Identify and write the prepositional phrases in the following sentences.

1. Did your car stall on the viaduct? Mine did that once, when I was driving in the rain.

2. My sister lives in Chicago. Her house is located across the river.

3. A large bouquet of flowers was delivered to my office. I hoped they would be on my desk. However, they were sent down the hall to Ellen's office.

4. Our family sat around the camp fire. We told stories about our childhood.

5. Dalton hit the ball over the barn. Jason had to run around the building and across the field to get it.


Answer 1


Answer for question 1 is "on the viaduct"

Related Questions

Your father has travelled abroad and hardly knows
how you are getting on in class.write
a letter to inform tum about your progress
at school



Hello dad, I hope you are in good of your health. It has been so long I didn't see you. I received your letter yesterday and got to know that you want know about my school progress .So as if now my studies are going great at school.

I scored best in math, science and English . I scored 79/80,78/80,76/80 respectively. I was not able to study hard for the Hindi and social science exam because I was suffering from high fever before those exams. I have applied for re-test ,and if they will allow me then, I will study hard and make it a success. I missed some of my topics at school because of competition , so I wanted to ask you can I join a coaching center near me? it will give me some help in studies. Recently ,I appeared for an online examination and bagged 1st rank in the whole school. I am very happy because the top ranker will get a mobile phone.  

Give my love to mom, that I miss you so much!

yours lovely,

wan peng


I'm so excited to be apart of the team organizing our school's annual 5k!

Find the error



I'm so excited to be apart of the team that is organizing our schools 5k!

The error in the sentence is "apart," the correct words should be " a and part." The correct sentence is " I'm so excited to be a part of the team organizing our school's annual 5k!"

Why is an error-free statement important?

The foundation for communication can be thought of as clear writing. Even the most little mistakes, such as improper use of punctuation or a shift in tense, can radically alter the meaning of your statement and work against you.

The stuff you supply is easier to read if you have a strong writing style. Increased readability makes your writing more appealing to readers, which is incredibly advantageous to you.

The difference between a mediocre piece of work and an exceptional one can be distinguished by a writing sample that is devoid of errors. Strong word selections and clear, consistent sentences will bring the right attention to your work and get the writer a lot of praise.

An impressive first impression is something that many aspiring authors aim, for and one that may be achieved with writing devoid of all typographical and grammatical errors.

Check out the link below to learn more about sentence errors;



On the first day i should want to see people who made my life worth-living
punctuate and capitalize it​



here 's ur answer


On the first day, I should want to see people who made my life Worth- Living.

hope this answer is helpful

Hi! I just wrote an SSAT Essay in 25 minutes, will you review it for me and give advice?

Here is the topic: Every student should be required to complete 60 hours of community service during his or her high school years. Do you agree or disagree?

Growing up, my parents have taught my brother and I to take care of the community we were raised in. I know firsthand how noble service ship can change your life. Acts of service give you a purpose beyond education and social media.

In recent years, school boards have been reiterating an additional graduation requirement; that every eligible student must be required to complete 60 hours of community service. Noble service ship means that it should be done out of the kindness of your heart, instead of policy.

One of the biggest issues with forcing someone to do something, is that they do it out of spite. Anything that is done out of spite is done halfheartedly, and not out of true compassion.

Another major factor to understand is that hundreds of kids are bogged down by classwork and familial responsibilities, and they often find no time to commit to service. Others simply do not have a guardian or means to drive them to activities outside of school. So, while most students are willing to give back to their community, they simply do not have the time or ability to do so.



First off, you are an excellent writer! Below are my suggestions and changes made to your essay. I have rephrased your sentences and points.

Please Note: I am in middle school so my corrections may not be the best.

Happy learning!



Community Service: Making it Voluntary

Written by: _________

Growing up, my parents have taught my brother and I to give back to the community we grew up in. This was seen as a "wholesome act" or "doing good" for the area around us, but forcing adolescents to perform these noble services is not at all seen as something worthwhile, but a burden and a chore in order for kids to pass high school. I believe that students should not be required to complete 60 hours of community service, but instead do it out of their heart, instead of making it a policy.

People frequently compare community service as a punishment, as it is given to small-time offenders as an alternative to extended jail time, but with familial responsibilities and classwork, community service is a way for students to hassle at the last minute while trying to find ways to get their diploma. Some high schools give awards and certificates to those who have committed to a cause for helping the community, but now we have the issue of competition to see who can get the most community and volunteer hours.

