Write a letter to your brother who is in uproad Asking him to send a mobile phone​


Answer 1


Dear brother

I am fine here and I hope that you are also fine there.

We all miss you a lot these days. As you know my school is going to conduct online class soon so please can you send me a mobile phone. I can't take classes without the mobile. A phone will help us to talk to you.

I promise that I can I'll not misuse it. Thus please send a phone as soon as possible.love you mom miss you a lot.

love from your brother

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Why ......you always.....over spilt? I am tired of what you say A are_ crying. B.do_drink



Can't answer need more text.


I'd love to help you give me more context in the comments and I will answer this for you.

What is the verbs and adverbs in this passage please help



the adverbs are he,I,


adverbs are used in place of nouns

kindly correct me if I am wrong

Which theme do these lines support?



making snap jugdement is unwise


Making snap judgments is unwise.


answer C

In the raisin in the sun why does Momma entrust Walter with the money



Lena gives Walter the $6500 that is left after she puts a $3500 payment down on her house because she wants him to know that she trusts him and will empower him.

if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest

how will you have a successfull conversation



Here are some tips to help you when you are having a conversation. They can

help you communicate better.

1. Be aware of how you use eye contact. Looking at a person’s face from time to

time can be an important way to show respect and to show that you are listening.

2. Be aware of your body language. You may be sending a subtle message that

you may not mean to send.

3. Be aware of personal space. Are you making someone feel uncomfortable

by sitting too close or far from them? Each person has a different idea of

personal space.

4. Be a good listener in conversation. This can be just as important as speaking

in a conversation.

5. Notice your voice when you are speaking. Notice how fast you are talking and

how loud you are. Listen to your tone, pitch and intensity. People will notice

changes in your voice and may see them as signs of anger, frustration or fear.

6. Remember to take turns in the conversation. Other ways to have a good

conversation are:

• keep a topic going or change topics at the right time

• ask and answer questions

what is go a long walk for heathy


for fitness and


where did the writer long for the holidays​


I think this is of the English book chapter going home if so the write longed for the holidays so that he could visit his family and celebrate dashain with them.

Teenagers sitting in a cafe in [Melbourne city of Australia.]​



so what is the question?


In order to spread awareness on saving water amongst children of your school a video will be played in school hall. draft a notice for all the junior students 1st to 8th to see the video. you are the activity incharge your school.



Thanks for telling us about the video

When i see the vase in that shop window , i knew it was exactly what will be looking for.​


Answer: do you have any more information on what the question wants you to do?


All verb tenses are formed using the______.

A) infinitive
B) mood
C) principal parts
D) voice



C. Principal parts.

Any good advice on writing a really good essay ? I have a test and I’m trying to get the full mark


Have a thesis statement ( Things that state the topic)

Having a introduction ( With the thesis statement on the last sentence)

Body paragraph ( or two of them depending on the topic or how much your writing. Examples:

Exercising a dog

First body paragraph: Talks about Walking the dog outside

Second body paragraph: Talking about possibly walking the dog inside your home

( Have a based topic for each paragraph and write why or explanations. Add quotes from a professional website to gain your resources ( MAKE SURE TO CITE IT).

Conclusion ( Can be something similar to the thesis statement as you want your reader to think about the situation or wonder).

It all depends on the topic. Hope this helps ^.^

great love and great achievement involve great risk ​



It is a quote by the Dali Lama.


It means you get what you pay for, and accomplishments do not always come effortlessly. If you want something bad enough then you should work hard and try to make it happen, even if there is a chance that it might not go the way that you thought it would.

It is a Dalai Lama quotation. It implies that you get what you pay for and that success is not always effortless. Even though there's a chance it won't turn out the way you expected it to, if you really want something bad enough, you should put in the effort to make it happen.

What is great achievement?

A great accomplishment is anything that was accomplished with a lot of talent or effort. Achieve and attainment frequently connote the accomplishment of a significant or challenging task—a lofty goal or a magnificent effort. High school graduation is a success.

As synonyms for achievement, the words exploit and feat are frequently used. Achievement denotes hard-won triumph in the face of adversity or opposition, even if all three terms mean "a notable deed": a proud sense of having accomplished something tough and good. He had a genuine sense of accomplishment after fixing the car by himself.

Thus, It is a Dalai Lama quotation.

