Why did King George III strictly enforce the Navigation Acts?

A) Britain wanted to expand trade and needed more resources from the colonies.

B) Britain was losing money in trade with the colonies.

C) Britain wanted the colonies to pay for part of the cost of the French and Indian War.

D) George II wanted to show the colonies his power.


Answer 1

Why did King George III strictly enforce the Navigation Acts?

A) Britain wanted to expand trade and needed more resources from the colonies..

Britain was losing money in trade with the colonies. Britain wanted to expand trade and needed more resources from the colonies. Britain wanted the colonies to pay for part of the cost of the French and Indian War. George II wanted to show the colonies his power.European nations during the 17th- and 18th-centuries believed in the economic theory of mercantilism. In a mercantilist system, there is believed to be a limited amount of wealth in the world. One nation's gain was another's loss. Thus, monarchs sought to tightly control trade within their colonies.

Answer 2


A) Britain wanted to expand trade and needed more resources from the colonies.


Why did King George III strictly enforce the Navigation Acts?

=⟩A) Britain wanted to expand trade and needed more resources from the colonies.

Britain was losing money in trade with the colonies. Britain wanted to expand trade and needed more resources from the colonies. In a mercantilist system, there is believed to be a limited amount of wealth in the world. One nation's gain was another's loss. So, monarchs sought to tightly control trade within their colonies.

Hope it is helpful to you ❣️♾️☪️❣️☺️

Related Questions

Which of the following was a goal of the the Populist party?


One of the Populist Party's central goals was to create a coalition between farmers in the South and West and urban laborers in the Midwest and Northeast.


Who organized the District 21 branch of the United Mine Workers? A. Pete Hanraty B. J. J. McAlester C. H. W. Faucett D. Lewis Ross​





edge 2021? ASSignment

Write an introductory paragraph that clearly states your position on ratifying the Constitution, as a Federalist.

Write a second paragraph that explains your point of view on how the government is set up under the Constitution.

Write a third paragraph that explains your point of view on including of a bill of rights. Use at least one quote to support your argument. Be sure to explain what the quote means and how it connects to your point.

Write a fourth paragraph to explain why you disagree with the opposing position. For example, if you are writing as a Federalist, you will explain why you disagree with the Anti-Federalist stance. Use at least one new quote to explain why it is not a valid point or how it supports your position.

please help asap ive got bout a day

Write a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes your argument and encourages others to support you.



The Constitution will be approved if it has all the necessary materials.


As a Federalist, I will ratify or approve the Constitution if it has all the necessary materials that is needed to run the country efficiently otherwise it will not be approve at all.

The government is set up under the Constitution by composing of three branches which is the legislative, executive, and judicial. Without these three branches the government will not formed and perform its function.

My point of view on including of a bill of rights is that it is a very important and necessary part of the constitution, without bill of rights the constitution is incomplete.

I disagree with the opposing position of the Anti-Federalist because they are against of more power of the federal government over the states.

Phân tích quá trình hình thành đường lối đổi mới của đảng



I don't know what is the answer of this question

which language you write its subject is history ☹️

Ốc những người trẻ tuổi như một tấm lụa trắng Nhuộm xanh thì nó sẽ xanh . Nhuộm đỏ thì nó sẽ đó vị vậy sự học tập ở trong trường có ảnh hưởng rất lớn cho tương lai của thanh niên , vì tương lai của thanh niên tức là tương lai của nước nhà .



Explanation to the following lines are as follows;


The school is critical in teaching students how to connect positively with their peers and instructors. They learn about good connection skills and further improve them via encounters in the schoolroom and on the playground.

Early education lays the groundwork for academic achievement later in life. It not only educates your child for reading, handwriting, and math, but it also boosts his self-esteem. Whether he learns at home or in a structured day care setting, the emphasis should be on piqueing his interest and curiosity while also having fun.

Which two arguments were made by opponents of women's suffrage? Women should not vote because they did not own property. Women should not vote because they belonged in the home. Women should not vote because many men could not vote. Women should not vote because they were too emotional. Reset​


The two arguments which were made by opponents of women's suffrage was actually women should not vote because they did not own property and women should not vote because they belonged in the home that is Option(a) and Option(b) are correct.

What was the situation of women?

