World War II transformed the United States in many ways. What do you believe was the most important way in which the war changed America?


Answer 1


America got it's Independence

Related Questions

Read the two excerpts from Governor George Wallace's inaugural address.

As Thomas Jefferson said, "The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time; no King holds the right of liberty in his hands."
The great writer, Rudyard Kipling, wrote of them, that: "There in the Southland of the United States of America, lives the greatest fighting breed of man . . . in all the world!"

What technique makes both excerpts effective?

A. They both quote historical figures.
B. They both have a counterclaim that disproves facts.
C. They both make an appeal to emotion.
D. They both include the use of repetition.


The correct answer is A. They both quote historical figures.


The two excerpts from Governor George Wallace's inaugural address include quotes from Thomas Jefferson and Rudyard Kipling. According to the above, it can be established that Wallace used these quotes to give credibility to his speech because he uses the words of one of the fathers of the Independence of the United States to talk about freedom and later uses the words of Rudyard Kipling to enhance the attitude of the audience by referring to them as "the greatest fighting breed of man ... in all the world !. These are an example of argumentation through ethos because he seeks to give support to his speech using as support phrases of well-known people So, the correct answer is A.




True or false

The moon is the only satellite that earth has




The moon is the only satellite that the earth has

how are judaism and christianity similar



They both are a monothestic religion (In one God). Also both believe in Moses and Abraham

The ______(1) in Quebec tried to convert the Huron to Catholicism, but did not force European ways upon the Natives





The JESUITS in Quebec tried to convert the Huron to Catholicism but did not force European ways upon the Natives

The above statement is true because the French Jesuits who were formed around the 1540s moved to Quebec around the 1620s in the hope to spread Catholicism and stop the spread of Protestants.

However, due to methods of not forcing their European ways upon them, they found little to no success in their efforts of converting people to join Catholicism.

What Is The Answer To This I’m Confused


First, you need to read what the question want then trying to understand the passage.

Finish reading?

then find the answer by yourself:)

I just can give you some tips to answer this question because this question is too easy for me , I can't just give you the answer easily;)

Question 26 of 33
Which scenario would most likely be classified as terrorism?
A. An anti-immigrant group marches on Washington, D.C., to protest
U.S. immigration policy.
B. A religious group assassinates a politician for demanding more
separation of church and state,
C. A racist group holds a rally insulting minorities and proclaiming
white supremacy.
O D. A state declares war on its neighbor in order to gain access to its
valuable natural resources.


The correct answer is B. A religious group assassinates a politician for demanding more separation of church and state.


Terrorism is a form of action of a specific group that is characterized by using violence and terror to cause remembrance in the population and make a specific demand. In general, terrorist actions use systematic violence to defend their ideologies and attack anyone who is considered to be a violator or opponent of it (it can be the government, a minority group, or another). According to the above, the correct answer is B. A religious group assassinates a politician for demanding more separation of church and state because it is a violent act in response to an action that goes against the ideology of the religious group.

Which of the following groups was treated badly because of its religious beliefs?
d. democrstic republican





The group in the early United States that was treated badly because of their religious beliefs were the b. Mormons.

Were the Mormons treated badly?

When the Mormons first came to the United States, they were treated badly because their version of Christianity was a bit different from those of the main denominations.

They persevered however to become one of the most populous churches in the current age.

Find out more on the Mormons at


President ______________ was unsuccessful in his attempt to "pack" the Supreme Court with political loyalists.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt

Ronald Reagan

Barack Obama


The correct answer is A. Franklin Delano Roosevelt

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was unsuccessful in his attempt to "pack" the Supreme Court with political loyalist.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) was an American politician who was noted for being President of the United States during World War II from 1933 until he died in 1945 (the same year the war ended). One of his most popular political actions was the failure of his Judicial Reorganization Bill in 1937 by which he wanted to expand the number of judges of the United States Supreme Court to grant positions in this institution to loyal politicians. However, this bill was not approved by the majority of senators and congressmen of both parties. According to the above, the correct respect is A.

The arms race was the result of:
the U.S. using nuclear weapons to end World War II
nuclear war in Israel.
the Soviets detonating an atomic bomb.
o Germany rebuilding its military following World War II.



The U.S using nuclear weapons to end World War II.


The arms race went hand in hand with the Cold War, which took place 20 or so years after World War II. It was a tense situation and resulted in the U.S. and Russia stockpiling nuclear weapons as a means of protection. When America used two atomic bombs on Japan, the devastation it caused led other countries to be concerned if they were going to be next.

At the end of world war II, americans reversed their usual policy of isolationism and instead embraced internationalism and the responsibilities of being a major world power, the interationalism would expand further with growth of the cold war.

a True
b. False



A. True


It is TRUE that, at the end of world war II, Americans reversed their usual policy of isolationism and instead embraced internationalism and the responsibilities of being a major world power, the internationalism would expand further with the growth of the cold war.

