who is better tay-k or bobby shmurda ?


Answer 1


Tay k fasho


bobby don't got as many hits

Answer 2
Tay-k most likely because bobby shmurda doesnt seem to be as popular

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Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 was written

A. at the time of Napoleon's invasion of Vienna.

B. during a time of great prosperity and happiness for the composer.

C. in memory Beethoven's mother, who had just passed away.





Twas written in a time of Napoleon's invasion of Vienna ( 1805 ) , and not because his mother's death ( who died in 1787, while Symphony No. 5 was written in 1805 )

Answer:It is c

Explanation: At the time he was struggling because his mom had died so he wrote a Symphony don't know either it was for her or just in her memory.

Did Felix Mendelssohn pass his wife Fanny’s music off as his own?





Yes he does. Hopefully that helps you if you need more help let me know

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1. Show that this bar
should be played
2. Show that the notes in
this bar should be short
3. Add an accent to the
first two note in this bar


I feel like it’s 1. Because the bat should be moved smoothly

Which type of colors are yellow and yellow-orange



Orange, yellow-orange, and yellow are an example of analogous colors.


yellow colour is yellow but yellow - orange colour is mixture yellow and orange colour which appears like turmeric colour

importance of art work in mental healing



Studies have shown that expressing themselves through art can help people with depression, anxiety, or cancer, too. And doing so has been linked to improved memory, reasoning, and resilience in healthy older people.


Art can be a good coping mechanism.


It can allow people to express their dark thoughts(Vent Art) as well as be relaxing. Mind-numbing activity's such as painting a paint by number can have a similar effect to meditation. Though if your having any extreme mental problems I recommend you talk to a professional.  

Help ASAP! Please need help with questions 1 and 2

1 write six line whole notes
2 write six space whole notes


So I can draw it for you so you can understand me better

The answer is in the picture.

What kinds of valuable activities does one engage in when creating or examining works of art?
Name two of the decisions



It stimulates the mind, defines one's self, and expresses the artist's values.

The decisions we face in when creating or examining works of art are :

It stimulates the mind and defines one's self.Expresses the artist's values.What is Art?Art is studied because “it is among the highest expressions of culture, embodying its ideals and aspirations, challenging its assumptions and beliefs, and creating new visions and possibilities for it to pursue.How We Assign Value to Art?The word art is often used to apply judgments of value, as in expressions like “that meal was a work of art” (implying that the cook is an artist) or “the art of deception” (the advanced, praiseworthy skill of deceiving). It is this use of the word as a measure of high value that gives the term its flavor of subjectivity.

Learn more about Art on:



The Column of Trajan combines the glory of battle with details of soldierly life to support the Roman


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this open question. However, we can help to comment on the following.

The Column of Trajan combines the glory of battle with details of soldierly life to support the Roman sense of military and cultural superiority over its enemies.

Located in the Trajan's Forum in Rome Italy, this monument honors the victory of the Roman army of Emperor Trajan in the Dracian Wars. The column represents the many battles between Dacians and the Roman Empire.

This impressive monument also served as a propaganda tool in that it served the Roman Empire to show the power of the Roman army in different campaigns and its dominion over the Dacians.

pensa y escribi un mensaje (como lo haria un influencer) que considere efectivo para concientizar a otras personas sobre alguna de las problematicas abordadas



De lo que hablaré ahora es del calentamiento global. Lo que está causando todos estos frenéticos incendios e inundaciones. Una cosa que hace el calentamiento global es producir gases de efecto invernadero que no son buenos para el medio ambiente. Lo que causa el calentamiento global es que dejemos nuestro material reciclado en la playa, olvidemos reciclar cosas y dejemos bolsas de plástico en el parque o en algún otro lugar. Entonces, en mi opinión, este es el momento de tomar medidas para ayudar a salvar nuestra asombrosa tierra. Espero que estés de acuerdo conmigo.


De lo que hablaré ahora es del calentamiento global. Lo que está causando todos estos frenéticos incendios e inundaciones. Una cosa que hace el calentamiento global es producir gases de efecto invernadero que no son buenos para el medio ambiente. Lo que causa el calentamiento global es que dejemos nuestro material reciclado en la playa, olvidemos reciclar cosas y dejemos bolsas de plástico en el parque o en algún otro lugar. Entonces, en mi opinión, este es el momento de tomar medidas para ayudar a salvar nuestra asombrosa tierra. Espero que estés de acuerdo conmigo.

Whats the name of these nails?



