why does the ball repel as it touches the rod​


Answer 1


when a charged rod is brought close to the pith balls, their charges polarize. if they find in contact with the charged rod, they can inherit the same sign charge. since like charges repel. when similarly charged, the pith balls behave like siblings and refuse to touch each other.


Answer 2
Electrons from the rod move to the pith ball giving the pith ball an excess of negatively charged electrons (a net negative charge). This is known as electrostatic conduction. Now that both the rod and the pith ball have the same negative charge, they repel each other.

Related Questions

Question 2 of 10
A wave has a wavelength of 0.05 m and a wave speed of 10 m/s. What is the
frequency of the wave?
O A. 5.0 Hz
B. 200 Hz
C. 2.0 Hz
O D. 0.50 Hz



everything can be found in the picture

A car starts from the state of xestIf its velocity becomes 70 km/hr in 6 minutes, i) what is the accordine acceleration of F the car? (ii) what is the the distance cover ded by the car?​


Answer: [tex]3.5\ km[/tex]



Car starts from the state of rest and acquires a velocity of [tex]70\ km/hr[/tex] in 6 minutes

Final velocity in m/s is [tex]v=70\approx 19.44\ m/s[/tex]

Using equation of motion

[tex]v=u+at\\\Rightarrow 19.44=0+a(6\times 60)\\\Rightarrow a=0.054\ m/s^2[/tex]

Distance covered in 360 s

[tex]\Rightarrow v^2-u^2=2as\\\Rightarrow 19.44^2-0=2\times 0.054\times s\\\Rightarrow s=3500.64\ m\approx 3.5\ km[/tex]

12 Write a difference between FPS
and CGS unit system of unit.​



CGS means Centimeter Gram Second while FPS means Foot Pounds Second


FPS is the standard used to measurement of length, mass and time. The unit of length is foot.

The time is calculated as the unit of seconds. CGS is the measurement of length, mass and time in units of centimeter, gram and second respectively

A 5.20-N force is applied to a 1.05-kg object to accelerate it rightwards. The object encounters 3.29-N of friction. Determine the acceleration of the object.




We will use the equation F - f = ma, which is just a fancy way of stating Newton's 2nd Law. For us:

F = 5.20 to the right (+)

f = 3.29 to the left (-)

m = 1.05 kg. Therefore,

5.20 - 3.29 = 1.05a and

1.91 = 1.05a so

a = 1.82 m/s/s to the right

The electric motor of an elevator(lift) uses 630kJ of electric energy when raising the elevator and passengers, of total mass 12,500N, through a vertical height of 29m.Calculate the efficiency of the elevator. pppppplease need helpp willl markk the brrainliest



Efficiency = 0.575 = 57.5%


First, we will calculate the output energy of the elevator, which is equal to the potential energy acquired by the load.

[tex]O = Potential\ Energy\\O = mgh[/tex]


O = Output = ?

mg = W = Weight = 12500 N

h = height = 29 m


[tex]O = (12500\ N)(29\ m) \\O = 362500\ J = 362.5\ KJ[/tex]

The input is given as:

I = 630 KJ

Thus the efficiency will be:

[tex]Efficiency = \frac{O}{I} = \frac{362.5\ KJ}{630\ KJ}\\\\[/tex]

Efficiency = 0.575 = 57.5%

Enunciado del ejercicio n° 1
Se lanza un cuerpo verticalmente hacia abajo con una velocidad inicial de 7 m/s.

a) ¿Cuál será su velocidad luego de haber descendido 3 s?

b) ¿Qué distancia habrá descendido en esos 3 s?

c) ¿Cuál será su velocidad después de haber descendido 14 m?

d) Si el cuerpo se lanzó desde una altura de 200 m, ¿en cuánto tiempo alcanzará el suelo?

e) ¿Con qué velocidad lo hará?

Usar g = 10 m/s²

v0 = 7 m/s

t = 3 s

y = 200 m

h = 14 m

(1) vf = v0 + g·t

(2) y = v0·t + ½·g·t²

(3) vf² - v0² = 2·g·h

Enunciado del ejercicio n° 2
Se lanza un cuerpo verticalmente hacia arriba con una velocidad inicial de 100 m/s, luego de 4 s de efectuado el lanzamiento su velocidad es de 60 m/s.

a) ¿Cuál es la altura máxima alcanzada?

b) ¿En qué tiempo recorre el móvil esa distancia?

c) ¿Cuánto tarda en volver al punto de partida desde que se lo lanzo?

d) ¿Cuánto tarda en alcanzar alturas de 300 m y 600 m?

