Why was Abbas the Great like Sultan Suleiman?
A. Both killed most of their sons
B. Both were not religiously tolerant
C. Both failed to expand their empires
D. Both conquered Constantinople


Answer 1

Answer: A. Both killed most of their sons


Abbās the Great (1571-1629) was the shah of Persia from 1588 to 1629. He developed an increasing paranoia over being killed by a family member to remove him from power, which led him to kill or blind those he was suspicious of. That´s why he killed one of his sons and blinded the other one, leaving him without any heir able to succeed him.

Sultan Suleiman I (1494-1566), known as "the Magnificent, also executed his son, Shahzad Mustafa, due to fear of being assassinated.

Related Questions

During the course of a conversation between Mary, Nancy, and Mark, which of the following events is most likely to occur?



Mark interrupts Mary.


It's easier for us to answer the question if you include the entire text and the example so that I don't have to search for it.

¿Cuál es la Ley que expide el código Nacional de Tránsito Terrestre?





It is for Spanish. Not many people on here speak Spanish mainly.

Also, can I have Brainlies?

________ is the extent to which people like or dislike themselves. Group of answer choices Locus of control Self-efficacy Emotional stability Self-esteem Self-awareness


Answer: Self esteem


Self esteem refers to the extent to which people like or dislike themselves. The way we value ourselves and assert ourselves refers to self esteem.

When an individual has a high self-esteem, such person believes that he or she has what it takes to succeed while someone with low self esteem doesn't believe in himself or herself.

sould i take my brother shopping with me


sould i take my brother shopping with me?

I suggest yes.he would help you carry your things....

sure if you are willing to pay

write any two uses of family​



Family also has a recreational function. Earlier, most recreation was family- based. Family gatherings during festivals, functions, family reunions, marriages, brought entire families together. Now-a-days, taking family members out on holidays or for movies, plays, dinners, or parties.


Hope this helps~~ ;D


The word family is people who love and support you, as well as those whom you can confide in and trust, make up your family.

Uses of family​

Enhances Mental HealthAssists children in achieving academic success


1. One year, a UCLA student spent his entire summer feeding birds at the Coliseum (where cross town rival USC plays football) wearing a black and white striped shirt, and blowing a whistle. On the day of the first USC game, the referee walked onto the field and blew his whistle. The game had to be delayed for an hour until the birds were cleared from the field. is it classical or opperant conditioning


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Here we are talking about classical conditioning.

It is classical conditioning because the birds got used to the whistle and the clothes that looked like a referee of a College football game. So the birds associated those black and white strips of clothes and the sound of the whistle with food. So when this happened at the beginning of the football game, birds flock the field, already conditioned to be fed.

That is why the UCLA student spent his entire summer feeding birds at the Coliseum, the official home of the USC Trojans football team. He wore a black and white striped shirt to look like a referee and blew a whistle.

Which investment is best for someone who is likely to need cash soon?



Savings account


Saving account is the only option that can be used by someone who is likely to need cash soon. The mutual funds cannot be withdrawn before three years as the amount will be taxable.

Answer is: savings account or tesla stock!!

The use of animals, farming, bows and arrows, and canoes are most associated with which age?



Bronze age


This may or may not be the answer but I do know the bronze age was somewhat renowned for technology advancments


they're associated with mesolithic age

how did sher bahadur deuba became the third prime minister​



In 1991, he was elected to the House of Representatives and served as the Minister of Home Affairs in the cabinet led by Girija Prasad Koirala. This cabinet was dissolved, and Deuba rose to become prime minister after Manmohan Adhikari tried to dissolve the parliament again in 1995. During his first term, he signed the Treaty of Mahakali with the Government of India. Deuba's second premiership started in July 2001 following the resignation of Girija Prasad Koirala shortly after the Nepalese royal massacre. His second term saw the rise of Maoists and later he declared a state of emergency, and listed the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) as a "terrorist organisation". In October 2002, King Gyanendra dismissed him and his cabinet for being incompetent. The same year, he founded the breakaway party, Nepali Congress (Democratic), after being sacked by the Nepali Congress. He was later appointed as prime minister by King Gyanendra on 4 June 2004, however, he was arrested under corruption charges following the 2005 coup d'état, and he was released on 13 February 2006.

In August 2016, Deuba and Pushpa Kamal Dahal agreed to form a rotational government led by the CPN (Maoist Centre) and the Nepali Congress for nine months each. He was sworn in as prime minister for a fourth stint on 7 June 2017. In October 2017, all ministers from the CPN (Maoist Centre) left the cabinet after they formed an electoral alliance with the CPN (UML) in preparation for the general election and rescinded support to the Deuba government. On 12 July 2021, the Supreme Court ordered the appointment of Deuba as prime minister within 28 hours, the next day, he was appointed by President Bhandari as the prime minister in accordance with Article 76(5) of the Constitution of Nepal.

