Which TWO events happened at the same time? plsssssssssssssssssssssss help brainlist if you get my question right please I beg youuuuu.​ you will get 14 ppints


Answer 1
I need to see the whole paragraph to answer this question

Related Questions

12. From the narrator's tone while describing Ann's house with the lanterns and candles burning, the
fire in the stove, and the dogs sleeping, it can be inferred that
A the narrator is visiting Ann's house for the first time.
B to survive winter on the mountain requires little thought or planning.
C the narrator embraces the primitive nature of life on the mountain.
D residents on the mountain keep to themselves during the winter.


D resdince of the mountain winter

Click to read the passage from "An Indian Father's Plea," by Medicine
Grizzlybear Lake. Then answer the question.
Based on this passage, what is the author's central argument?
O A. Wind-Wolf is the author's son.
B. The teacher is doing a great job.
O C. The author's son is the best student in the class.
D. The teacher has misjudged the son's abilities.



reading the passage it seems that the author is basically telling his son's teacher that he is a capable kid and hence cannot be a slow learner.

so I'd go with option. D.

the author's central argument is that The teacher has misjudged the son's abilities.


D. The teacher has misjudged the son's abilities.



What is the best way to draw conclusions as you read?
Identify key details, think about what you may know already about the subject, and ask yourself what more the author wants you to realize.
Read the article several times, decide if you know anything about the topic, and look for facts in the text to back up what you already know.
Read and summarize the text, decide what you are still wondering about the topic, and do some research to answer your questions.
Think about what may be true about the subject of the article, form your opinion about it, and do additional research to confirm your ideas.



the best way to draw a conclusion as you read is to know the key points in what you are are reading then close it with that


give the key points as the closing note

Answer: A


use the Underground Railroad to escape to freedom. Write journal entries describing the thoughts you would have, the difficulties you might run into, how you would try to handle those difficulties, the decisions you would have to make before leaving and along the way, the thoughts and feelings that would go into making those decisions, what makes those decisions difficult prezi


Dear Diary.

Thinking about my escape makes me nervous, scared, but hopeful. I know I need a good strategy to get away, because if I am captured, I will suffer the worst terrors imaginable. My main strategy is to run to escape during the night and dawn, as the environment is dark and this will make it difficult for anyone to see me. My movement will also be hampered by the lack of light, but this is a risk I was willing to take. During the day I will need to stay hidden and move very little because it will be easier for them to find me.

I also intend to avoid very busy roads and escape to more remote places with difficult access.

My biggest fear is not having enough physical strength to support this journey, for this reason, I have been collecting pieces of bread that I can eat to give me energy, until I reach a safe place, where I will be free.

My other fear is my psychological state. I know that I will be being hunted and for that reason, I fear that I will be very nervous and that I will be hindered by my own thoughts. For this reason, I have trained myself to think only about the taste of freedom and that I must risk everything to achieve it.

Need help ASAP!!!

Lord of the Flies

Given that many things that happen in our lives end this same way, do you think this story depicts the reality of life, or do you think the story would really end differently? If you think that this is reality and the book's ending cannot change, explain why. If you think this is not reality and there should be another ending tell what it should be​


The ending of this book cannot change the way that everyone starts going crazy by being on an island for so long alone pretty much would be that they have do crazy things that they’ve never really done before and get out of their comfort zone which makes him go crazy. They start killing each other hunting wild animals and torturing each other. Having A different ending to the story would just make it as if it was just another good story but no it shows the realty off what people can do when they’re crazy. ( might have to flx the grammar but yeah)

answer this question​


Unfortunately,we had to cancel it owing about the bad weather

Unfortunately, we had to cancel it owing about the bad weather.

The correct answer I think is “about”

How does king rebut his critics claim?



The best answer I can give is 'to compare and question the fairness of the laws in a counterclaim.'

Really hope this helps!