The situation of women at that time was very bad actually or gradually they were not allowed for their voting rights as they were not having the ownership in their hands.

It were the women who actually lived at the home and was not given any type of voting rights as they were living in home at that time they were actually dependent and lived at home so they were not getting any voting rights.

Therefore Option(a) and Option(b) are correct.

Learn more about Women here:



Which are the most likely reasons an interpretation of a historical event could change? Check all that apply



New evidence is discovered.

Oversights and errors are corrected.

New technology is applied to evidence.


New evidence is discovered.

New opinions are considered.

Pieces of evidence are lost or stolen.

Oversights and errors are corrected.

New technology is applied to evidence.

What influence did the English Bill of Rights of 1689 have on the American colonies?
A. The English Bill of Rights inspired the American colonists to remain British citizens.
B. The English Bill of Rights inspired the American Bill of Rights that followed the Constitution.
C. The English Bill of Rights increased the confidence of the American colonists in the British rule.​



B. The English Bill of Rights inspired the American Bill of Rights that followed the Constitution.


The English Bill of Rights was an important document in English history as some of its most important articles included:

1. A functional parliament

2. Regular and periodic elections

3. Freedom of speech in Parliament

Some of these were adopted in the American Bill of Rights

Therefore, the influence the English Bill of Rights of 1689 had on the American colonies was that it inspired the American Bill of Rights that followed the Constitution.

According to the decision in Marbury v. Madison, what consequences will result if an Act of Congress conflicts with the Constitution?
The Act of Congress should be considered law and all courts are bound to these Acts.

An Act of Congress, by definition, cannot be in conflict with the Constitution.

The Act of Congress should not be considered legal and all courts are bound to uphold the Constitution.

An Act of Congress must be reviewed by the Supreme Court to be verified as constitutional.



D. An Act of Congress must be reviewed by the Supreme Court to be verified as constitutional.


Chief Justice John Marshall stated in Marbury v. Madison that when an Act of Congress is in conflict with the Constitution, it is the obligation of the Court to uphold the Constitution.

According to the decision in Marbury v. Madison, The Act of Congress should not be considered legal and all courts are bound to uphold the Constitution that consequences will result if an Act of Congress conflicts with the Constitution. The correct option is C.

An Act of Congress that clashes with the Constitution is ruled illegal and should not be regarded as valid, according to the ruling in the famous 1803 case Marbury v. Madison.

The Court created the judicial review principle, holding that it is the responsibility of the courts to interpret the Constitution and assess whether laws are valid. The courts, especially the Supreme Court, have the authority to declare legislation passed by Congress unlawful and unenforceable if it is determined that the statute violates the Constitution.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about Marbury v. Madison here:



Of the following government types, which two are the most opposite?
A. a dictatorship and a democracy
B. a monarchy and a dictatorship
C. a monarchy and an aristocracy
D. a republic and a democracy


the answer is A. a dictatorship and a democracy

Please help very important give brain list ‼️‼️‼️

1. Describe what’s going on in the political cartoon (Who? What? When? Where?).

2. Identify any symbols (ex: an elephant to represent the Republican Party) portrayed in the cartoon and analyze what they represent.

3. What is the artist’s message in the cartoon? What do you think is its purpose?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the cartoonist's message? Explain your answer.

5. What does this cartoon show us about Congress in general and the legislative process in particular?


The correct answers to these open questions are the following.

1. Describe what’s going on in the political cartoon?

In this political cartoon, we can see the figure of Uncle Sam writing a song on the piano. Indeed, Uncle Sam is paraphrasing the song "Imagine," written by former Beatle John Lennon.

2. Identify any symbols portrayed in the cartoon and analyze what they represent.

The most relevant symbol in the cartoon is the figure of Uncle Sam, who represents the United States government.

3. What is the artist’s message in the cartoon? What do you think is its purpose?

The author's message is clear here. The author is criticizing the inability of the federal government of the United States that has not been able to solve the real issues and problems that affect the nation. That is why he is so wit to paraphrase the song "Imagine." It is like he is telling the politicians "stop dreaming and get to work!"

4. Do you agree or disagree with the cartoonist's message?

Yes, I agree. Sometimes I think that the federal government lives in a "permanent paralysis" where nothing real and serious can be achieved. The executive branch has notorious differences from the legislative branch. The legislative branch is paralyzed with the division and inability of Democrats and Republicans that divide the nation.

