Write a difference between force and work? ​


Answer 1


force is a derived quantity

work is a fundamental quantity

2.Force is measured in Newton why work is measured in Newton per seconds (N/s)



Answer 2
Force is defined as the rate of change of momentum (momentum is mass multiplied by velocity) with respect to time. Work is the product of displacement and the component of force in the direction of displacement. If work is done, then the kinetic energy of an object changes.

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To make a position-time graph, you plot position relative to the starting point on the y-axis against the corresponding_______on the x-axis





Motion can be defined as a change in the location (position) of a physical object or body with respect to a reference point.

This ultimately implies that, motion would occur as a result of a change in location (position) of an object with respect to a reference point or frame of reference i.e where it was standing before the effect of an external force.

A reference point refers to a location or physical object from which the motion (movement) of another physical object or body can be determined.

Mathematically, the motion of an object is described in terms of acceleration, time, distance, speed, velocity, position, displacement, etc.

A graph can be defined as the graphical representation of data (informations) on horizontal and vertical lines i.e x-axis and y-axis respectively.

A position-time (x-t) graph is a graph of the position of an object against (versus) time.

To make a position-time graph, you should plot the values of the position of an object or body with respect to the starting point on the y-axis against the corresponding time on the x-axis.

Generally, the slope of the line of a position-time (x-t) graph is typically used to determine or calculate the velocity of an object.

An instantaneous velocity can be defined as the rate of change in position of an object in motion for a short-specified interval of time. Thus, an instantaneous velocity is a quantity that can be found by measuring the slope of a line that is tangent to a point on the graph.

In conclusion, the x - t graph also referred to as the position-time graph is used for determining the instantaneous velocity from the slope.

what mean by expansion effect of heat




-Cambio de temperatura

Al calentar un cuerpo la temperatura aumenta

Es el efecto más inmediato del calor, el aumento de la temperatura. Al calentar un cuerpo, es habitual, aunque no siempre, que el cuerpo aumente de temperatura. El aumento dependerá de la cantidad de calor que se suministra, del tipo de sustancia y de su cantidad.


Cuando un objeto se calienta, su volumen aumenta. Este fenómeno se llama dilatación térmica. Por el contrario, cuando un objeto se enfría, su volumen disminuye, debido a la contracción térmica.

Cuando se calienta un cuerpo, además de cambiar de estado o variar su temperatura, también cambia su tamaño, se dilata.

Por ejemplo, los puentes no se construyen de una única pieza, sino que suelen presentar uno o varios cortes longitudinales, las llamadas juntas de dilatación. Si no existieran esas juntas, los cambios de longitud del puente entre el invierno y el verano o entre el día y la noche acabarían por romperlo.

La dilatación de un cuerpo dependerá del aumento de temperatura que experimente, de su tamaño y de la sustancia de que esté hecho. Cuanto más aumente la temperatura más aumentará su tamaño, lo mismo que cuanto mayor sea, mayor se hará.

Todos los cuerpos, ya sean sólidos, líquidos o gaseosos, varían su tamaño cuando intercambian calor con otro cuerpo.

-Cambios de estado:

Si una sustancia modifica el estado de sólido, líquido o gaseoso, se produce un cambio de estado. Un cambio de estado es una modificación en la forma en que se disponen las partículas que constituyen una sustancia.

El estado en que se encuentre un cuerpo depende de la presión a la que está sometido y de su temperatura. Para cambiar su estado se debe modificar alguna de estas variables, o ambas. Al elevar la temperatura de una sustancia sólida, aumenta la agitación de sus partículas.


All forms of matter (solid, liquid and gas) undergo expansion on heating. When a solid is heated, the atoms gain energy and vibrate more vigorously. This results in the expansion of the solid. For a given change in temperature, the extent of expansion is smaller in solids than in liquids and gases. This is due to the rigid nature of solids.


Describe the advantages and disadvantage is of living in a floodplain



:) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::))))

Jennifer has a credit score of 450. Her bank recently approved her for a credit card. What will her interest rate be?
A. High, as her credit score is low, indicating that she is a high risk borrower
B. Low as her credit score is good
C. Big as her credit score is good
D. Low as she is a high risk borrower





low credit score means its more risky to lend someone money

An image of a car with height of 14 cm occurred in the mirror which is located at a T-
intersection. If the car height is 140 cm and the radius of the curvature of the mirror is 60 cm,
how far is the car from the mirror?
helpp me!!!!!!



