Why do Parents say they would use soap on their children?


Answer 1
This is a form of punishment Parents use on children and it’s also a form of abuse.

Related Questions

"" good morning what is illuminati?? ""​



The Illuminati is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776 in Bavaria, today part of Germany. The society's goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power. "The order of the day," they wrote in their general statutes, "is to put an end to the machinations of the purveyors of injustice, to control them without dominating them." The Illuminati—along with Freemasonry and other secret societies—were outlawed through edict by Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria, with the encouragement of the Catholic Church, in 1784, 1785, 1787, and 1790. During subsequent years, the group was generally vilified by conservative and religious critics who claimed that the Illuminati continued underground and were responsible for the French Revolution.


Why did the US demilitarize Japan?



Political and Economic Changes during the American Occupation of Japan

At the point when the conflict finished, it was the basic goal of the multitude of Allied Powers to deliver Japan unequipped for truly getting back to the field of fight. "Disarmament" was in this manner the main arrangement of the Occupation specialists and was joined by canceling Japan's military, destroying its tactical industry, and taking out the outflow of energy from its schools and public life.  In any case, the American government, which had driven the Allied conflict exertion and whose delegate, General Douglas MacArthur, was named the Supreme Commander of the Occupation powers, felt that solitary a majority rule Japan would be really harmony cherishing. It was expected that majority rule nations like the United States and Great Britain were more tranquil than nondemocratic nations like Hitler's Germany and prewar Japan under the sovereign. Be that as it may, what makes a nation "majority rule"? Is a country majority rule essentially as a result of certain political foundations, similar to free decisions and free discourse? Can these political foundations endure if financial force is moved in only a couple hands, and social constructions like the instructive framework and the family lecture limitless dutifulness to power?  

The American government accepted that building up vote based system in Japan included change in every aspect of Japanese life. Under MacArthur and with the participation of the Japanese, Japan embraced gigantic changes in only seven brief years — the Occupation endured from 1945 to 1952. The achievement of the Occupation can be decided by the way that forty years after the fact, Japan has not battled a conflict, is a nearby partner of the United States, and has not changed the vast majority of the significant changes made by the Occupation.  

Political Changes  

The most clear changes were political. During the Occupation, Japan received another constitution (here and there called the MacArthur Constitution in light of the significant job Americans played in its drafting). This constitution was totally not the same as the Meiji Constitution of 1889.  The greatest change was that it announced that sway rested with individuals, not the sovereign. This is the political premise of majority rule government.  The ruler was to proceed as an image of Japanese solidarity and culture, to some degree like the Queen of England in Britain's majority rule government, however with no political authority at all.  The preeminent political establishment was presently to be Japan's parliament, the Diet, which was to be comprised of uninhibitedly chose agents of individuals.  Ladies were given equivalent rights under the new constitution, including the option to cast a ballot.  Neighborhood governments were fortified to empower "grass-roots level" political investment.  The constitution set up numerous new polite freedoms, like the privilege of free discourse, and the forces of the police were debilitated and painstakingly directed.  At last, the tactical powers were totally annulled and Article 9 of the new constitution disallowed Japan to keep a military or do battle until kingdom come.  

Monetary Changes

To help these political changes, the Americans initiated changes to make financial force in Japan more "vote based." In prewar Japan, 66% of the horticultural land was leased, not possessed, by the ranchers who cultivated it. The ranchers, who made up more than 50% of the workforce, frequently leased the land from landowners who lived in far off urban communities and paid them however much 50% of the harvests they developed. Since the normal "ranch" was minimal in excess of a section of land, many homestead families lived in destitution. The land change removed land from enormous property managers and reallocated it to the ranchers, so that ranch families could possess the land they worked. Since ranch families turned out to be more autonomous financially, they could take an interest all the more uninhibitedly in the new popular government.  The Americans additionally attempted to make laborers in the mechanical area more autonomous by changing the laws to permit deregulation associations. Prior to the conflict there were a couple of little associations; by 1949, about portion of all mechanical specialists had a place with an association.  To democratize financial force further and make contest, the Occupation planned to separate the monster business enterprises, the zaibatsu, yet this change was not carried out, partially on the grounds that it would have made Japan's monetary recuperation more troublesome.  

in a cost beniefit analysis done by the government “cost” is defined as



can you define........MY ASSS


After 133 B.C.E..the republican form of government broke down and resulted in a series of civil wars which ended with____ defeating _____ and _____



After 133 B.C.E..the republican form of government broke down and resulted in a series of civil wars which ended with Octavian defeating Mark Anthony and Cleopatra.

