why kayaking and going to the gym is best sport?​


Answer 1


kayaking doesn't involve really a high impact on the body but it is a fun and greG activity for people if u do have joint problems. You can build muscle strength in the upper part of your body because you paddle.

Related Questions

4. How does that force (from number 3) compare to the force from the Sun at our present location? You can use your knowledge of gravity from previous lab assignments or work out this math problem.


i really dont know lol

I need the answers to this



Laws requiring that facilities and accommodations, public and private, be  segregated by race ⇒ Jim Crow Laws

This was a US Supreme Court decision that established the legality of racial segregation so long as facilities were "separate but equal." ⇒ Plessy v. Ferguson

This is the name of the legal doctrine of discrimination of the races that was adopted in much of the United States after 1896. ⇒ Separate But Equal.

This is the separation of daily activities, such as eating in a restaurant, using water fountains, or riding the bus, that is based on (usually) racial makeup. ⇒ Segregation

This is the term that refers to the illegal and unjust treatment of a person or  persons because of their race, color, gender, orientation, or national origin. ⇒ Discrimination.  

This means segregation that comes from personal choice or choices, such as living in certain areas or attending certain places of worship. Courts have not become involved in this kind of segregation ⇒ De Facto.

This means segregation that is mandated by law. This kind of segregation is unconstitutional. ⇒ De Jure.

This term refers to the process of taking away the right to vote from people who would normally enjoy that right. ⇒ Disfranchisement.

How are electrostatic paint sprayers beneficial?



Makes a stronger bond to cover an object more evenly, even if the vehicle has many angles. This method saves paint by ensuring more paint lands on the charged vehicle than the surfaces around the vehicle


Have a nice day and plz mark brainllest

What is gender inequality? Do you think there is gender inequality in the world? Give one example.


Gender inequality is the social process by which men and women are not treated equally, there is gender inequality in the world many girls, especially those from the poorest families, still face gender discrimination in education, child marriage and pregnancy, sexual violence and unrecognized domestic work


Gender inequality is the social process by which men and women are not treated equally. The treatment may arise from distinctions regarding biology, psychology, or cultural norms prevalent in the society. Some of these distinctions are empirically grounded while others appear to be socially constructed.

Why does Nick decide to return home to the Midwest in Chapter 9 of The Great Gatsby?



Nick returns to the Midwest in chapter 9 of The Great Gatsby after becoming disillusioned with the East Coast. After the death of Gatsby and Myrtle, Nick realizes that the East Coast and the American dream were frauds that relied on greed and distortion. He yearns to return to a place of humble honesty


I need help I gotta wright a 10 page essay abt why you shouldnt talk to guys on the internet help plz I gotta do it tonignt


Do you mean a 10 page essay or a 10 paragraph essay, because that’s quite a lot for an essay just on why you shouldn’t talk to guys on the interest.

Using the following sentence as a guide, match each word below with its part of speech: "The farmer quickly plows the empty field." empty ? Noun plows ? Verb quickly 2 Adjective farmer Adverb

please help and thanks​



1. Empty; adjective

2. Plows: verb

3. Quickly; adverb

4. Farmer; noun


1. Empty; adjective. Empty simply means to contain nothing i.e being devoid of any content or substance.

An adjective is one of the parts of speech in English language and it can be defined as a word that qualifies or describes a noun in a sentence. Some examples of an adjective are big, small, happy, tall, short, fat, rambunctious, empty, etc.

2. Plows: verb. Plow is an action word which simply means a machine used for planting in agriculture.

A verb is one of the parts of speech in English language. Verbs can be defined as any word that describes an action, occurrence, or state of existence. Some examples of verb are dance, sing, walk, play, run, sit, plow, etc.

3. Quickly; adverb

An adverb can be defined as a word that is used in English language to modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb. Some examples are slowly, quickly, brightly, sadly, etc.