I hope this helps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some of the principles of ethical violations discussed in class are the following: stress and psychological harm, deception, invasion of privacy, breach of confidentiality, involuntary recruitment, use of special populations, withholding beneficial treatment, and fraud. The following research situations illustrate one or more possible ethical violations. For each situation: (1) Identify what you believe are the violations of ethical principles which are most apparent. (2) Explain your answers. (3) State how the violations can be remedied. (4) After all 12 situations are analyzed, rank the violations according to minor, moderate, and major ethical violations



stress and psychological harm, deception, invasion of privacy, breach of confidentiality are most common violation of ethical principles.


The principles of ethical violence can be reduced by the removing the fear factor  that results to the breach in privacy pf the persons.

Almost all people have at one time or another experienced (select all that apply): Schizophrenia Anxiety Depression Bipolar





confia na mãe

Almost all people have at one time or another experienced: Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a mental health disorder and it means to  panic or to have fear of the unknown.

Depression occur when a person is down or unhappy or in a sad mood while Bipolar occur when a person  is moody or experience mood swings and unable to do what they love to do.

Therefore the correct option is B,C D.

Learn more about anxiety here:https://brainly.com/question/7434259


cual era el pensamiento de las personas de la edad media sobre el planeta​



я не знаю ответа :(


what is socialization



1) The activity of mixing socially with others

2) The process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable to society

I hope this helps you out :)






2 What are the major challenges to tackle your district? ​


The major challenges to tackle my district by those :-

Transportation facilitiescommunicationwater supplySuperstitious Beliefs Gender inequalityUntouchabilityUnemployment

Hope it is helpful to you ❣️☪️❇️✌️☺️

Who decided the outcome of Athenian trials?
A. A council of elders
B. A large number of citizens
C. A panel of Supreme judges
D. The two kings



B. A large number of citizens


Athenian trials were decided by a group of jurors. These jurors were the citizens of the city, who were randomly drawn to compose the jury, if they met certain requirements. These courts are believed to have been decided by some 6,000,000 jurors, all citizens of Athens.

These citizens had to be at least 30 years old and not have physical or psychological defects, that is, they could not have any type of disability.

[tex]good behaviour \: is \: a \: behaviour \: which \: leads \: good \: habit[/tex]
Please help me. ​


[tex]\boxed{ \sf{Answer}} [/tex]


Good behavior gets respect in every corner of the world. It is considered as an ornament of a man’s character.

In this world, a person is often examined on the basis of his or her behavior which speaks of his culture.


Good behavior can be anything which is done with a warm heart. All those things that possess a good intention, a good salutation, greetings, polite speech, and good manners are considered as good behavior. A man following good behavior always receives esteem and love of the entire world. Conversely, a man who has cruel nature is often ignored by the world. Signs of bad behavior include abusive language, wrong face expression, angry, reactive nature, and much more negative qualities.


It is necessary to maintain a good behavior while living in a social world. We must offer respect towards all living beings. We should learn to respect human beings as well as animals. There are several practices that bring goodness in behavior. We must adopt those good qualities to become a man with good behavior.


We can maintain our behavior in numerous ways. Some of these ways are explained below. Good behavior includes gentleness and esteem towards our parents, teachers, relatives, friends, women, elders and animals. It costs nothing to show respect but in return we receive much more precious things such as love, respect, admiration etc. In short, it is a way to catch many hearts. One can buy or borrow the good qualities but one has to develop them. A person learns these qualities gradually. Thus, we must show respect to receive the same in return. For this, we can connect our day to day speech with some simple words such as thank you, sorry, please, dear, sir or madam. These words show good manners of a person. Does it cost anything to speak these words? Nothing, these words cost nothing but their usage and presence can definitely please someone. Good behavior of a child speaks more about his family. It shows that the child has been brought up in a well mannered family. Traditions play an important role in growing good manners. Courtesy costs nothing.


Person having good behavior often gets respected. He can do many difficult tasks through his good behavior. Communication plays an important role in showing our good manners. In this way, we can win many hearts. We can live a peaceful life when we are polite. A man with good behavior is always fair to the truth and to others. Good behavior and pleasant manners leave an indelible impression on others and become an example for others.


Hence, from this we can conclude that good behaviour leads to good habits.