For more information about great achievement, click here:



Vhat is the mistake in the following sentence? "My best fiend lent me a book, a pen, and a pencil."
A. Incorrect tense
B. Misspelling
C. Incorrect parallel structure
D. Missing punctuation



It is answer b, misspelling.


They misspelled friend. Hope this helps

b Explanation friend is spelt wrong

how do you feel about yourself as a responsive citizens ​





Read the sentence.

I have always wanted to see a Sumo tournament—have you seen how huge those wrestlers are?

Why is a dash appropriate in this sentence?

It signals a quotation.
It sets off a lengthy modifier.
It signals an abrupt change in thought.
It sets off a dramatic modifier.



Read the sentence.

I have always wanted to see a Sumo tournament—have you seen how huge those wrestlers are?

Why is a dash appropriate in this sentence?

It signals a quotation.

It sets off a lengthy modifier.

It signals an abrupt change in thought.

It sets off a dramatic modifier


It signals an abrupt change in thought


The speaker in this sentence suddenly changes his sentence to justify wanting to see a sumo tournament.

help me asap please ​



1. Yes, come in said the teacher.

2. May I come in, sir?

3. We now have a holiday on Monday.

4. Help me please.

5. I like mangos, grapes, and oranges.

6. He bought books, pens, pencils, and toys for his sister.

7. I have read the discovery of India.

8. I can't come to Delhi, she said.

9. I am a little boy, my name is Jayaram.

10. Vinay is speaking like a fool.


Execise III: Rewrite the sentences using the words given
1. Dorothy has just watered the flowers. (two minutes ago)
2. We didn’t get ready for the party. (yet)
3. She has already done the washing up. (an hour ago)
4. Have you ever visited an orphanage? (last year)
5. Uncle Tom took me to the school today. (already)
6. Haven't you put on your jacket yet? (in the morning)
7. Susan didn't spend her summer in Italy last year. (never)
8. The children didn't return back from the school. (yet)



1) Dorothy watered the flowers two minutes ago.

2) We haven't get ready for the party yet

3) She finished washing up an hour ago

4) Did you visit an orphanage last year

5) Uncle Tom has already taken me to the school

6) Didn't you put your jacket in the morning?

7) Susan has never spent her summer in Italy

8) The children haven't return from the school yet.

In paragraph 1, what do the different rat
names mainly show?
A. Rats are the largest type of rodent.
B. There are many opinions about rats.
C. There is little reason to be afraid
of rats.
D. Rats can live in a variety of


Answer: b.

Explanation: its the one that made more sense with the paragraph. hope it helps!

Rodents are mammals that have upper and lower pairs of ever-growing rootless incisor teeth including rats. The different rat names mainly show that rats can live in a variety of environments, i.e., option D.

What are the characteristics of rats?

Rats can have several characteristics depending on their variety. The main facts regarding rats are:

They can have as many as 20 babies at the same time.These can damage 20% of agricultural produces.Rats have an incredibly strong sense of smell.

The different rat names in the passage mainly show that rats can live in a variety of environments.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding rodents, visit:



In the story a voyage to the Moon by Edgar Allan Poe what does the word deliberation mean



deliberation means long and careful consideration or discussion. Or slow and careful movement or thought.


Chakravarthy knew there were exactly sixty-seven shops on Patel Street. He had written down all their names and addresses in his notebook . What does this tell you about Chakravarthy ?​


I will giving you a pic write from this

4. How much sugar do you need for the cake? which is the countable and uncountable noun in the following sentence​



Explanation: It is uncountable noun because we cannot count sugar.

38. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
A. "When you get home" Mom said, 'please call so that I know you're safe.'
B. "When you get home," mom said "please call so that I know you're safe."
O C. "When you get home," Mom said, "please call so that I know you're safe."
D. "When you get home" mom said "please call, so that I know you're safe."



D is the correct ans



She has to follow me.(change into passive)​



I have to be followed by her. OR

I have to be followed.

The usage of "her" isn't really necessary.

Read this claim from paragraph 8 of the passage.

"Opponents of cell phone use in schools believe that cell phones are a distraction to many students."

Which evidence would be the most credible to support the claim?

An interesting story about a student who was often distracted by her cell phone from the author's uncle who is a teacher.

Statistics about the effects of cell phone usage on student learning and performance from a study done in 2015 by the National Education Association.

