Who did Hannibal’s troops fight in the Alps?


Answer 1


I think the answer is

 the Romans

Answer 2


For over 2,000 years, historians have argued over the route used by the Carthaginian general Hannibal to guide his army — 30,000 soldiers, 37 elephants and 15,000 horses — over the Alps and into Italy in just 16 days, conducting a military ambush against the Romans that was unprecedented in the history of warfare


pls mark brainliest

Related Questions

How do the inland areas of the Willapa Hills differ from the coastal areas?
The inland areas are heavily forested.
The inland areas receive very little rain.
The inland areas contain open plains.
The inland areas have large wetland habitats.



The inland areas are very forested

Answer: A, the inland areas are heavily forested

Hope this helps

explain factors that account
for contemporary and
historical trends in
population growth and


In the past century, the world has recorded a rapid increase and decrease in population in different geographical areas. This has been influenced by different factors such as urbanization and family planning.

Urbanization creates better employment opportunities and wages. It also provides better social amenities such as schools and hospitals. These encourage people to move from rural areas to urban areas in search of a better living. The migration results in a decrease of population is the rural areas and a rapid increase in population in the urban cities.

Increased access to contraceptives has enabled women to limit family sizes. Women are able to plan for the number of children they intend to have. This has generally decreased the population growth in developed regions.

Research into geologic history depends on geological observations (like rock samples where we can measure physical or chemical properties). If you were a geological researcher trying to study the oldest crust on earth, where would you expect to find rock samples to support your work






A geological researcher trying to study the oldest crust on earth would find the rock samples to support your work on the ocean floor because it has the lowest elevation. Thus, option B is correct.

What is geological?

Geology can be defined as the process of studying the earth on the basis of rocks and stones. Geology has basically termed the study of the earth. they check about the erosion, composition, and minerals. the person who studies Geology is called a geologist.

If a  geological researcher wants to study and find something about the rocks then he needs to get a sample of the rock and to get that this person needs to get it from the surface of the ocean as it might have gotten deposited on that surface and would have settled by that time. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about geology, here:



The question is incomplete, the options given are:

On the ocean floor because that is where new crust forms.

On the ocean floor because it has the lowest elevation.

On a continental plate because continents are not easily subducted.

On a continental plate because they have the steepest slopes.

We discussed that achondrites, stony-iron, and iron meteorites could all come from the same body. Give a possible scenario for what these meteorites have gone through over the past 4 billion years or so that explains this?




hello bro are you freefire player than give me 2000diamin


This site is for learning purposes only, not here to ask for gaming diamonds

are you okay



A cube has a volume of 64 cubic inches what's the length of one side of the cube


Volume=64in^3Let side be a

[tex]\boxed{\sf Volume=a^3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto a^3=64[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto a=\sqrt[3]{64}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto a=4[/tex]

what is social harmony​



Social harmony is the living together of people of a particular social group with love, care, respect and brotherhood, regardless of their religion, region, caste, gender, colour etc.

How does the formation of sea ice impact the density of the surrounding seawater?
A. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater, leaving dissolved solids behind and increasing the density of seawater.
B. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater, leaving dissolved solids behind and decreasing the density of seawater.
C. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater and dissolved solids from seawater, leading to a decrease in density.
D. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater and dissolved solids from seawater, leading to an increase in density








Regional Geography lays emphasis on the distinctiveness of a particular place an the characteristics or activities that make up the that location. With specific examples from Ghana and knowledge acquired im the regional Geography of Ghana course so far, discuss the above sentence



Place has a prime importance in distribution of economic activates.


Regional geography is a part of geography that studies various regions and studies the specific unique characters of the place. It is related to the topography and economy of the place. A place such as Ghana is located on the African western coast. Located in the gulf of guinea this country lies near the equator and thus has a warm climate. Due to its location, the prime meridian passes through the country. Ghana is rich in natural resources and has a mixed economy with rapid population growth. Petroleum accounts for a large share of exports.

reasons why doctors are more important than farmers​



Doctors and farmers are equal in importance. Without food, you will undoubtedly die, yet you may be able to live a healthy life without ever visiting a doctor. In any case, a diet rich in nutritious veggies is beneficial.

