Why are diction/word choice and tone especially important when it comes to writing a resume? Explain in 2-5 complete sentences.


Answer 1

Using formal dictions and an appropriate tone will not only make your resume appear more professional, but it can also show that you can communicate effectively, which is extremely important if you want to showcase your company's products.

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person with a lump on the back called​


A lump is a protuberance or localized area of swelling that can occur anywhere on the body. Other terms used to describe the various types of lumps include bump, nodule, contusion, tumor and cyst.

36. It was a beautiful day. _______ sun shone brightly in _____ sky.
A. a / a. B. a / the. C. the / the. D. the / a
37. My mother goes to church in ______ morning.
A. x. B. every. C. the D. a
38. I saw ………….. man going into the office. I don’t know who ………… man was.
A. a / the. B. an / the. C. the / a. D. X / X
39. …………. moon is full tonight.
A. a. B. an. C. the. . D. X
40. She can’t play …………. piano but she can play ………… violin.
A. a / a. . B. a / the. C. the / the. D. X / X
41 It was not until 2000 that I .................... him.
A. teach B. teaching. C. to teach D. taught
42. It .................... until his father came that he ate something.
A. was B. were. C. was not. D. were not
43. It was not until I .................... to new school that my mother bought me a new bike.
A. go. B. . went. C. am going. D. will go
44. It was not until .................... that I met her.
A. next week. B. last week. C. week. D. the week
45. It was not until he came ................................ she left.
A. Since. B. till. C. that. D. as​



36 c

37 c

38 a

39 c

40 c

41 d

42 c

43 b

44 b

45 c


the answers above complete the sentences correctly.

bài tập 1 . chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ đơn , qua khứ tiếp diễn
A)My friend ........ off the ladder while he ......... the ceiling of his room ( FALL,PAINT)
B) We ........ the house in 2003 . at that time it ......... $ 150,000 ( BUY,COST)
C) Dad ............. interested in buying a new car ( NOT BE)
D) My sister ..... for me at airport terminal when I .......... ( WAIT , ARRIVE)



A)My friend ...fell..... off the ladder while he ...was painting...... the ceiling of his room ( FALL,PAINT)

B) We ....bought.... the house in 2003 . at that time it ....was costing..... $ 150,000 ( BUY,COST)

C) Dad ......wasn't....... interested in buying a new car ( NOT BE)

D) My sister ...was waiting.. for me at airport terminal when I .....arrived..... ( WAIT , ARRIVE)

when did muthulakshmi go abroad?



In 1912 I hope it's helps you

How does the narrative technique of characterization support the author’s purpose in this excerpt?

It shows how difficult travel has been for Enrique.
It illustrates the one thing that Enrique is afraid of.
It explains why Enrique does not want to be part of a gang.
It demonstrates that Enrique takes drastic measures to survive.

help pls and thank you



It demonstrates that Enrique takes drastic measures to survive.


Sonia Nazario's "Enrique's Journey" follows a young boy named Enrique who's traveling to the United States in search of his mother. The story follows the difficult journey of the young boy and the obstacles that posed problems for him.

In the given excerpt from the story, the narrator reveals how Enrique ensured he stays safe during the whole trip. His behavior "every time someone new jumps onto his car" shows his anxious state. Moreover, when he decided to "climb to the top of the tank car and take a running leap . . . jump[ing] to one swaying boxcar, then to another" shows the extreme steps that he took to ensure he survives the journey.

Thus, the correct answer is the fourth option.  


D. on Edg


Mrs. Turner finally rose to go after being very firm about several other viewpoints of either herself, her son or her brother. She begged Janie to drop in on her anytime, but never once mentioning Tea Cake. Finally she was gone and Janie hurried to her kitchen to put on supper and found Tea Cake sitting in there with his head between his hands. Which best describes the language in this excerpt


Answer: D. standard English


Standard English is used in formal settings, such as is literature like the excerpt presented in this question, as opposed to non-standard English which is used in informal settings, with family and friends.

Although Standard English began as a regional dialect that emerged in the southeast of England, is now considered the official form to be used in writing, in the education system, court texts, the church, newspapers, and any official writing, and it can be used with different regional accents or without any regional diction.

We know that the excerpt is no using a southern dialect because there are no words like "ain’t" and "y’all", which are common for that dialect.


standard english



Choose a suitable word/ phrase to fill in the sentence.
"Fossil fuels are ______energy sources such as coal, fuel oil and natural gas formed from dead plants and animals underground."
(1 Point)









17. Magnus refused …………………………………………. any money for the work he’d done. (accept)



to accept


If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest

The following is a compound sentence that is missing the comma that goes in between the independent clauses. Add the comma in the correct spot. Bold the subjects and underline the verbs.

