Which substance, maple syrup or vegetable oil, has a higher viscosity? Explain how you know the answer.


Answer 1


maple syrup


This is because viscosity is simply the resistance of a fluid to flow. A thicker fluid is more resistant than a lighter one. In this case maple syrup is thicker than vegetable oil thus more viscous than it.

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calculate the area of the following rectangular box.​



here is your answer hope it helps you..

briefly describe what the outer layer of bone tissue is like






Plz refer image for your answer


Hope it helps.. if yes plz mark me as brainliest

What is a macromolecule? Question 6 options: a) a molecule that contains carbon b) a very large molecule c) a molecule that has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom d) a molecule you can see with the naked eye



b)a very large molecule


A macromolecule is a very large molecule, such as a protein. They are composed of thousands of covalently bonded atoms. Many macromolecules are polymers of smaller molecules called monomers. The most common macromolecules in biochemistry are biopolymers and large non-polymeric molecules such as lipids and macrocycles. 

hormones in the bloodstream






chemical messenger.


I'll give brainliest the brainliest. ​



resists the turgor  pressure of the cell:  A : cell wall

controls the activities of  the cell : C : nucleus

site of the chemical  reactions of the cell  including synthesis of  proteins:  D : cytoplasm


1. A -  Cell Wall

2. C - Nucleus

3. B. Mitochondria

Give brainliest

Need help someone knows the answer



I believe it is B

explain how bacteria cam develop resistance to an antibiotic?



Bacteria develop resistance mechanisms by using instructions provided by their DNA. Often, resistance genes are found within plasmids, small pieces of DNA that carry genetic instructions from one germ to another. This means that some bacteria can share their DNA and make other germs become resistant.

hope this helps you

have a nice day

1. alveoli, tiny air sacs within the lungs muscle below the lungs used for, 2. bronchi, breathing the two tubes into which the, 3. diaphragm, trachea divides before entering the lung​



1. Alveoli: tiny air sacs within the lungs.

2. Bronchi: the two tubes into which the trachea divides before entering the lung.

3. Diaphragm: a muscle below the lungs used for breathing.


Living system can be defined as the internal systems of organisms and how materials circulate within organisms.

Some examples of living systems in organisms are respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system, and circulatory system.

Additionally, living systems comprises of the following components; cells, organs, muscle, tissues, blood, etc., which are typically used for carrying out various bodily functions such as respiration, metabolism, digestion, etc.

In Human anatomy, cardiac cycle can be defined as a complete heartbeat of the human heart which comprises of sequential alternating contraction and relaxation of the atria and ventricles, therefore causing blood to flow unidirectionally (one direction) throughout the human body.

1. Alveoli: it comprises tiny air sacs and it's located within the lungs of living organisms.

2. Bronchi: these are the two (2) tubes into which the trachea divides (the right bronchus and the left bronchus) before entering the lung.

3. Diaphragm: it's a muscle located below the lungs and typically used for breathing in all living organisms.

laws of thermodynamics



The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics states that if two systems are in thermodynamic equilibrium with a third system, the two original systems are in thermal equilibrium with each other. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can be converted from one form to another with the interaction of heat, work and internal energy, but it cannot be created nor destroyed, under any circumstances. The 3rd law of thermodynamics will essentially allow us to quantify the absolute amplitude of entropies.

Using complete sentences, explain how proximity to major rivers influenced the location of early cities.



Locations along rivers meant faster travel upstream and downstream to rule territories. The city became the place where the ruler or rulers lived together in a stationary spot. The city's location along early rivers encouraged stronger government, which in turn encouraged stronger cities.

Rivers are one of the most crucial resources that played a major role in the development in ancient times. It led to river valley civilization that influenced the location and kingdoms.

What is river valley civilization?

The river valley civilization was one of the most important events that led to the establishment of many kingdoms and regions. The proximity to the river banks influenced many factors.

The cities located on the riverbanks have greater development in services including import, export, travel, agriculture, accessibility, etc. This allowed the people to practice agriculture on a large scale due to the availability of the irrigation system.