Geomagnetic reversals __________. Group of answer choices Provide strong evidence for sea floor spreading Reveal that polar wandering may have occurred. Were discovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project Confirmed the existence of subduction zones Cause the movement of plates



The answer is "Provide strong evidence for seafloor spreading".


The magnetic changes from east to west and vice versa are geomagnetic. geomagnetic reversals. And they can provide significant evidence of the expansion of sea bed in the rocks formed along the middle sea ridges by documenting the geomagnetic pattern of echo.

A new crust is developing from the magma explosion into the seafloor in the ocean along the mid-oceanic ridges along the mid-ocean ridges. When the magma cools, the minerals of ferromagnetism found in the magma will align as per the magnetosphere of this time.

In the event of geomagnetical revolutions, newly formed minerals will be reverse-aligned to early elements, thus registering the lithosphere on both sides of the mid-oceanic ridge. Lithosphere, one could argue, is a continual move away from oceanic crusts midway through.

Which of the following is true about water availability?

a. Agriculture uses 40% of freshwater, industry uses 57% and households use 3%.
b. Agriculture uses 70% of freshwater, industry uses 19% and households use 11%.
c. Agriculture uses 75% of freshwater, industry uses 17% and households use 8%.
d. Agriculture uses 52% of freshwater, industry uses 27% and households use 21%.



The answer D

Out of the total water resources available, the agricultural sector uses 52%; whereas the rest of the water is used by industries and households.

What are water resources?

The natural resources that provide water for consumption and other uses, are known as the water resources. For example, lakes, rivers, ponds, glaciers are some water resources.

Only 3% of the total water resources are fresh and suitable for human consumption. More than half of the total freshwater is used for agricultural activities, and about a quarter each by the industries and the households.

Hence, option D holds true of the consumption of the available water resources.

Learn more about water resources here:



The portion of a geologic material whose pore spaces are completely filled with groundwater is referred to as __________. Group of answer choices the phreatic zone the capillary fringe The aquiclude The vadose zone



The phreatic zone


The phreatic zone is the zone is the part of an aquifer that is present below the water table, where all pores and cracks are saturated with water. The above layer of the water table is the vadose zone. The size, color, and depth of phreatic zone may change with changes of season as well as wet and dry periods. It is also called zone of saturation due to complete filling of pores.

Which of the following are typical weather patterns in North Carolina? Check all that apply

year-round precipitation in the form of rain
large amounts of winter precipitation in the form of snow
mild temperatures throughout the winter months
warm temperatures in the summer and fall
extremely dry, hot summers



year-round precipitation in the form of rain


the average annual precipitation is 45" (1143mm) in North Carolina and occurs throughout the year.

Which of the following does NOT negatively affect groundwater? Development has caused rainwater to drain into sewers instead of into aquifers. Runoff from household and agricultural chemicals filters into groundwater. Increased water consumption by humans depletes aquifers. Humans are utilizing groundwater to generate electricity.



Humans using water to generate electricity does not negatively affect groundwater.


Rainwater, which is mostly fresh, drains into sewers most of the time of course. They are abundant in many towns, cities, etc. As a result, rainwater is not utilized enough, as it goes to waste when blending in with dirty sewer water. This leads to rainwater not draining into aquifers, And with the worlds population increased rapidly by the minute, consumption increases, leading to the water contained within aquifers to decrease in amount. Runoff from things such as pesticides and fertilizers is also a major issue that harms groundwater. As rain approaches, these chemicals can seep through dirt and soil, eventually going as far as to reach the groundwater underneath the surface, contaminating it. And humans utilizing water to generate electricity is more of a benefit to the environment. It is another effective way to get power, and is an alternative to fossil fuels. And using groundwater as a power source does not really affect the groundwater itself, so this is why the last option is correct.

how will HIV & AIDS impact negatively to humans and the economy​



HIV/AIDS affects economic growth by reducing the availability of human capital. Without proper prevention, nutrition, health care and medicine that is available in developing countries, large numbers of people are falling victim to AIDS.

