Why do you think Hitler did not make a land invasion of England ? Was it because navy of doing it or because he wanted to invade ( and destroy the Soviet Union Why do you think this ?


Answer 1


The worlds greatest navy


Hitler couldn't reach England due to it being an island in the atlantic ocean and all the boats and submarines were destroyed by Englands superior navy so he tried planes.

Answer 2
he wanted to invade the soviet union he was a strong minded man and if he wanted something done it would happen he had total power and his people where very loyal because of how scary he was so that is my opinion

Related Questions

what is the cause for the decline of mamluk egypt or fatmid dynasty​


Four factors were introduced as the contributors of the decline of Mamluk Egypt: faulty political structure, the Black Death, loss of dominance in trade, and foreign invasions. An important fact to understand about these four factors is that the last two factors is actually a consequence of the first two.

Which of the following was NOT a way that the Han Dynasty assimilated Chinese culture?
A) Created a uniform written language.
B) Opened borders to all foreigners that wished to visit China.
C) Combined all Chinese philosophies into the whole understanding of the World.
D) Providing a uniform education for government officials through a Civil Service Examination



B- opened borders to all foreigners that wished to visit China.

I also believe it is B

States that wanted to rejoin the Union during Reconstruction had to
create a branch of the Freedmen’s Bureau.
register white and African American voters.
show their support for the Black Codes.
organize at least one new military district.



I believe its "organize at least one new military district."



D: Organize at least one new military district!

I just took the test! The subject is reconstruction, on edge! Good luck :)



Alumno/a: _______________________________

(Es importante explicitar el nombre del estudiante para facilitar la corrección por la plataforma)

A partir de lo trabajado en clases (presenciales y virtuales) y de la lectura de las páginas 8 a 17 del cuadernillo, resuelvan con sus palabras las siguientes actividades:

1) ¿Qué son las declaraciones que aparecen en la Constitución Nacional?

2) Completen el siguiente cuadro para clasificar a los artículos de la Constitución Nacional según la categoría de declaración política, religiosa, económico-financiera y jurídica. (Les recomiendo buscar los artículos en el texto de la Constitución Nacional que se encuentra disponible como archivo adjunto de esta actividad.)


Explicación de la declaración





El Tesoro nacional es el dinero disponible para cubrir los gastos del Gobierno nacional. El dinero del Tesoro nacional proviene de: venta o alquiler de tierras del país, impuestos por las cosas que entran y salen del país y los que paga la población, préstamos que pide el Gobierno cuando el dinero de los impuestos no le alcanza. El Congreso nacional es el encargado de crear los impuestos. Los impuestos deben ser equitativos: cuanto más tenés, más pagás.







3) Busquen en la Constitución Nacional los artículos 14 y 14 bis, 15, 37, 41 y 75 inciso 17. Luego expliquen con sus palabras cuáles son los derechos reconocidos en cada uno de los artículos, a qué clasificación de derechos corresponde, busquen una imagen para ilustrarlos y agréguenle un epígrafe.


Artículo 14: Reconoce a todos los habitantes de Argentina (nacionales y extranjeros) la libertad para trabajar, transitar, comerciar, peticionar a las autoridades, y de expresión, asociación, culto y educación. Es por ello que decimos que el artículo 14 garantiza los derechos civiles (de primera generación.

La imagen ilustra el derecho a publicar las ideas por la prensa sin censura previa

4) ¿Qué son las garantías constitucionales?