The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here but it can never forget what they did here.




The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

The comma should go between here and but. The two clauses are

The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here

, but

it can never forget what they did here.

First clause

Subject: world

Verbs: will not , remember

Subordinate clause

subject: we

verb: say

Second clause

subject: it

verb: can forget

Subordinate clause

subject: they

verb: did

Write the correctly pt 2
Your science project look all right to me

If that ain’t the proper first aid for heat exhaustion what is it?

We looked everywhere for ur red sweat shirt

The athletes were already hot by the time that the track meet began

They soon feel all right after we laid them out of the heat and shake their vital signs

Btw thx for the help last time


There are few grammar and punctuation mistakes in the given sentences which are corrected and right sentences are written below,

If this is not the proper first aid for heat exhaustion, then what is it?

We look everywhere for your red sweat shirt.

The athletes were already on the track by the time they meet hot.

After we laid them out of heat and shake their vital sign, they feel all right.

The correct sentences are given with the correct spelling

learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24387458

If music be the food of love, play on. What does the phrase 'dying fall' most likely mean in both excertp?



My best guess is that it means "slowly faded away." i'm not sure though. The 12th night is a great play though.


Read the paragraph.
In science class, we like to spy cool things going on in our experiments. We use magnifying glasses to observe tiny growths. I look forward to every class, but it creeps me out when my classmate stares at me while I conduct experiments.
Based on the context, which statement best describes the connotations of the underlined words?
A. Spy and observe are neutral, and stares is positive.
B. Spy is positive, observe is neutral, and stares is negative.
C. Spy is neutral, observe is positive, and stares is neutral.
D. Spy is positive, observe is negative, and stares is positive.



spy and observe are neutral, and stares is positive

Read this passage from "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold:
Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.
The connotation of the word "struggle" gives the poem a
A. eager
B. joyous
C. desperate D. frightening



D. frightening


word "struggle" gives the poem a frightening


it went from sounding joyous but half way through the poem it changed and especially when the word needed to describe the poem was struggle it just completely altered my perspective on the poem :)

what is the habitat of a bat, weaver bird, lizard, tilapia, rabbit and cactus plant



Habitats of bats=Mostly caves and woodlands.

Habitat of weaver bird= Savannas, grasslands and forests.

Habitat of lizard=Anywhere excluding cold areas like Antarctica.

Habitat of tilapia=Shallow streams, ponds, rivers, and lakes.

Habitat of rabbit=Woods, forests, grasslands, deserts and wetlands.

Habitat of cactus plant=Dry, arid  areas like deserts.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes Rainsford's transformation while on the island?
O A. The island changes his perception of the outside world and those around him.
B. He learns the difficulty of coming to compromise with someone of a different background.
C. He goes from believing he is a hunter, to being the General's prey.
D. His position on hunting animals changes due to his thrilling experiences on the island.



The correct option is D. His position on hunting animals changes due to his thrilling experiences on the island.  


Rainford's transformation while on the island is an escape fiction and any serious themes must be taken lightly. Rainford's whole idea at first was to put distance between himself and the whole world,  and to this end, he had plunged along, spurred on by the sharp rowers of something very like panic.

Someone plz helppp me


I haven’t read it
I wish I could help you, sorry

the persona's bag appears to be ............


filled with treasure, rocks, gold or some entrancing crystals that bewitch you the moment you glance at them

answer these questions

2) Your basic needs are the things you ____ to live a normal life.

(a) should have

(b) must have

(c) need to have

(d) ought to have

3) The gate was open so we ____ to wait outside.

(a) don’t have

(b) needn’t have

(c) didn’t have

(d) hadn’t have

4) I knew there ____ be a test, so I ____ need to study.

(a) won’t; don’t

(b) wouldn’t; didn’t

(c) mightn’t; didn’t

(d) couldn’t; didn’t

5) I studied all night, then ____ out the test was cancelled. I ____ studied at all.

(a) found; needn’t have

(b) have found; needn’t have

(c) found; oughtn’t to have

(d) found; mustn’t have

6) There are ____ artists whose paintings are worth millions.

(a) quite few

(b) the few

(c) quite a few

(d) only few​




must have


don't have




found; needn't have


only few

I think:
2. Need to have
3. Didn’t have
4. Wouldn’t, Didn’t
5. Found, Oughtn’t
6. Quite A Few

This app isn’t helping


literally. what do you need help with (i might be able to help you)?

one possible message behind. the story the lottery by Shirley jackson is​



The primary message of Shirley Jackson's celebrated short story "The Lottery" concerns the dangers of blindly following traditions. In the story, the entire community gathers in the town square to participate in the annual lottery.