Environmental science is the study of:
environment science is the study of?


Environmental science is the study of interactions among the physical, chemical and biological components of the environment


environment science is an interdisciplinary academic field that draws on ecology, geology, meteorology, biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics to study environmental problems and human impacts on the environment.

give me brainliest please :)

Kojo moves from his home in Africa to work in London, England. Which of the
following best describes Kojo?

A. Tourist
B. Dissident
C. Transient
D. Immigrant



Kojo is an immigrant because he left his home and moves to another country.

write a note on alternative energy resourse



Alternative Energy refers to energy sources other than fossil fuels. This includes all renewable sources and nuclear. Nuclear is not classified as a renewable energy source. A renewable energy source is produced from sources that do not deplete or can be replenished within a human’s lifetime. Nuclear is produced from mined elements like uranium and thorium which cannot be replenished.

I Hope this will help you if not then Sorry, have a great day :)

What role has the Supreme Court played in expanding rights for LGBT
Americans in the 21st century?
© A. The Supreme Court has ruled that churches must recognize same-
sex marriage.
B. The Supreme Court has struck down state and federal laws
banning same-sex marriage.
O C. The Supreme Court has ruled that a transgender woman must be
employed as a cabinet adviser.
D. The Supreme Court has determined that gay pride parades must
be held in all major cities.



The correct answer is B.

In 2015, the Supreme Court struck down state and federal laws banning same-sex marriage.

Let me know if this helps!




State five factors that influence soil formation​



scientist attributes or formation to the following factors : parent material, climate , biota (organisms) topography and time

Name two forms of energy usually used at homes?



electricity and gas



Dân cư châu Âu thuộc chủng tộc: *


Dân cư châu Âu thuộc chủng tộc : Ơ-rô-pê-ô-ít

For each characteristic of mineral extraction, decide whether it applies to strip mining, subsurface mining, or both types of mining.

Generates acid drainage
Overburden is removed from mining site
Used to extract coal
Used to extract resources that are
Near the surface
One of the most dangerous
Occupations in the United States
Safety requires good ventilation systems
Used to extract resources that are deep underground
Destroys large areas of wildlife habitat





sorry butt i don't know this one

Which of these technologies allows scientists to follow the movements of
animals after placing electronic collars on them?
A. Geographic information systems (GIS)
B. Unmanned aerial systems (UAS)
C. Environmental DNA (EDNA) surveillance
D. Global positioning systems (GPS)



GPS Is The Answer!!!!!!!!!

Choose the true statement about water supply and demand:

a. One factor in the increased demand for water is the increased waste of water.
b. The amount of available clean water is increasing.
c. Only about 10% of the world’s population lives in areas where water is scarce.
d. Agriculture uses approximately half of all available freshwater on Earth.



The true statement is No. c

Only about 10% of the world’s population lives in areas where water exists scarce is the correct statement about water supply and demand.

What  is supply and demand?

Supply in economics exists described as the total amount of a provided product or service a supplier offers to consumers at a provided period and a conveyed price level. It exists usually specified by market movement.

Demand exists in the quantity of a good that consumers stand willing and able to purchase at different prices during a provided period. The connection between price and quantity demand exists also named the demand curve.

supply and demand exist as an economic model of price decisions in a market. It postulates that holding all else equivalent, in a competitive market, the unit price for a certain good, or other traded item such as labor or liquid financial assets, will vary until it determines at a point where the quantity demanded (at the current price) will equal the quantity supplied (at the current price), resulting in an economic equilibrium for price and quantity transacted. It creates the theoretical foundation of modern economics.

Only about 10% of the world’s population lives in areas where water exists scarce is the correct statement about water supply and demand.

