Why did Robin cut him?
O in self defense
O because he was hurting the team
she did not mean to


Answer 1


B-because he was hurting the team


I took the test

Related Questions

60 Points
Write your own sentence in Spanish. Remember, these sentences will be recorded.
Use the correct form of the verb trabajar to explain where you volunteer.

Use one direct object pronoun to describe a chore you do.

Use one indirect object pronoun to describe to whom you do a chore you for.

Use one direct object pronoun and one indirect object pronoun to explain another chore you do.

Use estar + preposition to give the location where you volunteer.



¡Hola! Yo trabajo como voluntaria en el refugio de animales. Yo les limpio las jaulas a los animales. Las limpio de lunes a viernes. Les doy comida a los animales; se la doy de lunes a viernes. Para llegar al refugio de animales, paro en la señal de alto y doblo a la izquierda en la calle Orange. El refugio de animales está a la derecha, entre el restaurante y el supermercado.


Translation: Hi! I volunteer at the animal shelter. I clean the cages for the animals. I clean them from Monday to Friday. I feed the animals; I give it to him from Monday to Friday. To get to the animal shelter, I stop at the stop sign and turn left onto Orange Street. The animal shelter is on the right, between the restaurant and the supermarket.

-- Hope this helped :) !









Existen varios alfabetos: el alfabeto romano, el alfabeto ruso, el alfabeto griego, etcétera. true false



True. A lot of countries/cultures with different languages do not use the same letters that we use as their alphabet; some use different characters that might have different meanings.




took the quiz on edge 2020


1. Los científicos ___________(buscar) una solución ______ el problema de la contaminación.

2. Ellos ________ (vivir) en El Salvador _______ diez años.

3. Ustedes ________ (construir) un edificio _______ mi barrio.

4. No estoy bien hoy. Mi hermana _______ (ir) al mercado _____ mí.

5. Muchos animales ________ (perder) su hábitat natural ______ la deforestación.

6. Nosotros ________ (organizar) la biblioteca ________ tener un lugar donde estudiar.


1. Los científicos _buscan_(buscar) una solución _para_ el problema de la contaminación.

2. Ellos _viven_ (vivir) en El Salvador _hace_ diez años.

3. Ustedes _construyen_ (construir) un edificio _cerca_ mi barrio.

4. No estoy bien hoy. Mi hermana _ira_ (ir) al mercado _por_ mí.

5. Muchos animales _pierden_ (perder) su hábitat natural _por_ la deforestación.

6. Nosotros _organizamos_ (organizar) la biblioteca _para_ tener un lugar donde estudiar.

Carlos y Juan son estudiantes. Which subject pronoun can replace "Carlos y Juan"?
1. nosotros
2. ellas
3. él
4. ellos



ellos is the answer there u go


4. ellos


Carlos y Juan son estudiantes = Ellos son estudiantes

PLEASE HELP ME I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER AND GIVE YOU BRANLIST Cierto o falso: Cuando utilices el imperfecto, estas describiendo lo que estaba pasando.

Question 1 options:


The correct option about Imperfect Tense is:


Imperfect Tense in Spanish.

The imperfect tense is a form of verb conjugation that serves to identify actions performed in the past whose exact time is not clearly known or is simply omitted. It is characterized by the endings -aba, ía, in conjugated verbs.

It clearly differs from the preterite tense because the latter gives several references about the time in which it is carried out, whether from another action, the day, the date or other data that allows it to be confirmed.

Therefore, it is correct to say that the imperfect tense describes what was happening in the past.

If you want to learn more about Imperfect Tense in Spanish, you can visit the following link: https://brainly.com/question/25397745

Which options below are represented by a pencil in this picture? (Check all that apply)
1. negro
2. dorado
3. anaranjado/naranja
4. azul


Naranja (orange) and azul (blue) are represented. Negro (black) and dorado (gold) are not. Hope this helps!

