Who is a kleptomania ?​


Answer 1


An impulse control disorder that results in an irresistible urge to steal.

The cause of kleptomania remains unknown but risk factors include a family history of kleptomania or other impulse control disorders. It occurs more often in women.

Kleptomania is a serious disorder that causes an irresistible urge to steal items that aren't needed and are usually of little value. Consequences can include job loss, financial penalties, and trouble with the law.

No cure exists. But treatment with talk therapy and medication, such as antidepressants, may help end the cycle of compulsive stealing.


Answer 2
It also known as a pocket picker. It’s a form of stealing indescribably under handed usually money, wallets, watches

Related Questions

Read the excerpt from the Dalai Lama's Nobel Prize
acceptance speech
Which statement best explains how the structure of the
excerpt supports the speaker's message?
With the ever-growing impact of science on our lives,
religion and spirituality have a greater role to play by
reminding us of our humanity. There is no contradiction
between the two. Each gives us valuable insights into
the other. Both science and the teachings of the
Buddha tell us of the fundamental unity of all things.
This understanding is crucial if we are to take positive
and decisive action on the pressing global concern with
the environment
O The cause-and-effect structure shows how religious
beliefs influence the way people relate to science.
O The cause-and-effect structure explains the reasons
why science and religion are important.
O The compare-and-contrast structure shows the
similarities and differences in how religions view
O The compare-and-contrast structure shows science
and religion have similar goals, even if they have
different beliefs.
Save and Exit
Mark this and retum



The compare-and-contrast structure shows science

and religion have similar goals, even if they have

different beliefs.


The excerpt is essentially explaining how both science and religion are impacting our lives significantly. "With the ever-growing impact of science on our lives, religion and spirituality have a greater role to play by reminding us of our humanity." It then goes on to say that there is no contradiction between the two, implying that many think that one cannot be said/done/acted upon with the other. "Each gives us valuable insights into the other."

The statement is comparing the two in order to show that they can both be acted upon and have similar goals.

Help me please………………..





Talk about how you can reduce your stress. Come up with five ways to help you de-stress


Exercise. It's a cliché for a reason: exercise really does prompt your body to release feel-good hormones like endorphins, which can help you to feel less stressed. ...

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The movement of the progress bar may be uneven because questions can be worth more or less (including
Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
Watch out for the falling branches overhead?
Watch out for the falling branches overhead,
Watch out for the falling branches overhead.
Watch out for the falling branches overhead!



watch out for the falling branches overhead!

I think this is the answer because this question is more like an exclamation from someone.

I hope this helps

The last option is most likely the correct answer.

At one point in Psalm 23, the speaker says, "My cup runneth over." What is the meaning of this remark?



My joy in God knows no bounds; my righteous life is full of joy

The nesxt simple quetions tell me Ans.︶︿︶ 5) He crossed the broken bridge ____ warning.
A) in spite of
B) in spite off
C) on
D) about , 6) The train ____ as fast as the bus.
A) went
B) running
C) moves
D) going. 7) He was seen _____ to the school.
A) went
B) going
C) gone
D) go​


selam hello




good lesson uday

5) He crossed the broken bridge in spite of warning.

6) The train moves as fast as the bus.

7) He was seen going to the school.

What is Fill in the Blanks?to put information into blank spaces: to deliver missing details Please fill in the blanks on the questionnaire. —sometimes used figuratively At the end of the movie, the narrator goes back and fills in (all) the blanks.

Steps to close 'Fill in the Blanks'

Try to fill in the absent word without looking at the options: Once you are done reading the sentence, try to fill the blank without glancing at the alternatives first.

Choose the best option from the options: Re-read the correction:Hit and Practice: Elimination:

Fill in the blanks is an illustration of an objective-type test. There are different types of tests, according to the type of queries used in that test. Similarly, a test that contains the objective type of queries is known as objective test.

