sequences are geometric? Check all that apply. 5, 10, 20, 50


Answer 1


not geometric

Step-by-step explanation:

The ratios of the numbers in the sequence 5, 10, 20, 50 are 2, 2, 2.5. That is, the ratios are not constant. Hence the sequence is not geometric.

Answer 2


76K would find this fake but.....

Step-by-step explanation:

Non geometrical

Related Questions

Simplify: 41a-2b + 3c) + 11a


Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

(41a-2b+3c) +11a

open the bracket


collect like terms



so final answer is 52a-5bc

because they are not like terms they are unlike terms

Beginning in January, a person plans to deposit $1 at the end of each month into an account earning
15% compounded monthly. Each year taxes must be paid on the interest earned during that year. Find
the interest earned during each year for the first 3 years.



hi I am a Nepal

[tex] {233333}^{2332} [/tex]

Plz urgennt look at the image over 1000 points im going to need help with the last 4 questions i have?


The answer should be 1548.3m²

A ball is thrown in air and it's height, h(t) in feet, at any time, t in seconds, is represented by the equation h(t)=−4t2+16t. When is the ball higher than 12 feet off the ground?
A. 3 B. 1 C. 1 D. 4


Hence the time that the ball will be height than 12 feet off the ground is 4secs

Given the expression for calculating the height in  feet as;

h(t) = -4t²+16t

If the ball is higher than 12feet, h(t) > 12

Substituting h = 12 into the expression

-4t²+16t > 12

-4t²+16t - 12 > 0

4t²- 16t + 12 > 0

t²- 4t + 3 > 0


(t²- 3t)-(t + 3) > 0

t(t-3)-1(t-3) > 0


t > 1 and 3secs

Hence the time that the ball will be height than 12 feet off the ground is 4secs

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/18405392

As a marketing manager, you are tasked with selecting a website to place your advertisement. The following sampled data shows the number of user visits per month over the last 3 three years:
Website 1: 10357, 10537, 10767, 10561, 10544, 10581, 10602, 10665, 10335, 10419, 10737, 10410, 10485, 10601, 10458, 10472, 10435, 10375, 10436, 10510, 10345, 10559, 10520, 10425, 10351, 10465, 10491, 10671, 10366, 10440, 10618, 10606, 10406, 10538, 10449, 10462
Website 2: 11067, 11029, 10888, 10789, 10914, 10663, 10787, 11140, 11042, 11074, 10868, 10853, 10900, 11088, 10991, 10928, 10959, 11126, 11033, 11114, 11150, 11155, 11027, 10900, 11015, 11123, 10953, 11181, 10855, 10731, 10971, 10770, 11070, 11122, 11018, 10903 Since the behavior of internet users can be considered a natural process, consider the number of views to follow normal distribution. In addition, please assume no autocorrelation or time-series nature of the data. Based on the data above, provide the answers to the following question:
A. What is the average and standard deviation of viewership of each website?
B. Is viewership different between these two websites? If yes, which website provides more views?
C. Suppose that your manager requires at least 12000 views per month. What is the probability of 12000 views happening on each website?
D. Which website provides more consistent view? How would you measure it?
E. Which website would you recommend for your advertisement?



Kindly check explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the data :

Website 1 : 10357, 10537, 10767, 10561, 10544, 10581, 10602, 10665, 10335, 10419, 10737, 10410, 10485, 10601, 10458, 10472, 10435, 10375, 10436, 10510, 10345, 10559, 10520, 10425, 10351, 10465, 10491, 10671, 10366, 10440, 10618, 10606, 10406, 10538, 10449, 10462

Mean, xbar = ΣX/ n ; n = sample size = 36

Xbar = 377999 / 36 = 10499.9722

Standard deviation, s = √[(x - xbar)² / (n-1]

Using calculator :

Standard deviation (Website 1 :), s = 110.239865

Website 2 : 11067, 11029, 10888, 10789, 10914, 10663, 10787, 11140, 11042, 11074, 10868, 10853, 10900, 11088, 10991, 10928, 10959, 11126, 11033, 11114, 11150, 11155, 11027, 10900, 11015, 11123, 10953, 11181, 10855, 10731, 10971, 10770, 11070, 11122, 11018, 10903

Mean, xbar = ΣX/ n ; n = sample size = 36

Xbar = 395197 / 36 = 10977.6944

Standard deviation, s = √[(x - xbar)² / (n-1]

Using calculator :

Standard deviation (Website 2), s = 132.617995


Yes, the viewership between the two websites are different with the second website has a higher mean viewership with a mean of 10977.6944.


