write a letter to your friend telling him about market you intend doing to develop your town​


Answer 1



Letter writing to a friend telling him about my plans as the new chief of my hometown.


ABC Plaza Road


21 May 2017

My dear best friend Mike,

I hope you are doing well. I am also doing fine by the grace of God. And I also have some news to share with you.

Recently, I have been appointed the chief of my hometown, which was a huge deal for me. I have numerous plans to make my town a bit more developed and operational in all stages. So, I planned to ensure that the school buildings are reconstructed as the present one is barely standing on its own. Moreover, I wanted to ensure that all children are made to attend the school as I want to make sure that the children stay educated, at least to some extend. And, most of all, I want to promote the various skills of the town folks and ensure that they have some form of income source.

These are some of the plans that I have developed, which I hope, I can do so.

Take care and will see you soon.



Related Questions

In your opinion, what factors lead to succes



In my opinion :


positive thinking



Help me please……………………..


Yes answer is D read before u study vocabulary

What prevents the Time Traveller from going to kill the Morlock impulsively in The Time Machine, as soon as he finds weapons?

A. He concludes the Morlocks are too strong to beat with a crow bar.
B. The Eloi people
C. Logic—he needs to plan first.
D. Weena





In the book it states "Now that he has a weapon, he wants to go kill Morlocks. But he doesn't want to leave Weena alone".

The correct option is D. Weena prevents the Time Traveller from going to kill the Morlock impulsively in The Time Machine, as soon as he finds weapons. The Time Traveler saves an Eloi woman named Weena from drowning. Weena surprises and charms the Time Traveler by following him everywhere from that point on and showering him with flowers regularly as a token of appreciation and affection, even though he does not expect appreciation or acknowledgment in exchange for his bravery.

What happened to the Time Traveler in The Time Machine?

The Time Traveler vanishes and is never seen again. We have no idea where or why he left. The unidentified narrator makes some educated guesses to illustrate the variety of scenarios that could occur: perhaps he is in the distant past or among dinosaurs (but obviously not at the same time).

When Weena was first encountered by the Time Traveler, her Eloi comrades were disregarding her misery as she was drowning in a river. He jumped in and saved her, and she immediately showered him with love and devotion. She followed him as he scoured the area in search of The Time Machine.

Learn more about The Time Machine here:



You need a venue for your company's annual Sales
convention. Call a hotel in Dallas and find out about
• location (distance to stations, airports)
• number of rooms
• meeting rooms
• relaxation facilities.
Arrange a meeting. You are busy on 26th May (p.m.)
and 27th May. You are free on 28th May (p m.)



Yes, then you arrange the meeting on the 28th May (pm) since you are free.

What is the meaning of Moral Decadence as a theme in Literature



moral or culture decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury .

Why does Momma "keep her cool” so well when she is being “aped” by
the "powhitetrash” girls? How does witnessing this incident affect
pieces of evidences


The question is from the book "I know why the cages birds sings". Momma has two vital rules which are that one should not be impudent and dirty.

Momma "keep her cool” so well when she is being “aped” by the "powhitetrash” girls as she believed that the girls were not worth her time and due to this, she was calm and wasn't bothered.

Momma continued humming a tune. On the other hand, Maya really felt humiliated.

Can someone help me please





I hope it helps choose me the brainest

We go for a walk every day



Oh that's good for healthy body


I think it's great for your body. Walking also helps to relax the mind. Walking on a fresh air day is not a bad idea. But the epidemic is still raging, remember to stay healthy! <333


hello, Students here is your qna
Who is the president of Nepal Now,
1. Kp Baaa
2.puspha kamal dahal
3.sher Bahadur Deuba​



Bidhya Devi Bhandari is a present President of Nepal.

None of Three choice that you have given


Aarne. hello students

student. Yes teacher.

Aarne. Who is the president of Nepal Now,

1. Kp Baaa

2.puspha kamal dahal

3.sher Bahadur Deuba

student. Sir, where is four choice

Aarne. I have not shown because 4 choice is answer.


1. I ________ yoga. Is it interesting?
A. never have done B. ‘ve never done C. ‘ve done never
2. Have you ever ridden an elephant? “_______”
A. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I did. C. Yes, I ride.
3. ________ to a music festival?
A. Have you ever been B. Have you ever gone C. Have you ever seen
4. I ________ dinner for more than ten people.
A. cook B. have cooked C. cooked
5. Peter ________ on holiday three times this year.
A. was B. have been C. has been
6. I ________the report yet.
A. hasn’t completed B. have not completed C. completed
7. Mary ________ a foreign language.
A. has never learnt B. hasn’t never learnt C. has learnt never
8.We ________ Japanese food yet. Is it good?
A. tried B. haven’t tried C. have tried


1. B. 've never done

2. A. Yes, I have.

3. A. Have you ever been

4. B. have cooked

5. C. has been

6. B. have not completed

7. A. has never learnt

8. B. haven't tried

1. The correct answer is B. 've never done. This is the correct form of the present perfect tense to indicate that you have never done yoga before.

