Which sentence states a theme of the passage “ a grecian wedding “

People can’t find joy in any situation if they try harder enough

As people grow older they need to make a difficult choice

Children should respect and learn from the life experience of their parents

Marriage is it an outdated tradition that limits opportunity for women

Help me


Answer 1


As people grow older they need to make a difficult choice


The passage narrated the dilemma two young sisters had to contend with as they reached a marriageable age in Greece. Demetria and Agatha had to choose between getting married to the men their parents chose for them and pursuing their personal dreams. Agatha was afraid of upsetting the gods by disobeying her parents but she also had a strong desire to be educated and to be a public orator. In the end, two roads were right in front of her and she had to make a difficult choice.

Related Questions

"A twenty-two," [Rainsford] remarked. "That's odd. It must have been a fairly large animal too. The hunter had his nerve with him to tackle it with a light gun. It's clear that the brute put up a fight. I suppose the first three shots I heard was when the hunter flushed his quarry and wounded it. The last shot was when he trailed it here and finished it."

He examined the ground closely and found what he had hoped to find – the print of hunting boots. They pointed along the cliff in the direction he had been going. Eagerly he hurried along, now slipping on a rotten log or a loose stone, but making headway; night was beginning to settle down on the island.

—"The Most Dangerous Game,"
Richard Connell

What can be concluded about Rainsford from his dialogue?

What does Rainsford say that indicates he admires the hunter?

What can be concluded about Rainsford from the narration?

What word does the narrator use that helps the reader draw this conclusion?


The conclusion is false

some words are difficult to translate into another language becasue



Cultural differences


I'm not sure what your options are but that would be the answer. Languages are tied to an experience that is unique to a specific culture or society.

Some words are difficult to translate into another language because sometimes direct translation is not possible. Based on the Article “We translate on time” says: “direct translation might not give an accurate equivalent. Take the English word “get”, it can have multiple meaning depending on the context:

“To get a bus” (take)

“To get the gist” (understand)

“To get some food” (buy)

One verb can have different meanings. The context of the phrase or the sentence has to be understood. Now, let’s go to culture differences… “Words often reflect the culture and the society that use them. Therefore, words that are able to describe very specific things or emotions might now exist in other languages.”

You often get phone calls,______?
question tag ​



aren't you?



auxiliary verb + subject

We use the same auxiliary verb in the tag as in the main sentence. If there is no auxiliary verb in the main sentence, we use do in the tag.

You live in Spain, don’t you?

If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is affirmative, the tag is negative.

You’re Spanish, aren’t you?

If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is negative, the tag is affirmative.

You’re not Spanish, are you?


We use tag questions to confirm or check information or ask for agreement.

You want to come with me, don’t you?

You can swim, can’t you?

You don’t know where the boss is, do you?

This meal is horrible, isn’t it?

That film was fantastic, wasn’t it?

We use tag questions to check whether something is true.

The meeting’s tomorrow at 9am, isn’t it?

You won’t go without me, will you?

Additional points

In the present form of be: In an affirmative statement, if the subject is “I”, the auxiliary changes to aren’t in the tag.

I’m sitting next to you, aren’t I?

I’m a little red, aren’t I?

With let’s, the tag is shall we?

Let’s go to the beach, shall we?

Let’s have a coffee, shall we?

With an imperative, the tag is will you?

Close the window, will you?

Hold this, will you?

We use an affirmative tag after a sentence containing a negative word such as never, hardly, nobody.

Nobody lives in this house, do they?

You’ve never liked me, have you?

When the subject is nothing, we use “it” in the tag.

Nothing bad happened, did it?

Nothing ever happens, does it?

If the subject is nobody, somebody, everybody, no one, someone or everyone, we use “they” in the tag.

Nobody asked for me, did they?

Nobody lives here, do they?

If the main verb in the sentence is have (not an auxiliary verb), it is more common to use do in the tag.

You have a Ferrari, don’t you?

She had a great time, didn’t she?

With used to, we use “didn’t” in the tag.

You used to work here, didn’t you?

He used to have long hair, didn’t he?

We can use affirmative tags after affirmative sentences to express a reaction such as surprise or interest.

You’re moving to Brazil, are you?


If we don’t know the answer, it is a real question and we use a rising intonation with the tag.

You don’t know where the boss is, do you? ↗

If we know the answer and are just confirming the information a falling intonation is used with the tag.