Generally, adverbs are formed by adding the suffix "ly" to the end of a verb e.g quick + ly = quickly.

4. Farmer; noun. A farmer is the name given to someone that plant crops and/or keeps livestock.

A noun can be defined as a word used to refer to a person, place, animal, idea, feeling or thing.

Simply stated, a noun is considered to be a naming word.

Can someone tell me where I can watch Blood Bank (yaoi)



My friend probably could help with this but uh I'm not into yaoi sorry ️




Type your response in the box. Does "The Tell-Tale Heart" contain any examples of parallel episodes, foreshadowing, or flashback? For each literary device that Poe's story uses, provide a brief definition of the device and an example from the text. Examples can be in the form of quotations or brief summaries.



"The Tell-Tale Heart" has examples of foreshadowing and flashback.


"The Tell-Tale Heart" was written by Edgar Alan Poe and tells the story of a man who highly desires to kill an old man because the old man's eye bothers him.

In this story, we have examples of foreshadowing, which is a literary resource where the author advances information that will happen later in the story. This literary resource serves to stimulate the reader's curiosity and make him anxious to advance in reading. An example of foreshadowing in "The Tell-Tale Heart" can be seen early in the story, where the narrator suggests that he will kill the old man. This can be seen in the lines:

"It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night. Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture—a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees—very gradually—I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever."

We can also find examples of flashback which is the literary resource that allows a character to remember facts that happened in his past and can present these facts in detail. This literary resource gives depth to the character, because it can show the creation of that character's personality, showing impacting moments in his life. In “The Tell-Tale Heart” we can see an example of flashback in the lines:

"How, then, am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily—how calmly I can tell you the whole story."

Our people finally sorted it out a couple weeks later. The
chemical, which, by the way, cut down the number of
mosquitoes exponentially, had the unfortunate side effect
of killing off this little wasp – I've got the scientific name
for it somewhere in my report here, if you're interested
that preyed on a type of caterpillar that in turn ate palm leaves. Well, with the wasps gone, the caterpillars hatched out with nothing to keep them in check and chewed the roofs to pieces, and that was unfortunate, we admit it, and we had a real cost overrun on replacing those roofs with tin ... but the people were happier, I think, in the long run, because let's face it, no matter how tightly you weave those palm leaves, they're just not going to keep the water out like tin. Of course, nothing's perfect, and we had a lot of complaints about the rain drumming on the panels, people unable to sleep and what-have-you. ...

Which passage from the excerpt shows that the narrator is using logos?

A. I've got the scientific name for it somewhere in my report here, if you're interested

B. The chemical, which, by the way, cut down the number of
mosquitoes exponentially, had the unfortunate side effect of killing off this little wasp

C. that was unfortunate, we admit it, and we had a real cost overrun on replacing those roofs with tin

D. the people were happier, I think, in the long run, because let's face it, no matter how tightly you weave those palm leaves, they're just not going to keep the water out like tin



The answer is B


Betrayal Module: Directions: Respond to this question to demonstrate your understanding of the topic/content. Be sure to provide adequate and relevant details learned in the module to support your response. Pay close attention to organizing your response so it makes sense and uses correct grammar. Your response should be at least 5-7 sentences at a minimum.

Question: In this unit you learned about rhetorical devices and how to use them to persuade. Choose one of the following persuasive appeals (ethical appeal, logical appeal, and emotional appeal), and explain how it used in our current society.



Emotional appeal is used in today's society in commercials. Animal shelter commercials use emotional appeal by showing sad looking and hurt animals to persuade you to donate to their cause. They can also show happy and cute puppies or kittens to try and get you to adopt from them. Food pantries and food banks use the same emotional appeal as animal shelters. They show starving children or people going hungry for holidays to get you to donate money to them. Fast food commercials also use emotional appeal. They make their food look unrealistically appetizing to try and get you to buy their food. In actuality, their food may be just as boring tasting as other places' food.


