Why do we meditate?

Why should we meditate?

Why is it important to learn about drugs, and their causes and effects?


Answer 1


1. We meditate to help our mind be at peace with what happens in the world around us, and enternally.

2. We should mediate because the human mind should understand and allow the unfolding of time, in a calm, accepting manner.

It is important to understand the causes of drugs because of the effects it can do to the mind and the body. You can prevent yourself and someone for ever making the same mistakes if you are correctly informed.


i have 220 day streak on headspace **meditaion legand

Related Questions

Briefly describe your most horrible dystopia.​



I was in a closed place. Inside was a farm with lots of dead trees around. I kept seeing bats fly in the sky and slightly attack me lol. The sky turned purple and the houses became grayish. Basically everything was a darkish grey and the view was terrible lol

I will mark as brainlest

1. Who do you think the cartoon is criticizing
2. Who might be the target and how do you know
3. What satirical techniques do you see being used



The cartoon isn't criticizing anyone in particular, but the school system today inputs knowledge into your brain that won't be useful later on, and if you don't understand that or do not keep up, you will be "left behind", while useful knowledge that could be used later is labeled not useful. The target of the image is to put it simply, the school system. I can see them using reversal, as they are changing the ways school was intended to be used in the first place.


Pretend you are Candy. Write a letter to the reader explaining what you think the the reader should learn from Of Mice and Men. Write in the character's voice.


Answer: if i were a candy, i would be talking

Explanation: im a candy

Can someone give me some sentences about women's rights?


Women's rights were very small back in the day. Women were not allowed to vote or to have a voice in the governmental decisions. They were also not aloud to do simple things like smoking in public.

Why does Nash want to change Nashville’s segregation laws?


Bc he likes Nashville

What do you call the illustration?
Does the illustration help you under​



a (n) illustration is a part or page in the book where the illustrator shows a picture or graphic to represent something, say if i was talking about Abraham Lincoln, i would put a picture of him for better understanding, so yes your answer is correct, the illustration does help you understand the text or story better than with none, have a great day :)


Pentagon ABCDE and pentagon A'B'C'D'E' are shown on the coordinate plane below:


There is no coordinate plane

Answer: You are intelligent 100%

Explanation: come on buddy, no coordinate plane? what is this?

1. Recall Why is the Iceman nicknamed Ötzi?



Found this off of google, "The small rocky hollow in which he lay down to die was soon covered (and protected) by glacial ice that happened to be melting 5,300 years later when his body was discovered by modern humans. His nickname, Ötzi, stems from the Ötztal Alps, where he was found."

what do you think of my poem? 11.11

A poem by Cayenne Beard

Dear 11:11,
When will you appear?
When will all the wishes I make be here?
When will I see you help or feel your loving hands?
When will my dreams become my own reality?
How will I tell when you arrive; by a scent or a taste that is truly divine?
Will I think pretty thoughts when you arrive or will I be taken over and dragged to the other side?
Will you make any noise or will you subtly approach?
Will your grace accept me or push me away?
Will you bring me hope or will you rip away the little I have left?
Will I be allowed that one wish or will you take that promise away?
Will I be allowed to keep your love or will you take it away?
Will you come down and swoop me up as you take me away?
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Will I be given your love?
Will you hold me close and tell me you’ll always be there?
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Will all these ‘lies’ come to life?
Will you give me all your great insight?
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Will you tell me to plant my roots or tell me to run away?
Will you hold my hand through my nightmares or will you leave me alone?
Will you show me I’m worth it or will you not believe in me at all?
Will you help me up or push me down?
Will you ever show up?
Will you ever grant my wish?
Will you give me life or take it away?
Will my nightmares be forgotten or brought to life?
Will you save me?
Will you arrive and make the pain go away?
Will you fill me with happiness or fill me with darkness?
Sincerely, Broken



I think It's great, but you shouldn't use the word "Will" so much.

It is great do you often write poems

2. How does the speaker feel about his decision? Explain



he feels better

because he has been through it n decided to share knowledge to the readers

Which of the following lines would not be a good addition to a personal letter from a young child to her father who was serving in the military?
A The President says the soldiers are brave for serving, but I know you are brave for taking care of Mom and me, for climbing the tree to save the kittens, and for getting on that plane to go to the desert.
B I've been practicing my pitching in the backyard, but it is harder without you to catch for me.
C At the end of the story, you will come home safely, so I can be brave until then.
D I am trying to take care of my room so Mom doesn't have any more worries than she already has.