That film was fantastic, wasn’t it? ↘


You Often get phone calls,

Question Tag: Don't you

Why are Piney and the Duchess described as sleeping beneath the white snow, which covers "all human stain" In a "spotless mantle (cloak]"?
A. Because in death both women look pure and sinless.
B. They are cold but make a blanket out of the snow.
C. Because when help comes, no one will want to save the Duchess due to her profession.
D. Mr. Oakhurst left his coat to cover the women while he went for help.


I think it’s b the second option






pls help me need fat because today i need to pass up by today​ i mark u as brainlest



I just wanted to say I have done this but i forgot which grade I did it in. Can you tell me


I will the answer through comments

02.Read and complete sentences with verbs in the paretheses. Use the present continuous tense.(1,5)

b) The teacher _____________________________ in a class. ( to teach)


d) They _____________________________________ to music. ( to listen)

e) I _________________________________________ music. ( to learn)

f) He _______________________________________English very well. ( to speak)



a) are playing
b) is teaching
c) watching
d) are listening
e) am learning
f) is speaking



1 have to teach

2 have to teach

3 have to listen

4have to learn

5 have to speak

Read the passage below from “Marigolds” and answer question.

Miss Lottie’s house was the most ramshackle of all our ramshackle homes. The sun and rain had long since faded its rickety frame siding from white to a sullen gray. The boards themselves seemed to remain upright not from being nailed together but rather from leaning together, like a house that a child might have constructed from cards. A brisk wind might have blown it down, and the fact that it was still standing implied a kind of enchantment that was stronger than the elements. There it stood and as far as I know is standing yet—a gray, rotting thing with no porch, no shutters, no steps, set on a cramped lot with no grass, not even any weeds—a monument to decay.

The passage above is an example of which point of view?

First person
Third-person limited
Third-person omniscient
Switches between first-person and third-person limited


3rd point of view (not the answer)


third person limited


The passage represented above is an example of Third-person limited. This piece of text is told by the main character, and the information is delivered directly from him. The third-person limited point of view is method of storytelling in which readers can see a character's life perspective.  It shows his own perception of all the things surrounding him.

In spite of her lack of hight she is still an excellent volleyball player . how to make that sentence into Although sentence .​


Island and you guys can come over for a while


'In spite of her lack of height she is still an excellent volleyball player'

can be reformulated to:

Although she lacks in height, she is an excellent volleyball player.


Pick the correctly spelled plural form of sheep to complete the following sentence.
Dozens of
roamed in the meadow.


The answer is sheep’s
The correct answer is sheep

In at least 150 words, explain why Borges's narrative "The Garden of Forking Paths" is often considered a precursor to
hypertext and the Internet.



A hypertext is a digital text in which one or more hyperlinks are embedded, a hyperlink is a word, picture, or graphic element in digital media that is connected through a mouse click to another location in a digital document or webpage. Borges uses allusions like a hypertext to further connect his ideas in the story, "Garden of Forking Paths" by implying their connections through time. An Allusion is a reference to other people and events whose images serve as a symbol of a broad concept or theme. The allusions become metaphors for the connections of people on Earth over generations. For example, on the train, a boy reads the Annals of the Roman historian and Senator Tacitus. The Annals provide us with a record of the history of the Roman Empire, but Tacitus never completed his work, and like the missing pages in the document, some of it did not survive over time.

Mandira is not patient at all. [Remove ‘not’]



Mandira isn't patient at all.

pls i need an immediate answer​




where is the question ?


An answer to what?


I muttered, knocking my knuckles through the glass, and stretching
an arm out to seize the importunate branch; instead of which, my
fingers closed on the fingers of a little, ice-cold hand!
Which figurative language is used in the sentence given?





Alliteration is a literary device that refers to the use of the same consonant word in consecutive words in a sentence. In other words, we can say that alliteration is when the same consonant sound in close proximity in a sentence.

In the given sentence from "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte, the author/ speaker uses the figurative language of alliteration. Alliteration is seen/used in the words "knocking my knuckles" and "fingers closed on the fingers . . ."

Thus, the correct answer is alliteration.


Definition for these








bleeding (as a medical treatment)


"the horrors"






brace of pistols


revenue officer







a person's way of standing or moving.


having qualities of the devil


Skulk: keep out of sight, typically with a sinister or cowardly motive

Assizes: a court which formerly sat at intervals in each county of England and Wales to administer the civil and criminal law. In 1972 the civil jurisdiction of assizes was transferred to the High Court, and the criminal jurisdiction to the Crown Court.