To learn more about Fill in the Blanks, refer to:



What conclusion can be drawn about Okonkwo?
Okonkwo thinks his daughter Ezinma should have been a boy because she is strong and violent.
o It is typical behavior for Okonkwo to collect medicinal herbs to help cure his daughter Ezinma and to follow her to the Oracle when
the priestess takes her away in the middle of the night.
o Okonkwo cares about Ezinma.
Okonkwo intended to have a hand in Ikemefuna's death,



He actually cares for his daughter

Please solve all questions.​



1. some

2. any

3. travelled

4. lot of

5. ignoring

6. have

7. were born

8. has he been any better after injury

9. will. hited

10. Sami has spent .... until now

11. was

write two paragraphs to compare and contrast the narrators schools and explain how their schools shape their perspectives toward the hijab. Cite evidence from the text to support your ideas



Monica comes from an islamic school. She knows and understands the islamic values, and respects them. Monica respects her elders. She also values, respects, and understands the importance of hijabs. She believes in everything because it's what is taught and encouraged at his school. Lilly on the other hand, believes the complete opposite, because of the influence of the people around her, and because her school doesn't teach anything about islam.


It's the influence and attitude of people around you, and how much your educated that changes anything!


Marjane and Amal have very different experiences, which are revealed in the texts and which help explain the characters’ perspectives. Marjane goes to a coed French school when she is young, but later attends an Islamic school for girls. The law requires her to wear a hijab both in and out of school, whether she wants to or not. As a result of this experience, she views the veil negatively.

On the other hand, Amal goes to an Islamic high school, after having attended a Catholic school for much of her childhood. In the novel, the narrator talks about choosing whether or not to wear the hijab outside of school. She comes to admire and respect the girls who make the choice to do so. As a result of her experience, she displays a more positive perspective on wearing the veil.

What is the repeating of ideas to emphasize a particular point?
A. Parallelism
B. Repetition
C. Alliteration
D. Rule of three
Reset Selection


Anaphora serves to emphasize certain ideas, which can stir up associated emotions and appeal to the audience in order to inspire, convince, or challenge.

Repetition is the repeating of ideas to emphasize a particular point. Thus, option (b) is the correct.

What is alliteration?

A word's consonant sound is repeated in words that are near to one another in a figure of speech known as alliteration. The objective of alliteration is to create an auditory pulse that provides a piece of writing a lulling, poetic, and/or emotive impact. Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of a sequence of words in succession.

Repeating similar sounds, mainly starting consonants, in two or more nearby words or syllables is known as repetition. Since repetition may serve to highlight a point and make a speech simpler to understand, it is a common technique among orators. A message that is repeated is more likely to stick in your head.

Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on alliteration, here:



Help me please……………………


C, etymology.

A thesaurus usually does not contain all the words of the language. It provides several similar alternative words (synonyms), as well as contrasting words (antonyms).

My friend had concluded that if he took his language and culture out of his poetry, he stood a better chance of receiving a fellowship. He took out his native language, the poetic patois of our reality, the rich mixture of Spanish, English, pachuco and street talk which we know so well. In other words, he took the tortillas out of his poetry, which is to say he took the soul out of his poetry.

At a neighborhood fair in Texas, somewhere between the German Oom-pah Sausage Stand and the Mexican Gorditas booth, I overheard a young man say to his friend, “I wish I had a heritage. Sometimes I feel—so lonely for one.” And the tall American trees were dangling their thick branches right down over his head.

Which best states how the structures of both excerpts support ideas about cultural diversity?



A). Each incorporates non-English words.


The structure of a text plays a key role in conveying the meaning to the readers. In both the given excerpts, the 'usage of non-English vocabulary' shows the way in which the structure/formation backs the idea of cultural and ethnic diversity.

In the first excerpt from 'Take the Tortillas out of your poetry,' the words like 'patois' and 'pachuco' adds a native and ethnic touch that promotes the idea of acceptance and admiration towards cultural diversity. While in the second excerpt from 'Speaking Arabic,' the regional words like 'Oompah' and 'Gorditas' also back the idea of cultural manifoldness. Thus, option A is the correct answer.


The Answer is: Each relates an anecdote to appeal to the readers emotions.


I took the test.

p.s.- I hope this helps

Karishma is reading "The Tell-Tale Heart." She reads an excerpt, looks for clues, and makes a prediction about what happens next. Read the same excerpt and her prediction. His room was as black as pitch with the thick darkness, (for the shutters were close fastened, through fear of robbers,) and so I knew that he could not see the opening of the door, and I kept pushing it on steadily, steadily. Karishma predicted that the narrator would carry out the murder plot undetected. Next, read the subsequent excerpt that Karishma read. I had my head in, and was about to open the lantern, when my thumb slipped upon the tin fastening, and the old man sprang up in bed, crying out—"Who's there?" Which revision is most logical for Karishma to make to her prediction as she continues to read? The narrator would carry out the murder plot undetected. The narrator will be seen, but not heard as the murder is committed. The old man becomes aware of a frightening presence in the room. The old man prepares for his own murder.