Read the following passage from the body paragraph in an analysis essay:
Thoreau argues that the best type of government is one that is
subordinate to the people. He supports this idea by saying, "Let
every man make known what kind of government would
command his respect, and that will be one step toward obtaining
What is the primary weakness of this passage?


The primary weakness of this passage is - The chosen quote does not directly support the claim.

Who was Thoreau?

During Thoreau's second year at Harvard, Ralph Waldo Emerson moved to Concord, and by the fall of 1837, the two had become friends. Emerson recognized a real pupil in Thoreau—one who would nevertheless be his own man and possess a high degree of Emersonian self-reliance. Emerson served as a mentor, a parent, and a friend to Thoreau.

Emerson lured people to Concord with his magnetic personality. New England Transcendentalism was born from their wild theories and confident declarations. With at least two authors of note—Thoreau, and Emerson—to its credit, it was one of the most important literary movements of 19th-century America

To read more about Thoreau, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/6590105


The question in about the Mississippi River can you please find me the answers


Answer: i wanna say the answer is the location


which of these sentences is an example of paradox
A My argument is right becasue i said do
B I'm between a rock and a hard place
C Her eyes were too earnest to be earnest
D Out of the frying pan into the fire


C. Her eyes were too earnest to be earnest

This is a paradox because of her eyes were too earnest to be earnest then her eyes weren’t earnest but threat means they were.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.




As a school prefect, write a letter to the newly appointed headmaster congratulating him and stating at least thre e urgent need of your school



Letter to the headmaster congratulating him and also telling him three things that the school need urgently.



The Headmaster

ABC Public School

New Delhi

12 May 2017

Subject: Some of the urgent needs of the school.

Respected Sir,

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on becoming the new Headmaster of our school. It is a pleasure to have you as the head of the school. I hope you will help our school achieve lots of success.

At the same time, I would also like to bring to your attention the urgent needs of the school that have been an underlying issue. One is that there is no library that the students can use for extracurricular activities as well as to refer to other books. Also, the school needs a good sound system for events like sports and other events. And lastly, there is also a need for a good scientific lab for the higher classes to conduct their practicals.

These issues, if resolved, will help elevate the school's condition and also help the students in their studies. This will also ensure that they are given the same level of education that other schools are given.

As the school's prefect, it is my hope that such issues are resolved.

Once again, welcome to the ABC Public School's family, and hoping to achieve greater heights under your leadership.

Yours respectfully,

Achin Sharma

School prefect.

Compare and contrast the genres of magical realism and fantasy. Explain how the genres are similar and how they are different.


The biggest difference between the two is that fantasy takes place in a world other than our own, whereas magical realism focuses on ordinary people going about their ordinary lives in an ordinary world. Magical realism is intentionally vague; people don't know why or how the magic works, it just does


The genres of magical realism and fantasy have some similarities and differences. Both genres present worlds with elements of magic or supernatural occurrences, but there are some differences.Magical realism is a genre that merges supernatural or magical elements with realistic characters and settings. The events in magical realism stories are often presented in a way that makes them feel plausible, even though they're not entirely realistic. In contrast, fantasy is a genre that focuses on entirely imaginary worlds and creatures that don't exist in reality.Similarities between magical realism and fantasy:Both genres rely on supernatural or magical elements in their stories. They both present worlds that are different from our own, and they often involve characters that possess special abilities or powers. In both genres, the reader is required to suspend disbelief to accept the magical elements of the story.Differences between magical realism and fantasy:One of the primary differences between the two genres is that magical realism is grounded in reality, while fantasy is not. Magical realism often takes place in the real world, with recognizable characters and settings, while fantasy takes place in entirely imaginary worlds. Additionally, magical realism often uses magical elements to explore real-world issues, while fantasy is more focused on creating entirely new worlds and creatures.


Select the sentences that use the hyphens correctly. (Select all that apply.)

John read a very long narrative.
My brother in-law is a lawyer.
Thirty-three students went to the tournament.
Mary is an ex-teacher from Lincoln High.
He that believes in the Son has ever-lasting life.
Tom liked to read about pre-Christian times.