The probability of 12000 views per month on each website :

Probability = Mean viewership per month / required viewership

Website 1 :

P(12000) = 10499.9722 / 12000 = 0.8749

Website 2 :

P(12000) = 10977.6944 / 12000 = 0.9148


More consistent website :

We use the standard deviation value, the higher the standard deviation, the higher the variability :

Website 1 should be more consistent has it has a Lower standard deviation score, hence, should show lower variability than website 2.


Website suitable for advertisement should be one with higher viewership per month in other to reach a larger audience. Hence, website 2 should be recommended for advertisement.

The tree diagram below shows the possible combinations of juice and snack that can be offered at the school fair.

A tree diagram. Orange branches to popcorn and pretzels. Grape branches to popcorn and pretzels. Apple branches to popcorn and pretzels. Grapefruit branches to popcorn and pretzels.

How many different combinations are modeled by the diagram?



B. 8

Step-by-step explanation:

The combinations are:

Orange - 2 (with popcorn and pretzels)Grape - 2  (with popcorn and pretzels)Apple - 2  (with popcorn and pretzels)Grapefruit - 2  (with popcorn and pretzels)

Total number of combinations:

4*2 = 8

Correct choice is B

there are 8different combinations are modeled by the diagram.


Solution given:





no of term:4


total no. of combination ia 4*2=8

Why does cube root 7 equal 7 to the 1/3 power



Step-by-step explanation:

Here's how you convert:

[tex]\sqrt[n]{x^m}=x^{\frac{m}{n}[/tex]  The little number outside the radical, called the index, serves as the denominator in the rational power, and the power on the x inside the radical serves as the numerator in the rational power on the x.

A couple of examples:



It's that simple. For your problem in particular:

[tex]\sqrt[3]{7}[/tex] is the exact same thing as [tex]\sqrt[3]{7^1}=7^{\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

After a large fund drive to help the Boston City Library, the following information was obtained from a random sample of contributors to the library fund. Using a 1% level of significance, test the claim that the amount contributed to the library fund is independent of ethnic group.

Number of People Making Contribution
Ethnic Group $1-50 $51-100 $101-150 $151-200 Over $200 Row Total
A 77 63 54 39 18 251
B 90 48 76 26 24 264
C 73 67 59 37 30 266
D 108 82 70 50 30 340
Column Total 348 260 259 152 102 1121

a. What is the level of significance?
b. Find the value of the chi-square statistic for the sample.
c. Find or estimate the P-value of the sample test statistic.
d. Based on your answers in parts (a) to (c), will you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis of independence?



α = 0.01 ; 2 - tailed

χ² = 16.998

Pvalue = 0.1497

Fail to reject H0

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the data above :

Number of People Making Contribution

Ethnic Group $1-50 $51-100 $101-150 $151-200 Over $200 Row Total

A 77 63 54 39 18 251

B 90 48 76 26 24 264

C 73 67 59 37 30 266

D 108 82 70 50 30 340

Column Total 348 260 259 152 102 1121

1.) The level of significance, α/2 = 0.01/2


The hypothesis :

H0 : Contribution and Ethnic group are independent

H1 : Contribution and Ethnic group are not independent

The Chisquare statistic :

χ² = (Observed - Expected)²/ Expected

The expected value for each cell is calculated thus :

(Row total * column total) / sum total

The expected values :

77.9197 58.2159 57.992 34.0339 22.8385

81.9554 61.231 60.9955 35.7966 24.0214

82.5763 61.6949 61.4576 36.0678 24.2034

105.549 78.8582 78.5549 46.1017 30.9367

Using the χ² formula above ;

