Which type of energy refers to the sum of potential and kinetic energies in the particles of a substance?


Answer 1


The answer is Internal energy

KE + PE = IE


The sum of potential and kinetic energy is refers to mechanical energy which is expressed by motion  

Answer 2

Answer:C for edge (internal energy)


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the phenomenon is called a revision why did it happen



help  in studying


What is immigration?
A. When animals leave an ecosystem
B. When animals are born in an ecosystem
C. When animals move into an ecosystem
D. When animals die in an ecosystem



C. When animals move into an ecosystem


Why do you think type 2 diabetes occurs so much more often than other inheritable diseases? Propose a hypothesis for why this allele has not been eliminated by natural selection.
Which type of species best describes a mouse: opportunistic or equilibrium? Explain why a mouse or rat population would continuously grow while other mammals (cheetahs) are nearly extinct.



This allele has not been eliminated by natural selection because it may confer an adaptive advantage for particular environmental conditions  

Mice and rats are opportunistic species. These species can rapidly adapt to different environmental conditions, while cheetahs are unable to adapt to changing environments.  


An allele is a gene variant that may be beneficial, neutral, or deleterious for a particular environment. Different alleles are not eliminated by natural selection against other alleles (even when a priori seem to be deleterious) because they confer a selective advantage in a given environment. For example, the allele for sickle cell anemia is caused by a point mutation which is lethal in homo-zygous individuals, but heterozygous individuals are less likely to die of malaria, thereby this allele has been positively selected in geographic areas where malaria is an endemic disease. Moreover, mice and rats are opportunistic species, i.e., they are species that rapidly adapt to varied living conditions. These species are characterized to have high growth rates and produce many offspring. On the other hand, the cheetah is a highly specialized species that is unable to adapt to changing environments. In consequence, cheetah populations are more prone to become extinct than rat and mice populations.

What is the probability that a hybrid individual with the genotype AabbCcddEeFf will produce a gamete that has the genotype abCdeF





Find the number of different gametes that can be produced

number of gametes produced = 2^n

n is the number of allele pairs that are heterozygous

there are 4 heterozygous allele pairs, these are: Aa, Cc, Ee and Ff

2^4 = 16

abCdeF is one of the 16 genotypes that could be produced

to find the percentage, divide 1 and 16 and multiply by 100

1 ÷ 16 = 0.0625

0.0625 × 100 = 6.25

Quadrupedal monkeys __________ Group of answer choices have long arched spines for flexible movement when leaping. hold their bodies parallel to the ground (pronograde posture) when walking have narrow rib cages with scapula on the side, limiting the range of motion in the shoulder All of these traits characterize quadrupedal monkeys



All of these traits characterize quadrupedal monkeys


Quadrupedal monkeys have long arched spines that is used for flexible movement when jumping to a height. They hold their bodies parallel to the ground because of pronograde nature means these monkeys walking with the body by using four legs. While walking they have narrow rib cages with scapula on the side that limits the range of motion in the shoulder.

6. Which directly describes the female part of a flower?
It's called the pistil and it contains the filament and the style.
It's called the stamen and it contains the filament and the anther.
It's called the stamen and it contains the stigma and the anther.
It's called the pistil and it contains the stigma and the style.



D ,cause it is made up of the stigma and style


It's D


I took the quiz :p

A Ribosome's primary function is to:
A. Make an RNA copy of DNA.
B. Translate mRNA into a protein.
C. Make a DNA copy of RNA.
D. Translate a protein into mRNA.



A ribosome, formed from two subunits locking together, functions to: (1) Translate encoded information from the cell nucleus provided by messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), (2) Link together amino acids selected and collected from the cytoplasm by transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA). hope that helps❤

A ribosome's primary function is to translate mRNA into a protein. Thus, the correct option is B.

What are Ribosomes?

Ribosomes may be defined as the spherical and glandular particles that occur freely in the matrix or remain attached to the Endoplasmic reticulum (RER).

Ribosomes play an important role in protein synthesis by translating mRNA into a protein. They are also involved in the decoding of messages and the construction of peptide bonds.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is B.

To learn more about Ribosomes, refer to the link:



Viral or bacterial germs that invade body cells are called _____.



white blood cells



White blood cells is the answer

Choose the true statements about the evolution of complex characters, such as powered flight.

a. The intermediate stages in the evolution of a complex character had no fitness advantage.
b. Often the initial stage in the evolution of a complex character was an adaptation to some unrelated selection pressure.
c. Usually a single mutation in one gene leads to the simultaneous appearance of the complex character.
d. Phylogenetic analysis using cladistics can help reveal the sequence leading to the evolution of a complex character.
e. Usually a single mutation in one gene leads to the simultaneous appearance of the complex character.



b. Often the initial stage in the evolution of a complex character was an adaptation to some unrelated selection pressure.

d. Phylogenetic analysis using cladistics can help reveal the sequence leading to the evolution of a complex character.