To learn more about supply and demand refer to:



Imagine that you're a geographer and an urban planner and you're helping to plan a new shopping mall for your town you discover that most shopping malls exist in areas with large human populations such as in cities and large towns describe how you would use geographies three important questions to help you understand why this happens



These questions provides information about the location where the shopping mall is built.


Where is it located? Why is it there? What is the significance of the location? These are the questions help us to understand the significance of the location where a shopping mall is built. We chose the location which is more suitable as well as present in more crowded area so that more people comes to the place. The location is chosen on the basis of earning more profit from the business so location or geography is very important for the business.

Differentiate between the agrarain and industial society?​


Societies are classified on the basis of dominant types of economic activity into agrarian and industrial societies. In an agrarian society the dominant type of economic activity is agricultural whereas in an industrial society factory production is the dominant type of economic activity.

Describe the change in the Moon's phase that takes place over the span of one cycle.



Las fases lunares son los cambios en la forma de la parte iluminada de la Luna cuando es vista por un observador en la Tierra. Estos cambios son cíclicos de acuerdo a la posición de la Luna respeto a la Tierra y al Sol. ... A medida que la Luna orbita alrededor de la Tierra, parece que continuamente cambia de forma.



A different section of the moon's face is lit up by the sun, causing it to show different phases.


How do the phases of the moon change?

The moon's location changes daily as it goes through its 29-day orbit. It is between the Earth and the sun at times and behind us at other times. As a result, the sun illuminates a different area of the moon's face, causing it to show different phases.

What happens to the moon's phases during the period of a month?We don't see the Moon as it moves between the Sun and the Earth because the side reflecting the Sun is facing away from the Earth. It's the new moon.So, while it appears like the Moon is changing shape over the course of a month, this is not the case. The Moon's orbit around Earth causes the phases to change.Moon Phases-

Moon phases: New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, and Last Quarter

There are also four secondary phases: Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous, and Waning Crescent.

Learn more about Phases of moon here-



Capital flight
The following graphs depict the market for loanable funds and the relationship between the real interest rate and the level of net capital outflow (NCO) measured in terms of the Mexican currency, the peso.
The Market for Loanable Funds in Mexico
LOANABLE FUNDS (Billions of pesos)


Mexican Net Capital Outflow
NET CAPITAL OUTFLOW (Billions of pesos)

Complete the first row of the table to reflect the state of the markets in Mexico.
Real Interest Rate
Net Capital Outflow (NCO)
(Billions of pesos)
Initial state
After capital flight
Now, suppose that Mexico experiences a sudden bout of political turmoil, which causes world financial markets to become uneasy. Because people now view Mexico as unstable, they decide to pull some of their assets out of Mexico and put them into more stable economies. This unexpected shock to the demand for assets in Mexico is known as capital flight.
Shift the NCO curve to illustrate the effect of capital flight. Then, on the graph representing the market for loanable funds, shift the demand curve, the supply curve, or both to reflect the change caused by the shift in NCO.
Note: You will not be graded on your final placement of the curves on the graph, but you will need to shift them correctly in order to answer the questions that follow.
Determine the equilibrium interest rate after capital flight occurs, and enter it into the second row of the table. Then determine the level of NCO that occurs along the new NCO curve at the new equilibrium interest rate.
Finally, show the effect of the change in NCO on the market for foreign exchange by shifting either the supply curve, the demand curve, or both.
The Market for Foreign-Currency Exchange
REAL EXCHANGE RATE (Dollars per peso)





The graph depicts the market for loanable funds and the real interest rate and level of capital outflows in terms of Mexican currency is given.

The loanable funds are funds that can be shown on the graph by the interactions of the borrower and the saver. Thy is a variation in the Market model but is brought nd sold in Money. Borrowers demand funds and save supply funds. In 2020 the net capital outflow of Mexico was 0.5%. Due to the fluctuation in the GDP and sequent capital reinvestments.

Learn more about the graphs depicting the market for loanable funds and the relationship between the real interest.


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