The distance of car form the mirror is 330 cm.


height of object, h = 140 cm

height of image, h' = 14 cm

radius of curvature, R = 60 cm

focal length, f = R/2 = + 30 cm

Let the distance of image is v and the distance of object is u.

[tex]\frac{h'}{h}\frac{v}{u}\\\\\frac{14}{140} =\frac{v}{u}\\\\v =\frac{u}{10}[/tex]

Use the formula of focal length

[tex]\frac{1}{f}=\frac{1}{v}+\frac{1}{u}\\\\\frac{1}{30}=\frac{10}{u}+\frac{1}{u}\\\\\frac{1}{30}=\frac{11}{u}\\\\u = 330 cm[/tex]

which electromagnetic wave has the highest frequency​



Gamma rays

Gamma rays have the highest energies, the shortest wavelengths, and the highest frequencies.

numerical of science ​


20 14*(); jmnjv ijk,nb,..

1. Determine the magnitude of two equal but opposite charges if they attract one another with a force of 0.7N when at distance of 0.3m apart in a vacuum.​



q = 2.65 10⁻⁶ C


For this exercise we use Coulomb's law

        F =[tex]k \frac{q_1q_2}{r^2}[/tex]

In this case they indicate that the load is of equal magnitude

       q₁ = q₂ = q

the force is attractive because the signs of the charges are opposite

       F = [tex]k \ \frac{q^2}{r^2}[/tex]

       q = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{F \ r^2}{k} }[/tex]

we calculate

        q = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{0.7 \ 0.3^2 }{9 \ 10^9} }[/tex]

        q = [tex]\sqrt{7 \ 10^{-12} }[/tex]Ra 7 10-12

        q = 2.65 10⁻⁶ C

Where an electric field line crosses an equipotential surface, the angle between the field line and the equipotential is



90 degree


Electric field line is vertical to the electric field line.

The angle between the field line and the equipotential where an electric field line crosses an equipotential surface is 90°

What is an electric field?

This is a region of space around a charged particle, or between two voltages.

The angle between Electric field crosses an equi-potential surface is always 90 degrees. When the potential becomes constant,the negative potential gradient also becomes zero, hence necessitating the need for Electric field to be always normal with surface.

Therefore, the angle between electric field and equi-potential surface is 90 degrees.

Read more on Electric Field:


Chapter 1
The centre of gravity is usually located where
A no mass is concentrated.
B average mass is concentrated.
Cless mass is concentrated.
D more mass is concentrated.​



D. more mass is concentrated.


Gravity is considered to be a universal force of attraction which acts between all objects that has both mass, energy and occupy space. Therefore, it acts in such a way as to bring objects together.

Additionally, the gravity of earth makes it possible for all physical objects to possess weight.

Newton's law of universal gravitation states that the force of attraction (gravity) acting between the Earth and all physical objects is directly proportional to the Earth's mass, directly proportional to the physical object's mass and inversely proportional to the square of the distance separating the Earth's center and that physical object.

Center of gravity can be defined as the specific point where all of the weight of an object is concentrated.

Generally, all the objects found around the world all have a center of gravity.

Additionally, when an object is balanced so that a displacement lowers its center of gravity, the object is said to be in stable equilibrium.

The centre of gravity of a physical object is usually located where more mass is concentrated in the physical object or body.

However, the location of the centre of gravity is subject to change and as such doesn't always remain the same.

Magnetic force between the north poles of two magnets is​


Magnetic force between the north poles of two magnets is REPULSIVE

Answer:Repulsion or attraction

Explanation:The angle between the compass needle   and geographic north is called the MAGNETIC DECLINATION.(see earth:the magnetic field of the earth ). The repulsion or attraction between two magnetic dipoles can be viewed as the interaction of one dipole with the magnetic field produced by other dipole.

Consider the stress-strain diagram shown here. Assume all four material samples (A-D) were originally the same size and shape. Identify the material with the highest yield strength:

Stress-strain diagram with 4 materials graphed.









Stress-strain diagram with 4 materials graphed. The graph with maximum yield strength is B.

What is stress?

Stress is defined as the force applied per unit area of cross-section. It is denoted by Sigma(σ). Its's unit is same as the pressure i.e. N/m².

Considering the stress-strain diagram shown here. Assumed all four material samples denoted as (A-D) were originally the same size and shape.

