Who invented the wheel? How did it change the way people did things?
Give at least 3 reasons.


Answer 1


The ancient Mesopotamian people invented the wheel.


Ways it changed the way people did things:

1. It revolutionized the way people traveled from place to place.

2. It helps export and import goods, today and back then.

3. It allowed people to travel faster.

Hoped this helped! :)

Answer 2

it was the Mesopotamian people

the ancient Mesopotamian people are widely believed to have invented the wheel around 4200–4000 BC, It is likely to have also been invented, independently in China, around 2800 BC.

Related Questions

Ill mark brainly.
Write 3-5 sentences to describe the advantages and disadvantages of feudalism and the manorialism using one of the clauses below:
Even though
Despite that
An example a classmate wrote is:
Feudalism played a major role in the Middle Ages. It drew a clear line separating different social classes and created codependency between the rich and the poor. Feudalism was a social and political system practiced in Europe. It was a mutual agreement between a lord and his subordinates. It was essentially a contract created for mutual benefit. In exchange for some land and protection, vassals were required to provide a certain amount of military service. This exchange granted security for vassals and significant financial gains for their lord. A general advantage of feudalism was the stability that it brought. On the other hand, manorialism had disadvantages like how it deprived serfs of lots of privileges such as getting all they made, and even buying getting medical help. It also didn't let anyone move from their social status.



Advantages and Disadvantages of Feudalism

Feudalism played a major role in the Middle Ages. It drew a clear line separating different social classes and created codependency between the rich and the poor. Like any complicated economic system, there were advantages and disadvantages. Understanding the fundamental concepts, benefits and drawbacks of feudalism can provide insight into humanity's economic and social history.

Feudalism was a social and political system practiced in Europe, Japan and China during the Middle Ages. It was a mutual agreement between a lord and his subordinates. In the middle of the hierarchy were the lord's vassals. These people were nobility who swore an oath of loyalty to their lord. It was essentially a contract created for mutual benefit. In exchange for some land and protection, vassals were required to provide a certain amount of military service. This exchange granted security for vassals and significant financial gains for their lord. At the bottom of the pyramid were the serfs. Serfs were peasants who worked the land and provided surplus goods and taxes to the lord and his vassals.


A general advantage of feudalism was the stability that it brought. Serfs supported the infrastructure by providing essential goods and services. This, combined with an organized system of protection, helped maintain a steady balance that kept the kingdoms running. Although this system was instrumental for social order, the true advantages were felt by the lord and his close associates. They enjoyed vast material gain at the expense of the serfs.

I hope this should help you out! :) Give Brainiest?

Have you ever witnessed an eclipse? Select one type of eclipse and illustrate how it happens. Write a short explanation of the phenomenon below your drawing. Explanation:



Yes I have, an eclipse can happen up to 3 times a year based on the earth and moons orbit. It is when the moon lines up with the sun in has the illusion of covering it. It can make certain parts of the earth look like its night time.


When the Sun, the Moon and the Earth are aligned together for a particular period of time due to the rotation and revolution of the Moon and the Earth, a lunar eclipse takes place.

What is a lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse is bound to occur only on a full-moon night and is closely connected to the Moon being near to the lunar node. An image of lunar eclipse is added for reference.

According to Hindu religious beliefs, a lunar eclipse is considered as a bad or inauspicious time to conduct any regular activities of the day, and advises taking a bath after the eclipse.

Hence, the significance of lunar eclipse is explained above.

Learn more about lunar eclipse here:



How was immigration connected to economic growth?
A. Immigrants threatened economic growth
B. Immigrants came in response to economic growth but had no effect on it.
C. Immigrants increased economic growth but came for other reasons.
D. Immigrants both came in response to and contributed to economic growth.



While C and D are likely answers, D seems more probable since an immigrant would naturally want to settle in a country with high growth and they would in turn contribute to said country's growth.

Why was the US worried about the USSR?


Americans feared that the Soviet Union hoped to spread communism all over the world, overthrowing both democratic and capitalist institutions as it went.