Mary is an ex teacher from lincoln high


This is your answer hope its help

The harness-room at the end of the stables was broken open; the bits, the nose-rings, the dog-chains, the cruel knives with which Mr. Jones had been used to castrate the pigs and lambs, were all flung down the well. The reins, the halters, the blinkers, the degrading nosebags, were thrown on to the rubbish fire which was burning in the yard. So were the whips. All the animals covered with joy when they saw the whips going up in flames. –Animal Farm, George Orwell What are the purposes of the imagery in this passage



B) to emphasize the cruelty of humans

C) to create a sense of liberation

D) to underline the reasons for rebellion

E) to visualize the victory of the animals


Imagery is an individual's use of words to create a vivid mental picture for the audience or the reader.

The purposes of the imagery in this passage are to:

• emphasize the cruelty of humans.

• to create a sense of liberation.

• to underline the reasons for rebellion.

• to visualize the victory of the animals.

The imagery used far a vivid description of the things that happened in the Animal Farm.

Answer: B, C, D, E (all except A)


The harness-room at the end of the stables was broken open; the bits, the nose-rings, the dog-chains, the cruel knives with which Mr. Jones had been used to castrate the pigs and lambs, were all flung down the well. The reins, the halters, the blinkers, the degrading nosebags, were thrown on to the rubbish fire which was burning in the yard. So were the whips. All the animals capered with joy when they saw the whips going up in flames.

–Animal Farm,

George Orwell

What are the purposes of the imagery in this passage? Check all that apply.

to convey a sense of order

to emphasize the cruelty of humans

to create a sense of liberation

to underline the reasons for rebellion

to visualize the victory of the animals

biography of prithvi Narayan shan​



Maharajadhiraj Prithivi Narayan Shah was the last ruler of the Gorkha Kingdom and first monarch of Kingdom of Nepal. Prithvi Narayan Shah started the unification of Nepal. Shah proclaimed the newly unified Kingdom of Nepal as Asal Hindustan due to North India being ruled by the Islamic Mughal rulers. Wikipedia

Born: January 11, 1723, Gorkha Palace, Gorkha

Died: January 15, 1775, Devighat

Spouse: Queen Narendra of Nepal

Father: Nara Bhupal Shah

Mother: Kaushalyavati Devi

Coronation: 3 April 1743

Children: Pratap Singh Shah, Bahadur Shah of Nepal

Which of the following is an accumulation connective?

A. Hence
B. Furthermore
C. Likewise
D. Ultimately


I think is B...I'm not sure

The use of terms like 'furthermore' is done as the use of an accumulation connective. Hence, option B holds true.

What is the significance of an accumulation connective?

The use of a words or terms in order to emphasize or add details of the topic already mentioned in a passage is known as the use of an accumulation connective. It adds more details of the same topic of the passage, usually in the last sentence of the passage.

When additional information about the topic is to be further added to the passage, the word 'furthermore' is used. Thus, the word 'furthermore' is also an example of an accumulative connective.

Hence, option B holds true regarding the significance of an accumulation connective.

Learn more about an accumulation connective here:



which know hindi plz explain ​



I know hindi!


I really don’t know it but I can help if I can

Who proposes that Romeo and Juliet should be married in ROMEO AND JULIET



A. Juliet


I read the book

1. List the stages of the writing process as discussed in this study unit. 2. During the first stage of the writing process, you must define your _______, _______, and _______. 3. Name and briefly describe five pre-writing activities that can help you decide what to write about.



Topic, focus and working thesis.


During the first stage of the writing process, you must define your topic on which you write, focus of your writing and developing a working thesis. The first step of the writing process is our planning stage where we plan what to write and how it should be done. Listing, clustering, freewriting, looping, and asking the questions are the five pre-writing activities that can help you to decide what to write about.

After rereading the fragment with the comma splice, review the choices on the right and check the three correct ways to fix the comma splice.