χ² values for each cell are :

0.010855 0.393154 0.274794 0.724635 1.02509

0.789645 2.85902 3.69099 2.68108 0.0000191

1.11055 0.456179 0.098278 0.0240936 1.38826

0.056933 0.125176 0.93165 0.32963 0.028359

Taking the sum :


χ² = 16.998

To obtain the Pvalue :

df = (Row - 1)(column - 1) = (5-1)*(4-1) = 4 * 3 = 12

Pvalue(16.998 ; 12) = 0.1497

If Pvalue < α ; Reject H0 ;

Since Pvalue > α ; WE fail to reject H0




Option B, 1

Step-by-step explanation:

tan 45° = 1/1 = 1

Geometry help I don’t get this stuff at all



The last option

V = (-1.5,3)

other options dont lie where V is exact

V is only Exact at (-1.5,3)

What is the volume of a cone with a radius of 4 inches and height of 11?




Step-by-step explanation:

A bag contains 35 marbles, 11 of which are red. A marble is randomly selected from the bag, and it is blue. This blue marble is NOT placed back in the bag. A second marble is randomly drawn from the bag. Find the probability that this second marble is NOT red.



11 red + 24 blue = 35 marbles

If 1 blue is withdrawn

11 red + 23 blue = 34 marbles

P = 23 / 34 = .38   probability of drawing blue marble

what's the standard answer for (5×1)+(7×.2)+(2×0.4) ​


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The order of operations tells you that quantities in parentheses are evaluated first.

  (5×1)+(7×.2)+(2×0.4) ​= 5 + 1.4 + 0.8

Then the addition is performed, left to right.

  = 6.4 +0.8

  = 7.2


Your calculator can work this problem for you, if necessary.

help i need help with math help if u can



6x2 + 6y + 12

Write an equation that represents the line.
Use exact numbers.


Answer: y=2/3X- 4/3

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope = (4-2)/(4-1)=2/3





Which of the following describes a positive correlation?

As the number of hours spent on homework increases, the tests scores increase.

As the number of apples eaten per year increases, the number of times visiting the doctor every year remains the same.

As the number of times going to bed early increases, the number of times waking up late decreases.

The amount of time a team spent practicing increases, the number of games lost in a season decreases.



First Choice: As the number of hours spent on homework increases, the tests scores increase.

Step-by-step explanation:

The definition of a positive correlation  is a relationship between two given variables, in which both variables are moving in the same direction. This can mean when one variable increases and the other variable increases, too, or one variable decreases and the other decreases as well.

The first choice is a positive correlation because both variables are changing (increasing) in the same direction. As you spend more time on homework, you're likely to get a higher test score.

The second choice cannot be a positive correlation because only one variable is having some kind of change (increasing). The doctor visits amount remains the same, so we can call this a zero-correlation relationship because the number of apples eaten yearly doesn't affect the amount of doctor visits. An apple a day keeps the doctor a way is just a proverb, not to be taken literally.

The third choice cannot be a positive correlation because the two variables are going different directions. Even though the number of times going to bed early is increasing, the number of times waking up late decreases, which is not moving in the same direction as the other variable.

The fourth choice cannot be a positive correlation because, similarly to the third choice, the two variables are going different directions. One variable is increasing, which is the amount of practice time. Meanwhile, the other variable is decreasing (going in the opposite direction), which is the number of games lost in a season.

From a club of 18 people, in how many ways can a group of five members be selected to attend a conference?


Selection here means you’ll use combination and not permutation.
Total number of members=18
Numbers to be selected=5
The 13 factorials will cancel out which will give
= 18x17x16x15x14\ 5x4x3x2x1

a special window in the shape of a rectangle with semicircles at each end is to be constructed so that the outside perimeter is 100 feet. find the dimensions of the rectangle tha tmaximizes the total area of the window



The dimensions of the rectangle are length 25 feet and width 15.92 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Let L be the length of the rectangle and w be the width.

The area of the rectangular part of the shape is Lw while the area of the two semi-circular ends which have a diameter which equals the width of the rectangle is 2 × πw²/8 = πw²/4. The area of each semi-circle is πw²/4 ÷ 2 = πw²/8

So, the area of the shape A = Lw + πw²/4.