A blog written in 2016 by a teacher who outlines the various distractions that can occur in the classroom when students are allowed to access their cell phones.

A book written in 2005 by a former educator that cites various scenarios of cell phone distraction during her tenure as a high school principal.





Statistics are going to be your best piece of evidence. Everything else can just be blown away as an opinion.

Statistics about the consequences of cell phone use on student understanding and performance from an investigation done in 2015 by the National Education Association.

What is National Education Association?

The National Education Association exists as the largest labor union and the largest white-collar illustration in the United States. It designates public school teachers and other authorization personnel, capability and staffers at colleges and universities, retired professors, and college students conditioning to become teachers.

The mission exists to advocate for instruction professionals and to unite our associates and the nation to fulfill the promise of public education to condition every student to advance in a various and interdependent world.

Statistics exist as a branch of applied mathematics that concerns the collection, description, analysis, and assumption of conclusions from quantitative data. The mathematical techniques behind statistics rely heavily on differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, and probability approach.

Statistics about the consequences of cell phone use on student understanding and performance from an investigation done in 2015 by the National Education Association.

To learn more about National Education Association refer to:



Select the correct text in the passage.
Which detail best develops the character of the narrator, Jane Eyre, in the excerpt?
excerpt from Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Brontë
In the following excerpt, the narrator, Jane Eyre, describes an interaction with her nursemaid, Bessie.
Bessie asked if I would have a book: the word book acted as a transient stimulus, and I begged her to fetch Gulliver's Travels from the library.
This book I had again and again perused with delight. I considered it a narrative of facts, and discovered in it a vein of interest deeper than what
I found in fairy tales: for as to the elves, having sought them in vain among foxglove leaves and bells, under mushrooms and beneath the
ground-ivy mantling old wall-nooks, I had at length made up my mind to the sad truth, that they were all gone out of England to some savage
country where the woods were wilder and thicker, and the population more scant; whereas, Lilliput and Brobdignag being, in my creed, solid
parts of the earth's surface, I doubted not that I might one day, by taking a long voyage, see with my own eyes the little fields, houses, and trees,
the diminutive people, the tiny cows, sheep, and birds of the one realm; and the corn-fields forest-high, the mighty mastiffs, the monster cats,
the tower-like men and women, of the other. Yet, when this cherished volume was now placed in my hand-when I turned over its leaves, and
sought in its marvellous pictures the charm I had, till now, never failed to find-all was eerie and dreary; the giants were gaunt goblins, the
pigmies malevolent and fearful imps, Gulliver a most desolate wanderer in most dread and dangerous regions. I closed the book, which I dared
no longer peruse, and put it on the table, beside the untasted tart.
Bessie had now finished dusting and tidying the room, and having washed her hands, she opened a certain little drawer, full of splendid shreds
of silk and satin, and began making a new bonnet for Georgiana's doll. Meantime she sang: her song was-
"In the days when we went gipsying,
A long time ago."
I had often heard the song before, and always with lively delight; for Bessie had a sweet voice. --at least, I thought so. But now, though her voice
was still sweet, I found in its melody an indescribable sadness. Sometimes preoccuniad with


In the first paragraph story by Charlotte Bronte tells us about the taste of reading of Jane Eyre, She wants to see the natural beauty.

She has a peaceful nature and enjoys the natural sights.

She likes the song that Bessie is singing and she likes the song to the extent that she does not care how the voice is she just wants to listen to it.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24480953

Answer: the last answer at the very bottom of the picture


Teens can face a variety of ____________ which can stem from any portion of identity, ethnicity, gender, race, or talent.


Either from outsiders or family members
Ans : Issues
Teens can face a variety of issues which can stem from any portion of identity, ethnicity, gender, race, or talent.

What three qualities do you think are most important in a friend? Why?


Good advice

Doesn’t judge

Does not laugh at your mistakes

Always has your back

Because I’ve been just to many times so if I meet a person like this it would make me really happy

who was the author of to kill a mocking bird


Hope this helps

Answer = Kathryn Erskine
Harper Lee actually.

what is the means of Apology​



Apology is defined as the act of expressing sorry or general way of pardon which involves the fault realization.


The meaning of Apology is :

A regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure.

Basically it means the act of aying sorry and acknowledging one's own mistakes.


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