Fill in the blanks with complete sentences using the words provided. Use the correct present tense or infinitive form of each verb.
La profesora / esperar / enseñar / su clase hoy

La profesora espera enseñar su clase hoy.

Pedro / estudiar / para su examen de español
Pedro estudia para su examen de español.

Question 1 with 1 blankuna estudiante / desear / hablar / con su profesora de biología
1 of 1
Question 2 with 1 blankMateo / desayunar / en la cafetería de la escuela
1 of 1
Question 3 with 1 blank(mí) / gustar / cantar y bailar
1 of 1
Question 4 with 1 blanklos profesores / contestar / las preguntas (questions) de los estudiantes
1 of 1
Question 5 with 1 blank¿(ti) / gustar / la clase de música?
1 of 1
Question 6 with 1 blank(nosotros) / esperar / viajar / a Madrid
1 of 1
Question 7 with 1 blank(yo) / necesitar / practicar / los verbos en español
1 of 1
Question 8 with 1 blank(mí) / no / gustar / los exámenes
1 of 1



Mateo desayuna en el cafeteria de la escuela

mo gusto cantar y bailar

los profesores contestan las preguntas de los estudiantes

¿te gustas la clase de musica?

nosotros esperamos viajar a Madrid

yo necesito practicar los verbos en espanol

no me gusto los examenes

Answers for quiz on edge are:

1. Which of the following would be the best answer for the question given in the audio?
A) en el aula

2. Where is this person most likely going?
D) a la escuela

3. Why is the speaker upset?
D) He forgot to bring his homework home.

4. What can't the student buy?
C) computer

5.What is Sara going to do after school?
C) estudiar



Where is the audio?



Good man. We need more people like you.


1. Which of the following would be the best answer for the question given in the audio?

A) en el aula

2. Where is this person most likely going?

D) a la escuela

3. Why is the speaker upset?

D) He forgot to bring his homework home.

4. What can't the student buy?

C) computer

5.What is Sara going to do after school?

C) estudiar

Complete the following.
1. Choose the best translation of the English sentence.
2. Record yourself reading the best Spanish translation.
3. Briefly explain, in English, why you chose to use saber or conocer.
Paco knows Pepe.
a) Paco sabe a Pepe.
b) Paco conoce a Pepe.


The answer is b in this problem

The correct translation of the sentence "Paco knows Pepe" is:

b) Paco conoce a Pepe.

Differences between "saber" and "conocer."

The difference between these two verbs in Spanish are mentioned below:

Conocer: have had some experience with a person, an animal or a thing. Saber: have a specific ability towards something (cooking, dancing, among others).

Conjugation of the verbs "saber" and "conocer."

The conjugation of these verbs, in Present Tense, taking into account the personal pronouns is:

Yo: sé / conozco Tú: sabes / conoces Usted: sabe / conoce Él: sabe / conoce Ella: sabe / conoce Ello: sabe / conoce Nosotros / Nosotras: sabemos / conocemos Ustedes: saben / conocen Ellos / Ellas: saben / conocen

That's the reason why the correct conjugation in the sentence is "conoce."

If you want to learn more about conjugation in Present Tense, you can visit the following link: https://brainly.com/question/19745981

Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 POINTS!!!!!!!!! Will also give thanks, 5 star, and brainliest!!!!! Please don't put a random answer for this question. I really need it. Thank you!

Complete la página. Hay que investigar la comida típica de Argentina, España, México, Venezuela y Perú. ¿Qué se come allá? ¿Cuáles son los ingredientes y cómo se prepara el plato? ¿Qué conexión tiene el plato con los productos agrícolas de aquel país?

You only need to do one dish and one drink for one country.

Thank you sooooooooo much!!!!!!


