Write 5examples of fragments, sentences and run ons


Answer 1


Examples of fragments : 'when', 'after', 'although', 'before', 'if', 'since', 'until', 'when', 'where', 'while', and 'why'

Example of fragment sentences:

Because of the rain.I ran.Looking forward to seeing you.My favorite history teacher.Ran to the store faster than a rabbit.

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HExamine the painting Self-Portrait with Monkey and Parrot. What do the animals and the background suggest about the artist? her interest in nature her appreciation for beauty her interest in pleasing others her feelings about her conditio



her interest in nature


Presenting a Self-Portrait with Monkey and Parrot, the artist shows her interest in nature and wildlife, as a characteristic that expresses who she is. We can see this, because a self portrait is the way the artist wants to present herself to the world, showing elements that present her true self and what characterizes her. When the artist wants to present the self-portrait with elements of nature such as animals, she is showing that her interest in nature is a striking feature she has.

Answer: D

Explanation: did it myself

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To make inferences or draw conclusions, you need to engage in critical thinking.

what is the suitable adverb of the river flows​



Maybe stream


river and stream are pretty close so maybe try that

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Nicole was:
Seemed nice to be around


Nicole Renard '17 became a dancer at age 2 and competed in her first pageant while in fifth grade.

Little did she know then that she'd dance across the Miss America stage as Miss Washington on Sept. 10.

Soon after she began her pageant career, Renard won National American Miss.


Read the passage and answer the question. "... Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.... And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." John F. Kennedy Select the correct answer. What is Kennedy implying in this excerpt from his inaugural address? Americans are not responsible for defending freedom. Americans have civil responsibility. The government has a responsibility to all Americans. The success of liberty is dependent upon America.


Answer:Americans have civil responsibility.


I got it correct

Pls help, i don't read
In literature, many characters struggle. A common theme is man vs. himself. Choose a character from a book or short story you have read and explain his or her internal struggle. To earn credit for this forum, state the name of the character, the title of the work, and the author. Your response should be 3-5 sentences long and show that you’ve thought about the topic/question at hand. Please be aware we are looking for YOUR PERSONAL OPINION and there is not a single “correct answer.”



"The Great Gatsby" is a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald in which the main character, Gatsby, develops the theme of man vs. self. This type of conflict takes place inside the character, so to speak, concerning his struggles with his feelings, decisions, and doubts. With Gatsby, the struggle lies in what he truly is and what he wishes to be. Gatsby lies to the world about his money and his business, but he cannot lie to himself. Thus, he is constantly wearing a metaphorical mask, constantly struggling with his own self-worth. In his desperation to be accepted, the mask falls. When accused by another character of being a criminal, Gatsby can no longer contain himself. If he did not care, perhaps the consequences wouldn't be so terrible. But he cares, a lot. Inside, Gatsby is still insecure - and that is what costs him everything he ever dreamed.


Take the answer above as an example. If you do not wish to write about "The Great Gatsby," feel free to choose a different character and literary work and use the answer as a template.

Conflicts, in literature, are the struggle between two opposing forces. There are external conflicts, such as character vs. character, or character vs. nature. There are also internal conflicts, such as character vs. self, which is the one we must develop in this answer.

Help me¡¡¡¡¡

I ask here because I don't know English, please help



1. "Dani does not eat spaghetti bolognaise every week."

2. "Can most Dutch people speak English and German?"

3. "My mum can't play the piano very well."

4.  "Do you work in the city centre?"

5. "I don't like walking in the countryside."


Hope this helps :)


1) Dani doesn't eat spaghetti bolognaise every week.

2) Can most Dutch people speak English and German?

3) My mum can't play the piano very well.

4) Do you work in the city center ?

5) I don't like walking in the countryside .

I haven’t written to him for 3 weeks.
= The last time………………………………………………………………
It’s months since we decorated this room
=We haven’t…………………………………………...................….
I didn’t know how to swim until I was 17 years old.
=Not until..................................................................................



