Who is the author of the story The Neklace?

A. HG Wells
B. Robert W. Peterson
C. Guy De Maupassant
D. None of the above ​


Answer 1


C. Guy De Maupassant

im pretty sure thats it

Answer 2


C. Guy De Maupassant


Related Questions

Click to read the passage from The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka. Then
answer the question.

How does Gregor's appearance affect his mother?

A. Mournful, she begins to cry.
B. Excited, she says she loves him.
C. Frustrated, she yells at him.
D. Frightened, she faints.


I think its C, she feels Frustrated and looses her patience
C it’s the correct answer

What is the theme of this passage?
One should be like nature, merry in every way.
Nature is never the same, it is always changing with a new song.
There is a universal song in nature which all hearts can hear.
Even when things seem dark, there is always something to be happy about.



i dont know what the answer is


because there no story or passage




Decide whether each word has a strong negative
connotation or a neutral connotation.
"Bicycling by young women has helped to swell the
ranks of reckless girls who finally drift into the
standing army of outcast women of the United
States," wrote Smith in a resolution issued by her
group, the Women's Rescue League. "The bicycle is
the devil's advance agent morally and physically in
thousands of instances." Smith's resolution called for
"all true women and clergymen" to join with her in
denouncing the bicycle craze among women as "
indecent and vulgar"
-Wheels of Change,






Abd: Negative connotation

"Bicycling by young women has helped to swell the ranks of reckless girls who finally drift into the standing army of outcast women of the United States," wrote Smith in a resolution issued by her group, the Women's Rescue League. "

What is Connotation?

Connotation describes the sentimental or cultural connotations that a word has in addition to its literal meaning. It is frequently influenced by the context in which the term is used and can be either good, negative, or neutral.

Connotation has the power to arouse particular attitudes or feelings towards the thing being described. For instance, the word "home" has a good connotation since it is connected with warmth, comfort, and security, whereas the term "snake" has a negative connotation for a lot of individuals because it is frequently associated with danger or deceit.

Effective communication requires an understanding of word connotations because they can influence how a message is received and understood by the listener or reader.

Therefore, Abd: Negative connotation

"Bicycling by young women has helped to swell the ranks of reckless girls who finally drift into the standing army of outcast women of the United States," wrote Smith in a resolution issued by her group, the Women's Rescue League. "

Learn more about Connotations, here:



Imagine you are in the pastupatinath area Tell a tourist what he/she can ond cannot do Eg: you cannot take photographs inside the temple.​



You can´t carry any items that are made of leather inside the temple.

You can´t drink alcohol or smoke inside the temple.

You can ask the sadhus for permission to take pictures with them.

You can´t take pictures of them without them knowing.

You can´t take pictures during a funeral or final ritual.


To answer this question we need to know how to use the modal verb "can," which expresses the ability or possibility of doing something. The verb that comes

After the word "Can" there should be the infinitive of a verb without to, like in "You can ask."

To form the negative we add "not" after can to form one word: cannot.

Why did Mao Zedong begin the Cultural Revolution



Launched by Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and founder of the People's Republic of China (PRC), its stated goal was to preserve Chinese communism by purging remnants of capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society, and to re-impose Mao Zedong Thought (known outside China as Maoism)


what is environmental degration



environmental degration is like a procces passes through the natural enviroment



Identify the following scenario as passive listening or listening to analyze, comprehend, empathize, or gain information.
Ian watches and listens to a documentary about World War II, trying to understand the causes and effects of the war.
A. Analyze
B. Passive
C. Gain information
D. Empathize
E. Comprehend


I believe it’s C or E,I think the last sentence gives it away

Match the term to the description.

1. character vs. self
one person who is in conflict within herself
2. character vs. society
one person who is in conflict with three or more people
3. character vs. technology
how the author makes the reader feel about a character or situation
4. mood
the action of the story
5. plot
One person who is in conflict with something man-made


I thjnk it is answer 1(im not to sure)


Character vs. Self - One person who is in conflict within herself

Character vs. society- One person who is in conflict with three or more people

Character vs. Technology- One person who is in conflict with something man-made.

Mood- How the Author makes the reader feel about a character or situation.

Plot- The action of the story

                                                                                         Credit to jwaycari24


I suppose they won't be on time for lunch?



Is this a question?


Bubble Guppies????????

If you could add anything to the US constitution, what would it be?




any one that is shone doing an act of racism or sexism or even terist should do prison time


Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence. Number 8 and 9


it's the first option for both questions i think

Enzo wants to add a heading to the passage to help readers who are previewing the text. What is the best heading for him to add?




By starting the passage with
the writer
Lea's load


I don't know what does that mean

Answer: The first blank is "dialogue", and the second is "introduces two characters and a wartime setting."

Explanation: I just took the test and got it correct.