Instead of being done for the goodness of others, it's being done for selfish reasons, or reasons targeted toward the one person who is trying to get the award. This completely changes the meaning of "community" service hours and contradicts the reasons high schools want to require community service or volunteer hours. This is usually meant to bring students together, give people an opportunity to gain social skills and find their interests in specific career fields, and we should make this voluntary, because we are now giving schools the power to determine what exactly community service is.

This brings me to my final point of what exactly is considered community service. Is babysitting a sibling or friend's child considered community service if that student may be interested in the childcare field? Community service should have no limitations of what is considered a good deed and therefore should not be mandatory.

To summarize my statement, community service should be voluntary for these points - while most students are willing to give back to their community, they simply do not have the time or ability to do so(familial responsibilities), no interest, and finally, simply doing this out of the kindness in your heart.


Read this excerpt from Henry Ford’s autobiography, My Life and Work.

From the beginning I never could work up much interest in the labour of farming. I wanted to have something to do with machinery. My father was not entirely in sympathy with my bent toward mechanics. He thought that I ought to be a farmer. When I left school at seventeen and became an apprentice in the machine shop of the Drydock Engine Works I was all but given up for lost.

What can best be inferred from this excerpt?

Henry Ford is unable to perform the work that a farm requires.
Henry Ford and his father share a love of machines.
Henry Ford’s father disapproves of Henry’s work in the machine shop.
Henry Ford’s success in his apprenticeship makes his family proud.




Henry Ford's Father disapproves of Henry's work in the machine shop. I don't know what letter this is, but it is the best of the choices given.

We know nothing of the family's pride. The last one is wrong.

I think Ford could do the farm work. He just didn't want to. The first one is wrong.

The second one is also wrong. I don't think Ford's father loved machines.


To save you time its C


answer this question​


Unfortunately,we had to cancel it owing about the bad weather

Unfortunately, we had to cancel it owing about the bad weather.

The correct answer I think is “about”

Compare and contrast the genres of magical realism and fantasy. Explain how the genres are similar and how they are different.


The biggest difference between the two is that fantasy takes place in a world other than our own, whereas magical realism focuses on ordinary people going about their ordinary lives in an ordinary world. Magical realism is intentionally vague; people don't know why or how the magic works, it just does


The genres of magical realism and fantasy have some similarities and differences. Both genres present worlds with elements of magic or supernatural occurrences, but there are some differences.Magical realism is a genre that merges supernatural or magical elements with realistic characters and settings. The events in magical realism stories are often presented in a way that makes them feel plausible, even though they're not entirely realistic. In contrast, fantasy is a genre that focuses on entirely imaginary worlds and creatures that don't exist in reality.Similarities between magical realism and fantasy:Both genres rely on supernatural or magical elements in their stories. They both present worlds that are different from our own, and they often involve characters that possess special abilities or powers. In both genres, the reader is required to suspend disbelief to accept the magical elements of the story.Differences between magical realism and fantasy:One of the primary differences between the two genres is that magical realism is grounded in reality, while fantasy is not. Magical realism often takes place in the real world, with recognizable characters and settings, while fantasy takes place in entirely imaginary worlds. Additionally, magical realism often uses magical elements to explore real-world issues, while fantasy is more focused on creating entirely new worlds and creatures.


Select the sentences that use the hyphens correctly. (Select all that apply.)

John read a very long narrative.
My brother in-law is a lawyer.
Thirty-three students went to the tournament.
Mary is an ex-teacher from Lincoln High.
He that believes in the Son has ever-lasting life.
Tom liked to read about pre-Christian times.



Mary is an ex teacher from lincoln high


This is your answer hope its help

Which of the following is an accumulation connective?

A. Hence
B. Furthermore
C. Likewise
D. Ultimately


I think is B...I'm not sure

The use of terms like 'furthermore' is done as the use of an accumulation connective. Hence, option B holds true.

What is the significance of an accumulation connective?

The use of a words or terms in order to emphasize or add details of the topic already mentioned in a passage is known as the use of an accumulation connective. It adds more details of the same topic of the passage, usually in the last sentence of the passage.

When additional information about the topic is to be further added to the passage, the word 'furthermore' is used. Thus, the word 'furthermore' is also an example of an accumulative connective.

Hence, option B holds true regarding the significance of an accumulation connective.

