who is your favorite ninja from ninjago


Answer 1
Lloyd or Jay fo sure
Answer 2


Nya :D

Explanation: she is very cool

Related Questions

Vào 1097 năm trước đã xẫy ra những chuyện gì



vào 1097 năm méo có truyện gì xảy ra hết :))

In this activity, you will describe ways in which you might practice the civic responsibilities of being a US citizen. Part A List three activities that you could engage in to participate in civic life in your community.



Well one thing you could start is by voting your second way you could is start working and pay taxes and your third is support and defend the constitution



Here are some examples of civic activities:

working at a homeless shelter or food pantry

volunteering for a political campaign

attending a meeting on a local or global issue of interest

reading a newspaper regularly to stay informed about the issues

Can someone help me please





1. F - the Aztext capital city

2. C - the region north or northwest Mexico from which the Aztecs came

3. D - the region in central Mexico where the Aztecs settled

4. A - the language spoke by the Aztecs

5. B - an independent government unit centered on a city

6. G - the greatest Aztec emperor

7. E - an Aztec family group; meant "big house"

8. A - a lake

9. D - quipu

10. B - slaves

14. Is Puerto Rico is closer to South America or Florida?




1000 miles south east of Miami Florida

Which of these is an example of hanging out?

A. Surfing the Internet for information about game websites

B. Making and sending out your own original music video

C. Sending your friend an email with a link to a new music clip

D. Playing an adventure game with people all over the globe


Answer: d -- it's the only answer where you're having actual contact with someone else, live at the moment.

Answer: C


please help me please



the whole forest / bows and dances


personification is the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form. forests cannot bow nor dance, but are given these human qualities in the poem

what happened between the war of america and japan?



the have many loss soldier



It was one of the bloodiest conflicts that America engaged in.

It is really hard to give you a decent summary. However, here are the main points.

You have to start with China. The Japanese used 1 million army regulars to occupy China. That effectively took them out of the conflict between America and Japan.

Second. Pearl Harbor. Against his better judgement, Admiral Yamamoto engineered the attack on Pearl Harbor. It was primarily a Naval attack if you absent the fact that Japan's Navy carried the planes within striking distance. It remained a mostly naval war until the end. The Americans respected Yamamoto so much that when they broke the Japanese code, a massive attack was waged against the fleet commanded by Admiral Yamamoto. Little known fact. That happened in April 18, 1943

Third. Midway. Midway was probably the decisive battle in the Pacific. There was lots of fighting that took place afterward, but there was no way Japan could make up for the carrier losses at midway. She just could not match the industrial strength of the United States. Japan had already awoken the sleeping giant, as Yamamoto phrased it.

This is the beginning of your understanding. I have left out the land battles that took place mainly fought by the marines. The Philippines the Mariannas Okinawa are all things you should look up along with Douglas MacArthur and Charles Nimitz. I might recommend Doolittle's raid on Tokyo as well.

how does modern erra differ from middle ages



Technology allows people in the modern era to mass-produce goods

more quickly and easily than was possible in the Middle Ages.



States established manorialism as their major economic system during the modern era, while capitalism dominated the Middle Ages. Technology allows people in the modern era to mass-produce goods more quickly and easily than was possible in the Middle Ages.

What was the Final Solution, and how was it developed?



If you're talking about World War 2:

The Final Solution, also known as The Final Solution to the Jewish Question was a plan created by the Nazis for genocide on the Jews. This killed more than 6 million Jewish people. Sad :((


Have a great summer :)

Bolívar had hoped for a unified state in Latin America, but

he was unable to launch a revolution strong enough to overthrow the government.
instead Latin America was divided into Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela.
instead Latin American was divided into El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala.
he could not convince José de San Martin to give up control of the army.


Answer: instead Latin America was divided into Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela.

Explanation: just took quiz on Ed :)


Explanation:instead Latin America was divided into Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela.

4. How did the Hebrews rule themselves following the defeat of the Philistines?



Judaism is a monotheistic faith that developed among the Hebrew people and was ... and were spread over a large geographic region by a series of diasporae.


The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, making it one of the most brilliant pieces of literature ever created as well as a religious and cultural foundation with unfathomable influence.

What were the beliefs or practices of the early Hebrews?

The monotheistic religion of Judaism was created by the ancient Hebrews. Judaism is characterized by a religious life that is in accordance with biblical teachings and rabbinic traditions, as well as by the belief in a single transcendent God who revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets.

Saul, along with his followers, led the Hebrews in their battle against the Philistines. After that, Saul crowned himself king over the Hebrew tribes. David of Bethlehem continued Saul's work by capturing Jerusalem and turning it into the political and religious capital of the realm. The Philistines were pushed back by the Hebrews, who eventually defeated them entirely. One of Saul's former lieutenants, David, succeeded him, and Solomon, David's son, was known for his wisdom.

Learn more about Hebrews here:



What are the 3 positions in line for the President after the VP?



"The order of succession specifies that the office passes to the vice president; if the vice presidency is simultaneously vacant, or if the vice president is also incapacitated, the powers and duties of the presidency pass to the speaker of the House of Representatives, president pro tempore of the Senate, and then Cabinet secretaries, depending on eligibility."


we should respect all tje culture give your opinion for this statementò​



Because all the culture are important and all the culture teaches us something.