By starting the passage with dialogue, the writer introduces two characters and the wartime setting.

What is the subject and theme of "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley?
by Percy Bysshe Shelley
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
a Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."
O A.
The subject is death and the theme is that death overpowers all.
© B.
The subject is art and IS the theme is that art can immortalize beauty.
© C. The subject is human vanity and the theme iS that human vanity is destroyed by time.
© D.
The subject is immortality and the theme iS that human vanity is not subject to time and natur



A. The subject is death and the theme is that death overpowers all.


"Ozymandias" is a poem that portrays the moment when the speaker came across the statue of a king, who was very grand and powerful while he was alive, but who now, years after his death, is nothing more than a mere destroyed statue. , thrown in the sand. The power and kingdom that this king built was completely defeated by death, which is more powerful than he.

Thus, we can see that the poem has death as its main subject. In addition, the poem is about death's ability to dominate everything the way it wishes.

The subject of a poem refers to the main element that the poet wants to address within the text. In contrast, the theme is the message the author wants to convey through the poem.

Select the option that correctly completes each sentence.
When you first started at the company, you
(never/slack) off.
O a. never used to slack / would never slack
b. never used to slack
c. would never slack
A Moving to the next question prevents changes to this answer.



i think it is B


the sentence was in the past tense so therefore the answer must be in the past

What does the speaker personify in "Mending Wall," and why?

1. darkness, to suggest that it will eat everything up like a hungry person

2. the stones in the wall, which are shaped like loaves of bread

3. the hunters' dogs, to show that they can outsmart the rabbits

4. nature, to suggest that walls aren't natural like the pine trees and stones are



4. Nature, to suggest that walls aren't natural like the pine trees and stones are.


Personification is the giving of human characteristics to a non-human idea or abstract thought. In other words, making a nonliving thing appear lifelike or have human characters is known as personification.

In the poem "Mending Wall", Robert Frost used personification right from the start of the poem. The initial lines

"Something there is that doesn't love a wall

That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,

And spills the upper boulders in the sun;

And makes gaps even two can pass abreast"

uses personification for 'nature' or natural forces like erosion. The speaker personifies the natural force or act of erosion, making it seem like it doesn't like the construction of the wall. This suggests that the walls are not natural.

Thus, the correct answer is option 4.

The speaker personify in "Mending Wall," is that suggesting that walls are not naturally occurring like pine trees and stones, hence option 4 is correct.

Personification is the assignment of human traits to an impersonal concept or abstract idea. In other terms, personification is the process of giving a nonliving object a human appearance or personality.

Robert Frost used personification from the very beginning of the poem "Mending Wall" on.

'Nature' or natural forces like erosion are personified. The speaker humanizes erosion as a natural force or act, giving the impression that it disapproves of the wall's building. Inferring from this that the walls are artificial.

Thus, option 4 is correct.

Learn more about "Mending Wall," here:



Which option is an example of deductive reasoning?

A. Jared is late every day. Therefore, he will be late tomorrow.
B. Soo keeps rolling sixes. Therefore, she will continue to roll sixes.
C. Pugs are small. Fido is a pug. Therefore, Fido is small.
D. Metals are shiny. Glass is shiny. Therefore, glass is a metal.​


The answer should be C. A and B are predictions and D is incorrect

An example of deductive reasoning include option C: Pugs are small. Fido is a pug. Therefore, Fido is small.

What do you mean by deductive reasoning?

In deductive reasoning, it's important for the conclusion to be deduced from the evidence given.

This is an intelligent procedure in which a conclusion depends on the concordance of different premises that are by and large thought to be valid.

Deductive reasoning is also referred to as top-down reasoning, because it starts at the "top" with the more general understandings, working "down" to specific conclusions.

Therefore, correct option is C.

Learn more about deductive reasoning, refer to the link:



3. Put those plants in the sun. If they
enough light, they
(, not get)
4. If you
the right password, you
the website. (not have not access)
5. My mum
well if she
coffee before bed (not sleep, drink
annoyed if you
your homework (get, not do)
your teacher
3) Complete the zero conditional sentences by choosing the correct pairs of verbs from the bou Put the
verbs in the correct form.
feel/not do
not wake/not get cannot read
Do remember
1. If!
to do my homework, 1
the teacher a
2. If
my brother up in the morning, he
is school on time
music really loudly if I
st home alone
4. If
sleep at night, 1
a magazine.
5. you
embarrassed if you
a mistake when speaking English?
6. She
her homework if she
4 Complete the facts. Use the verbs
below and the zero conditional,
5) Write the zero conditional sentences using prompts
Example: 1/fee/faint/1/se/blood treel final se blood


I don't know it will take was this for a year or thing

Read the excerpt from Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.