5) A continuación les presento diversos casos en los que no se cumplen las garantías constitucionales. Comenten con sus palabras qué tipo de acción judicial usarían en cada caso para proteger los derechos constitucionales.

a) Una persona es detenida en la vía pública por ser de la religión musulmana

b) Una ley sancionada este año establece que los alumnos que el año pasado aprobaron la materia de Construcción de la Ciudadanía con 7 deben rendir nuevamente la materia, porque ahora se estableció que la note mínima es 8

c) Una persona es detenida por fumar en la vía pública, en un espacio abierto

d) Una persona que robó una bicicleta fue detenida y golpeada por los vecinos de la zona

e) Un grupo de jóvenes fue detenido por la policía y obligados a mostrar los mensajes recibidos en sus teléfonos

f) Una familia está a punto de ser desalojada de su vivienda porque se atrasó una semana en el pago del alquiler

6) Elaboren un mapa conceptual para graficar las declaraciones, derechos y garantías reconocidas en la primera parte de la constitución nacional.



is there english transalation?


in a market economy decisions about which goods are produced are based on



They are based on what products are available and at what prices are determined through the interaction of supply and demand

how did the ideas of the Enlighnment advance both the obolition movement and the woman's rights movement?


Answer:It really didn't advance either one. The abolition movement was

a 100 years after the Enlightenment and the women's rights movement

was 200 years after the Enlightenment.


(Score for Question 3: of 9 points)

3. How did the railroads impact Seattle, Tacoma, and Spokane during this time? Describe how each city was
type your answer here


If you're still here, please give the time frame of this question, as you didn't already do so. Thanks

Trình bày chiến tranh đặc biệt của mĩ ở việt nam, nhận xét về mặt trận chính trị và binh vận



Kể từ năm 1949 khi Trung Quốc trở thành cộng sản, Hợp chủng quốc Hoa Kỳ trở nên sợ hãi Việt Nam vì Việt Nam đã kiểm soát những người cộng sản. Mỹ tưởng rằng chủ nghĩa cộng sản sẽ lan đến miền Nam Việt Nam và từ đó nó sẽ lan ra toàn châu Á. Vì vậy, Hoa Kỳ gửi quân đội của mình để giúp Chính phủ Nam Việt Nam khỏi việc truyền bá chủ nghĩa cộng sản.

Đó là, nền kinh tế Hoa Kỳ bị thiệt hại và không có tiền cho chiến tranh do đó lạm phát ở Hoa Kỳ. Nó cũng phá vỡ tinh thần quân sự và cam kết của Hoa Kỳ đối với chủ nghĩa quốc tế.


Kể từ năm 1949 khi Trung Quốc trở thành cộng sản, Hợp chủng quốc Hoa Kỳ trở nên sợ hãi Việt Nam vì Việt Nam đã kiểm soát những người cộng sản. Mỹ tưởng rằng chủ nghĩa cộng sản sẽ lan đến miền Nam Việt Nam và từ đó nó sẽ lan ra toàn châu Á. Vì vậy, Hoa Kỳ gửi quân đội của mình để giúp Chính phủ Nam Việt Nam khỏi việc truyền bá chủ nghĩa cộng sản.

Đó là, nền kinh tế Hoa Kỳ bị thiệt hại và không có tiền cho chiến tranh do đó lạm phát ở Hoa Kỳ. Nó cũng phá vỡ tinh thần quân sự và cam kết của Hoa Kỳ đối với chủ nghĩa quốc tế.

Which of the following would most likely cause the supply of a good
or service be inelastic?
Select one:
a. if it is diffucult to produce the good or service
b. if there is a lack of competition among producers
c. if there were no governmental regulations
O d. If there is a lack of demand among consumers
Clear my choice



D is the answer in my opinion

why is it important to learn about the united states presence on the global stage?


It gives you knowledge about society

In the mid-1600’s Britan shifted much power over the colonies to authority of



There were several changed in England in the 1600s that allowed for colonization. They include the defeat of the Spanish Armada, the Protestant Reformation and the improving English economy. The English Defeat of the Spanish Armada played an important road in English colonization of North America.


the governors of the colonies


explain the attitudes and politics toward immigration in the 1920s​



Bad attitude.


