Which sentence in the passage is a call to action?
Social Networking Dangers
Social networking has taken the world by storm in the last few years. But, like any technological wonder, it has its drawbacks. And these drawbacks outweigh all its benefits.

Students spend considerable time on social networking sites every day. This distracts them from their studies and prevents them from socializing with people in real life. Even worse, social media websites are frequently used for cyberbullying and posting hateful comments. We cannot let our children fall prey to so much negativity and hatred.

The only way to protect the younger generation is to have a law that prevents children and teenagers from accessing such sites. So write a letter to your federal and state lawmakers urging them to bring about a change.


Answer 1


Option 3


Option 3 tells the reader to “write a letter” for a new law.

Answer 2


I hope this helps


Which Sentence In The Passage Is A Call To Action?Social Networking DangersSocial Networking Has Taken

Related Questions

I need help! please?









I hope this is good enough:

Pretend you are Candy. Write a letter to the reader explaining what you think the the reader should learn from Of Mice and Men. Write in the character's voice.


Answer: if i were a candy, i would be talking

Explanation: im a candy

Which of these situations would most likely arouse suspicion?

A. You are running late for school, and your little sister is
Ready to go.

B. You are studying for a test, and your little sister is working on her homework.

C. Your piece of cake is missing, and your little sister has chocolate stains on her shirt.

D. Your piano recital is on Saturday, and your little sister has invited two of her friends to attend.



C definitly


What makes the following sentence unclear?Because the shoes didn’t fit my feet, I had to throw them out.
Select one:
a. The dependent clause is incomplete.
b. Nothing. The sentence contains no errors.
c. There should not be a comma between the two clauses.
d. The dependent clause modifies the wrong word.



I see that it could be b or a depending


Due to the fact that you could add something else to the end for example you could have said that you through it outside butbeing honest i dont see any problem with the sentence but trust me and go with a and say that you could say that the word outside can be used


the dependent clause modifies the wrong word


i had this question on a test and this was the answer

Read the excerpt from "At School."

The children became Americanized much faster than their parents. Often this caused painful conflicts in immigrant families. A gap appeared between the children and their parents. The parents clung to Old World customs and beliefs. The kids spoke English all day with their friends. They thought in American terms. More than anything else, they wanted to be accepted as equals in their adopted land.

Which other detail best supports the idea that children became comfortable in America more quickly than their parents?

When they left school, they looked, talked, and acted just like other American kids.
During hard times, kids had to drop out of school early. In the days before World War I, it was an accomplishment to finish grammar school.
Many kids went directly from grammar school to special vocational schools sponsored by private agencies. . . .
Students were also instructed in the fundamentals of health, hygiene, and personal grooming.





I asked for help and i checked


the answer  is c    

to make a prediction about a text the first step is to



Read it


Can someone give me some sentences about women's rights?


Women's rights were very small back in the day. Women were not allowed to vote or to have a voice in the governmental decisions. They were also not aloud to do simple things like smoking in public.

(READ CHAPTER 30 (No Speak English) IN THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET) Why is Mamacita upset when the baby starts speaking English? What is the author, Sandra Cisneros, saying about Mexican children in this chapter?



she is upset because she doesnt speak english


Answer 1:

Mamacita upset when the baby starts speaking English as she is upset because she doesnt speak english so he can't understand what baby is speaking.

Answer 2:

Sandra Cisneros is saying about Mexican children in this chapter is the they start speaking english and parents have trouble in understanding.

Learn more :


1. Recall Why is the Iceman nicknamed Ötzi?



Found this off of google, "The small rocky hollow in which he lay down to die was soon covered (and protected) by glacial ice that happened to be melting 5,300 years later when his body was discovered by modern humans. His nickname, Ötzi, stems from the Ötztal Alps, where he was found."

Why does Nash want to change Nashville’s segregation laws?


Bc he likes Nashville

What is “linin’,” and why is it done? ( to kill a mockingbird)



In Calpurnia's church, when one person speaks the line of a song so the rest of the chorus knows what to sing. Singing hymns without hymn books and musical instruments. It is done because very few of the people at church can read.


Pentagon ABCDE and pentagon A'B'C'D'E' are shown on the coordinate plane below:


There is no coordinate plane

Answer: You are intelligent 100%

Explanation: come on buddy, no coordinate plane? what is this?

Which phrase describes faults?
cause gaps in the geologic record 
cause rocks to break and move
are older than surrounding rocks
are igneous rocks that form beneath Earth’s surface​



Cause rocks to break and move



B.) cause rocks to break and move


Just took the test and got 100%


What are examples of a 3rd person clincher?



"He," "him," and "his" are third person singular pronouns, and "they," "them," and "their" are third person plural pronouns. Novels are usually written in third person.

