Which two of these elements are found in the Hopi story?


Answer 1


1. culture differences between the Hopi and spainards

2. Tradition of Hopi people

Actually it's from web

Related Questions

What is meant by green revolution?​



They are live on V T.V !!!!!!!!!! they are without makeup


large increase in crop production in developing countries achieved by the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and high-yield crop varieties.


a dramatic rise in concern about the environment in industrialized countries.


I hope it will help you

Help me :(

What are the no una, verbs and adjectives?

1. The brown dog ran away from our house.
2. The child plays at the hot beach.
3. The big house on my street was painted.
4. He ate a good cheeseburger with Diana.
5. They went to school by yellow taxi.
6. We picked purple flowers in the field.
7. They drank soda in the small cafeteria.
8. The blue birds fly to Florida.



Adjectives, noun and verb

1. brown, dog, house, ran

2. hot, child, beach, plays

3. big, house, street, was painted

4. good, he, cheeseburger, Diana, ate

5. yellow, they, taxi, went

6. purple, we, flowers, field, picked

7. small, they, soda, cafeteria, drank

8. blue, birds, Florida, fly


Nouns are words that identifies a person, place or thing. There are also pronouns like he, they and we but I don't know if you also want those as they can also be classified as nouns. Adjectives are words that describe a noun. It tells you how it's shape or how it looks. They're also adverbs but those describe a verb. A verb is a word that tells you what the noun does. For a sentence to be a complete sentence it has to have a verb and a noun. Also, even tough you said nouns I am not sure if you want the subject noun or not so I put all them. The complete subjects are the first ones.

Write any four legitimate means of earning money. (Bring Yourself to Account Grade: 6 Islamic Studies)



Get a career

start an online business ?


write a few sentences about muvaloor ramamirtham in english ​


Moovalur Ramamirtham (1883 - 1962) was a Tamil social reformer, author, and political activist of the Dravidian Movement, who worked for the abolition of the Devadasi system in the Madras Presidency. She was born in Thiruvarur, and was brought up at moovalur a village near mayiladhuthurai.hence she was called commonly known as moovalur ramamirtham ammaiyar. 

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
Which of the following is the most precise claim to introduce the passage?
James Naismith: Inventor of Basketball
upbringing was modest; he grew up in Canada as an orphan living with an aunt and uncle. He had many responsibilities as a child and
didn't do well in school, but he was always a leader in outdoor and athletic activities. The leadership Naismith demonstrated among his
childhood peers continued as he grew into adulthood.
Naismith came to the United States to teach at Springfield College in Massachusetts. While he was teaching there, the head of the
physical education department challenged him to dream up a game that could keep a class of rowdy young men active and engaged
throughout the cold winter months. Naismith had to think of something that would encourage everyone to play and keep them active
without being too rough with each other.



Though James Naismith struggled with academics, his leadership skills helped him invest one of the greatest sports: basketball.


its the answer. got it right

Read the scenario. A group of four friends are in class together. They are all members of the school band. After class, one member of the group asks the others if they want to discuss where to have their next practice. All four members decide this is a good idea. Two of the friends suggest their houses for the practice. All members of the group vote on where to have the practice. Which statement best describes the discussion? It is an informal discussion because the people could participate without preparing in advance. It is an informal discussion because the members are using diction appropriate to the topic. It is a formal discussion because the members voted on where to have the practice. It is a formal discussion because the conversation is taking place in a classroom.



It is an informal discussion because the people could participate without preparing in advance.


An informal discussion is one that takes place without proper planning. This type of discussion is carried out suddenly to resolve situations without major impacts. None of the members of the informal discussion were submitted to rules, or needed to study and prepare for the discussion, as it ends quickly and only needs simple and direct answers. An example of this can be seen in the question above, where a group of friends quickly decide where they can rehearse for the school band. This discussion established between them was carried out without planning or regulations. In addition to being completed quickly and not having a big impact. This succeeds in proving that this situation is an example of informal discussion.

can anyone please give me some poetry examples?