Una de las comidas típicas de Mexico es el pozole sus componentes son costilla de carne, costilla de cerdo latas de maizales pozole ajo chile y otros. Comida típica de Venezuela es la arepa sus componentes son sal agua harina de maíz y aceite vegetal


Argentina average times to eat are 930am to 830 pm

staple foods are beef oriented diet. Grilled meat for assado

last one is dulce de leche chimmichuri assado

Espana 1030am 1030pm

paella valeciana, patas bravas

gazzpachos, fideua

Mexico from 7am to 7 pm

staple foods are beans, sweet potatoes

Deliciases- tortas enmolda, sope de lima

Venezuela honestly no clue

rice plantains, yams. beans, flan

flan arepa hallaca

Peru 7am to 10pm

Amarathaceaeas, legumes

ceviche, cuy, aji de gallina


sorry if if didnt awser correctly

Drawing from the following Scatter Chart and the sample sentences and narratives you have worked within this module, string together your own story.



maria compro la television


The he/she form of the verb "ir" (to go) in the preterite/past tense is


It is c. Fue because that means if he or she went


Just translate it


Hello my name is Gabriela. Ireally like reading and writing. In the class my friend George is American and goes to public school in Esyados Unidos. He has seven classes. Bye. He also likes the class of english and George does not like the class of science, spanish, and he does not like anything.

I am unsure who wrote this but it needs to be revised and im pretty sure it is unfinished. I can translate very well so....

Mamá nos ____________todo su amor siempre.



The answer is the second one dio.




dio = gave

spanish, español

Read and choose the option that best answers the question.

Angélica es voluntaria en su comunidad. Her supervisor left her this list of instructions.

¡Buenos días, Angélica! Por favor, hoy:
Haz la planificación para mejorar la comunidad.
Recauda los fondos para la caridad y combatir la pobreza.
Delega los trabajos a los voluntarios.
Cuenta con los demás para ayudarte.

I think it is c but I'm not 100% sure
¿En qué trabaja de voluntaria Angélica?

El comedor de beneficencia
El parque público
El proyecto de acción social
El refugio de animales



El proyecto de acción social


¿En qué trabaja de voluntaria Angélica?

En el proyecto de acción social.

¿Por qué el señor López no café?



Why didn't Mr. López have coffee?


I looked it up.

that translates to
“Why did Mr. López no coffee?”

i’m mexican

alguien juega brawl stars pse id pls xd



nicosempert y bueno máster cuando juegas?


yo juego brawl stars.

tengo 20000 trofeos


প্র: ০১
১২, ১৫, ২০, ৩৫ চারটি সংখ্যা
ক) সংখ্যাগুলাের ল,সা,গু নির্ণয় কর।
খ) পীচ অংকের কোন ক্ষুদ্রতম সংখ্যা উপরের সংখ্যাগুলাে দ্বারা নিঃশেষে বিভাজ্য?
গ) চার অংকের কোন বৃহত্তম সংখ্যাকে উপরের সংখ্যাগুলাে দিয়ে ভাগ করলে প্রত্যেকবার
ভাগশেষ ১০ হবে?
৩৫ মিটার লম্বা একটি বাঁশের ৭ মিটার কালাে, ৫ মিটার লাল এবং ৮৩ মিটার হলুদ রং

ক) সরল কর: ৭২. এর
বল । খ) বাঁশটির কত অংশ রং করা হয়েছে।
গ) বাশটির কত অংশ রং করা বাকি রইল।
বাংলা নােটিশ
4 hone we re gan
দুইটি কম্পিউটারের দামের অনুপাত ৩:২। প্রথমটির দা​


Umm what? I think I’m in a different language

7, 8, and 9 if you know ?


I believe 9 is libro

Write three separate complete sentences each using an “er” verb.



Necesitas comer para estar fuerte.

Voy a beber de esta botella.

Tienes que detener a ese carro.


