a cause and effect relationship between elements that do not associate.

Logical fallacies aim to present a flawed argument that incorrectly attempts to persuade listeners. False causality is a kind of fallacy that can be seen in an argument that associates the wearing of hats with the wearing of any illegal element.

Learn more about fallacies at the link:




My bad luck started the day that mummy was dug up. It's the mummy's fault.



True or false When catching a low thrown pass it is important for wide receivers to catch the tip of the football in the open space below the crossed pinky fingers





Which words best complete the comparison of Beowulf and Grendel?

Readers of Beowulf hope that Grendel will be destroyed, but readers of Grendel are most likely to

hope that Beowulf will be destroyed.
be confused by Beowulf’s behavior.
understand Grendel’s perspective.
consider Grendel a purely evil villain.



List of options:A. hope that Beowulf will be destroyed.

B. be confused by Beowulf's behavior.

C. understand Grendel's perspective.

D. consider Grendel a purely evil villain.



C. To understand Grendel's perspective


Edge 2021

However, the price to be paid for this equality of opportunity is competition. If much of life is seen as a race, then a person must run the race to succeed; a person has the responsibility to compete with others, even though we know not everyone will be successful. The pressures of competition in the life of an American begin in childhood and continue until retirement from work. Learning to compete successfully is part of growing up in the United States, and competition is encouraged by strong programs of competitive sports provided by the public schools and community groups. It's popular with both men and women.


sooo what ? is there a question we need to answer or ?

Why is leadership important in a group or a society



leadership is important in group because as a leader you must show your members what to do so they will not make mistakes

leadership is important bc there should always be one person to help people and to keep people in line

Writing an Effective Research Question?



In general, however, a good research question should be:

Clear and focused. In other words, the question should clearly state what the writer needs to do. Not too broad and not too narrow. Not too easy to answer. Not too difficult to answer. Researchable. Analytical rather than descriptive.


Peggy knocked the glass off the shelf hurrying to answer the telephone.


What is the question?

You have a business that is dependent on gas. The price of oil increases significantly. As a result, you will _____ the price of your product. lower raise not change


Please Mark Brainliest

Answer : raise

You have a business that is dependent on gas. the price of oil increases significantly. as a result, you will raise the price of your product. This is because it is an added cost in the production of your product

Mrs morel was alone, but she was used to it. Her son and her little girl slept upstairs



Which statement is a simple sentence?



Joe waited for the train. The train was late. statement is a simple sentence.


hey to make you clear,

A simple sentence contains only one independent clause. An independent clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a complete thought. These kinds of sentences have only one independent clause, and they don't contain any subordinate clauses.

Which TWO statements best describe the purpose of the time diaries in the author’s research?

A) to find out what people do when they are stuck in traffic

B) to determine why Americans have such long commutes

C) to learn how people can improve their productivity over time

D) to predict how drivers will likely use their free time in the future

E) to assess how honest people are about how they spend their time

F) to identify categories of people who could benefit from self-driving cars



F and D


Just so ya know I'm not entirely sure that D is correct

What is the most likey reason Jefferson included this section


The correct answer is B. It expresses the premises on which he draws his conclusion.


The Declaration of Independence was a document in which the thirteen colonies declared themselves independent from the Kingdom of Great Britain. This statement was made by various intellectuals (including Thomas Jefferson) who drew on the ideas of the Enlightenment and the principles of liberty, equality, and the pursuit of liberty. In the second paragraph, Jefferson establishes the main ideological premises of the Declaration of Independence such as "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men... are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". So the correct answer is B.

a stranger man was watching us (into passive)​



We were being watched by a strange man.

We were being watched by a stranger.

Needs to be done by today


I think it’s the first one I hope this helps

hope my answer

helps you

Its the last one I think

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