“By the shore of Gitchie Gumee,

By the shining Big-Sea-Water,

At the doorway of his wigwam,

In the pleasant Summer morning,

Hiawatha stood and waited…”


"Death, be not proud, though some have called thee

Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;

For those whom thou think’st thou dost overthrow

Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.

From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,

Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,

And soonest our best men with thee do go,

Rest of their bones, and soul’s delivery."

Brainly plz!

If I asked you to look at the turret, what would you be looking at?
C. a river
b. a small tower extending over a building d. an Irish soldier
a car
Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Save and Exit


Answer: B


A turret is a small tower that projects vertically from the wall of a castle, typically a medieval one.

Here is an image:

Select the correct text in the passage.

The excerpt is taken from Patrick Henry's famous "Give me liberty or give me death" speech to the Second Virginia Convention in 1775. Which sentence suggests that Patrick Henry believed British rule in the American colonies was tyrannical?

No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do, opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely, and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. {The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country.} {For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery;} and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfil the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. {Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offence, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country}, and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.

Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. {We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts.} Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? {For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.}



"We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts."


15 pts + BRAINLIEST!!

What is the central idea?

A. The narrator is trying to figure out which kind of writing she’d like to do for a career.

B. The narrator is not sure whether she wants to be a writer or pursue a different career.

C. The narrator decided to stay at her part-time job after she graduated college.

D. The narrator does not yet have the responsibilities of someone at a “real” job.

The previous spring, I’d taken up my boss on his offer and stayed at my part-time job through the summer after college. He gave me more hours, so I was making more money, but I didn’t yet have the responsibility of a “real” job. I’d been an English major and wanted to be a writer, though I had no idea what kind of writer. I’d taken the summer to think about things and prepare for a fall job search.

(I'm leaning towards A. just checking)





I also think its A,judging from the passage shes trying to figure out what she wants to do

How does the description "Careless she is with artful care, / Affecting to seen unaffected" characterize the women in the poem?



The description characterizes women as sneaky and malicious beings who act conscientiously to deceive those around them.


The lines presented in the above question are from the poem "Amoret" written by William Congreve, where he makes constant use of paradox to show the difference in how women act and how they really are. According to the poem, women act in a naive, shy, and careless way to convey an image of fragility and enchant those around them, however all these actions are coldly planned in a malicious and sneaky way, as women are the opposite of that.

Which excerpts from Queen Elizabeth's Response to Parliament's Request That She Marry rely on a rhetorical appeal to logos to persuade her audience that even if she produced an heir it would not guarantee England's prosperity or safety? Select two options.

A. I give you all my hearty thanks for the good zeal and loving care you seem to have.
B. You may well assure yourselves, my meaning is not to determine any thing.
C. I always continued in this determination, although my youth and words may seem to some hardly to agree together, yet is it most true.
D. The realm shall not remain destitute of any heir that may be a fit governour, and peradventure more beneficial to the realm.
E. For though I be never so careful of your well-doing, and mind ever so to be, yet may my issue grow out of kind, and become perhaps ungracious.

please answer if you confirmed actually got it correct on test.


Answer:D. The realm shall not remain destitiute of any heir that may be a fit governour, and peradventure more beneficial to the realm.

E. For though I be never so careful of your well doing and mind ever so be, yet may my issue grow out of kind and perhaps become ungracious.


From the selected options, while Queen Elizabeth is mindful of the need for a royal heir, she states any offer spring by her will not prevent calamities upon England.

The two excerpts from Queen Elizabeth's Response to Parliament's Request are in options D & E. Hence, Options (D) & (E) are correct.

Queen Elizabeth asserts that the realm will not be left without a suitable heir who can govern and potentially benefit the country.

By emphasizing the availability of capable successors, she implies that the mere act of producing an heir does not guarantee England's prosperity or safety.

This logical reasoning challenges the assumption that her marriage and producing an heir are necessary for the welfare of the realm.

Queen Elizabeth employs logos by stating that even if she is diligently concerned about the well-being of her people and intends to continue doing so, there is a possibility that her issue (offspring) could deviate from expected behavior or become ungracious.

Thus, this line of reasoning suggests that simply having an heir does not guarantee the desired outcome for England's future.