Read the following excerpt from As I Lay Dying.
The cottonhouse is of rough logs, from between which the
chinking has long fallen. Square, with a broken roof set at a
single pitch, it leans in empty and simmering dilapidation in the
sunlight, a single broad window in two opposite walls giving onto
the approaches of the path.
What is most likely the purpose of the symbolism used in this passage?
A. To represent the characters' disinterest in material wealth
B. To suggest the disintegration of the Bundren family
C. To signify the need for skilled workers in the American South
D. To describe the unfairness of the conditions of the poor


A, because the passage was not meant to sound pitiful they were just describing the conditions

Answer:it’s B


just took it

What is a good thesis for Romeo and Juliet?
Would debating whether or not Romeo and Juliet is pedophilia?





In writing a thesis you would need to have sufficient evidence and while we have evidence through historical times it may not be enough. You could write about whether on not they were at fault for their deaths or if it was the people around them who pushed them to die.

Question 14 of 22
Which of the following is not a characteristic of theme?
A. It has a universal quality.
B. It is present in music, literature, visual art, and other forms of
artistic expression.
C. It is stated clearly at the end of a piece.
D. It runs throughout a piece.





the theme is the paint that is used to decribe something


C. it is stated clearly at the end of a piece.


C. it is stated clearly at the end of a piece.

What is the theme of A Minks ones own


Based on lectures Virginia Woolf delivered at Newnham and Girton colleges in 1928, the six interrelated essays seek to answer why, historically, fewer women than men have written. The title of the book refers to Woolf’s belief that a woman writer needs privacy, space, and sufficient financial means to practice her craft.

Hope this helps have a great day

Choose the correct version of the following:
A. She asked if I was free I was at another friend’s house sadly.
B. She asked if I was free: I was at another friend’s house sadly.
C. She asked if I was free; I was at another friend’s house sadly.
D. She asked if I was free, I was at another friend’s house sadly.


The correct version of the sentence is "She asked if I was free; I was at another friend’s house sadly."

The correct answer to the given question is option C.

She asked if I was free; I was at another friend’s house sadly. This is because the semicolon (;) is used to connect two independent clauses that are closely related, and can be used in place of a conjunction (and, but, or).

In option A, a period was used instead of a comma, which makes it a run-on sentence. A run-on sentence is formed when two or more independent clauses are joined without a conjunction or proper punctuation.

In option B, a colon was used instead of a conjunction or punctuation to separate the independent clauses, which is incorrect. A colon is used to introduce a list or to emphasize a statement.

In option D, the comma is not enough to separate the independent clauses as they are closely related and require a stronger punctuation mark.Using a semicolon in option C connects the two independent clauses and helps to indicate that they are related. This also eliminates any ambiguity in the sentence structure.

For more such questions on version of the sentence, click on:



What is the difference between summarizing and paraphrasing?
Summarizing is shorter than paraphrasing and includes only the most important details
Summarizing puts the text in the writer's words, while paraphrasing uses the original text.
Paraphrasing is shorter than summarizing, and paraphrasing includes only the main idea.
Paraphrasing puts only the main idea in the writer's words, while summarizing includes key details.


Mannn ion kno I got the answer off somebody else

How has Romeo and Juliet's relationship changed over Acts 2 and 3? Have the unfolding events (Romeo's fight and banishment, Juliet's engagement) changed how they see one another? How? Use examples from the text. Your response should be 4–6 sentences.


Answer and Explanation:

In act II both Romeo and Juliet are more mature than in the previous acts. Juliet is more determined and takes the lead in what she is doing with her own life. We can see this, when it is she who decides that she and Romeo will get married the next day even if it is hidden and even if they are enemies. Romeo is also more courageous, introducing himself to Juliet even though he knows he might be rejected, something he can't handle well.