I believe it would be D


It seems the least logical and pretty snarky and sarcastic

(READ CHAPTER 30 (No Speak English) IN THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET) Why is Mamacita upset when the baby starts speaking English? What is the author, Sandra Cisneros, saying about Mexican children in this chapter?



she is upset because she doesnt speak english


Answer 1:

Mamacita upset when the baby starts speaking English as she is upset because she doesnt speak english so he can't understand what baby is speaking.

Answer 2:

Sandra Cisneros is saying about Mexican children in this chapter is the they start speaking english and parents have trouble in understanding.

Learn more :


Read the excerpt from "At School."

The children became Americanized much faster than their parents. Often this caused painful conflicts in immigrant families. A gap appeared between the children and their parents. The parents clung to Old World customs and beliefs. The kids spoke English all day with their friends. They thought in American terms. More than anything else, they wanted to be accepted as equals in their adopted land.

Which other detail best supports the idea that children became comfortable in America more quickly than their parents?

When they left school, they looked, talked, and acted just like other American kids.
During hard times, kids had to drop out of school early. In the days before World War I, it was an accomplishment to finish grammar school.
Many kids went directly from grammar school to special vocational schools sponsored by private agencies. . . .
Students were also instructed in the fundamentals of health, hygiene, and personal grooming.





I asked for help and i checked


the answer  is c    

The theme expressed in this paragraph is that even wise people do foolish things at times. those who sacrifice for others are great people. sacrificing one’s most prized possessions is foolish. wise people are often those with the fewest possessions.



Those who sacrifice for others are great people.


This question refers to the following paragraph from The Gift of the Magi, a story written by O. Henry:

And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house. But in a last word to the wise of these days let it be said that of all who give gifts these two were the wisest.

This story tells about Della and Jim, a young and poor married couple. On Christmas Eve, they buy each other gifts despite having very little money. Della sells her hair to buy a platinum pocket watch chain for Jim, and Jim sells his pocket watch to buy a set of ornamental combs for Della. Despite receiving gifts they cannot use, Jim and Della realize how much they are willing to sacrifice for each other and how priceless their love really is.

This is what the given paragraph tells us - that those who sacrifice for each other are great people. It doesn't matter that they don't have much money - Jim and Della love each other and that's all that matters. There is nothing foolish about that.


it c those who sacrifice for others are great people.


Can someone help me?


The answer is D because the top number times 5 will equal the bottom number


No, it does not.


If you count by 24's, you won't get 89.


What are examples of a 3rd person clincher?



"He," "him," and "his" are third person singular pronouns, and "they," "them," and "their" are third person plural pronouns. Novels are usually written in third person.

Read this passage from "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold:
Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.
What connotation does the word "struggle' have that adds to the poem's
A. Anticipation
B. Sadness
C. Desperation
D. Joy


I’m pretty sure the correct answer is D because the poem is saying to love one another and to be at peace it couldn’t be A because they author never mentions anything there waiting for or wanting

The connotation that the word ''struggle'' have that adds to the tone of the poem is that the desperation.

Option C is correct.

What is the connotation?

The connotation is referring to the emotion that invokes for an individual with its actual meaning.

According to provided passage, the tone of the poem that adds to the struggle word being used by the author indicates the connotation of desperation.  

Therefore, the word written in option C is correct.

Learn more about the connotation in the related link:



The press conference was crowded when
Dr. Kang presented the results of his research on the monkeys.


Answer:so what is this about so I can help you about it

Explanation: Tell me the question

if you read this book than you know what I am talking about??? Throughout The Call of the Wild, Buck struggles with a conflict between civilization and the wild. In the final chapter, how does this shift from an internal conflict to an external conflict? Your response should be no less than 150 words.



Bucks internal conflict explored in chapter 6 is the sense of love he felt for John Thornton. After John saved buck he does not want to leave him, and now knows what it feels like to be cared for.

Hope this helps someone:):):):):)

when you reach the end of a paragraph, remember to __________ before moving on to the next paragraph


Answer: Remember to indent before moving on to the next paragraph

Answer: think


Does anyone know how to put files on Edmentum?
I've tried and it's not working.
What do I do?



Did you ask your teacher? When I do not know how to do something I email my teacher and they will either do it for me or give me step by step on how to do it.


Hope this helps and I am sorry I could not have been more help.

You copy the file and then there should be a comment box for it for something at lest for the teachers or they have it done and I just hit submit

What element of science fiction stories are you comparing if you look for how the events are alike?
the theme
the setting
the plot
the characters



The theme


The element of any fiction, not just science fiction stories that is used during comparison to look for similarities in events is the theme. The term theme can be characterized as the fundamental meaning of a story. It is the message the author is attempting to pass on through the story.