The perimeter of the shape, P equals the length of the semi-circular sides plus twice its length. The length of a semi-circular side is πw/2. So, both sides is 2 × πw/2 = πw

P = πw + 2L

Since the perimeter, P = 100 feet, we have

πw + 2L = 100

From this L = (100 - πw)/2

Substituting L into A, we have

A = Lw + πw²/4.

A = [(100 - πw)/2]w + πw²/4.

A = 50w - πw²/2 + πw²/4.

A = 50w - πw²/2

Now differentiating A with respect to w and equating it to zero to find the value of w which maximizes A.


dA/dw = d[50w - πw²/2]/dw

dA/dw = 50 - πw

50 - πw = 0

πw = 50

w = 50/π = 15.92 feet

differentiating A twice to get d²A/dw² =  - π indicating that w = 50/π is a value at which A is maximum since d²A/dw² < 0.

So, substituting w = 50/π into L, we have

L = (100 - πw)/2

L = 50 - π(50/π)/2

L = 50 - 50/2

L = 50 - 25

L = 25 feet

So, the dimensions of the rectangle are length 25 feet and width 15.92 feet

The Susan B. Anthony dollar has a radius of 0.52 inches. Find the area of one side of the coin to the nearest


the area is 1.70 inches


0.85 in²

Step-by-step explanation:

really ? you need help with that ? you could not find the formula for the area of a circle on the internet and type it into your calculator ? I can't do anything else here.

a circle area is

A = pi×r²

r being the radius.

and pi being, well, pi (3.1415....)

r = 0.52 in


A = pi×0.52² = pi×0.2704 = 0.849486654... in²

the area of one side of the coin is 0.85 in²

Find the range for the following data 14, 16, 16, 14, 22, 13, 15, 24, 12, 23, 14, 20, 17, 21, 22, 18, 18, 19, 20, 17, 16, 15, 11, 12, 21, 20, 17, 18, 19, 23




Step-by-step explanation:

Range is the subtraction of the largest number and the smallest number.

The largest number is: 23

The smallest number is: 11

Now subtract:

23 - 11 = 12

Hope this helped.


the lowest is 11 and the highest is 24 then subtract it you are going to have 13

Find the area of the shaded part ! ​



Step-by-step explanation:


Shaded area of semicircle = area of outer semicircle - area of inner semicircle

Outer semicircle:

d = 40 m  r = 40/2 = 20m

Area of outer semicircle = πr²

                                        = 3.14*20*20

                                        =    1256 m²

Inner semicircle:

d = 30 m  r = 30/2 = 15 m

Area of outer semicircle = πr²

                                        = 3.14*15*15

                                        =  706.5 m²

Shaded area of semicircle = 1256 - 706.5 = 549.5 m²

Shaded area of semicircle in both sides = 2 * 549.5 = 1099 m²

Rectangle on both sides:

Length = 50 m

width = 30 m

Area of shaded rectangles on both sides = 2* (length *width)

                                                                      = 2* 50 * 30

                                                                       = 3000 m²

Shaded area = 1099 + 3000 = 4099 m²

I am struggling and I would be so happy if any of you helped me. Can someone help me with the last two red boxes please? The rest of the question is for reference to help solve the problem. Thank you for your time!



I think you can go with:

The margin of error is equal to half the width of the entire confidence interval.

so  try .74 ±   =   [ .724 , .756] as the confidence interval

Step-by-step explanation:

According to Runzheimer International, a typical business traveler spends an average of $281 per day in Chicago. This cost includes hotel, meals, car rental, and incidentals. A survey of 50 randomly selected business travelers who have been to Chicago on business recently is taken. For the population mean of $281 per day, what is the probability of getting a sample average of more than $268 per day if the population standard deviation is $47?



The correct answer is - 97.74%.

