phân tích sự biến đổi của cấu trúc gia đình theo hướng hạt nhân hóa có tác động như thế nào đến chức năng chăm sóc người già của gia đình? vận dụng lý thuyết cấu trúc chức năng phân tích đề trên


Answer 1
english? i don’t speak that lingo

Related Questions

what do u mean my religious rituals?​


I think this help you A religious ritual is any repetitive and patterned behavior that is prescribed by or tied to a religious institution, belief, or custom, often with the intention of communicating with a deity or supernatural power.

she is Absolutely right

What is the importance of the Rosetta Stone?
A. It had the basis of the Egyptian religion inscribed on it
B. It provided Ancient Egyptians with agricultural and tool making advice from earlier era
C. It allowed Ancient Egyptians to communicate with their trading neighbors
D. It allowed modern linguists decipher the Egyptian language




What are the function of molars and premolars teeth (And give me a correct answer)


Unlike your incisors and canines, premolars have a flat biting surface. You have eight premolars in total. Molars - Your molars are your largest teeth. Their function is similar to that of the premolars, to grind, tear, and crush food.

Name a company that seems large but might be classified as small because it has relatively little impact on its industry.



Name a company that seems large but might be classified as small because it has relatively little impact on its industry.

The Motors T, Inc. Despite having sales that exceed $200–300 million annually, they barely make any impact on the economy. They appear to be a huge corporation but are actually considered little because they have little impact on their industry.

Which companies can be classified as small-size companies?

The number of workers in the manufacturing sector is used to calculate as an indicator. A legal entity that has the authority to conduct business on its own, such as the ability to sign contracts, own property, amass debts, and open bank accounts, is said to have an enterprise.

According to their size, businesses can be categorized into a variety of groups; the most common criterion used for this is the number of employees. Less than 250 individuals work for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

SMEs are further split into micro enterprises (less than 10) small enterprises (between 10 and 49), and medium-sized enterprises (between 50 and 99 people) (50 to 249 employees). 250 or more workers are employed by large businesses.

Learn more about Small size companies, from:


You send a team of observers and station one at each machine in your plant. The machinist believes they are studying productivity, while actually they are measuring social interaction between the machinists in order to determine the natural leader. This is an example of



Partial concealment


The types of psychological measures. It includes;

1. Observational methods

2. Physiological measures

3. self-report measures

4. archival methods

Observational Methods

This is simply said to be an approach that is used to measure behavior of humans and non-humans and it is said to measures based on direct observation. Researchers usses different means of where and how to measure behavior through the use of observations.

Concealed Measurement

This is simply the use of hidden tools such as a recording device that is hidden so as to eavesdrops on conversations of people.

Disguised observation

This is simply a form of observation where an individual observes people's behavior without their knowledge. This form of observation raises some ethical issues as it violate privacy of people and their rights to decide whether they want to participate in research that is informed consent.

Partial concealment strategy

This is simply the act of informing people or subject to know that they are being observed, but not telling them the full information about which precise aspects are being recorded or sorted.

It is also defined as a observation strategy where the researcher withhold only who or what is being observed or some vital information.

Having good form means expending just the right amount of energy during a sport or activity. Think about the sport you chose. Give an example of how poor form can use too much of your energy during the activity. What happens when that energy is gone


Answer: An example is football, when footballers experience poor form, most times due to injury or weight gain, they become lethargic


Poor form can be frustrating, you put in much energy but little or no result to show. An example is football, when footballers experience poor form, most times due to injury or weight gain, they become lethargic, they put in much energy but are still slow. They'll need to do more exercise or improve game plan to boast their game and in turn convert energy to gain.


One example of poor form in long-distance running is dropping a hip and rocking side to side as you run. A person’s hips carry a lot of the body’s weight. It takes energy to move them. The goal of running is to move forward. If your hips are going dropping or rocking side to side, that is energy that could be used to move yourself forward. It’s wasted energy. If you use up that energy, you’ll get tired a lot quicker.



define energy and write its importance​



the capacity for doing work is known as ENERGY


Energy is so important in our daily lives because it is a basic human need. We use energy to not only heat our human-made structures but we use it to cool them as well. Energy is necessary for getting up out of bed, walking down the street, or even lifting your finger


Energy is the ability to do work.

The importance of energy are:

It is used in lights and appliances.

It is used in machine to run it, vehicles to fly, and boats to sail.

We get solar energy from the sunlight and sun which can help us to produce electricity.