When a body is stretched by a tensile force, it stretches more and more until it reaches its elastic limit. There comes a point where the body no longer stretches. The change in stress is very less and the stress is greater at the yield point. The strength required up to the yield point is called as the yield strength. The body breaks while forming the neck of the bottle. This strength of any material is known as ultimate stress at break or ultimate tensile strength.

So, the material with the highest yield strength is B.

Thus, the correct option is B.

Learn more about Stress.



In a given chemical reaction the energy of the products is less than the energy of the reactants which statement is true for this chemical reaction


Group of answer choices.

A. Energy is absorbed in the reaction.

B. Energy is released in the reaction.

C. There is no transfer of energy in the reaction.

D. Energy is lost in the reaction.


B. Energy is released in the reaction.


A chemical reaction can be defined as a chemical process which typically involves the transformation or rearrangement of the atomic, ionic or molecular structure of an element through the breakdown and formation of chemical bonds to produce a new compound or substance.

Basically, there are two (2) main types of chemical reaction and these include;

I. Endothermic reaction: it's a chemical reaction in which heat is absorbed

II. Exothermic reaction: it's a chemical reaction in which heat is liberated into the environment.

In Chemistry, all chemical equation must follow or be in accordance with the Law of Conservation of Mass, which states that mass can neither be created nor destroyed by either a physical transformation or a chemical reaction but transformed from one form to another in an isolated (closed) system.

Generally, energy is released in a chemical reaction when the energy of the products is less than the energy of the reactants and it is referred to as an exothermic reaction.

However, when the energy of the products is greater than the energy of the reactants, energy is absorbed and it is referred to as an endothermic reaction.

What is an essential characteristic of an object in equilibrium?
1) zero velocity
2) zero acceleration
3) zero potential energy
4) zero kinetic energy



2) zero acceleration


Motion can be defined as a change in the location (position) of a physical object or body with respect to a reference point.

This ultimately implies that, motion would occur as a result of a change in location (position) of an object with respect to a reference point or frame of reference i.e where it was standing before the effect of an external force.

Mathematically, the motion of an object is described in terms of time, distance, speed, velocity, position, displacement, acceleration, etc.

In physics, acceleration can be defined as the rate of change of the velocity of an object with respect to time.

Generally, an object is said to be in equilibrium when neither the energy possessed by the object not state of motion changes with respect to time. Thus, the vector sum of all the forces acting upon an object that's in equilibrium is zero.

In conclusion, an essential characteristic of an object in equilibrium is zero (0) acceleration because there's no change in its velocity with respect to time.

Your new motorcycle weighs 2450 N.
What is
its mass in kilograms?

i understand the answer is 250kg because mass times gravity thing but why isn’t the answer negative cause gravity pulls down so wouldn’t be Negative answer not a positive answer

i was taught FW is always negative why isn’t it negative here




The negative only matters reallly if you are dealing with a 2d system. I could even define down as positive and up as negative. However, usually you are taught that down is negative. It really doesn't matter because a force is a force. It is only given a direction relative to another force or vector direction.

What is physical measurement? in Science​



physical measurement comprises the measurement of objects, things, etc. and is concerned with the measurement of height, weight, length, size, volume etc.

Q 2 A large circular field has a track along its inner boundary for conducting long distance sports events. The diameter XY of the track is 1 km. The following events were conducted.(use √ = 3.14 for calculations)

Event A- Fast walking along the diameter of the field.
Event B- A 15.7 km running race along the circular track.
Event C- A 25.12 km cycling race along the circular track.
(a) If the athletes walked from X to Y then, distance and displacement covered in Event A were
(i) Both 1.57km (ii) Both 1 km (iii) 1km and 1.57km respectively (iv) 1.57km and 1 km respectively.
(b)No of rounds required to complete Event B are
(i) 10 (ii) 2.5 (iii) 5 (iv)0.5
(c)If Pihu ran at an average speed of 3.14 km/h during Event B, then she would finish the race in
(i) 0.5hours (ii) 50mins (iii)500minutes (iv) 5 hours
(d) What should the average speed of cyclist Yousef be, so that he can complete Event C in 4hours?
(i) 6.28km/h (ii) 0.628km/h (iii) 12.56km/h (iv) 1.256km/h





In event A , one has to walk along diameter of the field from X to Y.

In this event , walk is along a straight line , both displacement and distance covered will be same.

Distance = displacement = 1 km.

option ii is correct .

(b )

radius of circular track r = 0.5 km

length of track = circumference = 2π r

= 2 x 3.14 x .5 = 3.14 km

Length of running in event B is 15.7 km

No of rounds = 15.7 / 3.14 = 5

option iii is correct .