The attitudes and politics of Americans toward immigration in the 1920s​ was not good because Americans thought that these immigrants increase unemployment as well decreases the wages. Many Americans feared that there was high unemployment rate in America after World War I. New immigrants were used to break strikes and were blamed for the deterioration in wages so we can say that Americans attitudes turns bad due to the above factors,

Blank secured access to oil during World War 1 & Beyond by buying a majority stake in blank
First blank: Britain, France, Russia
Second blank: the Suez Canal Company, Anglo-Persian Oil Company, the Oil Company of Persia




Anglo-Persian oil company


It's right there just look at the pic


No I do what I want for now

What are 3 Effects of Imperialism ​



There were new crops; tools and farming methods, which helped, increase food production. These changes meant less death to smaller colonies, and overall improve the state of living.


The improvement of living was major as it increased populations, and improving living standards is not only a result of economic growth, but also an important factor in GDP growth.(gross domestic product)

According to Hakluyt, why should England pursue colonies in North America? Check all of the boxes that apply.


Available options are:

A. To expand England's power and wealth

B. to cooperate with Spain and France

C. to spread Christianity

D. to offer opportunities to the poor

E. to help American Indians protect their land


A, C, and D


Considering the available options, and according to Hakluyt, England should pursue colonies in North America because of the following:

1. to expand England's power and wealth: this will help England build more empire

2. to spread Christianity: this will serve as an opportunity for the English people to spread their Christian religion at the time

3. to offer opportunities to the poor: this will serve as an opportunity for the English poor to start afresh in a faraway land.

Hence, the correct answer, in this case, is option A, C, and D.

Total energy of substance can be affected by temperature but can't be affected by the?





Total energy of substance can be affected by temperature but can't be affected by the pressure because energy has no relation with the pressure or energy does not depends to pressure. As the temperature increases, the average kinetic energy in the body is also increases but the pressure exert on the body only deform the body structure but can't the energy present in the body

Which was not a responsibility of government officials in ancient Egypt



I think its A


I hope this helps

World War 1 took place from ______________ to _____________, and was known during that time as the ___________________________ .


Answer:World War 1 took place from ___8th  July, 1914 to 11 November, 1918 and was known during that time as the __Great war_ .


World War 1  was said to have started after the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian heir, Archduke Franz Ferdinand  on 28 June 1914 by a member of the Serbian Black Hand military society,  Gavrilo Princip who was also  a Bosnian Serb Yugoslav nationalist for whose reason together with other nationalists was to end Austro-Hungarian rule over Bosnia and Herzegovina. This sprang up events  that started the World war 1.

what was the Romanian revolution???



The Romanian Revolution was a period of violent civil unrest in Romania

If a private citizen sues a business, that is an example of?



a civil case


The body of law known as civil procedure lays forth the guidelines and requirements that courts must adhere to when deciding civil lawsuits (as opposed to procedures in criminal law matters).

What is Civil Procedure ?

The timing and manner of depositions, discovery, and disclosure, the conduct of trials, the process for rendering judgment, the process for post-trial procedures, the range of available remedies, and how the courts and clerks must operate are all governed by these rules.

They also specify how a lawsuit or case may be initiated, the type of service of process that is necessary (if any), the types of pleadings or statements of case, motions or applications, and orders that are permitted in civil cases .

The types of criminal prosecutions are typically pursued by the state to punish offenders, while other systems, like those in English and French, do not.law, permit private prosecutions by individuals.

. In contrast, private parties, businesses, or organizations bring civil lawsuits on their own behalf. In civil actions, government organizations may also participate. Typically, criminal and civil cases are heard in separate courts.

Learn more about Sues here


# SPJ 2

As Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people shouted,"_____!“
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the _____.

Question 1:

Question 2:



Question 1 is Hosanna, Question 2 is Lord

As Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people shouted, "[tex]\boxed{ Hosanna }[/tex]!“

Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the [tex]\boxed{ Lord }[/tex].

[tex]\bold{ \green{ \star{ \orange{Mystique35}}}}⋆[/tex]

the reason for the rise of age set organization​



my pic lol,,,,,


This method is called phylogenetic classification. The advantage of a phylogenetic classification is that it shows the underlying biological processes that are responsible for the diversity of organisms

What was the main reason that Athens and Sparta fought the Peloponnesian War? (I need this answer quickly please <3


immediate reason for the war was Athenian control of the Delian League, the vast naval alliance that allowed it to dominate the Mediterranean Sea.
Sparta didn’t like athens growing power and control

Which economics term does each scenario describe?