Usar g = 10 m/s²

v0 = 100 m/s

vf = 60 m/s

t = 4 s

y1 = 300 m

y2 = 600 m

(1) vf = v0 + g·t

(2) y = v0·t + ½·g·t²

(3) vf² - v0² = 2·g·h

Enunciado del ejercicio n° 3
Un observador situado a 40 m de altura ve pasar un cuerpo hacia arriba con una cierta velocidad y al cabo de 10 s lo ve pasar hacia abajo, con una velocidad igual en módulo pero de distinto sentido.

a) ¿Cuál fue la velocidad inicial del móvil?

b) ¿Cuál fue la altura máxima alcanzada?

Usar g = 10 m/s²

t = 10 s

y = 40 m

(1) vf = v0 + g·t

(2) y = y0 + v0·t + ½·g·t²

(3) vf² - v0² = 2·g·h

Enunciado del ejercicio n° 4
Desde un 5° piso de un edificio se arroja una piedra verticalmente hacia arriba con una velocidad de 90 km/h, ¿cuánto tardará en llegar a la altura máxima?

Usar g = 10 m/s²

v0 = 90 km/h

v0 = 25 m/s

(1) vf = v0 + g·t

(2) y = v0·t + ½·g·t²

(3) vf² - v0² = 2·g·h

Enunciado del ejercicio n° 5
Un auto choca a 60 km/h contra una pared sólida, ¿desde qué altura habría que dejarlo caer para producir el mismo efecto?

Usar g = 10 m/s²

vf = 60 km/h

vf = 16,67 m/s

v0 = 0 m/s

(1) vf = v0 + g·t

(2) y = v0·t + ½·g·t²

(3) vf² - v0² = 2·g·h

Enunciado del ejercicio n° 6
Se lanza una pelota hacia arriba y se recoge a los 2 s, calcular:

a) ¿Con qué velocidad fue lanzada?

b) ¿Qué altura alcanzó?

Usar g = 10 m/s²

t = 2 s

(1) vf = v0 + g·t

(2) y = v0·t + ½·g·t²

(3) vf² - v0² = 2·g·h

Enunciado del ejercicio n° 7
Se lanza una pelota de tenis hacia abajo desde una torre con una velocidad de 5 m/s.

a) ¿Qué velocidad tendrá la pelota al cabo de 7 s?

b) ¿Qué espacio habrá recorrido en ese tiempo?

Usar g = 10 m/s²

v0 = 5 m/s

t = 7 s

(1) vf = v0 + g·t

(2) y = v0·t + ½·g·t²

(3) vf² - v0² = 2·g·h

Enunciado del ejercicio n° 8
Se lanza un cuerpo verticalmente hacia arriba con una velocidad de 60 km/h, se desea saber la altura máxima alcanzada, la velocidad que posee al cabo de 4 s y 30 s, la altura alcanzada a los 8 s, el tiempo total que se encuentra en el aire.

v0 = 60 km/h = (60 km/h)·(1.000 m/km)·(1 h/3.600 s) = 16,67 m/s

t1 = 4 s

t2 = 30 s

t3 = 8 s

Usar g = 10 m/s²

(1) vf = v0 + g·t

(2) y = v0·t + ½·g·t²

(3) vf² - v0² = 2·g·h

Enunciado del ejercicio n° 9
Se dispara verticalmente hacia arriba un objeto desde una altura de 60 m y se observa que emplea 10 s en llegar al suelo. ¿Con que velocidad se lanzo el objeto?

h0 = 60 m

t = 10 s

g = 9,81 m/s²

Δy = v0·t + ½·g·t²

Enunciado del ejercicio n° 10
Se lanza verticalmente hacia abajo una piedra de la parte alta de un edificio de 14 pisos, llega al suelo en 1,5 s, tomando en cuenta que cada piso mide 2,6 m de altura. Calcular la velocidad inicial de la piedra y la velocidad al llegar al piso.