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The only real difference between good and bad habits is that good habits involve good behaviors or actions you want to repeat, while bad habits involve bad behaviors or actions you want to avoid doing.....

people having good behaviours are always repected and praised .they are always loved by everybody.However they are always worried about what others think about them and have a sence of self steem.So they are always civilized..

How does the climate affect the traditional food habits in kerala​



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Climate has a major impact on our eating patterns as a geographical element. This is because the growing season for food is determined by the environment, which also impacts the planting seasons each year. Furthermore, geographic location has a significant impact on eating patterns and cultures.

Climate change is anticipated to have a substantial impact on agriculture sector. According to another estimate, key agricultural output might drop by as much as 25%.

Viết một đoạn văn với chủ đề tự chọn, nêu phương thức lập luận của đoạn văn đó (diễn dịch, quy nạp hay tổng – phân – hợp …) và các phép liên kết anh/chị đã sử dụng để liên kết các câu trong đoạn.





Children who supposedly suffer from child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome (CSAAS) are likely to show behavioral symptoms that could also be evident in children misled into admitting such abuse.

a. True
b. False


I’m pretty sure that answer is True

Socialization has many striking characterstic. Menton any two of them?​



Search online pls it will help Jesus loves you


The self, the core of personality, develops out of the child's interaction with others. In the socialisation process the individual learns the culture as well as skills, ranging from language to manual dexterity which will enable him to become a participating member of human society.

Two people agreed to steal a valuable painting that they knew was hanging in the victim's home. One would wait in the car with the engine running to ensure a quick getaway, while the other would break into the victim's home and steal the painting. The burglar broke into the home and reached the victim's library, where the painting was hanging. On the desk he noticed a large vial that appeared to contain cocaine. Thinking he could sell the cocaine and split the proceeds with the getaway driver, the burglar grabbed the vial and stuffed it in his pocket. He then took the painting off the wall and hurried back to the waiting car. The police arrived at that moment and apprehended the pair. A search incident to arrest turned up the vial of cocaine in the burglar's possession. The getaway driver is charged with being an accomplice to the unlawful possession of cocaine with intent to distribute. Will the driver likely be found guilty





The getaway driver will most likely be forind guilty as they are both involved in the burglary theft just only for his partner to cart away additional stuff (cocaine) what chbwas not part of the initial agreement. However, one thing still remains, which is that the getaway driver and the cocaine thief acted together in other to perform an unlawful burglary. What the getaway driver is being charged for is being an accomplice which he actually his just not on the theft of cocaine. But that the only way he could be cleared of being an accomplice on cocaine theft is for the other thief to confess which will still lead them into another court case.

A _____ occurs when employees refuse to work because they are dissatisfied with their employer about working conditions and benefits or salary.



A strike occurs when employees refuse to work because thay are dissatisfied with their employer about working conditions and benefits or salary.

Henry is an economist and wants to understand the relationship between inflation and consumer spending habits



he can understand through practicing

Which selection is written in the first-person point of view?
O A. Michaela and Reed strapped on their backpacks. Michaela had
calculated that their trip to the top of the mountain would take
about three hours. She knew the climb would be tough, but having
Reed along for conversation would help pass the time.
O B. Josh trudged up the rocky slope, trying hard to keep his negative
thoughts to himself. Kris, a fellow Explorers Club member, limped
along a few feet behind him, complaining with every step. Neither
one had realized how hard it would be to earn a hiking badge.
C. After I had hiked four hours, the trail opened up before me to a
meadow of beautiful green grass. Mountains stood majestically
on the horizon. Exhausted but happy, I plopped down in the middle
of the blanket of grass.
D. Emily peered at her watch. It had been four hours since she and
Finn had started hiking the trail, but the destination had not yet
appeared. What if they were lost? She hoped Finn couldn't sense
her worry.





Saying 'I' is speaking from the first person pov

Which phrase best completes the table?

Characteristics of Civilizations
Advanced technology
Social organizations
Hieroglyphic writing
Hunting and gathering
Temporary villages
Job specialization



the answer is Job specialization


hope it helps :)

Is it likely an extremist party to emerge on either end of the political spectrum?





No, an extremist party will not emerge on either end of the political spectrum because extremist party only emerge when all the members of this party are extremists so their ideology also turn extremists while on the other hand, if the number of non-extremists are more in the party than extremists then the party will not turn into extremist party so it depends on the ideology of members that is present on that party.

Nely is new at ABC company and makes the mistake of not refilling the coffee pot after taking the last cup of coffee. After the second time this happens, her coworkers lightly joke with her that no they cannot work for the rest of the day because they do not have caffeine. Her coworkers' joking is an example of:





In the field of the social sciences, define sanction in as a reaction that could be in the form of a threat or a promise by members of a group showing their disagreement or agreement of a particular mode of conduct and how they try to enforce certain standards of behaviour in the group.