The river banks allowed the cities to grow as major trade centers and allowed downstream and upstream travel easier. This also led to the emergence of strong government systems.

Therefore, the proximity to major rivers led to river valley civilization.

Learn more about river valley civilization here:



The element with atomic number of 4 is



Beryllium is the element with the atomic number 4.


Which of the following statements can you infer would happen If one organ system stopped working?
a. The other organ systems would have to work harder to make up for the broken system
b. The other organ systems would stop working too.
c. The other organ systems would still work on their own but might have to work harder to complete their function correctly.





After one system shuts down, the others would slowly start to shut down as well until the body can no longer maintain homeostasis and the person would slowly die. 3. All systems would be working together but the main ones would be muscular, nervous, and skeletal.

An important species of an Atlantic ocean community is the giant kelp, which helps form a suitable habitat for
fish and marine invertebrates.
Which of the following best describes the role of giant kelp in its ecosystem?
Choose 1 answer:
A dominant species
A pioneer species
A foundation species
An invasive species



The giant kelp is a foundation species in its ecosystem.


The kelp acts as a home to the fish and the marine invertebrates, so they can be best described as a foundation species, or species that make an ecosystem suitable for a group of other species.


from khan academy :)

what is photosynthesis??????????????​



it is process of converting the sunlihght inyo the food for plants snd prepare glucose and oxygen with the hp of chlorophyll

your answer is in the attachment


photosynthesis is a process by which green plants prepare their own food with the help of air water and sunlight.


Write one functions of seed.​


Seeds serve several functions for the plants that produce them.

1.scientist solve problem in an organised way called ________
2.amoeba move or feed with ________
3.nucleus was first discovered by ________
4. creation of the something new called _______
5. longest cell is________​



1. Scientific method

2. pseudopods

3. In 1909, Ernest Rutherford’s

4. innovation

5. nerve cell

Why is the ability to bioluminesce beneficial? signals may be sent out to communicate an interest in mating it can camouflage the underbelly of the fish by lighting it up the same color as the sea surface so that the fish will be almost invisible to predators swimming below food may be found even in the darkest parts of the ocean or at night the light may momentarily distract predators, allowing the organism a chance to escape all of the above



The correct answer is - All of the above


Food is produced at every part of the earth as it may be found even in the parts that are darkest at night or at the part of ocean. Communication between mates can be done by signals that may sent to show interest in mating, Camouflage is the way to escape or hide by use of the light that may momentarily distract predators as it can camouflage the underbelly of the fish by lighting it up the same color of as the sea surface to make it invisible.

Two lizards with different coloring exist within the same ecosystem. One lives in the trees, and the other prefers hiding among rocks. They are separate species because
they behave differently
Othey have different characteristics
Othey cannot successfully reproduce
Othey exist within the same ecosystem


They are separate species because they have different characteristics.
Which means their adaptation methods will be different.

Natural selection is that the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change.

What are the adaptations behavior in organisms?

Many animals are well adapted to biotic and abiotic conditions due to behavioral, physiological, or structural adaptations that increase their chances of survival and reproduction.

Behavioral - responses made by an organism that help it to survive/reproduce.


Physiological - a bodily process that helps an organism to survive/reproduce.

Structural - a feature of an organism’s body that helps it to survive/reproduce.

Thus, we can conclude that the correct option is (b).

They are separate species because they cannot successfully reproduce.

which means they have different adaptation methods.

You  can learn more about adaptation methods here:



What is the control for “which bait works best for a homemade fly trap?”



A glass of water or an empty cup


If no flies are attracted, that means your experiment is not flawed.

Most fresh water fish are hypertonic, meaning their body cells contain more salt than the surrounding water. Since osmosis should push water into their cells, why don't they explode? They don'­t drink any water because they get so much from osmosis. They have adapted to live with high osmotic pressure. They urinate a lot, so the water does not build up. Their cells have adapted to absorb salt. All of the above



They urinate a lot, so the water does not build up.


