why was Rameses significant in ancient Egypt and provide an explanation of their significance


Answer 1

Ancient Egypt lived its period of splendor thanks to a pharaoh who, according to all indications, possessed unique qualities as a military, diplomat and ruler: Ramses II, justly called “The Great”. After his victories against the Hittites, which allowed him to consolidate his dominions in Palestine and Syria and with it the eastern border, the long reign of Ramses II (approximately between 1301 and 1237 BC) was a period of peace and prosperity that would have its reflection in marvelous architectural achievements; the temples of Abu Simbel and the hypostyle hall at Karnak are among the many jewels of his legacy.

The young prince Ramses was granted a royal palace and an important harem, and must have accompanied Seti I in the military campaigns undertaken to quell the rebellions in Palestine and Syria. He also seconded his father in the war against the Hittites who had occupied the territories of Syria.

So when in 1301 B.C he came to the throne, Ramses already had vast military experience, despite his youth. In the coronation ceremony, in addition to receiving the scepter and the whip (the sacred insignia destined to introduce him into the rank of the great gods), he was given four names: "powerful bull armed with justice", "defender of Egypt" , "Rich in years and victories" and "chosen of Ra." From that moment on, his life was that of a god-king, son of gods, an object of worship and general adoration.

Ramses II began his reign with the transfer of the capital from Thebes to Tanis, in the delta, in order to place the royal residence near the point of greatest danger for the empire, the border with Asia. The first of his military campaigns was aimed at subduing Palestine, in order to obtain a base of operations that would allow him to invade Syria, just as his father had done with success.

Given the prosperity of the country, it is assumed that he was a competent administrator and a popular king: his name is found on all the monuments of Egypt and Nubia. His instincts led him to become the "builder king": he magnified Thebes, completed the funerary temple of Luxor, erected the Ramesseum, completed the hypostyle hall at Karnak, made major renovations to the temple of Amenophis III, and had rock excavated the impressive temples of Ramses II and Nefertari at Abu Simbel.

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i looked it up

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.......follow me plz

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Answer: False

Explanation: there is no historical record about the medici family controlling the press.

The answer is correct

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I’ll give brainliest!


Answer: Well this led to expansion of the united states


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it can lead to confusion cause it may seem that we are not united!

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I believe this is false

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ख. यसका
खाली ठाउँमा उपयक्त शब्द भनहोस ।

क सुन्दर शव्दको विपरीतार्थी शब्द.......... हो । कुरुप, स्वरुप, राम्रो

२.. ...................अनेकार्थी शब्द हो। (मास, नास, सास)

ग. भाषाको समावेश्य शब्द........... हो । ( बोली, तामाङ, अक्षर)

घ. भानुको अर्थ........... होइन । (भाष्कर, रवि, कवि)

ड.आँखाको पर्यायवाची शब्द ..........हो। (सत्र, पत्र, नेत्)

च. अनेकार्थी शब्द .........होइन् । (ताल, साल, बेहाल​



क: कुरूप

ख: मास

ग: बोली

घ: कवि

ङ: नेत्र

च: बेहाल

please mark as brilliant

pls help i don’t know this



The Japanese did it for prevention.


They bombed Pearl Harbor to prevent the pacific Fleet from interfearing with it's military actions.

Hope this helps.

The Japanese did it for prevention

What role did the Army play in the railroad strike of 1877?
O A. It stopped the strike.
OB. It joined the striking workers.
O C. It did the work of the strikers.
OD. It protected the workers.​


The Army stopped the strike in the railroad strike of 1877. Therefore option A is correct.

What Was the Railroad Strike of 1877?

In an effort to prevent unrest, Governor Young sent militiamen to the city right away. The federal government's interference, the mobilization of state militias, and the hiring of strikebreakers by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company were the main reasons why the strike was over by the end of August 1877.

The first nationwide railroad strike in American history happened in the summer of 1877. The walkout, which began in West Virginia, swiftly expanded to other regions of the nation and even became a general strike in several towns.

At the time, the protest, which encompassed some 100,000 workers and was the largest in the country's history, shut down several important railroad lines.

Hence, Army played an important role to stopped the strike.

To learn more about the Railroad Strike of 1877 follow the link.



Uno de los principales faraones fue RAMSES II. ¿Quién fue, cuál fue su importante obra? ¿Por qué se lo menciona en la Biblia?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

RAMSES II. ¿Quién fue, cuál fue su importante obra?

Ramsés II fue un importante y reconocido faraón del Antiguo Egipto. Ramsés II perteneció a la llamada Dinastía XIX. De hecho, fue el tercer faraón de esa dinastía.

A Ramsés II se le recuerda por muchas cosas, entre otras, por haber construido imponentes edificios a los largo de la rivera del Río Nilo. Por ejemplo, el ordenó la construcción de una ampliación en el Templo de Tebas, una similar en Abydos, una sala dedicada a Amón, en Karnak, y una de las obras más impresionantes del mundo antiguo: el templo de Abu Simbel, en la frontera con Nubia.