( c )

speed = length of race / time

time = length of race / speed

= 15. 7 km / 3.14 km /h

= 5 hours .

option iv is correct option.


In event C , length of race is 25.12 km

speed = length of race / time taken

= 25.12 km  / 4 hour

= 6.28 km/h .

Option i is correct.


(a) (ii)

(b) (iv)

(c) (i)

(d) (i)


diameter, XY = 1 km

Event A- Fast walking along the diameter of the field.

Event B- A 15.7 km running race along the circular track.

Event C- A 25.12 km cycling race along the circular track.

(a) When athletes walked from X to Y , the distance is equal to the displacement which is equal to the diameter = 1 km.  

Option (ii).

(b) distance = 15.7 km

distance traveled by one round = 3.14 x 1 = 3.14 km

So, the number of round complete in B = 1.57/3.14 = 0.5

option (iv).

(c)If Pihu ran at an average speed of 3.14 km/h during Event B, then she would finish the race in

time, t = 1.57/3.14 = 0.5 hours

option (i)

(d) What should the average speed of cyclist Yousef be, so that he can complete Event C in 4hours?

Distance = 25.12 km

time , t = 4 hours

Speed = 25.12 / 4 = 6.28 km/h

Option (i)

Longitudinal waves are produced by


A longitudinal wave can be created in a slinky if the slinky is stretched out in a horizontal direction and the first coils of the slinky are vibrated horizontally. In such a case, each individual coil of the medium is set into vibrational motion in directions parallel to the direction that the energy is transported.

Hope it helped :))

Making rough estimates of physical quantities is usefulA. So that you can see if the answer to a problem makes physical sense.B. Because we only use approximate numbers in problems.C. Because the laws we use are not exact, so using exact numbers is not crucial.D.So that you can compute answers doing simpler math.



A. So that you can see if the answer to a problem makes physical sense.


Science can be defined as a branch of intellectual and practical study which systematically observe a body of fact in relation to the structure and behavior of non-living and living organisms (animals, plants and humans) in the natural world through experiments.

An experiment can be defined as an investigation which typically involves the process of manipulating an independent variable (the cause) in order to be able to determine or measure the dependent variable (the effect).

This ultimately implies that, an experiment can be used by scientists to show or demonstrate how a condition causes or gives rise to another i.e cause and effect, influence, behavior, etc in a sample.

Measurements refers to the process which typically involves the process of identifying and determining the dimensions of a physical object. The dimensions include important parameters such as width, height, length, area, volume, circumference etc.

In Science, making rough estimates of physical quantities is useful so that you can see if the answer to a problem makes physical sense.

For example, you could make a rough estimate of a storage tank and deductively determine whether or not it's in tandem with its physical size in reality.

When a ray enters into air from glass slab
a) its wavelength decreases
b) it's wavelength increases
c) it's frequency increases
d) it's frequency decreases​



a ) Its wavelength decreases


When a ray enters into air from glass slab its wavelength decreases.

I have possess'd your grace of what I purpose:And by our holy Sabbath have I swornTo have the due and forfeit of my bond.If you deny it, let the danger lightUpon your charter and your city's freedom !You'll ask me, why I rather choose to haveA weight of carrion flesh than to receiveThree thousand ducats : I'll not answer that:But, say, it is my humour(1) Whom are these lines addressed to? What is the context in which theselines are spoken?(ii) What has Shylock sworn on oath ?​



1. These lines are addressed to Duke.

2. These lines show that Shylock is not willing to forgive the debt a merchant owes him, nor is he willing to justify why he demands that debt be paid, even if it seems cruel.

3. He swore by the Holy Sabbath, which is a holy day for him, who is a Jew. He swore he would get the debt money or a piece of the debtor's flesh.


The lines shown in the question above refer to "The Merchant of Venice" written by Shakespeare. In this story we are introduced to Antonio, a commercial who is very prejudiced against Jews, but when he needs money, he borrows from another merchant, Shylock, who is Jewish. Shylock agrees to lend money to Antonio, but determines the date that this money must be returned, in addition, Shylock states that he will lend the money if Antonio agrees that if this money is not paid by the specified date, Antonio will have to pay with half a kilo of flesh from his own body. Antonio agrees, but doesn't pay the money so Shylock goes after the flesh of Antonio's body and Duke tries to intervene because he thinks this is too cruel. At this point, Shylock speaks the lines shown in the question above, showing that he is not willing to change his mind.

