Why does globalization contribute to the rise of international terrorism?


Answer 1
Why does globalization contribute to the rise of international terrorism? Globalization often results in economic and cultural distress among people in poor countries. Which of these is most directly responsible for job loss in the United States? Cheap imported gods.
Answer 2

Globalization makes commute easier, and terrorist organizations are able to set up their bases in different countries.

What is globalization?

The route which enables the promotion of trade and business activities between two or more countries is referred to as globalization. In recent years, globalization has led to terrorism.

This is because, the terrorist organizations are able to establish multiple bases across different countries, creating an international network with cross-border operations.

Hence, the international terrorism has been promoted by globalization policies in recent years.

Learn more about globalization here:



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Hi all, can you solve this please,



amon gus


Need help asap will rate 5 stars!!!!



not sure how to answer its hard to understand

European settlers and Americans transformed the Great Plains from
A. fields of corn; fields of grass
B. natural grassland; fields of corn
C. desert; farms

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The answer is B,  natural grassland; fields of corn


hope this helps!

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is right answer I hope it's helpful



.i don't want points

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The earth has been divided into three major categories crust, mantle, and core which are further segregated into sub-parts. Since the crust is the outermost layer of the shell, the outer crust of the earth consists of a combination of silicon and oxygen in the majority followed by some percentage of other metals as well. The percentage of Oxygen includes nearly 50% i.e. 46.6% followed by 27.7% of Silicon and the other 25.3 % includes aluminum, iron, sodium, magnesium, etc. Thus, 'oxygen' is the correct answer.

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please give brainliest


All of the following statements are true regarding non-government organizations EXCEPT:



The answer is; C


Non-governmental institutions are independent of governments hence do not identify themselves with any government   or state. They are mainly involved in humanitarian works, and societal building roles especially in less developed societies. Their workings are not intended for any profits and are usually funded through donations.

(Missing!) Background Knowledge:

Assuming that the following statements are these -

A. Non-government organizations aid in human interests.

B. Non-government organizations are companies that are not for profit.

C. Non-government organizations identify with a specific government.

D. Non-government organizations are also referred to as relief organizations.

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What exactly here is the question

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→ You can see on the map that Kalsubai peak is marked with a red point.

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a. True
b. False


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Line Segments RX and TC have the same measurement, and has a right angle at point X, this proves that SR is equal to the measurement of ST.

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3. when harmful gases,such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide,react with water In the atmosphere,they can produce acidic rain.

4. the agent of erosion involved in stream erosion is water.

I hope this helps

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B. Water should be regulated for tax income.
C. With a growing population, the world needs clean water.
D. Water is a renewable resource, freely available to all countries.



With a growing population,the world needs clean water

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Please select the best answer from the choices provided.




it must be fauna coz flora is for plants


b) fauna


just took the test

The length of a part on model helicopter is 8.5cm;the scale of model is 1:100,000.calculate the real length of the helicopter part in meter


9514 1404 393


  8500 m


At a scale of 1 : 100,000, the real part will be 100,000 × 8.5 cm = 8500 m.


Additional comment

I've not seen or heard of any helicopter that has any parts that are as long as 8.5 kilometers (5.28 miles).

Question 7
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Each cell has a single nucleus.
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Skeletal muscle cells have the same shape as smooth muscle cells.



A skeletal muscle fiber typically contains a sarcolemma,  t-tubules, and myofibrils.


I hope this helps

The correct answer to the given question is C. Because of the following reasons

Skeletal muscle tissue is multi nucleated, cylindrical fiber which are soft and fragile.

Skeletal muscle fiber is surrounded by a plasma membrane called sarcolemma.

They provide pathways for passage of blood vessels and nerves.

These tissues are found in muscles which is directly attached to the skeleton.

The correct answer is C.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/20760438

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Solve the equation

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 4(-x+4)=12[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto -4x+16=12[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto -4x=12-16[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto -4x=-4[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x=\dfrac{-4}{-4}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x=1[/tex]

[tex]\large\bf{\orange{ \implies}} \: \tt \: \: 4 \: ( - x \: + \: 4) \: = \: 12[/tex]

[tex]\large\bf{\orange{ \implies}} \: \tt \: \: - 4x \: + \: 16 \: = \: 12[/tex]

[tex]\large\bf{\orange{ \implies}} \: \tt \: \: - 4x \: = \: 12 \: - 16[/tex]

[tex]\large\bf{\orange{ \implies}} \: \tt \: \: - 4x \: = \: - 4[/tex]

[tex]\large\bf{\orange{ \implies}} \: \tt \: \:x \: = \: \frac{ \cancel{- 4} \: \: ^{1} }{ \cancel{- 4}} [/tex]

[tex]\large\bf{\orange{ \implies}} \: \bf \: \:x \: = \: 1[/tex]

