Why was support for reform in the South dwindling?


Answer 1

The support for reform was dwindling in the south because a reform would mean that slavery would be put to an end.

The Southerners started to withdraw their support for reforms because if the reformation goals were achieved it would mean that they would not be able to get slave labors like they used to.

The North wanted an end to Slavery but the south did not want it. The slaves were used to work on plantations. They provided cheap labor on cotton plantations, sugarcane plantations and were also used to carry out other domestic work.

A reformation would cause all of these to cease.

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civil rights protect against discrimination in all but what area a.race b.religion c.language d.gender​


I believe it’s Gender

How did Thomas Edison's improved lightbulb contribute to industrialization in
the United States?
O A. It created a demand for skilled glassblowers to make more
B. It allowed employers to extend the workday and increase
C. It was Edison's first success and brought him the funding to
develop other inventions.
D. It allowed factories to be built underground, which was less



B. It allowed employers to extend the workday and increase productivity.



Thomas Edison's improved lightbulb enabled employers to extend the workday and increase productivity. Hence, Option (B) is correct.

Before the invention of reliable electric lighting, industrial work was limited to daylight hours.

The introduction of Edison's improved lightbulb provided a practical and efficient source of artificial light.

This meant that factories and other workplaces could operate during the evening and even throughout the night.

By extending the workday, employers could significantly increase their production output and meet growing demands.

The ability to work longer hours also allowed for more efficient use of machinery and resources.

The extended workday made possible by Edison's lightbulb was a crucial factor in driving industrialization in the United States.

Thus, it facilitated greater productivity, contributed to economic growth, and supported the expansion of industries during the time of rapid industrial development.

Learn more about Thomas Edison here:



siapakah pemerintahan pertama yang bergelar sultan di kesultanan kedah​



The Kedah Sultanate is a Muslim dynasty located in the Malay Peninsula. It was originally an independent state, but became a British Protectorate in 1909. Its monarchy was abolished after it was added to the Malayan Union but was restored and added to the Malayan Union's successor, the Federation of Malaya. please mark me as brainliest

Who was the Declaration of Independence actually meant to convince? Why do you think so?



The Declaration of Independence was mainly made to convince the colonists in the states and the loyalist. Britain and many other countries did not even acknowledge the Declaration of Independence because Britain was a strong country, and people did not see the US as a power that could be independent of its parent country. However, the declaration did convince many Americans that this revolution was serious. Additionally, it inspired people to stand up and fight Britain.

is there ever a right or wrong in historical interpretation? what value might historical inquiry have other than reaching a right or wrong conclusion?



Yes, there is a right or wrong way you can interpret a historical event.


Over dramatic, under dramatic, offensive, or wrong information that is given is the wrong way to interpret a historical event. Values that might help historical inquiry be correct are honesty, telling it exactly how it was, and giving facts is the right way to interpret a historical event. Going off of your own opinion, spreading false facts, spreading propaganda, picking sides, or making the "bad guy" seem even worse in the situation is the wrong way to interpret a historical event.

who invented the momulesa. please answer



leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1503, and it was in his studio when he died in 1519.


that last one always makes me laugh

Do you feel that the history Mexican-Americans/Chicanos were well-represented in your history classes?





in my history class, thats basically what we are talking about. the teachers dont leave that out.


Absolutely not,


I have done so many years of history, and Latin/South America is always glossed over and just forgotten. As a Latina, this bothers me because we have influenced the world in so many ways, and we deserve to also have a say in the history books.

HELP ASAP! Please answer the following questions in a paragraph, be sure to answer each of the questions fully.

1. What key economic concepts are being shown in the cartoon above? Provide evidence from the cartoon to support your answer.

2. What is this cartoon trying to say?

3. What is the author’s purpose?



1. Demonstrated in the cartoon is the economic concept of both mercantilism and imperialism. Mercantilism is the economic theory of minimizing imports and maximizing exports, which can be applied to colonial powers, just as imperialism can. Imperialism is a broader concept of extending their rule to colonial possessions through force. Both are displayed because the cartoon is depicting a bigger power that "WANTS" resources which are symbolized by the globe. Mercantilism isn't imperialism as it is solely economic theory, but both are fuelled by resources. Mercantilism was applied in imperialist countries, those up in Europe, because they mainly imported from their possessions while exporting throughout markets.