The evolutionary developmental program of complex characters can be analyzed by examining synapomorphies, i.e., by examining shared, derived characters common between an ancestor of a given taxonomic group and its descendants. Synapomorphies are able to create evidence for historical relationships between closely related organisms. Moreover, cladistics is a method used to categorize species/taxa into groups called 'clades' based on arranging organisms with similar traits, which can provide useful information on the evolutionary history of complex traits in different species/taxa. In phylogenetics, the analysis of complex characters involves two different stages: 1-character analysis and 2-cladistic analysis. Homology refers to structures that look similar because they were inherited from a common ancestor (i.e., they have a common origin); whereas characters are considered as parts of transformation series. In cladistics, characters used for inferring phylogenetic relationships are considered as hypotheses of homology that are subject to tests of similarity. In consequence, such characters can provide useful information on the evolutionary history of complex traits.

heavenly bodies that travel around a planet are called satellites or moon which planet has no satellite or moon
A. mars and venus
B. jupiter and venus
C. jupiter and mars
D. mercury and venus​



i think its A. i dunno if it is btw have a nice day


D. Mercury and Venus

How does a mutation in a sex cell differ from a mutation in a non-sex cell?
A. Mutations in sex cells can be passed on to children.
B. Mutations in sex cells are chromosomal mutations.
C. Mutations in sex cells are more deadly.
D. Mutations in sex cells are silent mutations.





Mutations that happen in sex cells during meiosis are able to pass onto offspring.

"Mutations in sex cells can be passed on to children." Therefore, option (A) is correct.

What is mutation?

A mutation in a sex cell differs from a mutation in a non-sex cell in that mutations in sex cells can be passed on to children. Sex cells, such as eggs and sperm, carry genetic information that is passed on to the next generation during fertilization.

If a mutation occurs in a sex cell, it can be transmitted to the offspring and can potentially affect the genetic makeup of future generations. On the other hand, mutations in non-sex cells, such as skin cells or liver cells, cannot be passed on to offspring because they do not contribute to the genetic material of the next generation.

Learn more about mutation, here:



The breeds of dogs are all
one species, but they have
incredible genetic diversity.
Who first realized that
variation mattered, even
though he didn't know the
exact mechanism?
A. Lamarck
B. Aristotle
C Darwin
D. Griffith



C Darwin


Charles Darwin, the father of evolution theorised that within any population, there exists variation in traits which help the animals adapt to their environment and help them survive.

In the same vein, he believed that the breeds of dogs are all one species, but they have incredible genetic diversity.

Therefore, Charles Darwin first realized that variation mattered, even though he didn't know the exact mechanism.

Are lizards reptiles or amphibians?



Reptiles are turtles, snakes, lizards, alligators and crocodiles. Unlike amphibians, reptiles breathe only through their lungs and have dry, scaly skin that prevents them from drying out

Amphibians are frogs, toads, newts and salamanders. Most amphibians have complex life cycles with time on land and in the water. Their skin must stay moist to absorb oxygen and therefore lacks scales. Reptiles are turtles, snakes, lizards, alligators and crocodiles.

Discuss who is impacted by desertification including which continents are impacted and the role of an increasing population.



Africa and Asia.


Africa and Asia are the most affected regions in the world which is greatly affected by desertification. The climate change and human activities has a great impact in these areas which causes desertification as compared to other areas in the world. The increase in population increase the rate of depletion of natural resources which causes more pollution in the environment that leads to desertification in these areas.

When you pushed the diaphragm up what change occurred in chest cavity pressure? Explain how this change in chest cavity pressure affected the lungs.



positive pressure


Exhalation is a passive process during which the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm relax. The ribs move downward and inward, while the diaphragm rises. This movement causes the chest to decrease in size and positive pressure to build inside the chest cavity. The positive pressure pushes air out of the lungs.

Which refers to the distance from the midpoint to the highest point for a transverse wave?


Amplitude. The distance from a midpoint to the maximum point (crest) or the minimum point (trough) of a wave.
Amplitude. Definition. The distance from the midpoint to the maximum point (crest) or to the minimum point (trough) of a wave.

After mitosis, the number of chromosomes is ______ as/of the parent cell.

