Why are data silos problematic?


Answer 1


Hampers collaboration

Resource wastage

Lack of data integrity


Data silos comes into play When different departments of an orgainiziations independently collects data needed for its operations. The finance, HR, administrative departments and so on collects their data and keeps it to themselves. As a result there is a repetitive and needless gathering and storage of already existing data, that is the data required by one group will have to be gathered again while it currently exists with another group. This leads to inefficient resource management and wastage. This practice also leads to data integrity as data stored differently across departments becomes inconsistent and less accurate over time. Team work and collaboration is gradually eroded as each group continues to hold on to its resources which poses a problem towards organizational growth.

Related Questions

How has Linux affected the market for proprietary software?​



Linux is an operating system made up of free software, which can be installed and run on a wide variety of computer systems, from small devices such as mobile phones to large computer systems and supercomputers.

Linux is often offered to the user in various Linux distributions. A characteristic of the distributions is the great possibility of customization and selection that they offer since each one is aimed at a different type of user. Depending on the philosophy, each distribution can provide a greater foundation for ease of use, multimedia applications, ease of configuration, system simplicity, only free software, low resource requirements, and more.

Because of its low cost, high configurability and availability on various platforms, Linux is becoming increasingly popular not only among specialized users, but also among domestic users.

Which of the following is the BEST solution to allow access to private resources from the internet?

a. VPN
b. Subnet
c. Packet filters
d. FTP


FTP stands for file transfer protocol. FTP is used to transfer files between computers over the Internet. FTP servers can be setup to allow users to access the information anonymously or require registration for access.

Identify some advantages of using Excel over lists, paper files, or simple word documents? Describe some disadvantages of using Excel over lists, paper files, or simple word documents? Summarize one thing in you home life that could be improved or more easily managed using Excel?​



Excel is a software program that contains spreadsheet. Spreadsheet is an electric document that works numbers and display results in graphs. There are vertical columns and horizontal rows.

they are several advantages of excel which is;

Excel is very efficient to use, especially when you have to calculate your data, it's not hard to calculate the computer itself calculates it for you.

they are also disadvantages of excel which is;

some users might get a little bit problem when you send Microsoft Excel, here is one sometimes the spreadsheet are difficult to share internally.

The advantages of cloud computing are demonstrated in the fact that software and hardware upgrades are minimized. Another advantage important to IT professionals and just about anyone that accesses data on computers is Multiple Choice the automatic backup of data. the need for fewer tech employees. better group decision making. less of a need to share data among many sources.


Answer: the automatic backup of data


Cloud computing simply refers to the delivery of computing services such as databases, servers, networking, storage, etc over the Internet that is, the cloud.

Advantages of closing d computing include faster innovation, minimal software and hardware upgrades, economies of scale, backup of data, better security, and the greater ability for data to be shared with others in the organization.

Your new trainee is interested in ACLs (access control lists). He asks you want they can be used for. What should you tell him? A. Protect hosts from viruses.B. Classify network traffic.C. Provide high network availability.D. IP route filtering.



B. Classify network traffic.

D. IP route filtering.


An access control can be defined as a security technique use for determining whether an individual has the minimum requirements or credentials to access or view resources on a computer by ensuring that they are who they claim to be.

Simply stated, access control is the process of verifying the identity of an individual or electronic device. Authentication work based on the principle (framework) of matching an incoming request from a user or electronic device to a set of uniquely defined credentials.

Basically, authentication and authorization is used in access control, to ensure a user is truly who he or she claims to be, as well as confirm that an electronic device is valid through the process of verification

Hence, an access control list primarily is composed of a set of permissions and operations associated with a network or file.

In Computer networking, access control lists (ACLs) can be used to perform the following tasks;

I. Classify network traffic: it can be used to classify the different networks on a router and define whether packets are rejected or accepted.

II. Internet protocol (IP) route filtering: any internet protocol (IP) address that's is not on the accept list would be refused permission into accessing a network. Thus, ACLs can either deny or accept IP addresses depending on the routing table configured on the router.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of connection-oriented WAN/Man as opposed to connection-less?


Answer and Explanation:

Connection oriented WAN/MAN as opposed to connection less network is a type of wide area network that requires communicating entities in the network to establish a dedicated connection for their communication before they start communicating. This type of network will use these established network layers only till they release it, typical of telephone networks.