Step-by-step explanation:


sample mean = 281

Std Dev = 47 ==> Sample

Std Dev (s) = std dev/sqrt(n) = 6.0677


Find : P( x > 268 )

z = ( x - u )/s = ( 268 - 281 )/6.0677

= -1.9558

then, P( x > 270) = P( Z > -1.9558)

= P( Z <1.9558)

= 0.9747

change into percentage:

= 97.471%

Type 7.2e-4 as a floating-point literal but not using scientific notation, with a single digit before and five digits after the decimal point.




Step-by-step explanation:i did the test

The value of the floating point number is A = 0.00072

What is an Equation?

Equations are mathematical statements with two algebraic expressions flanking the equals (=) sign on either side.

It demonstrates the equality of the relationship between the expressions printed on the left and right sides.

Coefficients, variables, operators, constants, terms, expressions, and the equal to sign are some of the components of an equation. The "=" sign and terms on both sides must always be present when writing an equation.

Given data ,

Let the equation be represented as A

Now , the value of A is

Substituting the values in the equation , we get

A = 7.2e⁻⁴

On simplifying the equation , we get

A = 7.2 x 10⁻⁴

The value of the decimal point is moved 4 units to the left , so

The number A is A = 0.00072

Hence , the floating point number is A = 0.00072

To learn more about equations click :



A veterinarian is visited by many pets and their owners each day. Before the doctor attends to each pet, an assistant records information including the type, age, weight, and height of each pet. What are the individuals in the data set?

[What are the individuals in the data set?]




I think it's pets, just posting so it helps other people with it. Someone make sure in the answers though.



pets bcos a vetenarian is a doctor for animals and tha question also says their owners.

The three sides of a triangle are n, 3n+3, and 3n−1. If the perimeter of the triangle is 72m, what is the length of each side?


Answer: 10m, 33m, and 29m

Step-by-step explanation:

n + 3n+3 + 3n-1 = 72m


7n = 72-2

n = 70/7

n = 10

Let a=⟨1,−4,2⟩ and b=⟨−5,−5,−2⟩. Compute:

a+b=⟨ ,, ⟩
a−b=⟨ ,,⟩
2a=⟨ ,,⟩
3a+4b=⟨ ,, ⟩



a + b = ⟨-4, -9, 0⟩

a - b = ⟨6, 1, 4⟩

2a = ⟨2, -8, 4⟩

3a + 4b = ⟨-17, -32, -2⟩

|a| = √21

General Formulas and Concepts:


Order of Operations: BPEMDAS

Brackets Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Left to Right



OperationsScalars[Magnitude] ||v|| = √(x² + y² + z²)

Step-by-step explanation:

Adding and subtracting vectors are follow the similar pattern of normal order of operations:

a + b = ⟨1 - 5, -4 - 5, 2 - 2⟩ = ⟨-4, -9, 0⟩

a - b = ⟨1 + 5, -4 + 5, 2 + 2⟩ = ⟨6, 1, 4⟩

Scalar multiplication multiplies each component:

2a = ⟨2(1), 2(-4), 2(2)⟩ = ⟨2, -8, 4⟩

Remember to multiply in the scalar before doing basic operations:

3a + 4b = ⟨3(1), 3(-4), 3(2)⟩ + ⟨4(-5), 4(-5), 4(-2)⟩ = ⟨3, -12, 6⟩ + ⟨-20, -20, -8⟩ = ⟨-17, -32, -2⟩

Absolute values surrounding a vector signifies magnitude of a vector. Follow the formula:

|a| = √[1² + (-4)² + 2²] = √21

Find the area of the sector round your answer to the nearest 10th


9514 1404 393


  398.2 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of the whole circle is ...

  A = πr²

  A = π(13 cm)² = 169π cm²

The 270°  sector is 3/4 of the whole circle, so its area is ...

  sector area = (3/4)(169π cm²) ≈ 398.2 cm²

Solve the formula for the indicated variable.
A=-bh, for h
- BA



perdón yo no hablo inglés

4 pounds of oranges costs $ 12 . What is the unit price per pound?


3 dollars per pound....


3 dollars per pound

Step-by-step explanation:

Unit Price = Cost / Pounds of oranges

Unit Price = 12 / 4

Unit Price = 3

The unit price per pound is $3

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