We can see this clearly in the joke Nelly's co-workers made. Just trying to let her know of her actions which they do not approve of.

What is a limitation that affects the generalization of research results?


Small sample size affects the generalization of research results

How is assimilation relevant to previous waves of immigration to the U.S?



Social Policy and Welfare

Employment and Income Dynamics

The Context of Immigration


Immigration researchers disagree about many major issues that are essential for revising social policy, including the criteria used to admit immigrants and the extent of social supports required to ensure their successful integration. More specific areas of disagreement include: whether recent arrivals are less skilled than earlier arrivals; whether the pace of socioeconomic assimilation has slowed in recent years and, if so, why; whether the net social and economic impacts of immigration are positive or negative; Contextual analyses of immigrants' integration experiences are an important area of needed information. In practical terms, this means that future national surveys of immigrants should not only permit subgroup analysis, but should also represent the social and economic spectrum of communities in which immigrants reside.

I didnt have much to explain base on your question i hope this helps but good luck <333

Other Questions
After he compared 158 governments to find the best one, ____ wrote the book Politics.a.Platoc.Thucydidesb.Aristotled.Herodotus BBBBB 1. What is uncertainty in measurements? PLS HELP ME ON THIS QUESTION I WILL MARK YOU AS BRAINLIEST IF YOU KNOW THE ANSWER!!A teacher takes a random sample of 100 students enrolled at Springfield High School and asks them their opinions about the food served in the school cafeteria. The population of students here is __________________.A. the 100 students who are asked questionsB. all students enrolled at Springfield High SchoolC. all high school students in the countryD. all high school students in the world Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.A. cat B. hat C. that D. Hate Behavioral factors are choices and behaviors that affect a person's chance of developing adisease or health condition.TrueFalse Solve for x.A. 1B. 5C. 3D. 12 What is the Equation of Reduction in Mg+F2 gives MgF2, I WILL MARK YOU AS BRAINLIST 4.1.10 english 10 sem 2Create an outline for an argumentative research essay, which you will draft in Lesson 2. The outline will begin with a strong claim, followed by at least three supporting reasons. The evidence that backs up each reason must come from credible sources that you find through research. In its finished state, your outline should show how the claim, reasons, and evidence all relate.Your outline should include the following elements:A claim that takes a clear stand on an important, controversial issueAt least three reasons that support the claimEvidence from at least five sources that backs up your reasons (and the claim, indirectly)A works-cited page that lists your sources and follows MLA guidelines a road rises 16 feet for every 50 feet of horizontal distance covered. in percent what is the grade of the road? How do conservatives in general view the power of the federalgovernment? *A. They believe people in general want a stronger federal government to protect themfrom economic uncertainty.B.They believe the government has a duty to spread wealth and assist thedisadvantaged.C.They support a strong federal system that regulates economic and social policies.D.They distrust the federal government and call for less government involvement inbusiness. Estimated inventory (units), May 1 19,800 Desired inventory (units), May 31 19,400 Expected sales volume (units): Area W 6,600 Area X 10,000 Area Y 7,500 Unit sales price $13.00 The number of units expected to be sold in May is a.24,100 b.28,920 c.21,690 d.14,100 1 150 find area of a square garden having a length 45m How does sample size affect determinations of statistical significance? The smaller the sample size, the more confident one can be in one's decision to reject or retain the null hypothesis. The smaller the sample size, the greater the probability that the variable has an effect. The larger the sample size, the more accurate the estimation of the true population value. The larger the sample size, the greater the probability that the variable has an effect. An object could have some of the characteristics of life, yet still not be considered alive. A: TrueB: False factor: 3x^(2)-16x+16 "We should be able to provide the appropriate materials by June of nextyear" would be an example of a Answer: Rebuttal QualifierCue Reservation A car dealership is advertising a car for $16,299.99. If the sales tax rate is 6.5 percent, whatis the total tax paid for the car?A. S993 34B. $1.000.00CS1.059 50DS1.359.19 (-1)(-1)(-1)(2m+1) times where m is a natural number,is equal to?1. 12.-13.1 or-14.None How has the development of technology positively affected our wellness?A. It has provided entertainment in which people are less active.B. It has increased the quality and availability of treatments.C. It has increased the amount of advertising on the Internet.D Some technology has led to an increase in pollution.Please select the best answer from the choices provided.BMark this and returnSave and ExitNextSubmit