(Match these)


diversified economy

single-resource economy

A nation with many pineapple plantations exports fresh
pineapples, canned pineapples, and pineapple products.

A nation rich in precious gemstones just exports diamonds
to be made into necklaces, rings, and other jewelry,

A nation with several climate zones exports almonds,
cranberries, corn, wheat, and peaches.


The following economic term match each scenario.

A nation with many pineapple plantations exports fresh pineapples, canned pineapples, and pineapple products - Specialization.A nation that is rich in precious gemstones just exports diamonds to be made into necklaces, rings, and other jewelry - A single-resource economy.A nation with several climate zones exports almonds, cranberries, corn, wheat, and peaches - A diversified economy.

What is a diversified economy?

The process of economic diversification involves moving an economy away from a single income source and towards many ones from a widening array of industries and markets. It has traditionally been used as a tactic to promote healthy economic development.

Thus, the mentioned given above are correctly matched with each scenario.

Learn more about economy here:



Why did Appeasement of Hitler/Germany fail to prevent WW2?



Hitler was interested in world domination, The reason why the appeasement failed was because we gave him more land and asked him to not take anymore over. its similar to giving a 2yr old candy from a store and expecting a 2yr old not to ask for anything else, the 2yr old is obviously going to ask for more candy and if you dont agree its going to through a tantrum


¿Explica de que maneras la ciencia auxiliar y la filosofía han ayudado a comprender y a realizar reflexiones sobre la historia del hombre?



La ciencia auxiliar y la historia juntas hablan sobre el pasado de la humanidad al examinar sus fundamentos teóricos de la práctica, la aplicación y las consecuencias sociales


La ciencia auxiliar y la historia juntas hablan sobre el pasado de la humanidad al examinar sus fundamentos teóricos de la práctica, la aplicación y las consecuencias sociales. La ciencia auxiliar habla del desarrollo social de los humanos que condujo al establecimiento de varios reinos y condujo al crecimiento intelectual de los seres humanos. La historia, por otro lado, habla de un evento específico en el pasado (evento geográfico, evento climático, etc.) que trajo cambios en el estilo de vida de los seres humanos y los hizo más adaptables a las condiciones ambientales cambiantes.

A historian could best use this map to study which topic?
1. O United Nations membership
2. O Cold War confrontations
Decolonization efforts
4. O Genocide refugee camp sites


The correct answer is number 2) Cold War confrontations.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the map. Where is the map?

Without the map, just you know the information. We don't.

However, trying to help you we did some deep research and found one map that highlights places where the United States and the Soviet Union had conflicts and confrontations during the Cold War years.

The places highlighted on the map are the Island of Cuba, North and South Korea, and North and South Vietnam.

So the correct answer indeed is:

A historian could best use this map to study the topic "Cold War confrontations."

During the tense years of the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States competed in the arms race, the space race, and the spread/containment of Communism in different places of the world such as the Island of Cuba Korea Vietnam.

How did the Civil War transform the lives of African Americans politically and socially? Do the ideas in the quote from Frederick Douglass become a reality for African Americans?


Answer: The Civil War freed the slaves and broke the planation system of forced labor.  It also led to three constitutional amendments that tried to protect the rights of the freedmen.  For a time, during Reconstruction,  black men could vote,  run for office, educate themselves and participate in the economy, .  But when Reconstruction ended Jim Crow laws were passed that limited the right of black men.  The dream of Frederick Douglass was that black men would be treated as equal to white men.  This has become a reality for African Americans in the de jure sense but not in the de facto sense.

What was a common belief among historians in the early 20th century that
makes their sources biased?
A. That slavery is a sacred institution that should be protected from
government interference
B. That the interests of white Americans are more important than the
interests of minorities
C. That Americans can learn a great deal from tribal cultures
D. That women should be encouraged to join the workforce


Answer:B. That the interests of white Americans are more important than the

interests of minorities


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