Because all the culture are important and all the culture teaches us something.


Scientists are not exactly sure when or where the first modern humans lived.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




I’m going to say OT because it’s seems more reasonable




Scientists are not exactly sure when or where the first modern humans lived, but they guess they were from about 200,000 years ago in northern Africa.

According to the quote, how did Abraham Lincoln respond to secession as the President-elect of the United



I would like to answer but what's the quote that Abraham Lincoln said?


In sharp contrast to World War I, during World War II, the United States was a ready to use conscription if necessary to raise an army. b forced to sacrifice civilian economic well-being for the military effort. c weakened by constant isolationist criticism of the war effort. d nearly unanimous in support of the war. e actually invaded by enemy forces.



the answer is c hope that helps

What rights were clearly inspired by the Enlightenment?



Liberty meant freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and freedom from unreasonable government (torture, Censorship, and so on). Enlighenment writers, such as Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau's, influenced ordinary readers, politicians, and even heads of state all over the western world.

Project help! BRAINLIEST!

how were African Americans lives in the 19th century compared to now ? what changed and what remained the same



In the 9th century black people still hap to go through the fact that white people have power


what is relationship between human and Society​



The relation between individual and society is very close. Essentially, “society” is the regularities, customs and ground rules of antihuman behavior. These practices are tremendously important to know how humans act and interact with each other. Society does not exist independently without individual.


it is like a nail and skin because without people a society cannot form

Why were Europeans colonizing the Americans starting in the 15 century



i hope this can help you!


The Vikings were the first Europeans to land in North America; in the 10th century, they formed settlements in what is presently Greenland and Newfoundland. ... In the 15th century, Europe sought to expand trade routes to find new sources of wealth and bring Christianity to the East and any newly found lands.

who is the first president of Namibia​





Samuel Nujoma, 1988-2005




I. Fill in each gap with a suitable word to complete the passage.
I come (1)……………. a family of five people. My mother is a very caring woman. She takes the
responsibility for running the (2)…………….. She is always the first one to get up (3)…………….in
the morning to make sure that we leave home (4)…………….school having eaten (5)…………….and
dresses in suitable clothes. In the afternoon, after hospital, she rushes (6)…………….the market,
then hurries (7)…………….so that dinner is ready on the table by the time Dad (8)…………….home.
Dad (9)………….always willing to give a hand with (10)…………….the house.












What percentage of slaves worked as domestic service or in trades



the answer is 75 percent :)

Can somebody make me sentence that had terms "land degradation" "overgrazing" and "desertification" in it? Pretty pleaseeee. Thank you


In few years, there will be land degradation which will be caused by ovegrazing and desertification.

(b) Write any five advantages of good company.



1 | Better Employee Retention. ...

2 | Higher Employee Retention. ...

3 | Better Reputation. ...

4 | Greater Employee Fit. ...

5 | Better Business Performance


Hope it helps dear

Mark me as Brainliest plz!!



Lower Turnover. When people love their jobs, they're more likely to stay. ...

Personnel issues are easier to deal with. ...

Management has a better grasp of what's happening in the trenches. ...

Increased loyalty among staff. ...

You'll attract and retain better talent.

Please help need this ASAP
“death may be the greatest of all human blessings”
Why is this important?



I think its important since it ends all suffering and makes the person soul go to rest. just saying

It makes the soul rest

According to Washington, what effect does hatred
have on the human soul?


hatred damages the human soul, hope this helps:)

In a trial, lawyers introduce the jury to their main arguments and the evidence
that supports their case during
O A. sentencing
O B. cross-examination
O C. deliberation
O D. opening statements


I’m pretty sure it’s opening statements,

because sentencing happened at the end, cross examination is when you try and prove the prosecution wrong, and deliberation is when the jury is trying to make a decision so it should be opening statements

After the American Revolution, why did other nations look to the United States as a model nation?

The United States was a representative democracy.
The United States forced its colonial rulers to leave.
The United States was able to maintain its independence.
The United States balanced the interests of the central and local governments.



The answer seems to be the 3 one : The United States was able to maintain its independence


What was the main reason why it was more expensive to operate a school system in the South than in the
A. the powerful influence of religious groups
B. the policy of segregation practiced in the South
C. the widespread corruption introduced by so-called "scalawags"
D. the influx of thousands of so-called "carpetbaggers" from the North


The correct answer is B) the policy of segregation practiced in the South.

The main reason why it was more expensive to operate a school system in the South than in the North?  was "the policy of segregation practiced in the South."

We can set an example to better explain the level of segregation it existed in the South.

The events of the Little Rock crisis.

We are talking about the terrible segregation times in the southern states of the United States. Specifically, in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957. The Little Rock Crisis started when nine African American students were prevented from entering the public school premises in Little Rock Central High School. State governor Orval Faubus gave the order. The decision made the news and generated consternation in many citizens. The decision tarnished the reputation of the state to the degree that President Dwight Eisenhower had to intervene to resolve the issue and the students could get access to the school.

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