Learn more about Queen Elizabeth here:



Read and look at this graphic from citizenship. what is the authors main purpose in describing some citizens as robots?



to state that good citizenship requires acting and thinking independently


just took the quiz




For Sicily, Odysseus lands on an island and took a couple of his men, and very strong wine given to him by other kings from other lands, and went to explore and search for food when they stumbled upon a cave. Outside the cave there were rams and goats and when they walked into the cave there was milk, cheese, and bread scattered all over. The ate and drank until they heard someone coming back to the cave. They hid in a corner and watching as a giant Cyclops came in with his rams and sheep, and closed the cave door. The cyclops lit a huge fire not noticing Odysseus and his men, but after a while he did. he laughed and kept them there for nights eating a couple men every night. Eventually when there was only a couple men left, Odysseus remember the wine. For nights he forged a hot wooden stake and the last night left a bowl of wine out and told the giant it was an offering. The giant drank it with pleasure and asked Odysseus what his name was, and with that Odysseus cleverly said "Nobody, My name is Nobody."  He then dunked the stake into the fire and threw it in the giant's one eye. The giant screamed and when his brothers heard they asked who was hurting him, and he screamed, "Nobody! Nobody is hurting me! My brothers help!" With that they left, thinking he was fine. the next morning the giant lifted the heavy door to let his sheep out, and Odysseus and his men rode under the rams and sheep for freedom at last. As they got to the ships the giant realized what they did, and Odysseus called out, "If anyone asked who blinded you, say it was The Great Odysseus!"


The book is called the wanderings of Odysseus. This is not straight from the book but yet a summary of that chapter. Hope it helps. I'm pretty sure 6 men plus Odysseus were all that were left of those who left the ship.



Land of the Cicones who fought with the Trojans. They raid it for supplies but are driven off and lose 6 men per ship (72 total)

Lotus Eaters-

After Ismarus, they end up on the Island of the Lotus Eaters where he has to drag his men away after they ate the enchanted food

Sicily (Cyclops)-

They also encounter the Cyclops (Polyphemus) who traps them in his cave and eats 6 more of Odysseus' men.Odysseus blinds Polyphemus and pretends to be Nobody while his men sneak out covered in sheep woolPolyphemus calls on Poseidon to curse Odysseus and make sure he never returns home

Aeolis (Wind God)-

Aeolis gives Odysseus a bag of wind but tells him to use it carefully

Laestrygonia (Cannibals)-

When they land here, the Laestrygonians capture and kill all the ships except for the one Odysseus is on.

Aeaea (Circe)-

The men open Odysseus' bag of wind from Aeolis and it sends them to CirceCirce turns some of Odysseus' men into pigs while she and Odysseus are a thing (have sex) for about a yearShe returns his men to normal and and sends him into the underworld

Land of the Dead-

Odysseus sees his mother and meets Teiresias Teiresias tells him that he will make it home but none of his men will

Aeaea (Circe pt. 2)-

Circe warns them of the Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis


Odysseus wants to hear the Sirens so he makes his men all plug their ears and tie him to the mast of the shipThey make it through unscathed

Charybdis and Scylla-

They must go past bothCirce tells him that Charybdis could take them all down whereas Scylla will only take  few of his men Odysseus decides to stick near Scylla's cliffs and loses 6 more men

We Lived Happily During the War

And when they bombed other people’s houses, we
but not enough, we opposed them but not
enough. I was
in my bed, around my bed America
was falling: invisible house by invisible house by invisible house.
I took a chair outside and watched the sun.
In the sixth month
of a disastrous reign in the house of money
in the street of money in the city of money in the country of money,
our great country of money, we (forgive us)
lived happily during the war.

1. Title/Author of the poem:

2. What is the subject of the poem?

3. Describe the speaker of the poem? Is the speaker involved in the action or outside of the action?

4. Does the poem represent the speaker’s feelings at a particular moment in time or does it seem the speaker has had a chance to reflect on the significance of events?

5. Identify and briefly explain the tension/conflict in the poem.

6. How is the poem organized? Where do the shifts come?

7. What is the most important line or sentence in the poem? Why?

8. Do you notice any poetic devices used in the poem? In what lines do they appear? (Metaphor, simile, apostrophe, personification, etc.)