Learn more about an accumulation connective here:



Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of verbs given in brackets. (2) Example: Today ....0..... his 50th birthday. Answer (0): was But he ....1....(have) become a pauper. He .....2.....(be) alone reflecting over his good old days. It was 9 pm. The bell .....3.....(ring). “Who .....4.....(can) be at such a time to visit a poor man?” thought Aggarwal​



1) has

2) was

3) rang

4) could

Hope that helps

- Books play a very important part in your life. - It's true that every family has books. - We can see books every where. - We can learn many things from books. - Books help us in self-education and deciding problems in life. - Today, there are a lot of public libraries in our country and all people have the right to use them. - Each year hundreds of new books for children appear in Viet Nam. - The books are very interesting and children like reading them very much.







jsjddkkdndjd djddjdjjdkdd djdjdkd didbjddi

Select the adverb clause to complete the sentence.
_____ Fatima will take her dog for a walk.
A. In a few hours,
B. Always responsible and reliable,
C. Despite the bad weather,
D. Before the sun sets,



D. Before the sun sets, Fatima will take her dog for a walk.

I hope this is correct, pls give brainliest :)




This is because the words there describe adverb.


Which question would most likely indicate that a passage has a problem-and-solution text structure?

How are the elements different from each other?
What details are used to describe the topic?
Do the steps described need to be completed in a particular sequence?
What have people done to try to resolve the issue?


D, it shows at one point there was a problem

Which is the main idea in the sentence?

The Nobel Prize is awarded annually to people who have made the greatest impact through their inventions or solutions in order to help mankind.

A. annual award
B. impacting mankind
C. solving a problem
D. Nobel Prize



D. Nobel Prize


The whole sentence is centered around the Nobel Prize. You could even shorten the sentence to: "The Nobel Prize is awarded annually."

Nobel prize

Because the sentence is pretty much explaining to who the Nobel prize is usually given

Which is the significance of the two men’s names who create the slips for the lottery?The lottery leaders take turns with the box in a similar way to seasons turning.The lottery box is dug out of a grave at the beginning of each summer.The lottery kicks off the joy of summer, but the losers end up feeling sad.The lottery happens every summer, and the winner of the lottery dies.



The significance of the two men's names who create the slips for the lottery is:

D. The lottery happens every summer, and the winner of the lottery dies.


The question refers to the short story "The Lottery". Its author was Shirley Jackson (1926-1965), famous for her horror and mystery stories. "The Lottery" was published in 1948 and was quite scandalous at the time.

In the story, a small rural village carries out a lottery every single year. However, instead of being given a prize, the winner of the lottery is stoned to death by the other villagers.

Jackson does not reveal that fact right away, but she does gives readers a few hints. One of those hints is found in the names of the two men who create the slips for the lottery: Mr. Summers and Mrs. Graves. Their names indicate that the lottery takes place every summer and that someone is killed because of it. With that in mind, we can choose letter D.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the summer school program?


This link has some answers you can look at, hope this helps… https://www.ucumberlands.edu/blog/summer-school

I. . Write the correct forms of the words on brackets to complete the sentences.
1. The Japanese eat ____ , so they live for a long time .( HEALTH )
2. I think staying at home all day is __________ because I don't know what to do. ( BORE )
3 . Many people do volunteer work because it can make a _________ in their community. ( DIFFER )
4. . The people in the country are _________________ than the people in the city. ( FRIEND )
5.. The water puppetry is performed ____________ in a pool. ( beauty)
6. “Earth Song” is one of his most ____________ songs. (success)
7. It is a pleasure to watch a _________________ performance. ( music)
8.Who is your favourite _____? (sing)
9. It is a good idea to help ________ people in the Philippines. (home)
.10. My aunt lives in one of the most ______________ parts in Paris.(FASHION)



1. Healthy

2. Boring

3. Difference

4. Friendly

5. Beautifully

6. Successful

7. Musical

8. Singer

9. Homeless

10. Fashionable

Hope it helps ;-)

please answer this question​





The correct answer is C. Off

ASAP please help meeeeeeeeeeeee



Taking shortcuts leads to poor results


How does Truth use her personal experiences to
make a logical and emotional case for women's
Truth shows that she is just as strong as men are.


every member of the body is important because the body can't function effectively without the use of each member.


Sample Answer:

She uses evidence to challenge the cultural assumption that all women are delicate and sentimental.

As a formerly enslaved person, she shows that women are as physically capable as men.

As a mother, she conveys the strength women must have when they have and lose children.