1. I wrote to him was 3 weeks ago.

2. decorated this room for months.

3. Not until I was 17 years old did I know how to swim.

What is the theme The poem “ The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost​


The theme of Robert Frost’s famous poem, ‘The Toad Not Taken’ is choosing. The poem is about all the choices in life we make and how many paths we haven’t taken.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Read this excerpt of 'From Blossoms*:
From laden boughs,
from hands,
from sweet fellowship in the bins,
comes nectar at the roadside, succulent
peaches we devour, dusty skin and all,
comes the familiar dust of summer, dust we eat.
Which word helps create a positive mood?
• A. devour
• B. dust
• C. bins
O D. sweet


Answer B

Explain because because it gives the fellowship and you have a good time

In a few sentences compare Tito and Gus. Tito and Gus are two kids in middle school living in a tough neighborhood. They just choose to act about it differently. Tell me how they are different, the things they do, how they act, choices they make, etc.



Tito is more intelligent than Gus because he makes a great effort to have good grades at school. But Gus is smarter when it comes to social skills.

Gus is far more interested in making quick money than going to school.

Tito wants to leave the neighborhood, whereas Gus wants to stay.


Here are some rules that are helpful when making comparisons:

For an adjective that has one syllable, add -er at ht end (smarter).If it has two syllables and it ends in -y, change the end to -ier (happier)For adjectives of two syllables or more, use the word "more" + adjective (Tito is more intelligent than Gus).Phrases such as “a lot”, “much”, “a little”, “slightly” and “far”, when placed before “more / less than” help highlight the distinctions. The words but, while, and whereas are also used to compare and contrast ideas.

albert the butcher is 6 feet tall and wears a size 12 shoe.what does he weigh?


Answer of  A butcher is 6 feet tall and wears size 12 shoes. What does he weigh? Word Riddles is a great riddle game for kids and adults, also with families and friends. For all riddle game lovers, this game is truly what you deserve.

Word Riddles is a great riddle game for kids and adults, also with families and friends. For all riddle game lovers, this game is truly what you deserve. Read the riddle the guess the answer

sorry I'm not sure of this answer I got this ans from social media

Select the correct answer. How can this sentence be revised to ensure parallel structure? After the successful experiment, the scientist was asked to write her report accurately, quickly, and in great detail. A. After the successful experiment, the scientist was asked to write her report accurately, with speed, and in great detail. B. After the successful experiment, the scientist was asked to write her detailed report accurately and quickly. C. After the successful experiment, the scientist was asked to write her report accurately, quickly, and thoroughly. D. After the successful experiment, the scientist was asked to write her report accurately, write it quickly, and in great detail.



C.  After the successful experiment, the scientist was asked to write her report accurately, quickly, and thoroughly.


parallel structure  >>  adverb, adverb, adverb

In The First Some by Don Aker Who has respect for themselves?


Mohammad does you can see it in his confidence tone and body language

Select all the correct answers.
Which beliefs are important in Judaism?

1. A person should do good deeds or mitzvahs.
2. A person should focus only on his or her relationship with God and not with other people.
3. There are other gods, but God is all-powerful.
4. A person should practice self-control when following Jewish laws.
5. The messiah is a God who has already come.



1.    3.   4. I believe


I may not be right but i beileve i am.... good luck!!

The answer to this question is going to be #3 and #4

Which best describes the author’s viewpoint toward the actual Rosetta Stone in "The Rosetta Stone”?



The best and the correct answer among the choices provided by the question is the second choice. The author's viewpoint toward the actual Rosetta Stone in "The Rosetta Stone” is that it is a historical artifact that scholars spent too much time trying to understand.

When giving an informal presentation, speakers can best prepare by

dressing in a new suit with a fresh haircut.
creating graphs and maps to show.
adding scientific language to the speech.
finding a humorous story to use in the opening.



dressing in a new suit with a fresh haircut




Which inference can be best drawn about Ray Bradbury’s work from his commencement speech?


Answer: He was very successful writing novels.