5. What does this cartoon show us about Congress in general and the legislative process in particular?

That there is a serious problem in the United States Congress. The House of Representatives is so divided, no true and important agreement can be reached. In the Senate, basically the same. Congressmen have passed from rivals to enemies. Just remember that the last US President was impeached twice in the final years of his administration. And just due to these nonsense political interests that do not benefit the American people.

Protests In Missouri community generated the protest chant “Hands up don’t shoot. A) Kansas City b) St. Louis c) Ferguson d) Westfield



This chant was generated in Ferguson, Missouri.


history is the explanation lol

How much time did the process of mumification took?
xD xD ​



70 days.


You can tell a high-ranking mummy by their wrappings which would be made of the best linen money could buy. The embalmer would take their time to be sure the process was not rushed. It is estimated that that mummification took seventy days.

Hitler intended to defeat Great Britain by


A massive bomb attack !
Hitler intended to defeat Great Britain by; A massive bombing attack; Explanation; After the French armistice was signed on 22 June, Britain was the only country resisting Germany. Hitler did not wish to invade Britain, after the fall of France, he assumed the British would simply surrender.

Which of the following describes the major characteristics of Hammurabi's
A. It provided a history of the king's rulings.
B. It established the “presumption of guilt" that is used today.
C. It is the world's first “declaration of independence."
D. It established a public record of consistent laws.


Option D would be correct

Answer: it established the presumption of guilt that is used tody


It code this " presumption of guilt"

anong maling pag-uugali ng tao ang sa palagay ninyo na mahirap mabago​



Ang maling pag-uugali ng tao ang sa palagay ko ay mahirap na mabago ay ang pagiging mapanghusga.


Hi po! I think you should connect to brainly.ph para mas mabilis makuha yung answers and para locals na di yung sumagot.

Just a suggestion though. It's still up to you.

Hope it helps



Examine the cartoon and read the annotation. Then respond with a brief essay giving your personal reaction to Johnson's approach to Reconstruction. Present at least three specific points in your analysis.

Link o the website they gave us about the cartoon (with the annotations):




examine the cartoon and read the commentary Explain your response to Johnson's approach to Reconstruction with a short essay. provide three concrete pieces of information

This caused an uproar in Congress. Although the majority of Republicans in Congress backed the president's Reconstruction program, some Republicans were worried that the planter aristocracy would be reinstated and that the freedmen would be re-enslaved.

The Radical Republicans rejected Lincoln's proposal because they felt it was too kind to the South. To conservatives, Lincoln's Reconstruction plan was too soft since, in their opinion, the South was responsible for initiating the war and needed to be punished. Radical Republicans sought to dominate the Reconstruction process, change Southern culture, dissolve the planter class, redistribute land, and create industry.

“‘The Machine.'” 1864 political cartoon, which included many major political figures during the Civil War, criticized Lincoln's government.

The Radical Republicans succeeded to influence many centrist voters and quickly gained influence in Congress after the end of the Civil War. The Republicans approved a new measure in response to the "Wade-Davis Bill" in the summer of 1864. This new law would make it more difficult to rejoin the union. To be readmitted, the majority of the state had to swear a loyalty pledge, not simply ten percent. Lincoln subsequently vetoed this revised measure.



which motivation for exploring the Pacific Northwest did Spain, Russia, America, and Britain have in common?

To establish a fur trade

to find gold and silver

to spread christianity

to expand their influence



to expand their influence


The motivation for exploring the Pacific Northwest with Spain, Russia, America, and Britain was to expand their influence and gain new territories around them.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!


1. to gain new territory

2. to establish fur trade

3. to expand Russia influence


boa noiteeeee

como ces ta?


Answer:Boa noite

Explanation:Eu ta bom


como ces ta?


Eu sou bom :)

Which of the following best states the purpose of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
to fight for the civil rights of African Americans
to establish a "separate but equal" society for African Americans
to argue cases before the Supreme Court
O to integrate professional sports
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Mark this and retum



to fight for the civil rights of African Americans


Question 5 of 10
Which item is an example of a primary source?


This question is incomplete. Here is the complete question.

Which item is an example of a primary source?