Número de pisos = 14

Altura de cada piso = 2,6 m

t = 1,5 s

g = 9,81 m/s²

1) Δh = v0·t + ½·g·t²

2) vf = v0 + g·t

*xfv se que es mucho pero e visto videos pero no me sale muy bien los resultados con mis compañeros. xfv alguien que me ayude





If a 20kg ball is sitting at rest on the top of a 100m hill, what it the velocity of the ball when it rolls down the hill and is 10m from the bottom? Show, at least, your final calculation.




This is the First Law of Thermodynamics that says that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Which means, to us, that the ball has a specific amount of energy available to it, regardless of where it is in its travels, and this amount of energy will never be increased or decreased, that it will ust change its form. The Total Energy equation for this situation is

TE = PE + KE whih says that the total energy available to the system is equal to its Potential Energy plus its Kinetic Energy, and that Total Energy will never change. First we need to find the TE available. Looking at the first statement, we come into this problem and the ball is sitting still at the top of a hill. If the ball is sitting still, it has no Kinetic Energy, so all the energy is Potential. Therefore,

TE = PE + 0 and what we find here for the TE is the TE available throughout the trip. PE = mgh, so

TE = (20.0)(9.8)(100.0) I added in some sig dig but will still round to 2 because 1 does nothing for us.

TE = 2.0 × 10⁴ J. Now we move on to the next part of the problem, where the ball starts moving. The instant the ball starts moving, the PE starts to convert to KE, but as long as the ball still has the potential to fall to a lesser height, it also still has PE...long story short, it has both PE and KE at this point. And since TE = PE + KE, then

2.0 × 10⁴ = (20.0)(9.8)(10.0) + [tex]\frac{1}{2}(20.0)v^2[/tex] and we solve for v, simplifying some at first.

2.0 × 10⁴ = 2.0 × 10³ + 10.0v² and

[tex]v=\sqrt{\frac{2.0*10^4-2.0*10^3}{10.0} }[/tex] so, to 2 sig fig,

v = 42 m/s

Get to know how to do this; it will save your sanity!!

what happens when a candle burns?
a) oxygen is used up
b) nitrogen is used up
c) hydrogen is produced
d) carbon dioxide is consumed​



oxygen is used up is the answer


These vaporized molecules are drawn up into the flame, where they react with oxygen from the air to create heat, light, water vapor (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

5. A bullet is shot from a rifle with a speed of 720 m/s. What time is required for the bullet to strike a target 6400 m away?



8.89 secs


720m = 1 sec

6400m = ?

6400/720 = 8.89 secs

What is meant by electric current?



the electric current is ratio of electric poer to the voltage

In which of the following is there more than one path for electrons to flow?
A.An open Circuit
B.A parallel circuit
C.A series circuit
D.A closed circuit



because in parallel combination there are more than one paths for the current to flow .

is driving with a velocity of 5 m/s and speeds up to a velocity of 10 m/s over 5 seconds. What is Mr. DaCosta's acceleration?


The answer is going to be 10

On the graph of voltage versus current, which line represents a 3.0 ohm

Will give brainliest



D. Graph A


Ohm's law states that V = I*R

So rearrange the equation by dividing the Volts by the amps to give you resistance.

R = 12/4

R = 3 ohm

The line in graph of voltage versus current, which represents a 3.0 ohm

resistor is line A. The correct option is D.

What is current?

The current is the stream of charges which flow inside the conductors when connected across the end of voltage.

Given,  the graph of voltage versus current is given.

From the graph, I = 4A and V= 12 V

From the Ohm's law, V =IR

Resistance, R = V/I

By substituting the values, we get

R = 12/4

R= 3 ohms

The resistance of the circuit, 3 ohm is represented by the line A on the graph.

Thus, the correct option is D.

Learn more about current.



Which of the following exercises would be BEST for improving muscular strength and endurance?






the anser for your qestion is

c. push- ups

Si se desea construir un circuito con poca resistencia se debe colocar: En serie Mixto Paralelo Ninguna de las anteriores



Parallel combination


When the two resistances are connected in parallel then the equivalent resistance is


To get the minimum resistance of a circuit, the circuit components should be connected in parallel combination.