I am unsure of the options but it was Octavian's victory over Mark Anthony and Cleopatra in Egypt that ended the Roman Republic Civil wars.

From 133 B.C.E, the Roman Republic saw various civil wars as men like Sulla, Julius Caesar and Octavian vied for control of the Republic over various generations.

Sulla was made dictator after his civil wars and so was Julius Caesar after he defeated Pompey. Caesar was then killed by Brutus and other senators who fled as Ocatavian and Mark Anthony hunted them and their armies down to avenge Caesar.

Mark Anthony and Octavian fell out afterwards and another civil war began that ended with Octavian defeating Mark Anthony and Cleopatra and taking over Egypt as his personal property.

This marked the end of the Roman Republic as Octavian became Augustus, the first emperor of Rome.

3. What is FDR being made to look like in the cartoon? I​


I am sorry but there is no picture

why was the boston tea party a successful event?
a.slave ships were not guarded in the northern states
b.British troops were distracted by a riot at the harbor
c.it was carefully planned over many secret meetings


By process of elimination, I think it is C :)

When did the Crusades start?


Answer: 1095


What was the PRI and what was It’s impact on Mexico?




Mexico was ran consistently under the PRI political party from 1929-2000. This party is known for corrupt elections, hand selecting the next president, and making deals and calling truces with drug cartel members. This last issue escalated greatly and got beyond the government’s control.

please help fast!!!!!!!!!


Its C im late but the main cause of why Native American populations have decreased so much was because of diseases and other harm brought by Europeans

Describe The Yalta Conference



The Yalta Conference


The Yalta Conference, also known as the Crimea Conference and codenamed Argonaut, held February 4–11, 1945, was the World War II meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union to discuss the postwar reorganization of Germany and Europe.

Anong pagkakaiba sa FLORANTE AT ALADIN?​



Both are the characters of different novels.


The difference between Florante and Aladin is that the Florante is a duke of Albania and the main protagonist of the novel while on the other hand, Aladin is the main character of the Play which is named is ''Aladin''. Aladdin is a fictional character and the protagonist of the film Aladdin which is based on Aladdin, that is a folk tale and having the origin of Middle Eastern.

What is the most likely reason that the steamboat was developed soon after the steam locomotive?


Because they already researched steam locomotive


The answer to your question is, The steamboat used the same technology as the locomotive. hope this helps. thanks

31. Where is the Three Gorges Dam being built?

A. the Huang He
B. in Yokohama
C. on the chang Jiang
D. in fengdu​


The answer: option C


C. Chang jiang


The Three Gorges Dam is being built on the Chang Jiang in China. The dam will,in part, help to control flooding along the great river, the third longest in the world after the Nile and the Amazon. But the dam is also expecting power and to allow ships to sail farther into China.

Can anyone answer this queations:
1. What was the Revolution of 1905?
2. Who was Rasputin?
3.What is the February Revolution?
4. What was the Russian Civil War?
6. What was the impact of the Russian Revolution?

Also if you can write the question in your own words that would be so helpful. If you answer this questions I will give you Brainlist or whatever it called. Thank You.



Read Below for answers to each question.


The revolution of 1905 was a wave of mass political and social unrest that spread through vast areas of the Russian Empire. It involved worker strikes, military mutinies, and peasant unrest.Rasputin was a Russian mystic and self-proclaimed holy man. He befriended the family of Nicholas II Tsar, the last emperor of Russia. He also gained considerable influence in late Imperial Russia. There was a plot to kill him, which was successful. He also had affairs with Nicholas ii Tsar's wife. The February Revolution was the first stage of the Russian Revolution of 1917, in which the monarchy was overthrown and replaced by the Provisional Government.The Russian Civil War was a fight for the new leadership of Russia. The impact of the Russian Revolution led to the end of the Tsar's ruling and the rollout of communism. Lenin as a leader developed the foundation for the Soviet Union (USSR or CCCP).

Which of the following are types of thematic maps? Check all that apply.

special-purpose maps

physical maps

choropleth maps

dot-density maps

political maps

please help me



- special-purpose maps

- choropleth maps

- dot-density maps


Thematic maps are characterized as maps that aim to display information regarding a specific subject matter, topic, or theme.