9. Is there any imagery that stands out to you?

10. What is the message or theme of this poem?


i think is warpeom on the makshya that is life in makshya

Civil Disobedience Project
Create a presentation for combating a modern injustice. 
Call to Action
In your call to action presentation, answer the following questions for your prescribed act of civil disobedience:  What policy or law am I protesting and why?
How am I choosing to passively resist? What are my methods?
Am I alone in the act or part of an organization?
What could be (or are) the consequences of my action, both positive and negative?
How do others, including my family and peers, view the act I am committing? What are my motivations for committing the act?
Are they truly altruistic, or am I seeking something for myself?
What was achieved by the act? Did I receive publicity, recognition or notoriety?
Did the action largely go unnoticed?
Was a law or policy changed as a result? Was I successful in bringing attention to the issue?
What was the experience like as a whole? Was breaking the law worth what was accomplished?
Am I a better person for it now? Given the chance, would I do it again?
Should be of your work cited from all documentation.​




Argument essay
Topic is * Is online education effective?
Help please help



Online learning is giving people new choices and newfound flexibility with their personal learning and development. Whereas before, formal academic qualifications could only be gained by participating in a full time course on site, the internet has allowed institutions to expand their reach and offer recognized courses on a contact-partial, or totally virtual, basis.

There is another argument that is very difficult to dispel, and that is the response of different types of students to the online learning paradigm. Evidence shows that there are certain groups of students that benefit from college distance learning much more than other groups. In essence, students must be highly motivated and highly disciplined if they are to learn effectively in their own private environment.

Linda's accent it seems, to me is fake. Is this sentence correctly punctuated?



I don't think this is correctly punctuated


When Kaitlin got to Patrick's apartment, she took a look around and saw several half-filled cans of soda and some cooked chicken breasts that had gone bad in a pan in the kitchen. She also noticed that all of the lights and televisions were on and that Patrick wasn't home. What character trait does Patrick exhibit?





his behavior is not careful and he doesn't care about he things in his apartment

The one character trait that has to be exhibited by Patrick is careless. Hence, Option A is correct.

What is character?

Characters in fiction are individuals or other beings who appear in stories. It is possible to distinguish between a "real" and "fictional" character depending on whether the character is wholly imaginary or is based on a real-life person.

A person's character can be used to describe their personality. As an illustration, if someone is described as having a peculiar character, they actually mean this. He is such a wonderful character because of his courage and tenacity.

Our character makes us who we are. Therefore, we frequently assess someone's character when passing judgment on them. When Kaitlin arrived at Patrick's apartment, she looked around and noticed a number of drink cans that were only halfway full.

As well as some cooked chicken breasts that were stale in a skillet in the kitchen. Along with the fact that Patrick wasn't home, she also observed that all of the lights and televisions were on.

Therefore, option A  is correct.

Learn more about character from here:



write a couple of paragraph writing your plans and intention that you are going to when you will be meet your teachers and friends physically


The paragraph is in the screenshot, it has 146 words in total.

Which of the following would you need to pass with a grade of C or better to
earn college credit?
A. A course offered by the College Board
B. A traditional course
O C. A dual enrollment course
D. An AP course



C. A dual enrollment course


The purpose of learning about your audience, asking questions before presenting, and analyzing the diversity of your audience is to be able to:



tailor your speech to meet the audience's needs


Audience analysis is the term that is used to describe the process of analyzing the audiences beliefs, thoughts, perception and interests before delivering any speech before them. This helps in better representation of the ideas of the speaker by given the appropriate references. Understanding the audiences perspective is also important to help in better delivery of ideas and speech and in proper manner.

What issues are you interested in speaking out about? How can you get involved in a direct action about that issue?






This is a question that you need to answer by yourself because it is about topics YOU are interested in. Topics that you might be interested in speaking about are racism, woman's rights, and environmental issues. There are also so many issues going on in the world, that you can find if you look it up. A way you can get directly involved is to create posters, participate in protests or write online articles.