Advantages include:

Connection is reliable and long.

Eliminates duplicate data issues.

Disadvantages include:

Resource allocation while establishing dedicated connection slows down speed and may not fully utilize network resources.

There are no plan B's for network congestion issues, albeit occurring rarely with this type of network.

Fictional Corp has a DNS server running within its VPC. It has decided to move one of the application servers to a different VPC. Which of the following is a step that the cloud administrator needs to perform as part of the move?
a. Migrate to an external DNS solution
b. Create a new VPC that will serve DNS needs for multiple other VPCs
c. Discontinue using DNS
d. Remove the DNS entries within the VPC that are no longer relevant



Here the correct option is option b Create a new VPC that will serve DNS needs for multiple other VPCs.


Fictional Corp has a DNS server running within its VPC. It has decided to move one of the application servers to a different VPC. It's not possible to maneuver an existing instance to a different subnet or VPC. Instead, you'll manually migrate the instance by creating a new VPC Image from the source instance.  

b. Create a new VPC that will serve DNS needs for multiple other VPCs

convert 198 / 61 to ratio​


I think the answer is


I'm not sure

Kareem is working on a project for his manager. He has a few questions for a co-worker who he knows is knowledgeable on the subject. As they're discussing some of the topics, he gives the co-worker permissions to the resources so they can look at the information on their own. Which of the following access control methods does Kareem's company use?

a. DAC
c. MAC


Answer: RBAC


The access control methods that Kareem's company uses us the role based access control.

The Role-based access control (RBAC) simply means assigning permissions to users based on the role that such individual plays within an organization.

RBAC is a simple approach to access management and is typically less prone to error than in a scenario whereby permissions are assigned to users individually. Access rights are given to the workers based on what their job entails and what is needed and other information which isn't needed won't be accessible to them.

Scenario You are a network engineer and it is your first day working with ASU and you have been given the job of creating a network for the IT program. You are given the following three tasks to complete. 1. Configure IP addressing settings on network devices. 2. Perform basic device configuration tasks on a router. 3. Verify Layer 3 connectivity via a routing protocol. 4. Setup some access control lists.


B because one cause…………………

g Palindrome counting. Write a Python program stored in a file q3.py to calculate the number of occurrences of palindrome words and palindrome numbers in a sentence. Your program is case-insensitive, meaning that uppercase and lowercase of the same word should be considered the same. The program should print the palindromes sorted alphanumerically with their number of occurrences. Numbers must be printed first, and words must be printed nex



The program is as follows:

sentence = input("Sentence: ")

numbers = []; words = []

for word in sentence.split():

   if word.lower() == word[::-1].lower():

       if word.isdigit() == False:




words.sort(); numbers.sort()

print(numbers); print(words)


This gets input for sentence

sentence = input("Sentence: ")

This initializes two lists; one for numbers, the other for word palindromes

numbers = []; words = []

This iterates through each word of the sentence

for word in sentence.split():

This checks for palindromes

   if word.lower() == word[::-1].lower():

If the current element is palindrome;

All word palindromes are added to word palindrome lists

       if word.isdigit() == False:


All number palindromes are added to number palindrome lists



This sorts both lists

words.sort(); numbers.sort()

This prints the sorted lists

print(numbers); print(words)

Select the correct answer.
What testing approach does a development team use when testing the developed code rather than just the functionality of the code?
white box testing
black box testing
acceptance testing
usability testing



D. usability testing


A software can be defined as a set of executable instructions (codes) or collection of data that is used typically to instruct a computer how to perform a specific task and to solve a particular problem.

A software development life cycle (SDLC) can be defined as a strategic process or methodology that defines the key steps or stages for creating and implementing high quality software applications. There are seven (7) main stages in the creation of a software and these are;

1. Planning.

2. Analysis and requirements.

3. Software design and prototyping.

4. Development (coding).

5. Integration and testing

6. Deployment.

7. Operations and maintenance.

Usability testing is a testing technique used by a software development team to test a developed code rather than just the functionality of the code.

The main purpose of usability (user experience) testing is to determine how easy, user-friendly or difficult it is for end users (real people) to use a software application or program.