This is evident when after the end of the world war II in 1945, in which the United States of America was involved, they also tried to stop the spread of Communism coming from the Soviet Union across Europe and the world at large. This led to a cold war with the Soviet Union which lasted between 1947 to 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

In 20 words or fewer, explain why a slave owner might free his slaves
in his will. Why not sooner?



because he want then he want no why don't ask so much lol

In his 1776 pamphlet, Common Sense, Thomas Paine stated that the colonies’ thriving economy was largely due to favorable British policies up to 1763.




The correct answer is False.


Thomas Paine (17371-1809) was an English writer and politician who stood out for his democratic and revolutionary ideas in the context of the British colony in North America. Paine expresses much of his thoughts in his best-known work "common sense", an essay published in January 1776.

This publication represented direct support for the American independentists because it exposed to the society of the time the reasons why the thirteen colonies should become independent from the British crown. One of the fundamental points was the language that he used to write his essay, unlike many intellectuals of the time, Thomas used simple language to be understood massively and thus support the independence cause. In addition, one of the most important aspects was the structure of the text as a biblical sermon to cause the reader to remember and convince.

Regarding the content of the essay, Paine argued that the relationship between the colonies and the British Kingdom was one of exploitation and absolute dominance of the kingdom over the colonies. So it was not convenient for the colonists to continue under British rule since this would not mean any reward because none of their policies were favorable to the colonies, on the contrary, they wanted to exploit them more and more.

According to the above, the correct answer is False.

In his 1776 pamphlet, Common Sense, Thomas Paine stated that the colonies’ thriving economy was largely due to favorable British policies up to 1763.


Thomas Paine published a pamphlet named Common Sense to encourage the colonists to get together and fight against the British.Paine reasoned about politics and spoke regarding morals. His pamphlets allowed colonists to come together as patriots to fight for their independence.

Therefore we can conclude that the statement given in the question is false.

Learn more about common sense here:

Why would an unscrupulous personwant YOU to remain uninformed about government and politics?



politics has never been popular and never can be

Qué pasó con Italia en 1915 con Rusia y Estados Unidos en 1917


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones ni incisos, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Lo qué pasó con Italia en 1915,con Rusia y Estados Unidos en 1917 fue lo siguiente.

En Italia, específicamente a la mitad del año 1915, Italia decidió entrar a la Primera Guerra Mundial apoyando a los Aliados Gran Bretaña y Francia, ante la embestida del ejército alemán por toda Europa del Oeste.

Mientras tato en Rusia, comenzaba la Revolución Rusa con Vladimir Lenin al frente del grupo rebelde llamado los Bolcheviques, que derrocar el régimen del Zar.

Y en Estados Unidos, el Presidente Woodrow Wilson decide solicitarle al Congreso de su país una declaración formal de guerra en contra de Alemania, después de que ese país hundiera el barco Lusitania cerca de las aguas inglesas y de que la inteligencia norteamericana interceptara el telegrama de Zimmerman, en el que Alemania le pedía a México su apoyo para combatir a los Estados Unidos en la Primera Guerra Mundial.

Why is understanding the differences between types of sources important to understanding history?



Primary sources help students relate in a personal way to events of the past and promote a deeper understanding of history as a series of human events. Because primary sources are incomplete snippets of history, each one represents a mystery that students can only explore further by finding new pieces of evidence.


sources help students relate in a personal way two events of the past and promote a deeper understanding of history as a series of human event.

interpreting sources help student to analyse and evaluate current sources like newspaper reports television and radio programs and advertising

How did the event described in this newspaper headline affect Germany?


D is your answer at the end of WW1 the Germans had to pay billions of dollars of which they didn’t have so their economy collapsed because they kept printing more and more money

As the Enlightenment developed, what crucial
characteristic or characteristics became most
important? Who were the Enlightenment's major


John Locke, Jacques Rousseau, and john Fortescue were major figures in the enlightenment movement. And they argued for natural rights such as freedom of speech, private ownership over ones self and property, checks and balances, and due process.

What portion of the US population was under the age of 18 in 2010? The largest segment of the population in 2010 was . Which trend does this table help illustrate?



What portion of the US population was under the age of 18 in 2010?  

✔ about a quarter

The largest segment of the population in 2010 was  

✔ between ages 25 and 44  

Which trend does this table help illustrate?  

✔ an aging population



about a quarter

between ages 25 and 44

an aging population


because i f say so

a. Do students and adults have the same rights?

b. Does this seem fair to you?

c. Why or why not?

d. Give ONE reason that it might be important for students to have limited rights


A. No they dont. Students are limited in what they are allowed to due because of age

B. Yes

C. because students are young. Students have not yet obtained the age and wisdom necessary to make educated descisions

D. Because if students had the same rights students would have access to guns, alchohol, and tobacco products, also allowing children to vote would contribute to making millions of uneducated voters.

a. Most of the rights are given to both students and adults but there are some limitations on the rights given to students.

b. No, it does not seem fair to me

c. Students are also citizens who deserve those rights.

d. i. As the other person said, they might

then get access to guns and other


ii. Students are still at a developing age

and do not know what is best for them.

iii. Also, they lack experience, which

becomes another reason why they can't

take their own decisions and

havelimited rights.