2. This cartoon is trying to say that a dragon, which fictionally is depicted as an evil and powerful creature, fuels its hunger by eating the globe, which is captioned as "resources". It's trying to show imperialistic powers from a different perspective, implying they're greedy for wanting more resources.

3. The author's purpose is to shine a negative light on imperialism as shown by the vilification of the idea.  

it's not an answer to this question but the one you just asked!

you just need to put the co-ordinates of the point into the equation and see if it works out!

What is the name of the main mode of water transportation used in the arctic region?


The sea route along the north coast of Eurasia, at first known as the Northeast Passage and later called the Northern Sea Route, carries the largest volume of traffic of any Arctic seaway.

Source: https://www.britannica.com/place/Arctic/Transportation#:~:text=The%20sea%20route%20along%20the,traffic%20of%20any%20Arctic%20seaway.

The English colonies differed from the Spanish in that Spanish women could
a) jointly own all the wealth accumulated during marriage.
b) claim one-third of her husband's property at any time.
c) hold family wealth as long as it was willed to a male heir.
d) not hold any family wealth during her lifetime.


The English colonies differed from the Spanish in that Spanish women could "jointly own all the wealth accumulated during the marriage."

This is unlike the English colonies where women are not allowed to owned or co-owned properties during the marriage.

In English colonies, women were seen as underage, dependent, or slaves who could only own properties under certain situations. This is part of the property laws or coverture being used in the English colonies.

Hence, in this case, the right answer to the question is option A "jointly own all the wealth accumulated during the marriage."

Learn more here:  https://brainly.com/question/19532184

As the Mughals conquered new lands in India, Group of answer choices they required all subjects to convert to Islam allowed Hindus to maintain their religion, but offered incentives for conversion to Islam they required conquered people to maintain their own religions they required Hindus, but not Jains and Zoroastrians, to convert to Islam



As the Mughals conquered new lands in India, Group of answer choices they required all subjects to convert to Islam allowed Hindus to maintain their religion, but offered incentives for conversion to Islam they required conquered people to maintain their own religions they required Hindus, but not Jains and Zoroastrians, to convert to Islam


this isnt a question

what is primary source in social studies


Comment above mine speaking facts

pls help, give BRAINLIST if correct



Correct choice is option D.


A historian's work is similar to that of a police officer's. A historian researches a lot about whatever their topic is. They both go above and beyond to confirm his or his research or findings about a past history event. They both  look for firsthand or even secondhand experiences on the subject. They both look for actual witnesses to support their claims on their findings.

What systems were put into place during the creation of our nation?


Forming a new nation (1784-1819) As a result of the Treaty of Paris of 1783, the new nation controlled all of North America from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River between Canada and Florida. The original 13 colonies made up the first 13 states of the United States. ...

Q-What did Columbus expect to find after anchoring in Cabo de la



"Saturday, 20 October. At sunrise we weighed anchor, and stood to the northeast and east along the south side of this island, which I named Isabela, and the cape where we anchored, Cabo de la Laguna; in this direction I expected from the account of our Indians to find the capital and king of the island. I found the coast very shallow, and offering every obstacle to our navigation, and perceiving that our course this way must be very circuitous, I determined to return to the westward." - The Journal of Christopher Columbus (1492)


An extract from the 1492 journal of Christopher Columbus. ... and the cape where we anchored, Cabo de la Laguna; in this direction I expected from the laguna


Provide three reasons that explains why president Jackson supported Indian removal



The tribes agreed to the treaties for strategic reasons. They wanted to appease the government in the hopes of retaining some of their land, and they wanted to protect themselves from white harassment.

How did the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor change the public’s opinion about the war?



The attack on Pearl Harbor changed the public's opinion about the war in that the attack convinced Americans that force was necessary to stop Japan's aggression.


Before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Americans were divided about whether or not to enter the war. After World War I ended in 1919, many Americans became isolationists. Isolationism is the belief that the U.S should stay out of distupes between foreign nations. Both Europe and Asia were far away from the U.S. Millons of Americans believed the country could "go it alone" and not get involved in the war.