User-Defined Functions: Miles to track lapsOne lap around a standard high-school running track is exactly 0.25 miles. Define a function named MilesToLaps that takes a float as a parameter, representing the number of miles, and returns a float that represents the number of laps.Then, write a main program that takes a number of miles as an input, calls function MilesToLaps() to calculate the number of laps, and outputs the number of laps. Ex: If the inout is 1.5the output is 6.0 Ex: If the input is 2.2the output is 8.8 Your program should define and call a function Function Miles ToLaps(float userMiles) returns float userLaps 12 // Deine Milestola hert. 34 // Deine Minhert. Your code ust call llestola 5




The following is written in Java. The MilesToLaps method creates a variable called laps and gives it the value of the input parameter miles divided by 0.25. Then it returns the variable laps to the user. In the main method a Scanner object was created and asks the user for the number of miles which are passed to the MilesToLaps method which returns the number of laps. This can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("How many miles?");

       float miles = in.nextFloat();

      System.out.println("This is " + MilesToLaps(miles) + " laps");


   public static float MilesToLaps(float miles) {

       float laps = (float) (miles / 0.25);

       return laps;



ng questions two features of computer .​



accuracy, diligence, versatility

What is garbage in garbage out?​


Answer: it means if you give a bad input it will result in a ad output.


It has n acronym GIGO which refers to how the quality of an output is determined by the quality of input.

Garbage is trash info... or input. And grabage out is the trash output.

Use the Internet to research external storage devices. Find at least three devices, with a minimum storage size of 1 terabyte (TB), from three different manufacturers. Write a paragraph, IN YOUR WORDS, for each device explaining the features and benefits. Provide the retail cost and include a reference link to each device. Next, write


Hi, you've asked an incomplete question. However, I provided suggestions on getting the desired information.


Considering the fact that you are required to find information about not just the cost, but also the features and benefits of three storage devices having a minimum storage size of 1 terabyte, it is recommended that you check this on a reputable e-commerce site (eg Amazon).

There you could find information about their features and benefits, as well as customer feedback about their experience using these devices.

There is an interface I that has abstract class AC as its subclass. Class C inherits AC. We know that C delegates to an object of D to perform some computations. Besides, C consists of two C1s and one C2 as subcomponents. Object of C2 is still reusable when its major component C is depleted. C1 has a method that takes in an object of E as argument. Which one is invalid



are u in HS or college work

I am trying to understand

Write a program that divides mystery_value by mystery_value #and prints the result. If that operation results in an #error, divide mystery_value by (mystery_value + 5) and then print the result. If that still fails, multiply mystery_value #by 5 and print the result. You may assume one of those three things will work.
1 mystery_value = 5 2 3 #You may modify the lines of code above, but don't move them! 4 #when you submit your code, we'll change these lines to 5 #assign different values to the variables. 6 I 7 #write a program that divides mystery value by mystery_value 8 #and prints the result. If that operation results in an 9 #error, divide mystery value by (mystery_value + 5) and then 10 #print the result. If that still fails, multiply mystery_value 11 #by. 5 and print the result. You may assume one of those three 12 #things will work, 13 # 14 #You may not use any conditionals. 15 # 16 #hint: You're going to want to test one try/except structure 17 #inside another! Think carefully about whether the second 18 #one should go inside the try block or the except block. 19 20 21 #Add your code here! 22



mystery_value = 5  


   print(mystery_value / mystery_value)



       print(mystery_value / (mystery_value + 5))


       print(mystery_value * 5)

When in global configuration mode, which steps are necessary to edit an ip address on an Ethernet interface?



I. You should enter interface configuration mode.

II. Configure the IP address and subnet mask.


A node refers to the physical device that make up a network and are capable of sending, receiving, creating and storing data in communication.

Some examples of network nodes are modem, hubs, computer, switches, phone and printers.

In Computer networking, network devices such as routers and switches are usually configured (programmed) through the use of specific network commands commonly referred to as configs e.g show int description, config terminal (config t), show IP address, etc.

In Cisco devices, there are five (5) main types of command modes;

1. Sub-interface configuration mode.

2. Interface configuration mode.

3. Line configuration mode.

4. Router configuration method.

5. Global configuration mode.

Global configuration mode is a configuration mode that avail network engineers and end users with the ability to modify or edit the running (global) system configuration of a networking device. Thus, any change effected at the global configuration mode will affect the network device as a whole.