Read the sentence.

Leila stared at the driver of the shiny red convertible stopped in the middle of the intersection, incredulous that he would stop traffic just to yell at another driver behind him.

What does the use of incredulous connote?

that Leila is envious of the driver for having a convertible
that Leila is angry at the driver for stopping in the intersection
that Leila thinks she might know the driver of the convertible
that Leila is shocked at what the driver of the convertible did


Answer: it's D. that Leila is shocked at what the driver of the convertible did this will help you :-)

The use of incredulous connotes that Leila is shocked at what the driver of the convertible did.

What is the meaning of incredulous?

Incredulous means unbelieving.

The use of incredulous connotes that Leila is shocked at what the driver of the convertible did because she was unable to believe that the driver can stop in the middle of the traffic to shout at other driver. This was shocking for her.

To learn more about incredulous here



Decide whether each quotation is an example of direct or indirect characterization.

“How horrible it would be . . . if she were condemned to be the plain, shy Millicent of a few years back.”

“Betsy Johnson, the vivacious blonde secretary of the sorority”

“Walking beside Louise on the way to the drugstore, Millicent felt a surge of pride.”

“Bev was suddenly there in the doorway. ‘Wipe that smile off your face,’ she commanded.”



Decide whether each quotation is an example of direct or indirect characterization.

“How horrible it would be . . . if she were condemned to be the plain, shy Millicent of a few years back.”

✔ direct

“Betsy Johnson, the vivacious blonde secretary of the sorority”

✔ direct

“Walking beside Louise on the way to the drugstore, Millicent felt a surge of pride.”

✔ indirect

“Bev was suddenly there in the doorway. ‘Wipe that smile off your face,’ she commanded.”

✔ indirect


I got it right. You're welcome.


1) direct

2) direct

3) indirect

4) indirect


Do you think there is a point when someone truly feels accomplished? Support your answer with evidence from readings or your life



So, I think that I can give you a paragraph structure where the ____'s represent what you would put in, I hope I can help:

There _____ a point where someone could inevitably feel accomplished because ___________. For example, once in my life I _________ and it was very significant to support this answer since _____________. This shows ____________, and is immense evidence that _______________. In conclusion, this explains why ____________.

Have a great day!

Briefly describe your most horrible dystopia.​



I was in a closed place. Inside was a farm with lots of dead trees around. I kept seeing bats fly in the sky and slightly attack me lol. The sky turned purple and the houses became grayish. Basically everything was a darkish grey and the view was terrible lol

Read this passage from "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold:
Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.
What connotation does the word "struggle' have that adds to the poem's
A. Anticipation
B. Sadness
C. Desperation
D. Joy


I’m pretty sure the correct answer is D because the poem is saying to love one another and to be at peace it couldn’t be A because they author never mentions anything there waiting for or wanting

The connotation that the word ''struggle'' have that adds to the tone of the poem is that the desperation.

Option C is correct.

What is the connotation?

The connotation is referring to the emotion that invokes for an individual with its actual meaning.

According to provided passage, the tone of the poem that adds to the struggle word being used by the author indicates the connotation of desperation.  

Therefore, the word written in option C is correct.

Learn more about the connotation in the related link:



The theme expressed in this paragraph is that even wise people do foolish things at times. those who sacrifice for others are great people. sacrificing one’s most prized possessions is foolish. wise people are often those with the fewest possessions.



Those who sacrifice for others are great people.


This question refers to the following paragraph from The Gift of the Magi, a story written by O. Henry:

And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house. But in a last word to the wise of these days let it be said that of all who give gifts these two were the wisest.

This story tells about Della and Jim, a young and poor married couple. On Christmas Eve, they buy each other gifts despite having very little money. Della sells her hair to buy a platinum pocket watch chain for Jim, and Jim sells his pocket watch to buy a set of ornamental combs for Della. Despite receiving gifts they cannot use, Jim and Della realize how much they are willing to sacrifice for each other and how priceless their love really is.

This is what the given paragraph tells us - that those who sacrifice for each other are great people. It doesn't matter that they don't have much money - Jim and Della love each other and that's all that matters. There is nothing foolish about that.


it c those who sacrifice for others are great people.


What words can you spell with using ALL of these letters: F E A L T R E D




Read the excerpt from The Diary of Anne Frank.

Anne. Mouschi! Mouschi! Mouschi! (She picks up the cat, walking away with it. To Peter) I love cats. I have one . . . a darling little cat. But they made me leave her behind. I left some food and a note for the neighbors to take care of her . . . I'm going to miss her terribly. What is yours? A him or a her?

Peter. He's a tom. He doesn't like strangers. (He takes the cat from her, putting it back in its carrier.)