¿Por qué se lo menciona en la Biblia?

A Ramsés II se le menciona en uno de los libros del Antiguo Testamente llamado el "Éxodo." La Biblia dice que bajo el yugo de Ramsés II, los Israelitas trabajaban como esclavos hasta que Moisés recibió instrucciones de Dios para liberarlos y llevar a esos Israelitas a la Tierra Prometida. Para llegar a ese lugar, los Israelitas vagaron por el desierto durante 40 años.

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Hungary Revolution of 1956


After the Second World, Eastern Europe came under communism assured people with equity and economic stability. Some of the countries that came under communist rule were Hungary,  Romania, Poland, etc. The communist rule did not survive in the satellite states as protests began to spring up against communist leadership. They wanted democracy reform in East Europe. The Revolutions of 1989 formed a revolutionary wave that ended the communist rule in Eastern Europe.  

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natural rights





Indulgence refers to the grant of pardon given by the Pope that allows a person to be safe in purgatory and be 'forgiven' or be given a reduced punishment for the punishments due to him/her. In other words, indulgence means the "document" that grants pardon or forgiveness to a person after death, allowing him/her to be safe from being punished or be given a lesser punishment for the sins committed.

In the past, selling indulgences was a common practice and the church was also privy to that act. Moreover, it also allowed the "holy men" to 'sell' such pardons to get money. And this practice led people to believe that committing sins is an allowed 'enjoyment' as long as one can buy indulgences.

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The meaning of life is to live your life without care and do whatever you want

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Historians collect and evaluate information from many primary sources to answer questions about historical events, a process known as the historical method. They may analyze written records, physical artifacts, and other types of evidence during the course of their investigations.

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That’s not even a word. Did you mean barracoon?

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The Tulsa race massacre took place on May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of White residents, many of them deputized and given weapons by city officials, attacked Black residents and destroyed homes and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, US


9. Why were animals originally domesticated?
to make it easier to breed them for desirable traits
so that animals could live in houses.
O to make the animals more aggressive so that they could protect themselves
O so that it was harder to breed the animals


Answer: A

Explanation: to make it easier to breed for desirable traits.

to make it easier to breed them for desirable traits i believe

The last leader of the Soviet Union was _____.

Mikhail Gorbachev
Leonid Brezhnev
Nikita Khrushchev
Andrei Sakharov



Mikhail Gorbachev

Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev is a former Soviet statesman. He was the eighth and last leader of the Soviet Union, having served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991 when the party was dissolved.

Please mark as brainliest if answer is right

Have a great day, be safe and healthy  

Thank u  


Mikhail Gorbachev is the answer.

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natural philosophy
the Renaissance
scientists in the Catholic Church
the scientific method
the study of blood



Yes the Renaissance

why did greeks grow foods like olives and grapes instead of grains and wheat?



20% of land was fertile enough for planting crops. Grain crops, such as barley and wheat, were planted in October and harvested in April or May. Olives were harvested November through February.



although they did grow wheat they didn't do it as often because their soil wasn't very saturated (wet). Grape Vines are also very hard to kill. plus grape Vines and olive trees prefer "well drained soil" which means the soil doesn't have water pooling around it. grapes and olives need oxygen so it doesn't need that high quality of water or soil

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D) It doubled it size


what animal has no heart??​



star fish , sea cucumber, coral


jellyfish,I guess?sorry if it's not true...

razones por las que la gran bretaña decidio abandonar la union europea​



El resultado a favor del Brexit del referéndum de adhesión a la UE del Reino Unido de 2016 se considera uno de los eventos políticos más importantes para Gran Bretaña durante el siglo XXI. El debate planteó consideraciones clave para una amplia gama de temas, discutidos hasta y más allá del referéndum del 23 de junio de 2016. Factores que incluyen la soberanía, la inmigración, la economía y la creación antipolítica, entre varias otras influencias. El resultado del referéndum no vinculante jurídicamente fue que el 51,8% de los votos estaba a favor de la salida de la Unión Europea. La salida oficial de la Unión Europea tuvo lugar a las 23:00 horas del 30 de enero de 2020, casi tres años después. Theresa May lanzó el artículo 50 del Tratado de Lisboa el 29 de marzo de 2017. Esta página proporciona un análisis exhaustivo de los diferentes argumentos presentados por las campañas Leave y Remain.

which statement best summarizes the role Arab states played in the conflict between Jews and Muslims in Palestine?



Arab states repeatedly attacked Israel in an effort to secure Palestine for Muslims.

Thus the answer (D) is correct!


Both sides believed that the land belonged to them and will for some reason, fight until their dying day.

Thanks war ideation and religious mecca!

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