After meiosis, the number of chromosomes is _____ as/of the parent cell.



meiosis 4

mitosis 2



For mitosis - the same

The number of chromosomes at the end of mitosis are [THE SAME] as the parent cell.


For meiosis - half

The number of chromosomes at the end of meiosis are [HALF] as much as the parent cell.


Trust me, this is correct. Tried it myself.

which molecule is a saturated fat?



Option B is the correct option

It was found that the C4 protein promotes synaptic pruning during brain development in the teenage years. This is a normal process in brain development that is important for removing unnecessary connections between neurons and establishing a mature brain structure. However, high expression levels of a certain allele of C4 can lead to too much pruning, which may promote the onset of schizophrenia. The variation observed at the C4 gene which leads to the greatest increase in risk was found to cause a 25% increase in the risk of developing schizophrenia. The baseline risk in the population is 1%. What is the risk of an individual with this variant developing the condition?a. 0.25%.
b. 1.25%.
c. 25%.
d. 26%.



b. 1.25%


Variations observed in C gene has increase in risk of 25% to develop schizophrenia. It is a kind of an abnormality in which a person interprets reality unrepresentative. The baseline risk in population is 1% then there is 1.25% risk associated with an individual to develop this condition.

4.Differentiate between digestion and assimilation.
5.Name the secretions of stomach which help in digestion of food.
6.Name the three digestive glands and their role in digestion.
7. Animals like cows cannot chew their food properly at the time they take it in. Explain.



do it yourself fffffffff

Assignment 1 - Provide a narrative for the following scenarios. Use complete
sentences and be careful with spelling and grammar. 20 Points (5 points each)
1. The physician orders urine C&S on a patient. The patient asks why it is
necessary to do this test. How would you, the medical assistant, clearly
explain this to the patient?
2. A patient is asked to bring in a first morning urine specimen for testing.
You, the medical assistant, provide the patient with a container for the
collection and explain that it needs to be refrigerated if they cannot bring
it to the office right away. How do you explain to the patient the need
for a first morning specimen and the request to refrigerate?
3. A patient is being treated for diabetes. This patient asks you, the
medical assistant, why it is necessary a urine specimen is collected each



1.Urine culture and sensitive is used to identify the microorganism that is causing the infection, and to identify the antibiotics, sensitive to the microorganism, if the urinary tract is not treated promptly it can lead to recurrent urinary tract infection.

2. First urine sample of the morning is more concentrated form as urine is present in the bladder for almost 8 hours. It contains an increased number of protein or urinary casts. The sample is placed in the refrigerator to get refrigerated as holding it at room temperature and if infected with bacteria present in the urine it uses the glucose and alter the results.

3. diabetic ketoacidosis is one of the many complications if you are having diabetes. Another complication is diabetic nephropathy inorder to check the urine acetone as well as protein in urine we advise for urinalysis each time you visit.

examples of c3 and c4 plants​


C3 vs C4 Plants
C3 Plants C4 Plants
Examples include rice, wheat, oats, barley, cotton, peanuts, tobacco, sugar beets, soybeans and spinach Examples include Maize, Sugarcane, pearl millet, sorghum.
Leaves of these plants DO NOT show Kranz anatomy. Leaves of these plants show Kranz anatomy.


Fill in the blank below with the word that best completes the sentence.
Natural selection leads to____
a process of change in a population over time.



it is evolution

hope it helps

the answer is evolution

Antibacterial sprays are often used when cleaning kitchen counter tops. If the same antibacterial spray is used continuously, why will some bacteria survive and reproduce?

A) Bacteria have developed resistance to the spray
B)The spray only prevents the bacteria from multiplying.
C)New species of bacteria are formed when the spray is used.
D)Most of the sprays are designed to kill only one type of bacteria.





D) most of the sprays are designed to kill only one type of bacteria

what are the qualities of woollen fabric that makes it suitable for winter​



Heat conductivity

Explanation:When wool fibres are exposed to heat, moisture, and strain, they interlock and contract. Felting is aided by the scale-like exterior of the fibres. Heat conductivity: Since wool fibre is a weak conductor of heat, fabrics made from it are best suited for winter wear

Which is not a kingdom in the Eukarya domain?
O A. Animalia
O B. Bacteria
O C. Plantae
O D. Protista​


Answer: b bacteria





Protists are uni-cellular and don’t consist of a nucleus which makes them prokaryotic, not eukaryotic.

If the complex cholesterol- HRP would not be commercially available, use the knowledge you learnt and internet to determine an alternative way for detecting cholesterol.



