Why minors must provide work paper if they have work permit? And what is the document that can replace work paper if the school is closed and they didn’t graduate yet?


Answer 1


everyone needs to provide work papers even if they have papers, not just minors.


Answer 2
Everyone needs a working permit

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Add this sentence to the above excerpt: However, there is some debate about how internet slang influences everyday language.2.) Add this sentnece to the above excerpt: Studies suggest that saving a few keystrokes can both reduce stress and lead to more productivity.3.) Add this sentence to the above excerpt: However, while Internet slang shortcuts save time for the writer, according to at least one study they take two times as long for the reader to understand.4.) Add this sentence to the above excerpt: Only strict grammarians object, arguing that Internet slang is a degradation of standard usage. If f(x) = x^2 + 1 find f (a+1) solution for pressure of studies any six characteristics of present society PLEASE HELP ME! 10 POINTS+BRAINLIEST hELPpppPpPP pLEAaSSEEseE A- Briefly describe the biotechnology methods that would have been used to produce these results. B- How are the bands from the jeans and the shirt similar? 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Hi, could someone help me solve this. so the question says to find the area of the shaded part (in black) , in terms of pie (). the length of the square is 12 cm. the radius of the circle is 6cm. i came with the answer of (144-36)/4. is this ok? below is the picture of the question. 52 %of U.S. Adults have very little confidence in newspapers. You randomly select 10 U.S. Adults. Find the probability that the number of U.S. Adults who have very little confidence in newspapers is (a) exactly five, (b) at least six, and (c) less than four.