[tex]\Large\underbrace{\textrm{{{\color{blue}{Hence , Proved}}}}}[/tex]

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following in arguments over the Indian
Removal Act?
A. Cherokee
B. National Government
C. State of Georgia



A. Cherokee


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mối quan hệ giữa quá trình nội lực và ngoại lực



The importance of categorizing a force as being either internal or external is related to the ability of that type of force to change an object's total mechanical energy when it does work upon an object. When net work is done upon an object by an external force, the total mechanical energy (KE + PE) of that object is changed.


in vietamnise/

Tầm quan trọng của việc phân loại một lực là bên trong hoặc bên ngoài có liên quan đến khả năng của loại lực đó để thay đổi tổng năng lượng cơ học của một vật thể khi nó hoạt động trên một vật thể. Khi công việc ròng được thực hiện trên một đối tượng bởi một ngoại lực, tổng năng lượng cơ học (KE + PE) của đối tượng đó được thay đổi.

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In simple words, The Coriolis Force on Venus is exceedingly mild due to all the planet's sluggish rotation. The Coriolis Influence on the movement of the Earth 's atmospheric is extremely significant, generating continent-sized swirling of cloud formations that are readily visible from space when the Earth rotates on its axis roughly once every 24 hours.

Discuss the advantages of relative location for commercial activities



Relative location shows how things are related by technology, distance or culture.


The advantages of relative location for commercial activities are: forming a sense of community by getting to know your customers better, having repeat customers who are more likely to be loyal because they live in close proximity, the ability to advertise locally which can attract new customers, you can reward local customers which can increase loyalty, and can contribute to the local community by benefiting customers and local nonprofits.  

Answer:Relative location for commercial activities not only cost effective but also targets a larger audience. When you refer to a place using relative location, more number of people are able to relate to it. New customers are attracted when relative location is used for commercial activities


What is the current state of Communist China in the 21st century?



China’s Communist Party turns a century old this July, a milestone that Beijing is celebrating with a crescendo of fireworks, theatrics and a fervent campaign to honor its revolutionary past.

The party has often lurched between tragedy and triumph between its birth as an underground movement and its current dominance over the world’s most populous nation. It seized power in 1949, and its early decades in government were tumultuous, with Mao Zedong launching radical purges and a disastrous industrial program that led to one of the deadliest famines in history.

Mao’s death in 1976 precipitated political and economic changes under Deng Xiaoping that would transform an impoverished nation into a global economic powerhouse.

What rock type is best described as a felsic volcanic rock that is lightweight, light-colored and appears to consist of hard, solid white-gray material with some embedded angular, broken larger grains of crystalline minerals like quartz or feldspar



Rock Key i think


The felsic volcanic rocks are igneous rocks and are rich in feldspar and quartz. They are rich in iron and magnesium, Have silicate mineral-like magma and rocks.

The Felsic combines feldspar and silica. Most of the volcanic rocks are extensively formed such as Rhyolite and is glassy and light grey rock. Rhyolite magmas form highly viscous lava. Rhyolite can be commonly found along the convergent plate boundary. Predominantly Quartz, sanidine.

Learn more about the rock type is best described as a felsic volcanic rock that is lightweight.


two reasons why eastern cape has the lowest percentage of households living in formal dwellings​



Because there's less agricultural activities coursed by less fertile soild, dry climate

Name two forms of energy usually used at homes



Energy exists in many different forms Which each form can be converted or changed into the other forms. Although there are many specific types of energy, the two major forms are Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy.

1. Electrical Energy

→ Example : Lighting

2. Thermal Energy

→ Example : When you cooking

Hope it helps!

A family that includes a mixture of parents and children unrelated by blood is
also described as a(n):

A. Biological family.
B. Multigenerational family
C. Blended family
D. Extended family



Blended Family: A mixture of parents and children unrelated by blood


Here's the other fours' def:

Blended Family: A mixture of parents and children unrelated by blood Extended Family: Multiple generations and members related by both blood and marriage

Fictive Family: A group of people who are not related but use family titles to refer to each other

Nuclear Family: Married parents and their biological children

hope this helps and please give a brainliest if u can.

A family that includes a mixture of parents and children unrelated by blood is blended family

What Are the Distinct characteristics and activities in western region Ghana


Cape Three Points, Fort Metal Cross, Fort Santo Antonio, and Fort Batenstein are all places to visit and do activities

If God exists and he (or she) revealed themselves, would people who believe in God actually accept God as God? :-'|​



as I do believe in God it really depends on the person and there connection with God and If they do believe in God but I belive that God has no gender that God is God and someone else may believe different and that's okay and I respect that

name one natural phenomenon in which a spectrum can be seen? ​



A rainbow is an optical and meteorogical phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicoloured arc.

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