She uses her background as a preacher to remind the audience of the strength and importance of women in the Bible.

Explanation: Don't need to change it up, but if you want you can.

Is the highlighted word masculine, feminine, or neuter?



Answer: It is a neuter


Coat is a neuter word as it has no qualities of feminine or masculine.

what is the scope of hotel managment course in nepal



hotel management in Nepal is a growing industry. From small cafes, resorts, food chains, five-star hotels, to international franchises, the field is on a growth escalator


Fiona is writing a paper about how to be successful in life. She has come across this text in the source "To Be Famous We Must Be Ambitious" by Rosetta Dunigan: The desire to be thought well of, to desire to be great in goodness, is in itself a noble quality of the mind. It is often termed ambition." Which sentence represents the best way Fiona can use this excerpt in her paper without plagiarizing?



According to Rosetta Dunigan,you ought to be ambitious to be famous. She adds that, the hunger to be known for the good and for being ecstatic is in itself a reputable attribute of the mind referred to as ambition.


According to Rosetta Dunigan,you ought to be ambitious to be famous. For her,ambition is the hunger to be known for the good and the righteous and it is a reputable attribute of the mind.

I would have used either of the two:my opinion


Which best supports the sentence?

In the novel, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, C. S. Lewis created a world that was a metaphor for Christianity.

1. C. S. Lewis wrote many books, in addition to the Chronicles of Narnia.
2. In the novel, Aslan, the lion, symbolizes Jesus in power, love, and sacrifice.
3. Other novels like Pilgrims Progress are also intriguing.
4. Novels often include imagery and figurative language.





The other options dont have anything to do with Christianity

The above answer is correct.

. Students have a lot harder time in school than the teachers.





We have to deal with constantly bullying of peers who make us feel like we arent complete without following trends and dressing like everyone else. You can't be unique without being judged and made fun of.

Yes of course we have a harder time especially since we’re new to different subjects and teachers know them very well.

please helping me guys​




c . use of multimedia


b.B .P koiralaii

Hope it is helpful to you

Which of the following shows strong characterization?
A. Paul hated his job. He worked in a dimly lit office in a tiny cubical. His job was the same as everyone else’s in the office, going through lines of codes looking for errors. No one talked to each other; they just sat and suffered in silence.
B. Andre touched the scar over his eye. He gained that scar three years ago protecting the king. Tonight, he will gladly gain some more. For the good of the country he loved so much, he was willing to endure any scar, or much worse.
C. The twins, Ian and Alex were identical. They looked the same. They sounded the same. They did the same things. They even thought the same things.
D. John woke up at the sound of the alarm. He got out of bed and headed to work, where he sat in traffic. There was nothing special about his car as opposed to the ones around him. So it was quite surprised it was his that was abducted by aliens.





Andre touched the scar over his eye. He gained that scar three years ago protecting the king. Tonight, he will gladly gain some more. For the good of the country he loved so much, he was willing to endure any scar, or much worse are the shows strong characterization. Thus, the option (b) is correct.

What is characterization?

Characterization is the process by which an author makes a personality or character clear. According to direct and indirect characterization, the characterization is revealed. Direct Characterization describes the personality of the character to the viewer. The author provides specific, unique information about the characters.

Andre pressed on the scar covering his eye. He received that scar three years ago while defending the king. Tonight, he'll be happy to increase his gains. For the sake of the country he so fervently loved, he was ready to put up with any scar, or worse. On characterization, the lines stood out vividly.

Therefore, the option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on characterization, here:



What best expresses the main idea of the passage



the last option he was a talented man that was hurt by his beliefs

Write the words similar in meaning to the following:
1. little
6. difficult
7. holiday
8. under


As we all know synonyms are words that are opposite in meaning or we can say same in meaning.

Little- Small

Truthful- honest

Clean- Tidy

Diffult- hard

What is one of the criticisms of Reality TV, according to the article “To Tell the Truth”?

a. It represents only a small number of Americans.

b. It encourages people to disconnect from reality.

c. It’s less realistic than it pretends to be.

d. It is far too violent for most audiences.


Answer: c. It’s less realistic than it pretends to be.


Reality television claims to follow the real lives of individuals as they go about their daily lives. The truth is however, it is not always realistic and a lot of the things that happen in these shows are not real.

Shows only sell when there are dramatic scenes that pull crowds and in real life, drama does not always happen. Reality shows are therefore forced to produce their own dram and pass it off as real events so that they can get more viewers.




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