As per the question, the maps that would fall under the category of thematic maps are 'special-purpose maps,' 'Choropleth maps,' and 'dot-density maps.' 'Special-purpose maps' is the other name for thematic maps as they focus on portraying a single feature like rivers, landforms, soil, weather, the density of population across different regions, etc. 'Choropleth maps' are the kind of thematic maps in which the distribution of certain statistical data(like per-capita income) across the various regions is showing using distinct colors. While 'Dot-Density maps' are the thematic maps that employ a symbol or dots to display the presence or availability of a specific characteristic or phenomenon across a land.

Someone help me please






Lowering taxes to stimulate business growth


Which system formed the basis of the economies of the southern colonies?
o the church system
o the slave-based plantation system
o the factory system
O the trade system with Asia





The answer is the slave based plantation system

which of these inventors most directly contributed to changing the way people function during the evening


Thomas Alva Eddison
Hope this helped


I do not see a list of inventors, but focus on these two: Thomas Eidson and Nikolas Tesla.

There was rivalry between the two, but the light bulb created a way for people to see more at night. No more reading by candlelight.




All of the following are correct about Pan-Africanism and the Negritude Movement except:

A. it claimed that there was a distinctive "African personality."

B. the belief that all persons of African heritage should return to their motherland.

C. it is believed to provide a common sense of destiny for all black Africans.

D. it was a defensive response rejecting Western views of racial superiority.



C. it is believed to provide a common sense of destiny for all black Africans.


Pan-Africanism is a movement that has its aim to unite and strengthen the different groups of Africans in diaspora and at home. This is founded on the belief that unity is important to all spheres of life and that of the African man is no exception.

The Negritude Movement had similar views and outlook as they sought to bring the African man together.

However, one exception to their belief was the belief that it was to provide a common sense of destiny for all black Africans.

Which of the following statements best characterizes the house Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s?



The House Un-American Activities Committee wrongly accused many people.


C. The House Un-American Activities Committee wrongly accused many people.


- ¿Cuál es la relación entre el título y el contenido del acta? - ¿Cuál es el tema de la reunión? - ¿Qué fundamentos presentan las/los participantes?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, se te olvidó incluir el "acta."

¿Dónde está el acta? ¿De qué acta estás hablando?

Si no anexas el acta, ¿cómo sabemos qué dice?

A pesar de que se te olvidó anexar tan importante documento para poderte ayudar a responder tu pregunta, hicimos una investigación profunda y podemos comentarte lo siguiente.

Probablemente, te refieres a una acta se levantó después de una junta informativa con los padres de familia en la escuela. En esta acta de acuerdos y responsabilidades para los padres de familia durante el año, los padres y los alumnos se comprometen a mejorar su bajo desempeño académico y a no seguir reprobando.

El alumno va a entrar a la etapa o curso de refuerzo académico, pero se tiene que comprometer a estudiar y ofrecer mejores resultados. Los padres se van a comprometer al firmar el acta, a brindar todo el apoyo a su hijo y a supervisar sus estudios y tareas.

De hecho, es por eso que están firmando esta carta compromiso.

Los padres estarán al pendiente de los estudios y tareas del alumno, apoyarlos en lo que sea posible, justificar sus ausencias cuando sea el caso, y los padres también se comprometen a asistir puntualmente a las juntas que organice la escuela.

During reconstruction poll taxes and literacy virtually wiped out



what is the question?

reply in comment so i can help!

Which of these events happened when the United States dropped the first atomic bomb?



On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939-45), an American B-29 bomber dropped the world's first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion immediately killed an estimated 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure.


i hoped this answered thus

Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the Korean War and the Vietnam War. ( three paragraphs ) please I need help


hon you have a cute korean on your profile pic i'm sure you can find the similarities and differences ;) u are smart come on.

piano research paper



The Piano Essay Research paper


The piano when invented changed the way music was written, and even created new forms of music. Its invention ushered in new eras and gave people a sense of worth. But this change did not take place overnight, it took many years of hard work and labor to achieve what the piano is today.

The History of the Piano

   In 1698 a man named Bartolomeo Cristofori began to design an instrument, which would play both loudness and softness and be able to use an excellent range of dynamics unlike the popular instrument of the day the harpsichord. For years he worked on the instrument that would not only take over the harpsichord?s place in music, but also change how music was written and composed. Maybe one of the most influential instruments we will ever know. In 1709 he finally finished this instrument and named it the gravicembalo col piano e forte (harpsichord with loudness or softness), which was later know, as the pianoforte. This was the first instrument in which composers could effectively display their emotions.