Thus, the correct answer is the theme.

Know more:


Answer: the plot


Plot means the events that happen in a story so the plot will be the answer.

What was the triangular trade? (describe all 3 sides).​


1 manufactured goods from Europe to Africa and exchange for slaves

2. middle passage ; shipping slaves to America

3. return to Europe with produce from slave labor

Decide whether each quotation is an example of direct or indirect characterization.

“How horrible it would be . . . if she were condemned to be the plain, shy Millicent of a few years back.”

“Betsy Johnson, the vivacious blonde secretary of the sorority”

“Walking beside Louise on the way to the drugstore, Millicent felt a surge of pride.”

“Bev was suddenly there in the doorway. ‘Wipe that smile off your face,’ she commanded.”



Decide whether each quotation is an example of direct or indirect characterization.

“How horrible it would be . . . if she were condemned to be the plain, shy Millicent of a few years back.”

✔ direct

“Betsy Johnson, the vivacious blonde secretary of the sorority”

✔ direct

“Walking beside Louise on the way to the drugstore, Millicent felt a surge of pride.”

✔ indirect

“Bev was suddenly there in the doorway. ‘Wipe that smile off your face,’ she commanded.”

✔ indirect


I got it right. You're welcome.


1) direct

2) direct

3) indirect

4) indirect


Which phrase describes faults?
cause gaps in the geologic record 
cause rocks to break and move
are older than surrounding rocks
are igneous rocks that form beneath Earth’s surface​



Cause rocks to break and move



B.) cause rocks to break and move


Just took the test and got 100%

Read the excerpt below and answer the question.

KING CLAUDIUS: Where is Polonius?

HAMLET: In heaven; send hither to see: if your messenger find him not there, seek him I’ the other place yourself.” (Hamlet; Act IV, scene iii)

Hamlet tells Claudius to search for Polonius in Hell because .



because hamlet killed polonius


Hamlet killed Polonius. Claudius, who didn't know about it asked for Polonius' whereabouts, Hamlet said that even if he sent a messenger to heaven, the messenger wouldn't find Polonius there

I need help! please?









I hope this is good enough:

How would you go about creating literary nonfiction?

Include detailed description, characterization, imagery, and dialogue.
Create a fictional story about a particular time in one's life.
Create a written story of one's entire life with multiple themes included in the narrative.
Write a story of a particular time in one's life or a recounting of life events around one or two themes.



A. Include detailed description, characterization, imagery, and dialogue.

Why does Chris feel it is his responsibility to apologize on behalf of white
people everywhere?
The hate you give


First of all that movie is amazing.
Okay for the answer part, I believe the answer would be that he thinks African American people deserve an apology of what people of “his kind” have done in the past and still do to this day. He believes they deserve a Good apology that Sky tried to fit in while hiding the real her. BLM

Read the excerpt from “How I Learned English.”

I fell back,
Dazed, clutching my brow,
Groaning, “Oh my shin, oh my shin,”
And everybody peeled away from me
And dropped from laughter, and there we were,
All of us writhing on the ground for one reason
Or another.

Readers can tell that this is the climax of the poem, because it

gives information about what the speaker thinks and feels.
adds to the idea that the speaker feels like an outsider.
changes the speaker’s struggle to fit in with the other boys.
shows how the speaker’s problems with the boys are solved.
Mark this and return



changes the speaker’s struggle to fit in with the other boys.

it right


Readers can tell that this is the climax of the poem, because it shows how the speaker’s problems with the boys are solved. The correct option is (D).

What do you mean by “How I Learned English”?

I Learned English because it recounts a tale and has a narrator or speaker, a conflict, a storyline, and characters, it qualifies as a narrative poetry. It was in an abandoned lot. surrounded by elm, fir, and honeysuckle trees. Bill Corson was putting in a pitch with his buckram jacket.

The core concept that the author hopes to convey through the narrative, characters, and surroundings is known as the main idea of a story. In contrast to essays, informational texts, and other types of writing that aim to only inform the reader, stories provide the core idea in a new way.

Readers can tell that this is the climax of the poem, because it shows how the speaker’s problems with the boys are solved and changes the speaker’s struggle to fit in with the other boys shows how the speaker’s problems with the boys are solved.

Therefore, Readers can tell that this is the climax of the poem, because it shows how the speaker’s problems with the boys are solved. The correct option is (D).

Learn more about speaker on:



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