The correct answer is C. The old man becomes aware of a frightening presence in the room.


Making predictions about a text involves analyzing the details provided and with these trying to guess the next action or event in a story. Moreover, predictions should be adjusted according to new details. In this context, Karishma will need to include the new information "the old man sprang up in bed, crying out—"Who's there?" in her prediction. Therefore the best new prediction is "The old man becomes aware of a frightening presence in the room" because the noise makes the old man react and realize there is a strange presence in the room.




2022 edg

PLZ HELP ITS TIMED A group member suggests a bake sale to raise money for a club. Which of the following builds off of this idea?
A. We could also sell cartons of milk with the baked goods to raise profits.
B. My brother did a bake sale for his club and raised three hundred dollars in a week.
C. Bake sales don't work; we should do a car wash instead.
D. I like the idea of a bake sale.





I think because that way we can raise more money and if bake sales doesn't work milk selling would at least solve the problem

Which sentence is correct?
A. Ming and Tia practice shooting hoops every day.
B. Ming and Tia practices shooting hoops every day.
C. Ming and Tia shooting hoops every day.
D. Ming and Tia shoots hoops every day.


Answer: Ming and Tia practice shooting hoops every day .

A. Ming and Tia practice shooting hoops every day.

Complete the table to explain how Shakespeare uses different aspects of the setting to develop the themes in the Romeo
and Juliet.

Aspect of Setting

Verona, Italy, in the Middle Ages, during the time of a
feud between powerful families

the balcony and the orchard


How It Develop the Themes



Verona, Italy, in the Middle Ages, during the time of a feud between powerful families.

Answer: Social class is very important at this time. In this place, there are two ruling families in conflict with one another. This conflict creates tension and drives the actions of the characters. In this way, the setting reinforces the theme that social ties can get in the way of love.


the balcony and the orchard

Answer: Because Juliet is on the balcony and Romeo is in the garden, they are clearly separated from one another. Juliet is higher on stage, which represents her elevated social status. This also shows the divisions and strife that can interfere with love.



Answer: The darkness of night shows how Romeo and Juliet have to do things in secret. It also represents the darkness of a time of such division.


Copied from correct answer given after you submit assignment.


Verona, Italy, in the Middle Ages, during the time of a feud between powerful families - Social class is very important at this time. In this place, there are two ruling families in conflict with one another. This conflict creates tension and drives the actions of the characters. In this way, the setting reinforces the theme that social ties can get in the way of love.

the balcony and the orchard - Because Juliet is on the balcony and Romeo is in the garden, they are clearly separated from one another. Juliet is higher on stage, which represents her elevated social status. This also shows the divisions and strife that can interfere with love.

nighttime - The darkness of night shows how Romeo and Juliet have to do things in secret. It also represents the darkness of a time of such division.


This is the answer edmentum gives.

Why is this statement considered a theme and not a plot summary.
people can be cruel when they are confused or hurt



This statement can be considered the theme and not ta plot summary because It relates to universal idea about life.


We also know that the theme is the general issue that deals with a story (love, trust, jealousy). It is generally a phrase that synthesizes or encompasses the entire text, a very brief exposition of the central idea of ​​the writing around which the meaning of the text is organized and which gives universal meaning to the specific data or events presented by the text. Instead the plot is the sequence of events in the order in which they appear in the story.

Read the following group discussion about utopias (perfect societies) and dystopias (hellish societies).