Let America be America again Which statement best expresses how the author develops the
second speaker's point of view?
A The second speaker agrees with the first speaker but wants
everyone in America to be happy and free.
B The second speaker questions the first speaker and explains
that there are lots of people who are treated unfairly in
C The second speaker builds on what the first speaker
describes as America becoming a place again where
everyone is happy and free.
D The second speaker disagrees with the first speaker and
explains the history of those people who have been treated
unfairly in America.



D The second speaker disagrees with the first speaker and explains the history of those people who have been treated unfairly in America.


"Let America be America Again" is a poem written by Langston Hughes, where he explains how the American dream, the illusion of a just, strong and united America is a lie as many people are exploited, oppressed and limited.

The first speaker of the poem shows that America is indeed a land of possibilities and happiness, but that this is not available to him. The second speaker disagrees with this, and asserts that America has never been such a happy land, as countless people have been treated unfairly from the very beginnings of the country. He reinforces that America was never that dream of freedom, but that he and all the wronged will fight for it to become a real good land, for everyone.

The statement which best expresses how the author develops the  second speaker's point of view is :

Option D

The second speaker disagrees with the first speaker and  explains the history of those people who have been treated  unfairly in America.

Let America be America Again is a sonnet composed by Langston Hughes, where he clarifies how the American dream, the deception of an equitable, solid and joined America is clearly false as many individuals are taken advantage of persecuted and restricted.

The primary speaker of the sonnet shows that America is without a doubt a place where there is potential outcomes and joy, however that this isn't accessible to him.

The subsequent speaker contradicts this, and declares that America has never been a particularly glad land, as endless individuals have been dealt with unreasonably from the actual beginnings of the country.

He builds up that America was never that fantasy of opportunity, however that he and all the violated will battle for it to turn into a genuine decent land, for everybody.

For more information, refer the following link:


How can we use the theme of perseverance, in our current health crisis?



It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search

Tip Try using words that might appear on the page that you’re looking for. For example, 'cake recipes' instead of 'how to make a cake'.

Read the passage and then answer the question:
The Edo period of Japan, which lasted from the 1600s to
the mid-1800s, was a time of samurai and feudal lords.
However, the Meiji period that followed was a time of
modernization; Japan quickly became a major industrial
power in the world during that period.
Which term best describes the structure of the passage?
O A. Contextual
O B. Objective
O C. Thematic
D. Chronological

I believe it’s D


hey! D seems the most fitting, i think you’re right. hopefully i’m not too late!!
D it is chronicalpgical

what is difference between positive people and negetive people​



Positive people generally have more of the ability to see the good in things in a bad situation, more self confidence, lift others up to attain a goal, stay focused on the goal at hand and see all experiences as learning experiences.

Negative people usually are less confident, pessimistic, feel greed and suffering is the leading factor for almost everything and rely on luck then doing work to do a goal.

Which reason best describes the purpose of an allegory?



C. to convey moral or political messages through the use of symbolism.


A literary device can be defined as any technique used by speakers and authors (writers) to significantly emphasize on their writeups or compositions and express their ideas, opinions or thoughts to the audience.

An allegory can be defined as a literary technique typically used as a symbolic fictional description or narration to express (convey) specific ideas or abstractions that are not explicitly stated in the literary work.

This ultimately implies that, an allegory refers to a symbolic fictional narration where actions, settings, characters, objects, or events are used to convey large-complex ideas that are not explicitly stated.

In this context, the reason which best describes the purpose of an allegory is to convey moral or political messages through the use of symbolism.

A literary symbol can be defined as an object that has one or more figurative meanings rather than just its literal meaning.

In English literature, symbols (symbolism) are used to give a literary work deeper (more) meaning and to convey a larger idea to the audience. Thus, when an object represents or stands for an idea or emotion, it is called a symbol.

In conclusion, symbols comprises of motifs, characters, images, settings etc, that typically represents larger ideas.

Which of the following shows correct pronoun usage?

Sentence 1: The players themselves prepared for the match.

Sentence 2: The players prepared themselves for the match.

A. Sentence 1 is reflexive.
B. Sentence 2 is reflexive.
C. Both sentences are reflexive.
D. Both sentences are intensive.



Sentence 2 shows correct pronoun usage

C. Both sentences are reflexive.


From the following sentences given below, Sentence 2 shows correct pronoun usage.

This is because the relxeive pronoun is written after the verb "prepared" instead of after the noun "players".

Sentence 1: The players themselves prepared for the match.

Sentence 2: The players prepared themselves for the match.

Both sentences are reflexive

Which of the following is not a coordinating conjunction?
A. but
B. and
C. nor
D. likewise
Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Please help


A conjunction is a word used to connect clauses or sentences.
Therefore, the correct answer is C.