In act III, the two are even more assertive, making quick decisions and denying the responsibility they had with their families, as long as they could live the love they felt. This is most evident during Romeo's banishment and Juliet's engagement. During the banishment, Romeo quickly decides that he must leave the city and think of a way to get Juliet safely, while Juliet, who has never refuted the family's decisions, states that she will not marry Paris, even if the engagement has already been established. This makes them feel responsible for each other and builds a bond between the two that is stronger than family bonds.

What is Mr.Velji thinking at the end of the story?How do yuh think he is feeling? (Leaving-M.G Vassanji)​



Having read the letter sent by Aloo, I feel that Mr.Velji is thinking that his prediction about Aloo getting a good education but the mother losing Aloo is correct.I also think that he is feeling bad for Aloo's mother because it seems that she has already lost her son within the first few days after he left.

Hope this helped.

Finished reading the story few weeks back.

"Kali was unobtrusive, unnoticeable to the crowd."
In this sentence, unnoticeable is a(n)
of unobtrusive.





Answer all the question in the picture below please.​





The correct answer is D

What does the following sentence need?
The teachers were in favor of extra homework however, the pupils were not.

A. Semicolon
B. Colon
C. Comma
D. Nothing - it's fine as is






Commas are used after a semicolon

[tex]\circ \: \: { \underline{ \boxed{ \sf{ \color{green}{Answer.}}}}}∘[/tex]

The teachers were in favor of extra homework, however, the pupils were not.

[tex]\sf\purple{C.\: Comma}[/tex]

[tex]\large\mathfrak{{\pmb{\underline{\orange{Mystique35 }}{\orange{♡}}}}}[/tex]

Pliss you can help me pliss


what is the book about? or what is the book title?

which word or words most creates a negative tone towards the tractor?


Absurd | illogical | ridiculous | silly | implausible | foolish.
Accusatory | complaining.
Acerbic | sharp | forthright | biting | hurtful | abrasive | severe.
Aggressive | hostile | determined | forceful | argumentative.
Aggrieved | indignant | annoyed | offended | disgruntled.
surgery!! The word that most creates a negative tone towards the tractor is surgery

my elder son say she ---a doctor when she grows old. A is going to be B.will be C. is going ​



it is a or b they both work

In Life on the Mississippi, by Mark Twain, boats were usually referred to using the pronoun ___________. they she it he





Mark Twain had a great admiration for boats, as we can see in "Life on the Mississippi." This admiration made Twain see boats as living beings, as an entity independent of human beings and for this reason, he did not use the pronoun "it" to refer to boats, as this pronoun is associated with inanimate beings and Twain I didn't see boats that way. He preferred to use the name "she," as we can see in this excerpt:

"This kind of whispers was still going on, the men being bunched together forrard watching for the bar'l, when, lo and behold you, here she comes again. Down she comes, slow and steady, and settles into her old tracks. You could a heard a pin drop. Then up comes the captain, and says [...]."

Write a story in which a diary plays an important part. Word limit: 350-500



The diary was an important part of Anne's life. For Anne, her diary was her best friend who would listen to her without any advices. ... Writing a diary was a new and strange experience for her as she shared those feelings to her that actuallly no other person would like to hear about

Explanation: my hilarious research

Can anybody help me find Minyooshan



okey I will but she got Manny account and which one is her descent account I d k that.

stay safe healthy and happy...

He is in BTS I think I hope this helped you thank you for your question

How do you believe the hero stories of long ago can be used to help people develop character?



because the pase hero's history are mostly filled with good deeds and can be very influential.

5- Are the adjectives in these phrases in the correct order?
Answer 'yes' or 'no'

1. - a long, hot day

2... a large, black dog

3... a tall, handsome, young man

4... short, fat legs

5... a new, red dress

6... a big, juicy steak

7. a slim, graceful woman

8... a grey, woollen pullover

9... a large, comfortable armchair

10... a long, difficult journey


yes but about number 10, I reckon it will be better to say a rigid journey
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