The spread of communism worried the US

ख. यसका
खाली ठाउँमा उपयक्त शब्द भनहोस ।

क सुन्दर शव्दको विपरीतार्थी शब्द.......... हो । कुरुप, स्वरुप, राम्रो

२.. ...................अनेकार्थी शब्द हो। (मास, नास, सास)

ग. भाषाको समावेश्य शब्द........... हो । ( बोली, तामाङ, अक्षर)

घ. भानुको अर्थ........... होइन । (भाष्कर, रवि, कवि)

ड.आँखाको पर्यायवाची शब्द ..........हो। (सत्र, पत्र, नेत्)

च. अनेकार्थी शब्द .........होइन् । (ताल, साल, बेहाल​



क: कुरूप

ख: मास

ग: बोली

घ: कवि

ङ: नेत्र

च: बेहाल

please mark as brilliant

help please!!
What was a result of the American Indian occupation of Alcatraz?
A.The federal Bureau of Indian Affairs was created.
B.The public backlash led to a decline in sympathy for their cause.
C. It established a model for future American Indian activism.
D. American Indians gained land back from the US government.




an October 1969 fire destroyed San Francisco’s American Indian Center, an activist group known as “Indians of All Tribes” set their sights on the unused land at Alcatraz. A handful of protestors first journeyed to the island on November 9, 1969 under the leadership of Mohawk college student Richard Oakes. So c.

Uno de los principales faraones fue RAMSES II. ¿Quién fue, cuál fue su importante obra? ¿Por qué se lo menciona en la Biblia?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

RAMSES II. ¿Quién fue, cuál fue su importante obra?

Ramsés II fue un importante y reconocido faraón del Antiguo Egipto. Ramsés II perteneció a la llamada Dinastía XIX. De hecho, fue el tercer faraón de esa dinastía.

A Ramsés II se le recuerda por muchas cosas, entre otras, por haber construido imponentes edificios a los largo de la rivera del Río Nilo. Por ejemplo, el ordenó la construcción de una ampliación en el Templo de Tebas, una similar en Abydos, una sala dedicada a Amón, en Karnak, y una de las obras más impresionantes del mundo antiguo: el templo de Abu Simbel, en la frontera con Nubia.

¿Por qué se lo menciona en la Biblia?

A Ramsés II se le menciona en uno de los libros del Antiguo Testamente llamado el "Éxodo." La Biblia dice que bajo el yugo de Ramsés II, los Israelitas trabajaban como esclavos hasta que Moisés recibió instrucciones de Dios para liberarlos y llevar a esos Israelitas a la Tierra Prometida. Para llegar a ese lugar, los Israelitas vagaron por el desierto durante 40 años.

At one point Odysseus is rescued by _____________, who becomes his second mother. a. Phoebe b. Selene c.Nausicaa d. Penelope e. Astraea



he was rescued by Nausicaa, the Phaeacian princess.




do you need help?

In 1950 North Korean armies invaded South Korea in the hopes of


hoped to reunite the two nations as a single country under communism.

Antagonism arose among the conquered nomadic tribes of the xiongnu


Whats the question? Because this is correct

Which of the following is not a result of the Indian Appropriations Act of 1871? Select the correct answer.


Answer: The government returned large areas of land to several American Indian groups.


what was one good thing that happened in the Chinese exclusion act that modern day should do?



The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was the first significant law restricting immigration into the United States. Many Americans on the West Coast attributed declining wages and economic ills to Chinese workers. Although the Chinese composed only .002 percent of the nation's population, Congress passed the exclusion act to placate worker demands and assuage prevalent concerns about maintaining white "racial purity."


Why did the Treaty of Versailles disarm Germany?

a. to prevent another war
b. share military technology between countries
c. ensure military readiness for WWII
d. place responsibility for WWI on France



A. to prevent another war

How did nuclear technology impact the economy of the United States after World War II?
It became the most affordable source of power.

It became a major focus of military spending.

It became an important export commodity.

It became a major source of tax revenue.





Con respecto al comandante Ladislao Espinar, averigua cuál fue su actuar en la batalla y crees que de haber logrado su cometido hubiera cambiado el final de la misma. ¿Por qué?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Ladislao Espinar(1842-1879) fue un Teniente Coronel del Ejercito del Perú, quien se hizo famoso por su heroica participación en la Guerra del Pacífico.

En esa batalla, los ejércitos de Perú y Bolivia enfrentaron a las tropas chilenas en en desierto de Atacama y en las aguas el Océano Pacífico.

Su actuar en la batalla fue valerosa y sin duda, de haber logrado su cometido hubiera cambiado el final de la misma.

La situación fue que el Espinar quería aprovechar la pronta presencia del Primer Ejército del Sur en el cerro San Francisco para tomar por sorpresa al las tropas chilenas que no estaban preparadas para enfrentar al enemigo. Desafortunadamente, los generales peruanos no dieron su autorización para atacar al ejército chileno y ahí se perdió una gran oportunidad de causarles un daño mayor.

Lo que sucedió es que las tropas de Espinar tuvieron que esperar los refuerzos comandados por el general Hilarión Daza, quienes llegaron un día después. Cae mencionar que para ese momento, el ejército peruano tenía muchas carencias en alimentos y armas.

Why did World war One become a global war?