But Pearl Harbor changed things. The attack shocked Americans, Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor united them. Overnight, the U.S had become a major player in World War II. Isolationism was no longer an option.

(sorry if it's bad. if I'm gonna be honest, I'm just a kid. just starting middle school this year so...)

What conclusions can you draw about
the men who wrote the constitution ?


The men that wrote the United States Constitution were federalists, liberals and God fearing.

The US Constitution was written by James Madison after he compiled the works of several founding fathers found in the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation.

Some of the Founding Fathers who made significant contribution to the US Constitution include:

Thomas JeffersonJames MadisonJohn AdamsThomas PainePatrick Henry

Some of the core values of the US Constitution include liberty, equality and democracy and this had to do with setting up the various arms of government, putting up checks and balances to prevent misuse of power from one arm and giving citizens the most power to choose their leaders.

Therefore, the men who contributed to the US Constitution had the interests of the country at heart.

Read more here:






in which language were the ashoka's incriptions written ? (a) sanskrit (b) brahmi (c) tamil​





Most of the Ashoka's inscription are written in Magadhi language using Brahmi Script.







Background Information: The Catholic Church supported
Anstotle's theory that the moon and stars were made of pure and
perfect substances He also said they were perfect spheres

Take a close look at the cartoon How did Galleo's Image of
the moon dffer from the Church's view?


Yes the church believes two incorrect things

1.) The earth didn’t move
2.) The earth was the centre of the universe

Whereas Galileo argued that the earth orbited the sun and the moon.

Therefore they did disagree on the whole concept of the moon and due to this the church summoned him to court.

Pls give me a brainliest if this helped thx

1. How did Olaudah and his sister become slaves? Who brought them to the European slave traders and
what does this tell you about some African's attitudes towards the slave trade?



In his autobiography, Olaudah Equiano writes that he was born in the Eboe province, in the area that is now southern Nigeria. He describes how he was kidnapped with his sister at around the age of 11, sold by local slave traders and shipped across the Atlantic to Barbados and then Virginia.


hope i'm not to late i mean 1 hour so sorry hope this helps

Question 5
What was it about the Model-T that was revolutionary? (choose 2)
It was made with mass-production
It had an internal combustion engine
It was cheap
It was the first car made in America



a and c


mass production allowed cars to be made faster and cheaper making the selling price to the public also more affordable to the average worker

Which of the Triple alliance members secretly
agreed to fight against the alliance?



Explanation: On 18 October 1883 Carol I of Romania, through his Prime Minister Ion C. Brătianu, had also secretly pledged to support the Triple Alliance, but he later remained neutral in the First World War due to viewing Austria-Hungary as the aggressor.

Italy signed in to various renewals of the triple alliance in 1882, 1902, and 1912. However, Italy signed several back room deals with France and the Entente, including a Franco-Italian agreement of non-aggression in 1902 and the more infamous 1915 treaty of London. The latter would serve as a key point in Italy’s supposed “humiliation” and turning to fascism in 1922.

How many miles is it from Aswan to Giza?​



538.8 mi


It’s about 541 miles from Aswan to Giza.

Mississippian Indians used what agricultural technique? Why?



To clear an area for their crops the Mississippian people practiced the “slash and burn” method. In this technique, all the vegetation is cut down and allowed to dry. After a few weeks, the dry vegetation is burned and then turned into the soil. This releases nutrients to fertilize the soil.

How is the Mayflower compact a form of represenative democracy?


Answer: The Mayflower Compact pursued the idea of right put forth by the people.

Explanation: This idea lies at the heart of democracy. From its crude beginning in Plymouth, self-government evolved into the town meetings of New England and larger local governments in colonial America

What is the best way to determine whether the historians interpretation is valid?


Answer: Observe what sources they cite for their claims, and search for any biased tones in the text

Look at the graph below, which shows the population of the United States from 1790 to 1910.


The third one, 40 1870 to 80 in 1900

Name any four Egyptian gods and their roles.



Osiris. Osiris, bronze figurine of the Late Period; in the Egyptian Museum, Berlin. ...

Isis. Isis nursing Horus. ...

Horus. Horus. ...

Seth. Seth was the god of chaos, violence, deserts, and storms. ...

Ptah. ...

Re. ...

Hathor. ...


Hope U like my answer and my answer helped U
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