The correct ways to fix the comma splice are:

We look at political documents, records, and historical agreements; they offer hints about life in the past;We look at political documents, records, and historical agreements because they offer hints about life in the past;We look at political documents, records, and historical agreements. They offer hints about life in the past.

What is a Comma Splice?

This refers to the improper use of commas in a sentence to join two independent clauses.

Hence, we can see that from the complete question, there is the use of comma splices that changed the sentence and can be corrected by using the right punctuations at the right moments.

Read more about comma splices here:



Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of verbs given in brackets. (2) Example: Today ....0..... his 50th birthday. Answer (0): was But he ....1....(have) become a pauper. He .....2.....(be) alone reflecting over his good old days. It was 9 pm. The bell .....3.....(ring). “Who .....4.....(can) be at such a time to visit a poor man?” thought Aggarwal​



1) has

2) was

3) rang

4) could

Hope that helps

Choose the underlined part that needs correction in the following ques . 20. Water from power stations may cause water in rivers and lakes hotter . A from B. stations C. cause D. rivers 21. Researchers haven't found out what has led in the pollution of the river A found B. what C. in pollution 22. At first had difficulty to understand my friends from English - speaking countries A. first B. had to understand D. from


The underlined parts that need correction are the following:

20. C. cause

21. C. in

22. C. to understand

20. The verb "cause" does not match the rest of the sentence - we cannot "cause something hotter". We can, however, "make something hotter," which would be the correct verb to use.21. The preposition "in" does not go with the verb "to lead", used in the sentence in the present perfect tense. The best preposition to be placed there is "to".22. After the phrase "have difficulty", the next verb should be used with -ing. In the sentence, the verb "to understand" is incorrect.

In conclusion. Each sentence has a different kind of error. The correct forms for each sentence are:

20. Water from power stations may make water in rivers and lakes hotter.

21. Researchers haven't found out what has led to the pollution of the river.

22. At first [I] had difficulty understanding my friends from English-speaking countries.

Learn more about prepositions here:


he was as brave as a lion is what example of which type of figurative language?





similie uses the phrases as ___ as a ___ OR ___like___

Which statement accurately describes the errors contained in this MLA citation?

There are punctuation errors.
There are capitalization errors.
The date accessed has been omitted.
The medium type has been omitted.



The date accessed has been omitted.


Answer: The date accessed has been omitted.

As the school prefect, write a letter to the newly appointed headmaster congratulating and stating at least 3 urgent needs of the school​



See explanation


Universal Model School,

90 Aba Owerri Road,


July 13, 2021.

The Headmaster,

Universal Model School,




It is with great joy that I write this letter of congratulations to you. We are happy to receive you in our school. We have heard of your wonderful record in your former school.

In this school, we have several challenges. Firstly, the restrooms for students are not in order. Most of us have to use the surrounding bushes as our convenience. This problem requires urgent attention.

Secondly, many students have become lazy towards their studies thereby leading to a drop in the standard of the school. This has caused the school to loose its reputation among schools in Aba.

Lastly, this school has an urgent need of a means of transportation for students coming from a distance. We have many students coming from very far regions of the city and they need a school bus to bring them to the school and take them home everyday.

We trust your capacity to fix these challenges as soon as possible.

Yours Faithfully,

Jude Njoku

School Prefect

Almost all parent want their childrent to get university degrees. Do you agree or disagree with this idea


I agree but you also shiuld support your children on what they want for theyre future even if its not about college.

Why is this a moment of dramatic irony?


it is dramatic irony due to how juliet is actually faking the interest in paris, and how laurance does now know that his plan to help juliet and romeo fails due to his friar friend not reaching romeo, and that none of the parents have a clue of whats going on.


The audience knows that juliet is not really dead , but the nurse does not


got it right

Identify the statement that uses a categorical claim?
Athletes never put studying first.
Martin is on the soccer team and studies often.
Kaitlyn is a swimmer and studies only when she is reminded.
Athletes sometimes put studying first.