But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate—we cannot consecrate—we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

Lincoln uses parallelism in this excerpt to





In this excerpt, Lincon's use of parallelism is shown in the example "we cannot dedicate—we cannot consecrate—we cannot hallow this ground". In addition to explaining his argument, he uses paralellism to give structure, order, and balance in his speech. Repetition also assisted him in emphasizing his idea to the audience. Repeated information is more likely to be remembered by the audience.


A. acknowledge the limitations of the memorial ceremony.

Match each word or phrase with the text structure that it signals. for example to solve this first likewise for this reason compare and contrast arrowRight cause and effect arrowRight description arrowRight problem and solution arrowRight chronological order arrowRight



For example- Description

To solve this- Problem and solution

First- Chronological order

Likewise- compare and contrast

For this reason- Cause and effect


Textual structure refers to how a text is organized, that is, how information in a text is presented in a certain order. The answer presented above presents some textual structures related to the words that best represent them. These structures can be conceptualized as follows:

Chronological order: The text presents the information organized chronologically, that is, organized according to the date they happened.

Problem and solution: Presents the problems faced by some element and how the solution of these problems was carried out.

Cause and effect: shows how an element had the ability to create another element.

Compare and contrast: presents the similarities and differences between two elements.

Description: describes the elements that make up a text, through the use of many adjectives.

Write 10 Slogans pls​



"Just Do It" - Nike

"Think Different" - Apple

"Where's the Beef?" - Wendy's

"Open Happiness" - Coca-Cola

"Because You're Worth It" - L'Oreal

"Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands" - M&Ms

"A Diamond is Forever" - De Beers

"The Breakfast of Champions" - Wheaties

"America Runs on Dunkin'" - Dunkin' Donuts

"Can You Hear Me Now?" - Verizon Wireless


what will you do if you got chances to meet your favourite fictional characters​


I would scream?? It will be awesome if that happened
I would ask them 1 advice for life :)

what do you mean by social problems? give examples.​



Jaheem has a goal running a total of 125 miles this month. Each day that he ran, he ran 7 miles. Which expression could Jaheem use to determine how many miles he has left to run after running for d days?

x a.

125 – 7d

x b.

7d + 125

x c. fraction numerator 125 over denominator 7 d end fraction

x d.


Explanation:Jaheem has a goal running a total of 125 miles this month. Each day that he ran, he ran 7 miles. Which expression could Jaheem use to determine how many miles he has left to run after running for d days?

x a.

125 – 7d

x b.

7d + 125

x c. fraction numerator 125 over denominator 7 d end fraction

x d.


Jaheem has a goal running a total of 125 miles this month. Each day that he ran, he ran 7 miles. Which expression could Jaheem use to determine how many miles he has left to run after running for d days?

x a.

125 – 7d

x b.

7d + 125

Jaheem has a goal running a total of 125 miles this month. Each day that he ran, he ran 7 miles. Which expression could Jaheem use to determine how many miles he has left to run after running for d days?

x a.

125 – 7d

x b.

7d + 125

x c. fraction numerator 125 over denominator 7 d end fraction

x d.


x c. fraction numerator 125 over denominator 7 d end fraction

x d.


How are
enzymes formed​


Enzymes are made from amino acids and they are proteins. When an enzyme is formed it is made by stringing together between 100 to 1000 amino acids in a very specific unique order.


enzymes are formed from amino acid,and they are protein.




the last one makes the most sense.


First is too specific

Second one fails to mention the solution.

1. John sleeps / is sleeping now.
2. Francesca goes / is going to school every day.
3. I have / am having a piano lesson on Tuesday and Friday.
4. Tom and Sarah have just played / are playing tennis for 3 hours.
5. Mr and Mrs Clark visit/ are visiting my family every year.
6. My mum doesn´t cook / isn´t cooking at the moment.
7. I have already done / am doing my homework.
8. Frank´s dad works / has worked in Austria for a month.
9. We don´t dance / aren´t dancing at school today.
10. Boys don´t wear / aren´t wearing pink T-shirts.
11. Our teachers sing / are singing at the moment.
12. We eat /are eating our snacks from 9.25 to 9.40 every day.
13. Simon has had/ is having a football training since Monday.
14. Tony is in his room. He learns / is learning.
15. Kate is at the cinema. She watches / is watching a film.
16. My grandad is in the garden. He cuts /is cutting the grass.
17. My grandma is in the living room. She reads /is reading a book.
18. My sister is in the UK. She phones / is phoning u severy week.
19. We go / are going to the sea every summer.
20. Peter has gone / is going skiing to the Alps since February.