     Cristofori faced many problems in the creation of he piano. First he developed a system in which the player could to only hit one of the two strings for each note (una corda). He also developed an effective mechanism to use downward pressure (striking the key) and make it project the hammer towards the strings. He also had to time the hammer?s striking the key directly proportionate to when the sound should be heard, with this improvement came another which is vital to the pianos inner workings, the escapement. The escapement is a device that lets the hammer strike the string and leave the string free to vibrate. The hammer is made to fall back and let the string vibrate, when the player let go of the key a damper would then fall on the string stopping the sound. Though Cristofori?s pianos were softer than the harpsichord they still had a much wider dynamic range. Cristofori produced his earliest surviving piano in 1720, and his last in 1726, 5 years later he dies in 1731.

Once news got around that Cristofori has designed the piano many instrument makers began building pianos. The organ builder Gottfried Silbermann (who developed the prellmechanik-rebound rail) built a piano and showed it to Bach who did not like it because the high notes were poor and the keys too heavy. So Slibermann redesigned his piano and got a much more pleasing result from Bach.

As the seven-year war purged Germany of its musical minds, so the French revolution drove those in France to England, which by now was the piano production capital of the world. One French piano maker, Sebastien Erard contributed enormously to the construction of the piano. The first was his double escapement which allowed a key to be played twice in a row without fully releasing the key. Making the note quick and easy to play(Later improved by Henri Herz). This, when applied to the grand piano, helped his company (the Erard Company) to compete with other companies such as ; Cleminti( collard and collard), Tompkinson and Broadwood.

With the rise of the Romantic Movement in the 19th century the piano endured much wear and tear, composers would go through one piano each performance because the strings would snap and many other problems would arise. So a solution had to be found. It soon came from Broadwood, who developed a way for the tension to be released from the strings by putting iron spacers between the pin block and the belly rail where the high plate is attached. But that did not totally solve the problem. Overstringing, invented by Steinway and sons, also helped. This was done by running bass strings diagonally over treble strings.

How the piano is made

Strings This is the part of the piano in which controls volume and the strength of the piano. The strings are chosen wisely by the maker, either thick for strength or thin for high pitch. The main thing they must always remember is that the strings are withstanding up to 30 tons of pressure. The strings therefore are usually made of carbon steel and are thick or thin according to the level of pitched.

After all the piano has gone through people are still trying to improve it, I personally think that it is at its peak and anything electronic would only take away from the classical skill and craftsmanship which is required to build it. There will always be a demand for the traditional high quality classical style of the piano, but that is only a part of the market as sales of pianos shrink manufacturers are bound to experiment with bolder designs. Many will dismiss these as gimmicks, but if they stimulate interests and sales they are helping to secure the instruments future.

Hope this helps!! =3

The Constitution is important because what
part of America comes out of it?
A values
B. business
C. military
D. trade





The answer is A because only A reps the meaning

What was the Marshall Plan?
A; an agreement with the Soviet union to reduce nuclear weapons.
B; a plan for rebuilding Europe after WWII
C; a program for reducing poverty in the U.S
D; a plan for improving civil rights for African Americans


The answer is B) A plan for rebuilding Europe after WWII

write 4 lessons learnt from the battle of badar​


I'll be honest, I could only find 2 from memory, 1 online. Heart or Brainliest if its helpful though.


In the Battle of Badr,  Muhammad had an army of  313 men, 2 horses and 70 camels yet they defeated an army of 1000 trained soldiers. This shows the lesson its not always quantity over quality.


Upon winning the battler, the believers were reminded that the victory came from Allah’s will.

It was in this Quranic verse indicates His Assistance when only a mere handful of soil was thrown by the Prophet, resulting in the victory. The victory was made possible due to His Power and Support.


Before the battle, the Prophet prayed immensely for Allah’s support. He would say “Oh Lord, if we are defeated, You will not be worshiped at all on Earth.”

The prayer was answered, and the Battle’s victory proved to be crucial in the survival of Islam until today.

Always ask for Allah’s help, as He helps his devotees whenever they ask for His help.

Why is it important to study cave paintings and other art made by early humans?
A to understand how early humans viewed the world
B to learn how to make cave paintings and beaded jewelry
C to find clues for hidden treasures in the paintings
D to determine their selling price in the modern world





art began in caveman times then throughout the years it has advanced

Russia was close to winning World War1 when Russian army turned against Tsar Nicolas...
True or Flase





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