How do both presidents use a similar approach in their arguments?

•Both convey a tone of disgust regarding present challenges and past mistakes.

•Both rely on exaggerated adjectives to stir up emotions.

•Both use repetition to underscore important points.

•Both cater to a select audience of highly educated, powerful citizens.


Both rely on exaggerated adjectives to stir up emotions

Where was the Statue of Liberty originally constructed?


Answer: in France


statue of Liberty was constructed in France

Although the javelina resembles a pi’s And appearance, but has a more complex digestive system than a pig. Correct word put in



but having...................!!

In the context of appearance, the javelina resembles a pig. It has a more complex digestive system than a pig. Hence, Option D is correct.

What is javelina?

A creature that belongs to a complete group of mammals in comparison to the pig, weighs between 20 to 40kg and measures between 90  and 130 cm in length also considered a full-grown adult, this creature is known as javelina. The reign that they belong to or can easily find are in Central and South America, Trinidad in the Caribbean, and somewhere in the southwestern area of North America.

A Javelina can also be described as a medium-sized, pig-like hoofed mammal. Most of the time, javelina bites the persons who are in contact with it which means they are the one who provides food to it. One can easily identify the behavior of the javelina who is defensive. It may include features like charging, teeth clacking, or a barking, growling sound.

Thus, Option D is correct.

Learn more about javelina from here:



We lack a recycling program." What connective
"Our city is doing great harm to our environment. We lead the state in harmful air emissions.
belongs in the blank?
A. Also
B. Hence
C. Equally
D. Subsequently


I think it’s D.
Hope this helps!

Option D. Subsequently

What is recycling ?

Recycling is the conversion of waste into reusable items, preventing the waste of potentially useful materials, reducing the consumption of fresh raw materials, energy consumption, air pollution (by incinerator), and water pollution (landfill). It is a process to reduce). Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions compared to waste treatment and plastic production.

Why is recycling important?

When people recycle on a daily basis, the benefits are widespread and everyone benefits. Whether it's a community effort to clean the streets of a neighborhood or a large effort to help companies save hundreds to thousands of dollars in waste disposal, a well-maintained recycling program The benefits are endless.

Learn more about recycling program here: https://brainly.com/question/27176061


5 complete examples of fragments



subordinate clauses, participle phrases, infinitive phrases, afterthoughts, lonely verbs and appositives

IV – Complete the sentences using “Will” or “Going to”.
1. Look at those black clouds. It (rain).
2. I felt terrible. I think I sick. (be)
3. Tom here at about 8 o’clock. (probably/ get)
4. I think Sarah the present we bought for her. (like)
5. We my grandparents this evening. (visit)
6. “Gary phoned you while you were out”. “OK , I ……. him back. (call)
7. This cheese looks horrible. I it. ( not eat)
8. Tom the exam. He hasn’t studied hard enough. (not/pass)
9. “Are you going out this morning?” “No, I my room. (tidy)
10. television this evening? (you/watch)



1. Look at those black clouds. It will rain.

2. I felt terrible. I think I am going to be sick.  

3. Tom will probably get here at about 8 o’clock.  

4. I think Sarah will like the present we bought for her.  

5. We are going to visit my grandparents this evening.  

6. “Gary phoned you while you were out”. “OK , I will call him back.  

7. This cheese looks horrible. I am not going to eat it.  

8. Tom will not pass the exam. He hasn’t studied hard enough.  

9. “Are you going out this morning?” “No, I will tidy my room.  

10. Are you going to watch television this evening?


For whom is this passage most likely intended?



Tourists are the intended audience


words like "visual trademark" , "classic view", "preferably at sunset", and also the descriptive history of the House indicates that the passage is intended to attract tourists. No historians would be interested in the view of the House, nor would they be invested in watching the sunset from the House.

Where ____?
have you been
are you been
has you been
have you were

¿cual es lacorrecta?



Where have you been?


good luck, hope this helps.

Here’s just a filler answer so you can give the other guy brainliest. He got it right

family. This her
Which claim could use the excerpts given above as textual support?


thought fcugfvzzzgzzffzzzzgggg

HELPPPP PLEASEE think about the expectations placed on simone biles leading up to the 2021 olympics, not only expectations from herself or her coaches, but from the entire nation. how do you imagine that might feel ?


I would imagine that would feel very pressuring mentally to do perfect and win the gold. That must be very pressuring towards her.
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