In the parallel combination, the voltage across each resistor is same and the current is divided in every resistance according to the resistances.

A 0.1 kg popper is placed on a table. When it pops
up, it reaches a height of 2.0 meters. What was the
initial velocity of the popper off the table?



The initial velocity of the pooper off the table is approximately 9.264 m/s


The mass of the popper, m = 0.1 kg

The height the popper reaches, h = 2.0 meters

The initial velocity of the popper, 'u', is given by the following kinematic relation;

v² = u² - 2·g·h


h = The height the popper reaches = 2.0 m

v = The final velocity of the popper at the height it reached = 0 m/s

u = The initial velocity of the pooper off the table

g = The acceleration du to gravity, g ≈ 9.81 m/s²

Plugging in the values gives;

0² = u² - 2 × 9.81 × 2.0

∴ u - √(2 × 9.81 × 2.0) ≈ 9.264

The initial velocity of the pooper off the table, u ≈ 9.264 m/s.

if a person can jump 2m in earth surface how high can he jump in the moon (g of moon = 1.66m/s, g of earth = 9.8 m/s) [hint: use w=mgh since work done and mass of a person is same everywhere​



[tex]h_{moon} = 11.8\ m[/tex]


Since the work done is same everywhere in the universe. Hence, the work done in jumping will be same for the person on moon and earth:

[tex]W_{moon} = W_{earth}\\\\P.E_{moon} = P.E_{earth}\\\\mg_{moon}h_{moon} = mg_{earth}h_{earth}\\\\g_{moon}h_{moon} = g_{earth}h_{earth}\\\\(1.66\ m/s^2)h_{moon} = (9.8\ m/s^2)(2\ m)\\\\h_{moon} = \frac{(9.8\ m/s^2)(2\ m)}{1.66\ m/s^2}\\\\h_{moon} = 11.8\ m[/tex]

assume that you have three electrically charged body 'a' and body 'b' attract body 'c'. what is the sign of the charge of each body?​


Answer: Sign of body 'a' is + and body 'b' & 'c' is -

Hope this answer is right!


The same charge repels each other and the opposite charge attracts each other. The force between the same charge is called repulsive charge and that of opposite charge is called attractive charge. The bodies A and B repel each other, so the charge of the body A and body B is of the same nature.

El peso(w) de una persona en la Tierra es 550N. Determinar la masa (m) de la persona y el peso (w) de la misma en la Luna


The question is: The weight (w) of a person on Earth is 550N. Determine the mass (m) of the person and the weight (w) of the person on the Moon.

Answer: The mass (m) of the person is 550 N and the weight (w) of the person on the Moon is 891 kg.


Given: Mass = 550 N

When a person moves towards moon then its mass will remain the same but there will occur change in its weight because the acceleration due to gravity on moon is different than that on Earth.

Therefore, formula used to calculate the weight of person on moon is as follows.

[tex]W = m \times g_{m}[/tex]


m = mass

[tex]g_{m}[/tex] = acceleration due to gravity on moon = 1.62 [tex]m/s^{2}[/tex]

Substitute the values into above formula as follows.

[tex]W = m \times g_{m}\\= 550 N \times 1.62 m/s^{2}\\ (1 N = 1 kg \times m/s^{2})\\= 891 kg[/tex]

Thus, we can conclude that the mass (m) of the person is 550 N and the weight (w) of the person on the Moon is 891 kg.

A constant force (3,0,4)N moves a body from point (-5,3,1)m to the point (4,3,3)m. If the initial velocity of the body is (6,1,1)m/s, determine the work done by the force and the angle between the force and the initial velocity of the body​


The net displacement of the body is

x = (4, 3, 3) m - (-5, 3, 1) m = (9, 0, 2) m

so the work done by F = (3, 0, 4) N in the direction of ∆x is

F • ∆x = (3, 0, 4) • (9, 0, 2) N•m = (27 + 0 + 8) N•m = 35 J

The angle between the force and initial velocity v₀ is θ, such that

F • v₀ = ||F|| ||v₀|| cos(θ)

(3, 0, 4) • (6, 1, 1) N•m/s = √(3² + 0² + 4²) √(6² + 1² + 1²) cos(θ) N•m/s

==>   cos(θ) = (18 + 0 + 4) / (√25 × √38) = 22/(5√38)

==>   θ = arccos(22/(5√38)) ≈ 44.5°

How does a country qualify for this sport for the Summer Olympic games?