Anne (Unabashed). Then I'll have to stop being a stranger, won't I?
What does this dialogue reveal about Anne?

A.She is stubborn and impolite.
B.She is clever and confident.
C.She is quiet and understanding.
D.She is sad and confused.





I got it right on edge.

Plz give me brainliest!!!

Trust me, I got it right.

The corrective and the suitable from the given passage is B and that is she is clever and the confident .

The confident is the beautiful and it will bring out the inner beauty of the person and shows the positive impression of the person from other people and people were love to spend the time with positive and confident people as they learn many things from them , when you do right thing the level of confidence increases day by day .

Clever is the definition the person with the sharp  and brilliant mind and help other people to understand the situation and react accordingly without creating the panic situation .

For more information on clever and the confident , please refer the below link :


Read the excerpt below and answer the question.

KING CLAUDIUS: Where is Polonius?

HAMLET: In heaven; send hither to see: if your messenger find him not there, seek him I’ the other place yourself.” (Hamlet; Act IV, scene iii)

Hamlet tells Claudius to search for Polonius in Hell because .



because hamlet killed polonius


Hamlet killed Polonius. Claudius, who didn't know about it asked for Polonius' whereabouts, Hamlet said that even if he sent a messenger to heaven, the messenger wouldn't find Polonius there

Read the excerpt from “How I Learned English.”

I fell back,
Dazed, clutching my brow,
Groaning, “Oh my shin, oh my shin,”
And everybody peeled away from me
And dropped from laughter, and there we were,
All of us writhing on the ground for one reason
Or another.

Readers can tell that this is the climax of the poem, because it

gives information about what the speaker thinks and feels.
adds to the idea that the speaker feels like an outsider.
changes the speaker’s struggle to fit in with the other boys.
shows how the speaker’s problems with the boys are solved.
Mark this and return



changes the speaker’s struggle to fit in with the other boys.

it right


Readers can tell that this is the climax of the poem, because it shows how the speaker’s problems with the boys are solved. The correct option is (D).

What do you mean by “How I Learned English”?

I Learned English because it recounts a tale and has a narrator or speaker, a conflict, a storyline, and characters, it qualifies as a narrative poetry. It was in an abandoned lot. surrounded by elm, fir, and honeysuckle trees. Bill Corson was putting in a pitch with his buckram jacket.

The core concept that the author hopes to convey through the narrative, characters, and surroundings is known as the main idea of a story. In contrast to essays, informational texts, and other types of writing that aim to only inform the reader, stories provide the core idea in a new way.

Readers can tell that this is the climax of the poem, because it shows how the speaker’s problems with the boys are solved and changes the speaker’s struggle to fit in with the other boys shows how the speaker’s problems with the boys are solved.

Therefore, Readers can tell that this is the climax of the poem, because it shows how the speaker’s problems with the boys are solved. The correct option is (D).

Learn more about speaker on:



What was the triangular trade? (describe all 3 sides).​


1 manufactured goods from Europe to Africa and exchange for slaves

2. middle passage ; shipping slaves to America

3. return to Europe with produce from slave labor

Why is the speech considered a US seminal document? Take into consideration when, and where the speech was presented, along with whom the speech was presented to and how it contribute to our national



The First Amendment protects against abridgements of the "freedom of speech."  Although in many cases the question of whether speech has been regulated is not in doubt, as with most restrictions on oral or written communication, in some it is an important threshold issue for courts to consider.  If the regulated activity is not "speech," then it is not protected by the First Amendment and there is no need to extend the constitutional analysis further.


...television sets, cassette players, cameras and radios, jewelry and clothing, and sometimes were hungry enough to devour everything in the refrigerator...

What is the connotation of "devour" in the passage from “Once Upon a Time”?

rapid eating
dishonest people
silent stealing
curious intruders



rapid eating


The word devour means consuming and absorbing something rapidly, usually without leaving no trace. It can be used for demolishing and destroying, for a force wiping something out.

Here it is used with its second meaning which is rapid eating. Devouring something also means eating it hungrily or quickly, feeding wholeheartedly on it. In this passage, it is meant that someone was so hungry that they ate every single piece of food that could be found in the fridge.

How would you go about creating literary nonfiction?

Include detailed description, characterization, imagery, and dialogue.
Create a fictional story about a particular time in one's life.
Create a written story of one's entire life with multiple themes included in the narrative.
Write a story of a particular time in one's life or a recounting of life events around one or two themes.



A. Include detailed description, characterization, imagery, and dialogue.

2. How does the speaker feel about his decision? Explain



he feels better

because he has been through it n decided to share knowledge to the readers

As the Health in-charge of Kanpur Health Centre, design a poster for public display board giving precautions to be observed to protect oneself from Corona virus. (50 Words)

Please help me asap!!!


a design could be ig
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