Ray Douglas Bradbury was an screenwriter and author. His works included mystery, horror, fantasy, science fiction and realistic fiction.

In the commencement speech, he spoke about his humble beginnings and how he was determined. He was very successful writing novels.

Write a story which ends with the expression what a dream


ahi que sueño

espo er








Should be right I've gotten similar problems on an Edge quiz like this.

choose the right word to complete each sentence in this expert from Bedes An Ecclesiastical History Of the English People





histery start from bc and ad before Christian and 720 establish mulim session

Which of the following is not true of the above examples of Neolithic ceramics?
Patterns were engraved into each ceramic piece, and then white chalk was rubbed into the engravings so that the engravings stood out against the black background.
These are examples of European pottery vessels, created between 3000-2000 BCE.
These vessels were found in Spain, and are believed to have been created by the Spanish peoples around 3000 BCE.
The technology to create ceramic vessels was understood long before any were actually created in Europe.



C)  These vessels were found in Spain and are believed to have been created by the Spanish peoples around 3000 BCE.


Patterns were etched into each piece of ceramic, and the pottery made during this period is extraordinary in terms of style, design, and diligence.

European pottery was made between 3000 and 2000 BCE. With a specific piece, ceramics are used to make boats, drinking cups, and gourds. Furthermore, some gourds were made of gold.

The earliest evidence of pottery production has been discovered at a Japanese archaeological site known as Odai Yamamoto. Long before any ceramic vessels were made in Europe, people already knew how to make them.

Learn more about Neolithic ceramics at:


Answer:Its C


I just took edge 2022

explain how human-hair substance could ill-health to human beings



Human hair substance do not ill human beings


Which statements serve as evidence that supports the theme of "The Story of the Fisherman”?


The statements that serve as evidence that supports the theme of "The Story of the Fisherman" are:
A. "I conjure you on your honour to tell me if you really were in that vase?"
B. "How could your whole body go in? I cannot believe it unless I see you do the thing."
E. "No,' answered the fisherman, 'if I trust myself to you I am afraid you will treat me as a certain Greek king treated the physician Douban."

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between cytokinesis and mitosis?
A.Mitosis includes interphase and cytokinesis.
B.Cytokinesis precedes mitosis.
C.Cytokinesis occurs during mitosis.
D.Interphase includes cytokinesis and mitosis.



C. Cytokinesis occurs during mitosis.


Read the passage from “The Beginnings of the Maasai.
Why is this excerpt a good example of a feature often found in a myth?



It features a reference to the earth. It features a reference to the sky. It features a reference to the origin of the tribe It features a reference to a supernatural being. In this excerpt, we encounter a myth from the Maasai. This myth states that there is a supernatural being called Enkai, who is a sky god. Enkai has no gender. It can act kindly by giving the people rain, or cruelly by making the earth dry up. The presence of a supernatural being who can control the destiny of humans makes this a good example of a myth.


According to a popular quote— Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. In what way is this quote relevant to the events of the story?


Answer: The quote given above is quite relevant to the events of the story. The beginning of the story proved that Tricki was lifeless because he did not struggle to digest his food. In the later part of the lesson, Dr Herriot authenticated that real strength comes only after struggle and hard work. He helped the dog to regain his strength by involving him in regular exercise and food regime. Food without exercise can lead to disease and discomfort for everyone

Which sentence has the mistake? "1. No matter what we try, we can't seem to make Beth laugh. 2 We have taken her to
comedy shows, to the circus and to movies and she just wasn't amused. 3. Maybe she doesn't have a sense of humor.
4. It looks like their is nothing we can do."
estion Progress





the spelling is wrong.it was suppose to be there

Which choice best reflects the perspective of the narrator regarding Raffles feeling toward Garfield?



I don't know


This question does not have enough information for me to answer it.

Which of these words has the most similar connotation to tantalized? A. teased B. tortured C. worried D. annoyed



A. teased


this seemed the most appropriate to me but it also could be B. tortured

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