The top-15 world-ranked players will be eligible for the Olympics, with a limit of four players from a given country. Beyond the top 15, players will be eligible based on the world rankings, with a maximum of two eligible players from each country that does not already have two or more players among the top-15.

2. 2. A drawing that shows the outline of an object is called​



Answer: the answer is lineart

What is electric potential



The amount of work need to move a unit charge from a reference point to a specific point against an electric field.

If an object of mass 70kg falls from a height of 500 m, what is the maximum velocity of the object?



H = 1/2 * g * t^2     since initial velocity is zero

v = g * t    where v is the final velocity

t = v / g

H = 1/2 g * v^2 / g^2 = 1/2 v^2 / g

v = (2 * H * g)^1.2

v = (2 * 500 * 9.8)^1/2 = 99 m/s

Check: t = v / g = 99 / 9.8 = 10.1 sec

H = 1/2 * 9.8 * 10.1^2 = 500 m

what is the maximum density of water​



4ºC or 39.2ºF

converts light energy to electrical energy

this electric current produced can be stored in another rechargeable cell.

If the collector of the cell is covered the voltage is higher

The current shown is real current

All of the above

None of the above ​



If the collector of the cell is covered, the voltage is higher


The collector of the a passive, active, or photovoltaic (PV) solar cell is the device that takes the Sun's energy by the absorption of the Sun's radiation which is then transformed into electricity and heat. The ability to absorb the Sun's energy is given by the material type and the coating of solar collector

Therefore, the device requires access to energy from Sunlight to get the energy which can be stored in a rechargeable cell and well the collector's cell is covered, access to Sunlight is denied and therefore energy is not supplied to the cells and current is not generated and there is no flow of electricity and the voltage in the circuit is lower or there is no voltage in the circuit

The statement which is wrong about the solar cell is therefore, that if the collector of the cell is covered, the voltage is higher

Which types of forces exist between the two protons in a helium nucleus?
a repulsive electrostatic force and a repulsive gravitational force
a repulsive electrostatic force and an attractive strong nuclear force
an attractive electrostatic force and an attractive gravitational force
an attractive electrostatic force and an attractive strong nuclear force



Option (2) is correct.


When two charges have equal charges they repel each other. On the other hand, if they have unequal charges they attract each other.

The force between the two protons in a helium nucleus is electrostatic charges and the force is repulsive in nature.

Also, there exists a strong nuclear force between charges.

So, a repulsive electrostatic force and an attractive strong nuclear force is the correct answer.

a. An object takes 5 s to reach the
ground from a height of 5 m on a
planet. What is the value of g on the
Ans: 0.4 m/s2​



g = 0.4 m/s²


Given the following data;

Height = 5 meters

Time = 5 seconds

To find the acceleration due to gravity (g) on the planet;

Mathematically, the maximum height of an object is given by the formula;

H = ½gt²


H is the height measured in meters.

g is the acceleration due to gravity.

t is time measured in seconds.

Substituting into the formula, we have;

5 = ½ * g * 5²

5 = 0.5 * g * 25

5 = 12.5 * g

g = 5/12.5

g = 0.4 m/s²

The diagram shows a stone tied to a string in circular
motion. If the string breaks, what will be the direction of
motion of the stone?



Newton's First Law of motion states that an object will continue to move in a straight line or remain at rest unless  a force acts on it

The stone is able to move in circular motion because a (centripetal) force acts through the string on it, which maintains the circular motion, by turning the stone to the circular path as the stone moves with momentary velocity along a straight line which is (therefore) tangential to the circle

Therefore, at the point the spring breaks, the centripetal force is no longer acting on the stone to change its path and the motion of the continues on the tangent to the initial circular motion path at that point


Which is a characteristic of atoms?

A) They come in ten major types.
B) They are the smallest units of matter.
C) They can be found in nonliving things only.
D) They cannot combine together.


It has to be c, I think





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