A.) Read the beginning of Jason's argumentative speech on the use of Internet slang and answer the question.

The use of acronyms, or abbreviations, is not new. In fact, there are examples of the use of acronyms that date back to antiquity. Ancient scribes had a daunting enough task without having to write out every word. The Christian Church has inscribed the acronym INRI, which stands for the Latin Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum ("Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews") over the crucifix for centuries. American and European corporations discovered long ago that it is easier to remember three letters than it is to remember three names. During the twentieth century, there was an upsurge in the use of acronyms that corresponded with the introduction of highly technical vocabulary. The tendency to shorten has an established history and many of these abbreviations have even found their way into the dictionary. Today, the use of time-saving abbreviations provides the language of internet and other wireless communication. But should it? Unlike in the past, this shortening does not represent a natural and necessary progression of language change. Internet slang is a manifestation of two much more serious problems with modern society— intellectual laziness and too little time.

Which sentence would provide the best transition into the counterargument paragraph of this essay?

1- OMG! don't we have bigger problems as a society than taking a few short-cuts when it comes to communication?

2- Until recently, the use of acronyms could be justified in most contexts.

3- Many would argue that there is no harm in populating our communication with OMGs and LOLs given their widespread use.

4- Intellectual laziness is a treatable disease, while finding more time is much more challenging.
B.) Read this excerpt from Jason's persuasive speech and answer the question.

The main reason for using a slang unique to the Internet is to make communication easier.

Which revision would add supporting evidence to best strengthen Jason's claim?

1.) Add this sentence to the above excerpt: However, there is some debate about how internet slang influences everyday language.

2.) Add this sentnece to the above excerpt: Studies suggest that saving a few keystrokes can both reduce stress and lead to more productivity.

3.) Add this sentence to the above excerpt: However, while Internet slang shortcuts save time for the writer, according to at least one study they take two times as long for the reader to understand.

4.) Add this sentence to the above excerpt: Only strict grammarians object, arguing that Internet slang is a degradation of standard usage.



Which sentence would provide the best transition into the counterargument paragraph of this essay?

3. Many would argue that there is no harm in populating our communication with OMGs and LOLs given their widespread use.

Which revision would add supporting evidence to best strengthen Jason's claim?

2. Add this sentence to the above excerpt: Studies suggest that saving a few keystrokes can both reduce stress and lead to more productivity.


For the first question, we must first understand what Jason's claim is. That can be found at the end of his introductory paragraph:

"Internet slang is a manifestation of two more serious problems with modern society - intellectual laziness and too little time."

Now, we must find a sentence to introduce a counterargument. A counterargument is an idea that opposes the argument. The argument claims that internet slang usage is a problem. The counterargument must state the contrary. The sentence that does that is number 3: "Many would argue that there is no harm in populating our communication with OMGs and LOLs given their widespread use." This sentence is basically stating that internet slang is not a problem.

For the second question, we need to choose the option the adds supporting evidence to the excerpt. In other words, we choose the option that agrees with and complements the excerpt. The excerpt states that slang makes communication easier. The only option that agrees with that is number 2. All the other options offer information or present ideas that go against that opinion. Sentence 2, however, explains that slang makes communication less stressful.

Which two sentences state and restate the author’s thesis? the sentences that are underlined are the ones you can pick from :)



Options 2 and 5


Option 2 Is the thesis statement because it is located in the introductions and it talks about what we are going to read in the subsequent paragraphs. In the conclusion, Option 5 restates the thesis to help us recap on what we have read.

Question 3 of 10
What are the two things you should notice at the beginning of every lesson?
A. Checkups and practices
B. Topic questions
C. Tests and quizzes
D. Key terms and lesson objectives



D. Key terms and lesson objective

C. Test and quizzes

please help if i don't do this I will get held back ;(



I think A, B, C (first 3). The last 2 dont seem particularly helpful to the diversity problem in my opinion




i think its after an explosion on apollo 13, the astronauts took shelter in the lunar module

if its not right so advance sorry :)

The explosion occurred on apalo 13

who gets along good with two bit from outsiders



He gets along well with Marcia.