The key words are never, often, only, sometimes.

Athletes never put studying first.

Martin is on the soccer team and studies often.

Kaitlyn is a swimmer and studies only when she is reminded.

Athletes sometimes put studying first.

The categorical claim is that

Athletes never put studying first.

Read the excerpt from Studies of Trees, by Jacob Levison.The pines are widely distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere, and include about 80 distinct species with over 600 varieties. The species enumerated here are especially common in the eastern part of the United States, growing either native in the forest or under cultivation in the parks. The pines form a very important class of timber trees, and produce beautiful effects when planted in groups in the parks.Which strategy does the author use in his choice of language to convey his message



a)facts and statements


just took the test

The strategy which the author use in his choice of language to convey his message are facts and statements.

What is Fact?

This refers to an established truth about something which cannot be disproven.

With this in mind and from the given text, we can see that there is a narration about the pines and we can see that the  strategy which the author use in his choice of language to convey his message are facts and statements.

Read more about Studies of Trees here:


John arrived. We began our meeting .

join this sentence ​


After john arrived we started the meeting.


John arrived so we began our meeting


Other Questions
Triangle plz help me find B,b and c 5894 divided by 14 step by step(Please help. I just wanna know if Im doing this right) The thin outer layer of the skin is called the _____.endodermisdermisfatty layerepidermis does anyone know this? Who is the king of Spain? state 2 function of the kidney Cute Camel Woodcraft Company is considering a one-year project that requires an initial investment of $500,000; however, in raising this capital, Cute Camel will incur an additional flotation cost of 6%. At the end of the year, the project is expected to produce a cash inflow of $700,000. The rate of return that Cute Camel expects to earn on the project after its flotation costs are taken into account is phn tch s bin i ca cu trc gia nh theo hng ht nhn ha c tc ng nh th no n chc nng chm sc ngi gi ca gia nh? vn dng l thuyt cu trc chc nng phn tch trn explain the working system of computer systems with examples A mis padres no les _____ hacer cola en el aeropuerto pero les _____ mucho los viajes en el extranjero.A. gusta, importanB. gusta, importa C. gustan, importanD. gustan, importa The equilibrium concentrations for the reaction between SO2 and O2 to formSO3 at a certain temperature are given in the table below. Determine theequilibrium constant and whether the reaction favors reactants, products, orneither at this temperature.O(g) +250 (9)2250 (9)[02][SO2)[S03)1.2 M0.80 M1.9 MA. K = 4.7; product favoredB. K = 0.51; product favoredC. K = 0.51; reactant favoredoD. K= 4.7; reactant favored please answer please someone help me Which detail is most important to include in a summary of the excerpt? A. Miep Gies did not like being called a hero, B. She risked her life to help the Franks, C. Providing refuge to Jews carried a punishment, D. She was knighted by two governments. Pls help im on a quiz on edge Where is syllable stressed in the word (important) A building is acquired on January 1, at a cost of $830,000 with an estimated useful life of eight years and salvage value of $75,000. Compute depreciation expense for the first three years using the double-declining-balance method. The United States of America was formed because he manager of a grocery store has taken a random sample of 100 customers. The average length of time it took the customers in the sample to check out was 3.1 minutes. The population standard deviation is known to be 0.5 minute. We want to test to determine whether or not the mean waiting time of all customers is significantly more than 3 minutes. Refer to Exhibit 9-2. At a .05 level of significance, it can be concluded that the mean of the population is _____. a. significantly less than 3 b. significantly greater than 3.18 c. significantly greater than 3 d. not significantly greater than 3 The master budget process usually begins with the (CMA adapted) Group of answer choices production budget. operating budget. financial budget. sales budget. The window pane was talking as the wind blew through is an example of which literary device?A. HyperboleB. SimileC. Personification Write a letter to your news paper editor, about a rough patch of road that is in need of repair near your house