Write a hypothesis about the use of an object’s physical characteristics to determine its density. Use the format "if . . . then . . . because . . .” and be sure to answer the lesson question "How can the density of an object be determined?”



If 2 objects have the same mass, then which object has a larger volume will have a smaller density


Because density is the object's mass divided by volume

health ,population and environment education is for the enrichment of quality of life,justify the statement​



hey !! here is a short and sweet answer to your question

=quality of life is directly determined by health ,education ,and life expectacy

=health Is a type of thing that gives employment to the person working in firm

hope u understand


que aceleración adquiere un cuerpo de 0.5 kg cuando actúa una fuerza n2​


La aceleración que adquiere el cuerpo de 0.5Kg es:

My second question for today :
Why do we ever have a blood moon?? What's the science behind it​



vhijko and eye rudiieidjdjddjjd


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If a lawn mower is pushed with a distance of 30 meters and 12N-m of work is exerted, calculate the force.




W = FΔx so filling in:

12 = F(30) so

F = .4N

Answer the question based on this waveform.

A wave has a velocity of 24 m/s and a period of 3.0 s.

Choose the correct amplitude.

1/2 m
1/72 m
3 m
Cannot be determined from the given information



Cannot be determined from the given information


Given the following data;

Velocity = 24 m/s

Period = 3 seconds

To find the amplitude of the wave;

Mathematically, the amplitude of a wave is given by the formula;

x = Asin(ωt + ϕ)


x is displacement of the wave measured in meters.

A is the amplitude.

ω is the angular frequency measured in rad/s.

t is the time period measured in seconds.

ϕ is the phase angle.

Hence, the information provided in this exercise isn't sufficient to find the amplitude of the waveform.

However, the given parameters can be used to calculate the frequency and wavelength of the wave.

A 0.080-kg egg test dummy is fitted with a helmet and attached to a swing. This egg test dummy is pulled back and released, allowing it to collide with a cement block. The impulse on the egg test dummy is - 0.39N.s is over an interval of 0.050 s. What is the magnitude of the force on the egg test dummy during this time interval?



7.8 N



I = Ft................. Eqaution 1

Where I = Impulse on the egg test dummy, F = Force on the egg test dummy during the time interval, t = time interval

make F the subject of the equation

F = I/t.................. Equation 2

From the question,

Given: T = -0.39 N.s, t = 0.050 s

Substitute these vales into equation 2

F = -0.39/0.050

F = -7.8 N

Hence the force that act on the egg test dummy is 7.8 N

Si la experiencia de Torricelli se llevara a cabo al nivel del mar usando un aceite de 890
de densidad en lugar de mercurio, ¿cuál sería la altura que alcanzaría la columna de



La columna de aceite tendría una altura de 11,613 metros.


El modelo de Torricelli basa el cálculo de la presión atmosférica mediante el concepto de presión hidrostática, en donde la densidad del fluido ([tex]\rho[/tex]), en kilogramos por metro cúbico, es inversamente proporcional a la altura de la columna ([tex]h[/tex]), en metros, para una igual presión atmosférica ([tex]P[/tex]), en atmósferas. Entonces, podemos estimar la altura de la columna mediante el siguiente modelo:

[tex]\rho_{Hg}\cdot h_{Hg} = \rho_{o}\cdot h_{o}[/tex] (1)


[tex]\rho_{Hg}[/tex] - Densidad del mercurio.

[tex]h_{Hg}[/tex] - Altura de la columna de mercurio.

[tex]\rho_{o}[/tex] - Densidad del aceite.

[tex]h_{o}[/tex] - Altura de la columna del aceite.

Si sabemos que [tex]\rho_{Hg} = 13600\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}}[/tex], [tex]h_{Hg} = 0,760\,m[/tex] y [tex]\rho_{o} = 890\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}}[/tex], entonces la altura de la columna del aceite es:

[tex]h_{o} = \left(\frac{\rho_{Hg}}{rho_{o}} \right)\cdot h_{Hg}[/tex]

[tex]h_{o} = \frac{13600\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}} }{890\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}} }\times (0,760\,m)[/tex]

[tex]h_{o} = 11,613\,m[/tex]

La columna de aceite tendría una altura de 11,613 metros.

Impulse can be defined as

The frequency at which something occurs

The change in velocity

The change in momentum from an force within the system

The change in momentum from a force outside of the system



The change in momentum from an force within the system.

I think its D. The change in momentum from a force outside of the system
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