Write in Spanish what season each month falls
1. mayo
2. agosto
3. febrero
4. octubre
5. abril
6. enero


Answer: mayo= la primavera

agosto= el verano

febrero= el invierno

octubre= el otoño

abril= la primavera

enero= el invierno


Answer: 1.& 5.  are spring months=primavera months

2. is summer months=Verano months

4. is fall months=Otoño

3&6. are winter months=invierno


Completa las oraciones con el imperativo afirmativo del verbo entre
1.(practicar) con el piano todos los días, Raúl.
2.(regresar) temprano, chicos.
3.(poner) la lista aquí, señora Dávila.
4.(tomar) ustedes el tren a Valencia.
5.(comprar) los dulces en aquella tienda, mamá.



1) Practicare con el piano todo los dias

2) Regresare temprano

3) Pondre la lista aqui

4) Tomaran ustedes el tren a la Valencia

5) Comprare los dulces en aquella tienda

Read and match each sentence with the correct subject or pronoun for the blank. (4 points)

¿________, señor, come en el restaurante?

________ necesito el cuchillo para cortar el pollo.

________ lees el menú.

________ habla con « with » la mesera.

a. Yo
b. Ella
c. Tú
d. Usted



1. Usted, señor, come en el restaurante?

2. Yo necesito el cuchillo para cortar el pollo

3. Tú lees el menú.

4. Ella habla con la mesera.


usted is mostly used when talking to someone older. Yo is for yourself / when you need something or are talking about yourself. ella is about her or talking about a girl around ur age. tu is a non formal word so it is used when talking to a friend.

Answer: Usted, yo, tu, ella. In that order. Did the test =)


Vosotros _____ años
a. tienes
b. tienen
c. tenéis
d. tenemos


Answer: the answer is a because i

Explanation: learned about it in spanish class

C, tenéis

I can't believe they still teach vosotros when people barely use it now haha, but I hoped this helps!

Read and choose the option with the correct answer. Oscar is from Texas, USA. Read this excerpt from his diary. Then answer the question. Yesterday, I lost my tooth playing baseball. Last night, I put my tooth under my pillow, and this morning when I woke up, the tooth fairy had taken my tooth and left me $5! I am going to use it to buy a new baseball card! Based on what you learned about what children do with their baby teeth in other countries, what would have happened differently if Oscar lived in Argentina? He would have put his tooth in a box under his bed. He would have put his tooth in a glass of water. He would have put his tooth on the nightstand. He would have put his tooth on top of his pillow.



He would put his tooth in water


I took the test on FLVS and got it right lol

The question requires explaining what Oscar would have done differently if he lived in Argentina.

If Oscar lived in Argentina, "he would have put his tooth in a glass of water".

Oscar lost his tooth to a tooth fairy and the tooth fairy left him with $5. If Oscar lived in Argentina, he would have he would have put his tooth in a glass of water because that is what kids do with their teeth.

Therefore, the practice of what kids do with their baby tooth in Texas, USA is different from what kids do with their baby teeth in Argentina.

Read more:


No soy serio,soy graciosos.​



No soy serio, soy gracioso.


No son serios, son graciosos.

Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation of the verb in parentheses. Yo _____ (aprender) español. aprendes aprendo aprende aprendemos



it is yo aprendo español


I believe the answer is either Aprendo or Aprende


The other two where for like a group of two and up so those can easily be crossed off. I'm going with "Aprendo" because I believe your still learning Spanish?

Can some fill this out?


What he said I read it and he’s mostly 99% right

1. ¿Qué plato se come mucho en el Distrito Federal? 2. ¿Cómo es el plato preferido de Paula? 3. ¿Cuáles son tres platos típicos de México? 4. ¿Cómo son los chiles en nogada? 5. ¿Qué se come con el arroz con habichuelas? 6. ¿Cuál es el plato más típico de la República Dominicana?


1. not sure. 2. not sure because you didn’t show a poem/story. 3. Tacos, Enchiladas, Carne. 4.Not really sure. 5. Carne 6. Mangú
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