Freshwater fishes are fishes that live in freshwater habitat i.e. little or no salt. This means that the fishes are hypertonic (have more salt) to their external environment. Due to their hypertonicity, freshwater fishes tend to take in more water via osmosis.

Freshwater fishes, however, do not explode despite this phenomenon because they pass out the excess water via urine waste. Freshwater fishes urinate a lot, hence, the absorbed water does not build up in their bodies.

biological term for control of the body temperature​


Thermoregulation is a process that allows your body to maintain its core internal temperature. All thermoregulation mechanisms are designed to return your body to homeostasis. This is a state of equilibrium

what was invented in the late 16th century that allowed scientists to study organisms at a new level



compound light microscope



The light microscope was in the late 16th century that allowed scientists to study organisms at a new level.

Thus, The microscope revolutionized the field of biology by enabling researchers to observe and study tiny structures, cells, and microorganisms that were previously invisible to the eye.

This technological advancement marked a significant milestone in the history of science.

It paved the way for discoveries and insights into the microscopic world of living organisms.

Thus, The light microscope was in the late 16th century that allowed scientists to study organisms at a new level.

Learn more about Microscope, refer to the link:



A boy picks up an earthworm and place it on a white tile. He observed that the earthworm has difficulty in moving forward.
Explain why.​



A number of tiny hair like bristlez are present on the lower surface pf an earthworm's body. These bristles help it to get a good grip on the surface of q ground.However these bristles donot provide good grip on plain glass tiles.

Earthworms have microscopic hairs or bristles all over their body which provide the necessary traction while movement. These bristles or setae are present on each segment of their body and it imparts the necessary grip or anchorage for forward and backward movement.

Tile is smooth in nature so earthworms cannot move as the setae will not get sufficient surface support to move the body.

Answer From Gauth Math

define ostia in science​



Ostia are tiny pores present all over the body of sponges. its function is to let the water, along with desire nutrient flows interior of the sponges.


An opening, a passage.


science - Anatomy

Many animals have a mutually-beneficial, symbiotic relationship with bacteria that reside in their guts. To study the effects of these relationships in more detail, research organisms such as fish and mice have been raised under germ-free conditions. What important process do you predict is compromised in germ-free mice




Quá trình tiêu hoá và hấp thụ chất dinh dưỡng

Explain the relationship of the structure of cell membrane molecules to the function of the cell membrane overall. You must discuss the structure/function relationship of at least 3 different molecules that compose the cell membrane.
Help me please



to protect the cell from its surroundings


I double checked my notes

Which of the following is NOT of the major biogeochemical cycles?

A.Life cycle
B.Water cycle
C.Carbon cycle
D.Phosphorus cycle


water cycle............

The following is NOT of the major biogeochemical cycles D.Phosphorus cycle is D.Phosphorus cycle.

What is the difference between Carbon cycle and Phosphorus cycle?

The major distinction among carbon and phosphorus cycle is that carbon cycle interacts with the environment while phosphorus cycle does now no longer engage with the environment. Therefore, the carbon cycle is a sort of gaseous biking while the phosphorus biking is a sort of sedimentary rocks.

As in comparison to nitrates & different macro elements, decomposers take longer time to decompose any lifeless biota into phosphates. Decomposers are organisms mainly a soil bacterium, fungus, or invertebrate, that decompose natural material. These are the motives for phosphorus cycle being the slowest biogeochemical cycle.

Read more about the Decomposers :



how many hearts does the octopus have ?​






Three hearts


One heart pumps blood throughout the body, while the other two pumps oxygen-rich blood through the gills.


Which chemical bond is most common in living things? a. ionic bond b. metallic bond C. covalent bond d. hydrogen bond​



hydrogen bond


i think because humans have water in the body that has hydroden maybe

Besides plants, what other factor distinguishes one biome from another biome?
(A) the number of plant species in the biome
(B) the variety of animal species
(C) average temperatures and precipitation
(D) geographic location


C) Average temperatures and precipitation
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