In “The Rockpile” by James Baldwin, how does the setting influence the way Gabriel and Elizabeth raise their children?


Mark Brainliest please


Their fear of danger causes them to impose strict rules on their children.

James Baldwin's short story "The Rockpile" tells the story of how a young family's approaches t their parenting techniques led to the fateful incident of one of their son's injury. The parents Gabriel and Elizabeth's approach of strictly dominating their children's lives had led to the ensuing incident.
The setting of the story is in a house from where the boys can see the 'rockpile' which they are prohibited from ever visiting. From the start of the story, we find the mother telling the boys to "stay away from (the rockpile)". This strict approach resulting from their fear of them coming "home bleeding like a hog every day the Lord sends" causes them to impose strict restrictions on their involvement and interactions with friends.
Other Questions
I dont really understand these RJM Enterprises is a manufacturer of consumer electronics products. The industry is very competitive, and RJM has seen its profits fall in recent years, including an operating loss of $16,328 last year. RJM was able to turn that around this year by aggressively cutting costs. The summarized financial results for RJM are shown below: How do people in your country protect thier jewelry? IELTS Speaking part 1 The Coffee Counter charges $8.00 per pound for Kenyan French Roast coffee and $10.00 per pound for Sumatran coffee. How much of each type should be used to make an 18 pound blend that sells for $9.00 per pound?The Coffee Counter should mix ___ pounds of Kenyan Roast coffee and ___ pounds of Sumatran coffee to make 18 pounds of a blend that sells for $9.00 per pound. the acceleration of a moving vehicles is 10 metre per second square what does it means In the triangles, GK PN and HG 2MP.Which statement correctly compares the angles?HMAngle G is congruent to angle P.O Angle G is smaller than angle P.O Angle G is larger than angle P.O Angle G is congruent to angle N.32 cm40 cmGKPN distance= 10km due West in 1hour calculate the velocity What is microorganisms Determine whether the following equation defines y as a function of x.x + y = 27Does the equation x + y = 27 define y as a function of x?O Yes $12.80 nearest cent these marbles are placed in a bag and two of them are randomly drawn. what is the probability of drawing two blue marbles if the first marble is placed back in the bag before the second draw Red Co. recorded a right-of-use asset of $140,000 in a 10-year finance lease. Payments of $22,784 are made annually at the end of each year. The interest rate charged by the lessor and known by Red was 10%. The balance in the lease payable after two years will be: (Round your final answer to the nearest whole dollar.) Which points are solutions to the system of inequalities shown below?Check all that apply.< xy< 5X advantanges of oral literature quien quiere ser mi novia Use the drop-down menu to complete thesentence.are capable of differentiation toform specialized cells.DONE Source GeoSystems Global Corporation (adapted)Whch group of people ruled much of Asia during the period shown on this map?1. Mongol 2. Indian3. Japanese 4. EuropeanSo a8TH GRADE HISTORY- MEXICAN AMERICAN WARDescribe events that explain the border differences between these maps. (USE THE MAP ABOVE TO EXPLAIN THE EVENTS). e. Use complete sentences.I really just need the Lonestar Republic but if you can do all I will give brainliest!Remember to write about it when it was in the time it says on the map Answer all the qustion get 10 points and get marked as a brainlist!!1.The Mississippi River and the St. Lawrence Seaway give the Midwest access to the ocean.TrueFalse2.British laws were unfair to the colonists.TrueFalse3.Colonists in the thirteen colonies refused to pay taxes to England.TrueFalse4.Mexico grew dissatisfied with Spanish rule and wanted:independenceEnglish ruleits own king5.After independence, the first Mexican rulers were:dictatorsmonarchspresidents6.Today, Mexico is governed by a:dictatorpresidentmonarch7.Mexican culture is a combination of and original Native American influences.FrenchEnglishSpanishPortuguese8.Immigration and urbanization were a result of:industrializationtransportationcommunication9.The United States acquired territory during:urbanizationexpansionindustrialization10.The first major territory obtained by the United States was:the Gadsden PurchaseTexasthe Louisiana Purchase Please help Ill give brainliest