We can use energy for transportation, garbage collection, agriculture and communication in societies.

hope it help you.

The west (Describe facts and details about the Northeast that make it different or unique.) (Name of a cultural landmark in the Northeast.) (Explain why this landmark is important to the Northeast.)

i neeed helpppp


Answer: (Interesting Facts about the States in the West Region: This region has both the least populous state in the United States, which is Wyoming, and the most populous U.S. State, California. The West Region has numerous large cities. In fact the second largest city in the U.S., which is Los Angeles, is located there..)


Cultural landmark - (A cultural landmark in the West is the  Hoover Dam in Nevada.)

Why this landmark is important to the west - (The  Hoover Dam in Nevada is important to the West because it is the most famous landmark in Nevada and because of its size and because it supplies so much water to Nevada some men made it fall off.)

what are the means of electricity​



a form of energy resulting from the existence of changed particles(such as electron's or protons), either statically as an accumulation of change or dynamically as a current.


( power) (electric power) (energy) (current) (static)

He _all his past bitter experiences. (had forgotten/has forgotten)​


He has forgotten all his past ......... experience

कस्ता कस्ता पदर्थलाई लागू पदर्थ भानिन्छ?

What kinds of substances are called drugs ?

Plz try to answer in nepali if possible​


Those substances or medicines which are used without taking consultant or prescription of any doctor or medical expert or pharmacist, just for personal enjoyment or relaxation are called drugs.

Drugs are medicine but used not for any medicinal purposes.

You can copy this and translate in Nepali

Need help with this question




a. condenses and evaporates

b. vapour

c. water

A: Evaporates, Vapour
B: Condenses
C: Water

roles of foreign employment in nepal.explain




The importance of foreign employment in Nepal can be stated as below: It has reduced the problems of unemployment. It has earned remittance. It has increased the national income and thus investment.

Several days into the study, some of the students in the math-based reading program were getting frustrated by the frequent questions from their teacher. The students wanted to see the story in the books progress quickly, and they began acting out. The teacher decided it was best to either let these students join the control reading program or to try reading on their own in a different part of the classroom. Thus these students no longer participated in the math-based reading program. The researchers found that students in the math-based reading program performed much better on the PICO post-test than students in the control reading program. Which internal validity threat is most likely occurring in this scenario



The internal validity threat that is most likely occurring in this scenario is:

Selection threat.


Selection threat or bias results from how groups were selected for the test, especially when the different groups were not comparable before the study.  For example, some of the students were frustrated by the frequent questions from their teacher.  They wanted quick progress, and as a result, started acting out.  Grouping these students together as a control group creates a threat called a selection bias or selection threat.  It shows that any other factor (reading on their own and no participation in the math-based reading program) than the reading program leads to the post-test differences between the groups.

'Every man has to lead for humanity as much as he/she can. Serving the people is helping the society and nation to grow up.' Justify the statement with examples​


If all the people in the world help each other the world can become a better place.

Dylan has a coworker who is always showing up late and then not finishing his work on time. It's frustrating the other members of the team. What can he do that might help the situation? a) Complain about the coworker to other team members b) Ask his coworker if he understands his job responsibilities c) Tell his boss that the coworker is slacking off d) Complete his coworker's work for him


option b is best

snitching won't help

Forward reasons why national flag is regarded as national oride​




Because it represent the culture, people, values of a country. Therefore it represent the country and its pride

"We should be able to provide the appropriate materials by June of next
year" would be an example of a




We can classify the sentence shown above as a qualifier. That's because the term "qualifier," refers to a sentence (or a word, in some cases) that has the ability to attribute a characteristic, or a quality, an ability to something or someone.

In the sentence shown above, you can see that the speaker is assigning a characteristic to a group of people, when he informs you that this group will be able to provide suitable materials for a certain activity. This ability to provide adequate materials is what makes us realize that this sentence is an example of a qualifier.

More information in the link:

prepare a conversation about child trafficking including its cause and solution ​


Answer:eseos y capacidades de comunicación diferentes, aunque tengan la misma edad pueden presentar un desarrollo normal del lenguaje. ¿Sabes lo que necesitas saber para mantener una conversación con tu hijo? Conocer en profundidad el estilo comunicativo de cada niño es clave para establecer una fluida interacción que permita que el lenguaje emerja y aumente cada día más.  