The example of a coordinating conjunction is D. Likewise.

What is a coordinating conjunction?

A coordinating conjunction simply means a conjunction that makes a connection between two parallel words.

In this case, the example of a coordinating conjunction is likewise.

Learn more about conjunction on:


Read the passage.

School uniforms can help students from feeling like they cannot keep up. Some students come to school in jeans that cost $200. Yet, twenty-five percent of the students at our school qualify for free lunches. Right now, students are divided into two groups: those who can afford designer brands and those who cannot. This is unfair. Students should wear uniforms to create an equal environment.

Lea wants to revise the final sentence by adding a transition at the beginning. Which are the best choices? Check all that apply.

As a result,
For example,



1. As a result

5. Therefore



therefore students should wear uniforms to create an equal environment.

how are you can we be friends​





and sure do you play rlx ? by the way im a gurl

Paragraph on "Computer is the need of hour "



Computer training is to provide a tool to our children and young adults with special needs to express themselves, portray their skills and updating them with latest work environment.Training is aimed to start from very basics and to take them at higher levels as per the interest of children and prevailing industry needs and norms.

Techniques :

We are using PRAYAS and AIMS Media program to train.

How will benefit a child :

Computer is the need of hour, now a days almost every work depends on computer it also opens a new horizon to explore the interest and talents of our children.

write a diary entry of a road accident scene you witnessed where the victim , a year 11 student tragically died after being hit by a passing vehicle on his or her way home ​



dear diary


dear diary,                                                                    June 11, 1832

Today was a tragic tale of fate, I, mary beth, was tending to my mothers garden when sarah anne was corssing the street. I told sarah before not to cross unless you made sure there were no automobiles on the road, one second I see sarah anne crossing, I turn my back to tend to my flower bed, and I hear a bloodcurdling scream! I whip my body around and see sarah anne smudged on the road, as if she were road kill. I burst into tears running to her limp and tender body. There was blood everywhere, and the poor girl was only 11 years old. The automobile turned around shamelessly, the darned thing killed sarah anne. i will make sure that this man is brought to justice, this is an atrocity! Our small town of shelbyville will not stand for this.


Mary Beth

When was Dr. Raphael Ernest Grail Amattoe born ?​



He was born on 12 August 1913


12 August 1913

Raphael Armattoe was born in August 1913 to a prominent family of the Ewe tribe in Togoland.

Dr. Raphael Ernest Grail Armattoe (1913 - 1953): Physician and writer.

A metamorphosis is a type of

A. paradigm
B. vehicle
C. epiphany
D. major change



it will be D. Metamorphosis


"Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animal's body structure through cell growth and differentiation."




because The Metamorphosis is anything that will combine with major change

Invent dialogue and revise the following paragraph. Use proper spelling and grammar.

Leah got distracted talking to someone on the bus about her phone. When she got off at the mall, she realized she had left her purse on the seat! (10 points)



"I couldn't find my phone anywhere! So I was retracing my steps and remembered that the last time I used my phone, I was doing the laundry. So I decided to check the washing machine and found it tied up in a bundle of clothes! I was so distracted," Leah exclaimed to Sam, the bus driver, "I put my phone in the washing machine!" They both chuckled at the incident until Sam finally stopped at the mall bus stop. She thanked Sam and started her trek to the mall when she realized with great panic; she left her purse on the seat of Sam's bus.

Which lines from "Mending Wall" best indicate that the speaker is amused while repairing the wall?
O We wear our fingers rough with handling them.
Oh, just another kind of out-door game,
O No one has seen them made or heard them made,
But at spring mending-time we find them there.
And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours."
We have to use a spell to make them balance:
"Stay where you are until our backs are turned!"



We have to use a spell to make them balance:

"Stay where you are until our backs are turned!"


The lines selected above show the part of the poem where the speaker shows that he is having fun repairing the wall. We can see this because these are the only lines that present a tone of relaxation and joviality, which contrasts with the more serious tone presented in the previous lines. With this, we can see that the speaker sees this moment as a distraction and a novelty, which can be enjoyed and fun.

The lines from "Mending Wall" which best indicate that the speaker is amused while repairing the wall is:

D. We have to use a spell to make them balance:  "Stay where you are until our backs are turned!"

According to the given question, we are asked to state the lines from "Mending Wall" which best indicate that the speaker is amused while repairing the wall.

As a result of this, we can see that from the complete text, there is the narration about the people who are repairing the wall and the speaker is amused when he says that they would have to make a a spell to make them balance,

Read more about amusement here:


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