The fact that the First World War was a global war was itself the product of a global order, shaped by the European great powers and held together by an embryonic economic system. ... Decisions made in the interest of individual nations also had an effect on the widening of the war from a regional dispute

thank me later

HELP ASAP PLS who was the 11 th president of USA



James K. Polk


What was the USSR in control of after WW2?



At the end of World War II, the Soviet Union occupied Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland and eastern Germany.

Which statement best describes the relationship between geography and the Shang Dynasty in China?
The dynasty's major cities were developed in the Yellow River Valley.
The dynasty's population centers developed in regions along the coast of China.
The dynasty's armies were able to easily defend Chinese cities from attack.
The dynasty's leaders established a kingdom that extended throughout Asia.


the answer is a because the major cities were around the yellow river valley

What happened during the 1927 Shanghai Massacre?

A. Chiang Kai-shek and the nationalists turned against the communists and killed hundreds of them.

B. Hundreds of peasants were killed in Shanghai during the period of warlord rule.

C. Red Guards killed hundreds of people who were believed to be pro-Western.

D. The communists turned against the nationalists and killed hundreds of them.



A. Chiang Kai-shek and the nationalists turned against the communists and killed hundreds of them.




did test got 100%

Which of the following statements in TRUE? *

Twice as many people are motivated to vote on the far right than the far left

Most people identify as moderate in ideology

Democrats vote more often than Republicans

The vast majority of people do not vote



I think you'd have to tell us what's labelled on the y axis‍


But I think it's the one your cursor is on

The Chinese philosopher Confucius wrote his ideas on social virtues in?


The Chinese philosopher Confucius wrote his ideas on social virtues in five books known as the Cannons of Confucianism. Confucius was a Chinese philosopher, teacher and politician. He was a humanist and founded the school of Confucianism.

Why is knowing the reason that civilizations collapsed important to our society today?



Knowing about the decline of states in the past may help us preserve our own.


Qual o objetivo do mercantilismo?



Mercantilism is an economic practice by which governments used their economies to augment state power at the expense of other countries. Governments sought to ensure that exports exceeded imports and to accumulate wealth in the form of bullion (mostly gold and silver).

Why was the Virginia Company interested in setting up the colony of
A. To set up a new independent nation
B. To make money for the company
C. To teach a new religion to the natives
D. To give jobs to its explorers



Option B


The Virginia Company was interested in setting up the colony of  Jamestown because Jamestown had large reserves of natural resources like gold and iron ore, timber and wood products.

The Virginia Company wants to take advantage of all these readily available resources for making money and promote economic opportunity.

Option B is correct

The term 'barrocoon' is BEST associated with the ____ ​


That’s not even a word. Did you mean barracoon?

Where did immigration processing move when Ellis Island closed?
o Manhattan
O Brooklyn
o Long Island
Staten Island


When Ellis Island closed, immigration processing moved to Manhattan.

When Ellis Island closed the immigration processing move to Manhattan.

Thus, the correct option is A.

What is immigration?

Immigration is the international movement of individuals to a country of destination where they are not natives or citizens in order to establish themselves as long-term residents or naturalized citizens.

Short-term visitors, commuters, and other travelers do not fit within the definition of immigration or migration; however, seasonal labor immigration is occasionally included.

According to research, migration has positive economic impacts for both the sending and receiving countries.

With few exceptions, research shows that immigration generally has favorable economic effects on the native population. However, opinions are divided on whether low-skilled immigration has a negative impact on low-skilled natives.

Studies demonstrate that the removal of immigration restrictions would have a significant positive impact on global GDP, with gains estimated to range between 67 and 147 percent for scenarios in which 37 to 53 percent of employees from poor nations migrate to industrialized nations.

One of the most effective methods of decreasing poverty, according to development economists, would be to lower obstacles to labor mobility between developing and wealthy nations.

Learn more about immigration, here



What was important achievement of Mohandas Candho He guided the process ending the Cold War. B. He helped end decades of racist rute in South Africa. C. He forced France to recognize Algerian independence D. He led the violent Indian independence movement .



He led the NON-VIOLENT Indian independence movement.


The important achievement of Mohandas Gandhi is that "He led the NON-VIOLENT Indian independence movement."

Mohandas Gandhi whose full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was known to have done many things in support of humanity in terms of emancipation and freedom of the people. He later led the NON-VIOLENT Indian independence movement against British rule. He normally carries out his non-violent act by fasting, non-violent protest, and appealing to people

Which answer provides the best explanation of the phrase "international interdependence"?
The ability of multiple countries to profit from a single crop
The unity of various governments around the world on trade issues
The need for goods from other countries who, in turn, need your goods
The need for many nations to participate in shipping goods around the world


The need for goods from other countries who, in turn, need your goods.
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