Mucho más aún, se debe tener en cuenta este perfil, en aquellos casos en los cuales el inicio del lenguaje fue tardío, presenta desafíos en el desarrollo del lenguaje primarios (trastorno especifico del lenguaje) o secundarios (trastorno del espectro autista, déficit de atención e hiperactividad, trastornos cognitivos y sensoriales), ya que se necesitarán herramientas que se adapten especialmente para aumentar su lenguaje.espero ábrete ayud ado

Anna is terrified of riding the elevator. Whenever she gets near she feels hot and sweaty. She has taken to avoiding the elevator at all costs, even if it means a big walk up the stairs. Her avoidance of elevators has become habitual and she has even avoided going to meetings in buildings where she might have to ride in an elevator.

Is this an example of classical or operant conditioning?



This is an example of operant conditioning.


This development of fear and eventually a phobia of elevators in Anna is associated with operant conditioning.

Slate thru functions of stem.​




Support for and the elevation of leaves, flowers and fruits. ...

Transport of fluids between the roots and the shoots in the xylem and phloem(see below)

Storage of nutrients.

Production of new living tissue

solve this pls p uhuvu​



Nepal is a similar to garden were different types of flowers are grown. The fragrance of these flowers enchant the whole garden making and pleasant. Nepal is considered as beautiful garden because of its immense beauty . Nepal is comparable to a garden where divers types of flowers are grown. Nepal is a beautiful country which has rich culture and amazing history. There are 126 caste/ethnic groups reported in the census 2011.

I hope it will help.

Please make me as brilliant answer.


As we know Nepal is known as the garden of natural beauty.Here are many types of plants,trees,flowers etc. Here are many types of animals,birds etc.We can see huge huge himalayas and hills as well as terais. We can find different types of weather here such as very cold ,moderate,warn and very hot. We can find different types of medicine plants here. We can see different castes,religion and culture. Here are different types of history places such as temples,old styles houses etc. Here we can find different religion,caste, culture, humans,plants, trees, places so we can say 'Nepal is a beautiful garden.'

Trong các xí nghiệp không phải độc quyền, tại sao phần lớn các nhà tư bản công
nghiệp phải nhường một phần giá trị thặng dư cho nhà tư bản thương nghiệp để nhà
tư bản thương nghiệp thực hiện chức năng lưu thông?




During the 1960s and 1970s, controversy and debate erupted among social psychologists, much of which centered on the issue of.

A. The soul
B. Social justice
C. Funding for treatment
D. Laboratory experimentation


The answer is c just took it
The answer is c just because it is

which type of climate do you prefer to live in why give reason ​



Moderate climate.. more than a sunny day. Because it is very suitable to live in. No heavy rain, no heat and not very cold.

why does the country like Nepal need federalism? how does it help to address the diversity?​



Nepal is a geographically, culturally and ethnically diverse country so, people from all background can get equal respect, rights and opportunities.It will decentralize the power so people can exercise all the rights and services from their local area.


Federal System of government, I think, is actually not suitable for a small country like Nepal but as for now let us assume that it is important.

It will also reduce the stress and pressure on the central government as the state and local government will administer their respective areas.

Think of one behavior that used to be a considered legal/moral deviance in the past that today is more likely to be seen as a medical condition. Then, answer the following questions:

a. What is this behavior?
b. Who responded to this behavior (police, community, therapist, teacher...) in the past and who responds to it presently (you might want to do some online research on this if you don't know; just make sure to cite your source)?
c. How was this behavior dealt with in the past, and how is it dealt with in the present?



a. Sexism

b. Community responded to it in the past and then parents and teachers responded to it in the present

[Note: This is my own personal reasoning and not any online research]

1. Anh, Chị hãy trình bày những nội dung cốt lõi, những vấn đề mới trong văn kiện Đại hội XIII của Đảng


I dont know this answer please tell

Jamila was raised in a different country from her coworkers, and she often finds their mannerisms unfamiliar. Which of the following strategies would be most helpful for Jamila as she deals with these confusing nonverbal behaviors?
a. Focus on body movements.
b. Consider the social situation.
c. Avoid highly expressive people.
d. Use chronemics.
e. Concentrate on touch behaviors.


The correct answer is B. Consider the social situation.


Mannerism is a facial gesture or body expression that conveys an implicit message and is characteristic of a specific region or area. Mannerisms are forms of communication through brief gestures. According to the above, Jamila can determine the mannerisms meanings of his companions by considering the social situation in which they used them because these gestures are usually complementary and the main message can be understood by analyzing the situation or context. So the correct answer is B.

Psychological characteristics of Thai tourists





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