Why were the federalist and anti federalist important? As well as the Bill of rights?



The Federalists wanted a strong government and strong executive branch, while the anti-Federalists wanted a weaker central government. The Federalists did not want a bill of rights —they thought the new constitution was sufficient. The anti-federalists demanded a bill of rights.


The anti-Federalists and their opposition to ratifying the Constitution were a powerful force in the origin of the Bill of Rights to protect Amercians' civil liberties. The anti-Federalists were chiefly concerned with too much power invested in the national government at the expense of states.

What’s contrast in Wuthering Heights novel ?


Some contrasts include Heathcliff/Edgar, Isabella/Catherine, and Wuthering Heights/Thrushcross Grange. Heathcliff is passionate and masculine, while Edgar is weak, but refined. Isabella is infatuated with Heathcliff for what she wishes he is, while Catherine knows the man completely, but still loves him.
Characters: Heathcliff, Catherine Linton
Authors: Emily Brontë

With God's help, believe that I have
completely rid myself of any ill feeling toward
the Southern white man for any wrong that
he may have inflicted upon my race.
- Booker T. Washington
What "wrongs" is Washington referring to in the
quote above? Use what you have learned in the
lesson to explain your answer.



The Southern white man inflicted many wrongs upon the race of Booker T. Washington. It is the figure that strenuously sought to persecute and restrain the black race by any possible means, initially keeping them in bondage through the institution of slavery, then preventing their prosperity through persistent systemic racism (e.g. the Black Codes, Jim Crow, segregation).


U.S. support of Israel during the Yom Kippur war resulted in some Middle Eastern nations agreeing to what?
A. a halt oil production
B. an embargo of oil to the U.S
C. Egypt's control of the Nile
D. an end to the Cold War​





1. Define the following
y population
A population is a grou
same species located
i settlement​



Population is the total amount of organisms or people living in a particular environment at a specific time

5. The economy of the United States is a



a mixed economy :)


The economy of the United States is a highly developed mixed economy. It is the world's largest economy by nominal GDP and net wealth and the second-largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). It has the world's fifth-highest per capita GDP (nominal) and the seventh-highest per capita GDP (PPP) in 2021.

How did one of the
commentators describe the
Declaration of Independence?



These 13 colonies have the right to become a nation as legitimate as any other nation. Additionally, it is important to explain to the public, ...

In the Declaration of Independence, the US pledged its independence from Britain and the formation of a new nation from its old colonies.

What is the Declaration of Independence?

The goal of said declaration of independence, which served as a foundation document again for a newly established nation, was to establish connections with other nations.

It marked the penultimate stage in a process that consequently resulted in the colonies breaking away completely from Great Britain. When the American Revolution, the majority of colonists weren't really agitating for independence.

They backed the king for a slew of causes and overwhelmed republicans in some locations. Several of these individuals had criticized the Empire's mistreatment of said colonies for years, although they eventually opposed secession.

Learn more about Declaration of Independence, here:


Who was present at the signing of the Declaration of Independence?



Those present during the signing of the Declaration of Independence were the 56 delegates who represented the thirteen colonies during the Second Continental Congress.


The Declaration of Independence was the document that served as an announcement to publicize that the thirteen North American colonies had decided to go to war against England with the objective of separating from the English domain and becoming an independent territory. This document showed the reasons that led the Americans to take this decision and had the signature of 56 delegates who were the representatives of these colonies. Subscribers include names such as John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin.

Please help Which of these were results of the arm race? Check alll that apply
world tensions increased

More-destructive weapons were created.

People felt confidence in the future.

Nuclear energy was.
developed as a power source.

European unity was achieved.
ICBMs were developed.




Explanation: when the weapons were made it made the people want to fight more and then when nuclear energy was developed everyone wanted it for themselves


World tensions increased.

More-destructive weapons were created

Nuclear energy was developed as a power source.

ICBMs were developed.


just took the test. hope it helps.

The title of the novel is called “The Jungle.” Why do you think that Upton Sinclair chose to name the title of his book this? Is there a hidden meaning to it?



The Jungle, novel by Upton Sinclair, published serially in 1905 and as a single-volume book in 1906. The most famous, influential, and enduring of all muckraking novels, The Jungle was an exposé of conditions in the Chicago stockyards. Because of the public response, the U.S. Pure Food and Drug Act was passed in 1906, and conditions in American slaughterhouses were improved.

Genetically modified food tastes bad in the United States



no no food's tastes bad in us

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