VICTOR: If you all read Sanchez's article, you know that she argues that Aldous Huxley's Brave New World is a utopian novel, not a dystopian novel. It's a negative society for the main character only because he's a weirdo, an outsider. Everybody else is happy.
RIKU: Yeah, but keep in mind how Sanchez defines a utopia. Her idea of a perfect society is one where everybody is ranked by ability and there isn't any conflict - not even disagreements. EDGAR: What's your point?
RIKU: My point is that Sanchez's idea of a perfect society is all about rules and order. I know that my idea of a utopia is totally different from that, and it's probably different from a lot of other people's, including Huxley's.
MARIA: In that case, what are some other examples of utopias? Ones that aren't orderly like the society in Brave New World?
Edgar: Why don't we each find a different example of a utopian society in literature and see how they're different?
VICTOR: O.K., I pick Thomas More's Utopia. I haven't read it yet so we'll see what he thinks.

Which student is MOST clearly evaluating an author's point of view?



I think RIKU is sure


In two sentences, summarize the benefits derived from the
mining industry
In one sentence, summarize the negative effect of mining
on the environment.
In three sentences, summarize how the mining industry
can be made more beneficial to the local community and
the nation


1. Mine exploration, construction, operation, and maintenance may result in land-use change, and may have associated negative impacts on environments, including deforestation, erosion, contamination and alteration of soil profiles, contamination of local streams and wetlands, and an increase in noise level, dust and ...

2. Mined materials are needed to construct roads and hospitals, to build automobiles and houses, to make computers and satellites, to generate electricity, and to provide the many other goods and services that consumers enjoy. In addition, mining is economically important to producing regions and countries.

3. In addition, mining is economically important to producing regions and countries. It provides employment, dividends, and taxes that pay for hospitals, schools, and public facilities. The mining industry produces a trained workforce and small businesses that can service communities and may initiate related businesses.As a developed society we are fortunate to enjoy the many benefits that lignite, uranium and industrial minerals help provide. These benefits include low-cost, reliable electricity and the materials necessary to build our homes, schools, hospitals, roads, highways, bridges and airports.

Hơ many year your in Word?


which language is this i can't understand

They (know) the result in a couple of day( future indefinite form)​


Upon putting the verb in bracket into future indefinite tense. The given sentence “They (know) the result in a couple of days” will be written in the following way:

They will get to know the result in a couple of days.

they got the lunch ready..... 12:30.​


Answer: wym by that?

I always try to get out of doing the dishes.
a. It’s my favorite chore. b. I enjoy doing the dishes. c. It’s my least favorite chore. d. I often do the dishes.


Answer: C.


the answer is c. Its my least favourite chore




You can't be serious in choosing A or B. If you liked doing dishes, the first introductory statement would be a questionable utterance. Both are wrong.

C: is the answer most likely, but you have to get rid of D.

D: could be right. If you often do the dishes, you might be sick and tired of doing them. But the introductory statement says you always try to get out of it which means that like it or not, you are going to do the dishes.

who are you I don't know who were you ​


lol what you are saying ?lolo

have a great day


what exactly are you asking ?

Can somebody answers these plz.


Hi is there a text that I’m suppose to read to answer this?

Please help me ASAP?!!!!!



false false the creative




The Assembly line Process

The nurse who admitted Long asked what.......to him


Answer: what are you doing


How old is Ryan?‎ ‎Ryan…
Where does he live? ‎He…
Does he live with his parents?‎ … with his parents.
What’s his father’s job?‎ His father…



Ryan is 15years old .He lives in Uganda.He also lives with his parents.His father works in an organization called MercyCops

please help so I won’t post it again!

Decide whether sexual harassment occurred,
could or should have done differently, and what the "victim" could do about the problem or potential problem.

A construction worker whistles and applauds as an attractive woman walks by his construction site every day. The woman always quickens her pace to get past the building as fast as possible, every once a while she smiles a little, suggesting that she enjoys being found attractive. The worker's buddy pokes him and says he could be putting the company at risk for a sexual harassment lawsuit, but the worker doesn't think that's likely to happen and continues to whistle and applaud at attractive women.



In my view, this would depend on how the lady felt and how she communicated with the man. meaning if the Lady indeed enjoyed being praised then I don't believe this would be put in under sexual harassment, however even though the prompt said she smiled it also mentions how she would quicken her pace. But this can have several meanings, lets say she did enjoy it then there might be a possibility that she would hurry off being embarrassed by the compliments. Now if indeed she hurried off being uncomfortable then she should tell the worker that, after seeing his reaction they can either reconcile or in other scenarios she may be able to charge him for sexual harassment.


Are there any kind of movies you dislike?





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