In global configuration mode, the steps which are necessary to edit an ip address on an Ethernet interface include;

I. You should enter interface configuration mode using the "configure terminal" command.

II. Configure the IP address and subnet mask.

See an example below;

"Router(config-if)# IP address"

Select the correct statement(s) regarding PONS. a. only MMF cables can be used, since MMF enables greater data capacities compared to SMF b. PONS systems require active amplifiers, since high frequency signals attenuate quickly over distance c. PONS systems use passive devices between OLT and ONT d. all are correct statements



The correct statement regarding PONS is:

c. PONS systems use passive devices between OLT and ONT


PON means Passive Optical Network. Based on fiber-optic telecommunications technology, PON is used to deliver broadband network access to individual end-customers.  It enables a single fiber from a service provider to maintain an efficient broadband connection for multiple end-users (homes and small businesses).  OLT means Optical Line Terminal, while ONT means Optical Network Terminal.  They provide access to the PON.

In which generation of computers are we in?​


It should be the Sixth generation

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreate checkDuplicates method that receives an array of ints, and an int as parameters. It will return true if the int is found in the array, and false if the int is NOT found in the array. Call the checkDuplicates method from both the MegaMillionsLottery constructor, and the getUserPicks() method.




The MegaMillions Lottery class was not provided and neither was the getUserPicks() method. Since they were not found online either, I have created the checkDuplicates method so that it works standalone. Therefore, you can simply call the method from wherever you need by pasting the call line where it needs to be called. A test case has been created in the main method so that you can see the method in action. The output is seen in the attached image below.

   public static boolean checkDuplicate(int[] myArr, int element) {

       for (int x : myArr) {

           if (x == element) {

               return true;



       return false;


A chain of dry-cleaning outlets wants to improve its operations by using data from
devices at individual locations to make real-time adjustments to service delivery.
Which technology would the business combine with its current Cloud operations
to make this possible?
O Edge Computing
O Blockchain
O Data Visualization
O Public Cloud



explanation cause it is

what are the application areas of the computer ? list them.​



Home. Computers are used at homes for several purposes like online bill payment, watching movies or shows at home, home tutoring, social media access, playing games, internet access, etc. ...

Medical Field.







which animal is the computer to store data information and instruction ​



human is the answwr of the quest

It's currently 1:00 in the afternoon. You want to schedule the myapp program to run automatically tomorrow at noon (12:00). What two at commands could you use



at 12 pm tomorrow

at now +23 hours


The at command could be used in the command line to perform a scheduled command in Unix related systems. The at command coule be ua d to program a complex script or used to perform simple scheduled reminders.

The at command is initiated by first writing the at string followed by the condition or statement to be performed.

Currently (1:00 pm) ; To make a schedule for 12pm then that will be at noon the following day:

at 12:00 pm tomorrow

Or :

Using the number of hours between the current tone and the schedule time : 12 pm tomorrow - 1:00 pm today is a difference of 23 hours ;

Hence, it can be written as :

at +23 hours

Consider a system with seven processes: E, F, G, H, I, J, K and six resources: U, V, W, X, Y, Z. Process E holds U and wants V. Process F holds nothing but wants W. Process G holds nothing but wants V. Process H holds X and wants V and W. Process I holds W and wants Y. Process J holds Z and wants V. Process K holds Y and wants X. Is this system deadlocked?

a. Yes
b. No



a. Yes


System is deadlock due to process HIK. Process H holds X and wants V and W. Process I holds W and wants Y. Process K holds Y and wants X. The system will become deadlock due to these three different processes.

what is example of application of machine learning that can be imposed in eduction. (except brainly.)



Machine Learning Examples

Recommendation Engines (Netflix)

Sorting, tagging and categorizing photos (Yelp)

Self-Driving Cars (Waymo)

Education (Duolingo)

Customer Lifetime Value (Asos)

Patient Sickness Predictions (KenSci)

Determining Credit Worthiness (Deserve)

Targeted Emails (Optimail)

What is the full form of USB​ ?



universal serial bus: an external serial bus interface standard for connecting peripheral devices to a computer, as in a USB port or USB cable.


The process by which the kernel temporarily moves data from memory to a storage device is known as what?


Answer: Swapping


Swapping is referred to as the process by which the kernel temporarily moves data from memory to a storage device.

Swapping is simply a memory management scheme whereby the process can be swapped temporarily from the main memory to the secondary memory in order for the main memory to be available for other processes. Swapping is used for memory utilization.

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