A. A magazine's analysis of the history of voting

B. A diary entry from an american homemaker in 1933

C. A blog entry arguing that theodore roosevelt was the most important u.s. president

D. A book about the civil war written by a historian?

The correct answer is B. A diary entry from an american homemaker in 1933.


A primary source is a type of information source that is characterized by providing information that has not been altered, interpreted, or analyzed by other authors, but rather belongs to the author himself (a person who experienced a specific situation or event). In general, the primary sources of information are diaries, photographs, chronicles, academic papers, speeches, among others. Therefore, a journal entry is an example of a primary source because it contains very reliable and complete information and originated by a person who lived at a specific time performing a specific job (homemaker in 1933).

Various issues impactingBlack people other than police brutality brought about # Black Lives Matter during the presidency of Barack Obama True or false


True i think because BLM was started before 20202

Why would railroad customers like the Hepburn Act ?​



Railroad customers like the Hepburn Act because they provided the ICC with the ability to control the prices that the railroads charged.


The Hepburn Act provided the ICC with the capacity to control the prices railroads could charge, by setting maximum rates. 

10. Watermelons were a gift of the:
None of the





Background and Aims Watermelons, Citrullus species Cucurbitaceae, are native to Africa and have been cultivated since ancient times.

How did Hitler's political views mean changes to society?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options for this question, we can comment on the following.

Hitler's political views meant changes to society in that he influenced people to believe in his political views and with the use of propaganda he became a true leader and an influential figure to the German people. Propagandistic expert, Joshep Goebbles, helped him to become a prominent national figure.

Some of the political ideas of Adolph Hitler were the superiority of the Aryan race, the persecution of Jewish people, the control of Europe, and the fight against Communism.

Hitler used fascist and totalitarian strategies to rise to power in Germany.

First, Hitler promoted Nazism, an extreme form of fascism. He banned other political parties and controlled freedom of speech.  

Secondly, Adolph Hitler promoted racist hatred and anti-Semitism to persecute Jewish people.

Which of the following conditions did a settler need to meet to qualify for the Homestead Act? Check all of the boxes that apply.

be twenty-one years old or the head of a family

be an experienced farmer

be a US citizen or have filed for US citizenship

have a large family

be able to live on and improve the land for at least five years



be twenty-one years old or the head of a family

be an experienced farmer

 be able to live on and improve the land for at least five years


The Homestead Acts had few requirements for its qualifying. The first one is that the homesteader had to be the head of the house or he will be at least twenty-one years old. They had to live on the designated land, build its home, make improvements in it, and farm the land for a minimum of five years. If all these requirements are present in the person so he would qualify for  Homestead Acts.


A) Be twenty-one years old or the head of a family

B) Be an experienced farmer

C) Be a US citizen or have filed for US citizenship

D) Have a large family

E) Be able to live on and improve the land for at least five years

Options A, C, and E would be the correct answers!


I did it all on Edge and got it correct! :)

How can one argue that the Confederate legacy lived on well after the end of the Civil War?

Please Help <3


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can comment on the following.

How can one argue that the Confederate legacy lived on well after the end of the Civil War?

One can argue that the Confederate legacy lived on well after the end of the Civil War because of the fierce racial divisions that we can find in today's American society that have their roots in the Southern vs. Northern conflict that started the American Civil War.

Despite the efforts of President Lincoln and President Jackson to establish an "affordable" Reconstruction in the South after the war, southern legislation such as the Jim Crow laws and the black codes exacerbated the racial differences that persist until today.

help me plsssssssssssss


Answer: Secretary of State was John hays job title during the open door policy.


what does it means to be an American during this period of American history.​





What does it mean to be an American?

AUTHOR Sarah Song

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It is often said that being an American means sharing a commitment to a set of values and ideals.1 Writing about the relationship of ethnicity and American identity, the historian Philip Gleason put it this way:

To be or to become an American, a person did not have to be any particular national, linguistic, religious, or ethnic background. All he had to do was to commit himself to the political ideology centered on the abstract ideals of liberty, equality, and republicanism. Thus the universalist ideological character of American nationality meant that it was open to anyone who willed to become an American.

During world war 2, what did many African Americans do?



African American Service Men and Women in World War II.

They fought in the Pacific, Mediterranean, and European war zones, including the Battle of the Bulge and the D-Day invasion.

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