1. John is sleeping now.

2. Francesca goes to school every day.

3. I have a piano lesson on Tuesday and Friday.

4. Tom and Sarah have just played tennis for 3 hours.

5. Mr and Mrs Clark visit my family every year.

6. My mum isn't cooking at the moment.

7. I have already done my homework.

8. Frank's dad has worked in Austria for a month.

9. We aren't dancing at school today.

10. Boys don't wear pink T-shirts.

11. Our teachers are singing at the moment.

12. We eat our snacks from 9.25 to 9.40 every day.

13. Simon has had football training since Monday.

14. Tony is in his room. He is learning.

15. Kate is at the cinema. She is watching a film.

16. My grandad is in the garden. He is cutting the grass.

17. My grandma is in the living room. She is reading a book.

18. My sister is in the UK. She phones u severy week.

19. We go to the sea every summer.

20. Peter has gone skiing to the Alps since February.


if this helps you, please mark brainliest!

The correct answers of  the blanks are as follow:

1. John is sleeping now.

2. Francesca goes to school every day.

3. I have a piano lesson on Tuesday and Friday.

4. Tom and Sarah have just played tennis for 3 hours.

5. Mr and Mrs Clark visit my family every year.

6. My mum isn't cooking at the moment.

7. I have already done my homework.

8. Frank's dad has worked in Austria for a month.

9. We aren't dancing at school today.

10. Boys don't wear pink T-shirts.

11. Our teachers are singing at the moment.

12. We eat our snacks from 9.25 to 9.40 every day.

13. Simon has had football training since Monday.

14. Tony is in his room. He is learning.

15. Kate is at the cinema. She is watching a film.

16. My grandad is in the garden. He is the grass.

17. My grandma is in the living room. She is reading a book.

18. My sister is in the UK. She phones use every week.

19. We go to the sea every summer.

20. Peter has gone skiing to the Alps since February.

What are grammatical errors?

Grammatical error is a term utilized in prescriptive grammar to portray a case of broken, or dubious use, for example, a ​misplaced modifier or an unseemly action word tense.

Additionally called a use mistake. Contrast syntactic error and accuracy.

For more information about grammatical error, refer the following link:


ead the excerpt from It's Our World, Too!: Young People Who Are Making a Difference. "Look," Neto said, "if we don't take a stand now, those fans will say those things forever. Even after we graduate, they'll keep putting Hispanic players down. We have a chance to stop it now. Finally there was no more to say. The question came: "Who votes not to play the next game?" Every player raised his hand. That night, Neto, Jesse, and another teammate walked into the coach's office and handed him their uniforms and pads. They explained why they were leaving and expected him to understand, but they were disappointed. "The coach said, 'Quitting will just make it worse,'" Neto remembers. "He said the fans would call us losers and quitters instead of respecting us. Nothing could convince him. After a while we just walked out." Now there was no turning back. Which idea from this excerpt further complicates Neto’s conflict?



What complicates Neto's conflict is that the team's coach does not oppose the idea that Neto and Jesse had.


According to the text shown above, we can see that Neto, Jess and their teammates are tired of how Latino and Spanish athletes are being mistreated and devalued. They believe that this kind of prejudice will never change and that it damages their future as athletes. For this reason, they decide to leave the team, as a form of protest. However, the coach does not support this decision and claims that leaving the team will only worsen their image within the sport and the audience. This lack of support further complicates the conflict they are involved in.


The answer is D. The coach doesn't support Neto, Jesse, and the other teammate.


This is because the coach states that quitting won't help get the problem solved. If he supported the students, then he would've agreed with them. However, he disagreed with them by saying that it wouldn't help to quit

Complete the following passage by choosing the correct options, answer any four :
the rag pickers of india (a) ----------- a pitiable sight. it is poverty that goads them to resort to rag picking. Day in and Day out they may be (b) ----------- on the roads, on the lanes and by lanes of a city or town looking for cast off clothes or something else showy and shoddy that may sell. More often than not, it is children who (c) ------ to rag picking. but some young men and women are also (d) ----------
to take up the trade to make both ends meet. Why should innocent children (e) ------------ should be at this school at this age do this filthy job? It is because their parents are too poor to support them.

(a) (i) presented
(ii) present
(iii) will present
(iv) may present

(b) (i) see
(ii) seen
(iii) were being seen
(iv) are been seen

(c) (i) have taken
(ii) will take
(iii) take
(iv) shall take

(d) (i) force
(ii) forced
(iii) will force
(iv) may force

(e) (i) whom
(ii) who
(iii) which
(iv) that ​



that's my thought

A i

b ii

c i

d ii

e ii

What does parrker mean by the poor are always silent



Parker is referring to poor people's helplessness when she says "the poor are always silent." Money is extremely important in poverty. Money is the perfect solution to all problems. Poor people, on the other hand, feel weaker as a result of a lack of resources


What does it mean to be powerful


The meaning of powerful is to be able to control, influence, or force people or an object

For example you can show power over a toy by making it walk. ( having a force on an object ). Or you can force or influence someone to buy a certain ice cream flavor ( verbal power)

I hope this helps, have a good rest of your day!

The meaning of powerful is having control over something or maybe having so people
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