Classical chemical methods, enzymatic assays, gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (LC), and mass spectrometry (MS)


Classical chemical methods, enzymatic assays, gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (LC), and mass spectrometry (MS) are the alternate methods used for the detection of cholesterol. These methods are used when HRP would not be commercially available for the analysis or detection of cholesterol in the patient's body so these methods can be used for the purpose of detection of cholesterol.

( PLEASE ANSWER IT FAST) Label the Organelles of a Cell
Identify the organelles in the cell to the right.


i think i'm too late to help D:



b- chloroplast

c-cell membrane

d- golgi

e- endoplasmic

f-cell wall


What is socialization​


As this question as biology at the top,socialization is a social process with strong biological components that interact with social and cultural frameworks and factors

9.5 What are the similarities and differences between reproduction in amoeba and reproduction in hydra?​



similarities: 1 they both reproduce asexually

Differences: 1 hydra reproduce through a process called budding whereas                              amoeba reproduce through a process called binary fission.

                    2 budding in hydra-  results in symetric division.

                       binary fission in amoeba- results in unsymetrical division.


Amoeba reproduces by a process known as binary fission in which parent cell divides into two equal daughter cells. Whereas in hydra reproduction occurs by budding. In budding, the bud is formed from the parent individual whereas in binary fission no bud formation occurs
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Finally Napoleonraised his trotter for silence and announced that hehad already made all the arrangements.It illustrates a growing sense of community amongthe animalsIt reveals new information about Napoleon in a smallamount of text.It highlights the ways in which the animals are beingsilenced and controlled.It shows how Napoleon's leadership has progressedin a short period of time. identify the following organism and state to which phylum it belongs 3. Ta n hon phin hp s thm khi:A. Ngi yu cu vng mt ln th nht khng c n xin xt x vng mtB. Ngi yu cu c triu tp hp l ln th hai m vn vng mt C. Kim st vin vng mt D. 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Background information: In September 1941, this lawwas passed in Germany.Why would Hitler pass a law requiring Jewish people towear a yellow star? Check all that apply.so Jews could be easily identifiedso Jews could be persecutedso Jews could avoid discriminationso Jews could be arrested more easilyso Jews could show pride in their religion In the statements below, V is a vector space. Mark each statement true or false. Justily each answer a. The set R is a two-dimensional subspace of R3.Choose the correct answer below O A. False, because R2 is not closed under vector addition. O B. True, because R2 is a plane in R3 . False, because the set R2 is not even a subset of R3 OD. True, because every vector in R2 can be represented by a linear combination of vectors inR3 b. The number of variables in the equation Ax 0 equa's the dimension of Nul A. Choose the correct answer below O A. False, because the number of free variables is equal to the dimension of Nul A. O B. True, because the number of variables in the equation Ax 0 equals O C. True, because the dimension of Nul A equals the largest any solution to O D. False, because the number of plvot columns is equal to the dimension of Nud A. c. A vector space the number of columns in A and the number of columns in A equa's the dimension of Nul A. number of Os in any solution to the equation Ax -b, and the equation Ax- 0 always has the trivial solution, so the number of variables is infinite-dimensional if it is spanned by an infinite set Choose the correct answer below O A. True, because the dimension of a vector space is equal to the number of elements in a set that spans O B. Faise, because a basis for the vector space may O C. True, because the dimension of a vector space number of O D. Faise, because all vector spaces are finite-dimensional. d. If dim Van and it S spans V, then S is a basis of V. Choose the correct answer below. the vector space. have only finitely many elements, which would make the vector space finite-dimensional is the number of vectors in a basis for that vector space, and a vector space spanned by an infinite set has a basis with an infinite number of vect O A. False, because the set S must have less than n elements O B. True, because if a vector space is finite-dimensional, then a set that spans t is a basis of the vector space O C. False, in order for S to be a basis, it must also have n elements O D. True, because if a set spans a vector space, regardiess of the dimension of the vector space, then that setis a basis of the vector spaoe e. The only three-dimensional subspace of R3 is R3 itself. Choose the correct answer below Faise, because False, because any subspaces of R3 which contain three-element vectors are three-dimensional, but most of these most three-dimensional subspaces of R3 are spanned by a linearly dependent set of tree vectors, but R can only be sparned by thre Inearly independent vectors subspaces do not contain all of R D. True, because any three linearly dependent vectors in R3 span all of R3, so there is no three-dmensional subspace of R' that is not R Please tell me whats the number? please help me in solving this 1. Neither the students nor the teacher ________ come.A. has B have C. is D. are 2 cans of beans cost 98 how many cans can you buy for $3.92? whats is the quotient for the rational expression shown below?