Are you talking bout the shaping or the colors


french nail acrylic designs coffin

Those are French acrylic nails, the shape they are in is coffin and the color the color is white, light orange, and tangerine. See the attached photo for some reference.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

The music teacher told the tenors to sing a D note, the altos an F note, and the sopranos an A note, all at the same time. What is the music teacher MOST likely trying to create?







harmony !!


when a choir is all singing different notes but blending together it creates a harmony

melody is the main part consistent throughout the piece

dissonance is the lack of harmony

crescendo is the dynamic of increasing volume for emphasis

Henry is studying the effects of deforestation along the slopes of hills and mountains.
He wants to take a photo of a mountain slope near his house to show as a reference. He brought his tripod with him to the location. What steps would Henry take to set up his tripod?
Tie the legs of the tripod to trees or rocks with ropes.
Hook a bag of weights to the bottom of the tripod.
Frame his shot.
Lock the legs of the tripod.
Check the ground.
Adjust the height of the tripod.
Attach the camera to the tripod.
narrow aperture



Tie the legs of the tripod to trees or rocks with ropes.

Look at this painting. It belongs to which artistic movement?
A. Romanticism
B. Impressionism



C. Neo classism


this is the famous Death of the Marat made by Jacques, It's a textbook of neoclassic art, it is simple in geometric form and also uses a neoclassic preference using a blank wall.

Should video games and Phones be considered a medium in Mass media?


I think it should be considered as Mass media
Yes viedo games should be considered as a medium in mass media.

Which of these is NOT an art form of Melanesia?



Bark cloth


Mat and basket weaving


Bark cloth I believe

Mat and basket weaving is not regarded as an artform of Melanesia and is denoted as option E.

What is Melanesia art?

This form of art is practised in New Guinea and it involves mainly face and body painting and pottery.

Mat and basket weaving is not among which is why it was chosen as the most appropriate choice.

Read more about Melanesia art here https://brainly.com/question/20239661


The tomb of Rudolf of Swabia, shown below, is an example of a


The tomb of Rudolf of Swabia is an example of a bronze tomb effigy.

what is spectacular best answer will be marked brainliest​



spectacular is something noticeable or dramatic, especially when something is notable because it is so beautiful. An example of something that would be described as spectacular is a large, gorgeous and eye-catching diamond ring.

if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest.

Harán una lista de programas de televisión que puedan ayudarnos en algunos de nuestros cursos escolares



La televisión educativa o la televisión de aprendizaje es el uso de programas de televisión en el campo de la educación a distancia.

Name and define the three types of balance.



There are three different types of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical and radial.

Pls help me decide
Do we need to study math or data entry for an animation career (10th grade)



You should choose Maths.


It can help you in many ways in future. Maths can be useful for a better future.

give related words and complete the web - Picnic​




heres a bunch that could help u!

HELP!!! With lessons 5 and 6 I don’t understand thanks it’s due today



I suggest reading everything on lesson 5 over again, since the answers are in there. Otherwise, you can always look up a music theory video.

I hope this helps!


Brainliest, please!

List 4 Black American theatre makers (discussed in lecture) and briefly describe some of their significant contributions to contemporary theatre



Quick add


Could you please mention which Black American theatre makers were dicussed in the lecture so we can pick a few.

5. Describe three ways that music can be used in television. (6 points)



Radio station, muscial on tv, music channel, intro to a show, dancing music


This is all I could come up with. I did my best

who was benjamin davis


he was a human................

Read the description:

Student Voice is a magazine that provides information about different clubs in schools, award winning novels, and cool experiments that can be completed at home.

Select the correct way to format the title.

Student Voice
"Student Voice"
Student Voice
(Student Voice)



Student Voice


Student Voice is a magazine that provides information about different clubs in schools, award winning novels, and cool experiments that can be completed at home.

The film's producer is sometimes considered its author, or auteur.
A True
B. False​





According to Britannica, "...the director, who oversees all audio and visual elements of the motion picture, is more to be considered the “author” of the movie than is the writer of the screenplay."

Hope this helps! :D

The answer is A -True

Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov, the composer, wanted to create music that told stories. Do you think he was successful in Scheherazade? Why or why not?



Yes, I think the composer, Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov, was successful in his goal to create music that told stories.The Scheherazade is a fantastic example of this. The symphonic piece consists of a story about a vengeful prince and a brave woman. The prince is betrayed by a woman and sets out to kill them all. Then, he meets the courageous Scheherazade, who risks her life, aware of the prince's intentions, to protect the lives of other women. Drawn in by her euphonious voice and enchanting stories, the prince can't help but fall in love. Rimsky-Korsakov executes the storytelling factor perfectly as the he tells the story clearly and differentiates the characters throughout the song. It is clear when the prince is speaking as the music grows louder and more intimidating, demanding attention, versus when Scheherazade was speaking as the music falls softer, communicating Scheherazade's soothing voice.  

( If this helped you please give it a thumbs up/five stars and a brainliest :) )


I have researched the work of Rimsky-Korsakov, specifically Scheherazade and used my knowledge to answer this question to the best of my ability.

the colors of the rainbow










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