2. The correct answer is A. Yes, I have. This is the appropriate response to indicate that you have ridden an elephant before.

3. The correct answer is A. Have you ever been. This is the correct question form to ask if someone has ever been to a music festival.

4. The correct answer is B. have cooked. This is the correct form of the present perfect tense to indicate that you have cooked dinner for more than ten people.

5. The correct answer is C. has been. This is the correct form of the present perfect tense to indicate that Peter has been on holiday three times this year.

6. The correct answer is B. have not completed. This is the correct form of the present perfect tense to indicate that you have not completed the report yet.

7. The correct answer is A. has never learnt. This is the correct form to indicate that Mary has never learned a foreign language.

8. The correct answer is B. haven't tried. This is the correct form of the present perfect tense to indicate that you have not tried Japanese food yet.

For more such questions on cooked, click on:



How to find a fulfilling job


a job that you have interest in and not just join because of the high salary

If you had a Spanish speaking ESL client (someone who used Spanish Influenced English), you could predict that he would have the following problems with SAE.
a) Confusing tense and lax vowels
b) Deaffrication and affrication
c) consonant devoicing at the ends of words
d) reduction of consonant clusters at the ends of words
e) stopping of fricatives





I want to say your answer is A. If you're speaking ESL than your terms normally don't flow together properly and you can confuse tense and lax vowels.


A) Confusing tense and lax vowels


The following problems client with SAE faces is confusing tense and lax vowels  When you speak ESL, your terms usually don't flow properly together and you can confuse tense vowels with loose vowels.

Learn more :


Risk can improve your chances of getting good returns. Therefore, having a clear understanding of your own goals and attitude to risk will help you work out how much risk to take.

7 general investment risks

Interest rate risk: when interest rates rise after you lock in your money, meaning you don't earn as much on your money as you would have if you'd invested at the higher rate.

Liquidity risk: there might not be buyers interested in your investment when you want to sell.

Credit risk: the organisation may not be able to repay its debts, and you might lose your money.

Economic risk: the economy may or may not be doing well, which could affect the value of your investment.

Industry risk: risks affecting a particular industry, like shortages of raw materials or changes in consumer preferences.

Currency risk: your investment is affected by changes in the value of the currency.

Inflation risk: your investment doesn't earn enough to keep up with inflation.

How risk affects your investment

Lower risk investments, like cash and bonds, have fewer ups and downs over time so you can expect the investment to perform in a similar way in the future. If you invest in lower risk investments it’s possible your money won’t grow as fast as inflation, which means your money could be worth less when you eventually spend it.

Higher risk investments, like shares and property, have a lot more ups and downs. You’d expect your returns to drop much more frequently, and in larger amounts and it’s hard to predict how they’ll perform. However, if you’re investing for a long period of time (at least 10 years) you should end up with a larger amount than if you’d taken low, or no, risk.

To sum up, investments can fail, regardless of your research. If you only have one investment, there’s a risk you won’t achieve your goal. You can protect yourself against this by making more than one investment, and making more than one type of investment. This is called diversification – not putting all of your eggs in one basket.


Risk isn’t bad; it’s a normal part of investing. You can get the opportunity to receive
if you have clear goals and attitude to risks. There are seven main types of risk which are
risk, inflation risk, currency risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk, credit risk and inflation risk while only two types of investment are defined. When you put your money in lower risk investments, your prediction about future returns might be true but your money could be worth less if it doesn’t keep up with the
growth. By contrast, higher risk investments, especially the long-term ones, can bring you much money although their value can change regularly. In conclusion, even when you do a lot of research, your investments still can
. Therefore, making more types of
is essential in order to reach your goal.



Risk investments, especially the long term ones can change regularly

When is nonstandard punctuation acceptable in thematic writing?
o in supporting details that have little importance
O in the theme statement
O in dialogue or a dialogue-like stream of thought
0 in the insights of concluding paragraphs


In dialogue or a dialogue like stream of thought

Nonstandard punctuation is accepted in  in dialogue or a dialogue-like stream of thought in thematic writing. Thus, option second is correct.

What is Punctuation?

Punctuation is the application of spacing, customary signals, and specific typographical elements to help comprehension and accurate reading of textual content, either read silently or loudly.

To communicate extra meaning, Nonstandard punctuation creative marks go beyond the traditional comma, period, question mark, exclamation point, or semicolon. It is used at the time of dialogue written in the thematic form.

In thematic writing, nonstandard punctuation is acceptable in dialogue or a dialogue-like flow of ideas. Therefore, it can be concluded that second fourth is correct.

Learn more about Punctuation here:



A research skills about poverty?​



poverty is a state of mind


People with negative attitude and weak perception will always think they are poor and this mentality of people is blocking themselves to be rich and happy. ... Money does not guarantee happiness and having a positive mindset is the only thing you need.


i hope it helped u


make a sentence which has a complex noun phrase as od



is there free but I like brainly poits

Which sentence from the passage contains objective language?
(A) "Robots have been around longer than many people realize
(paragraph 4)

(B)“Will humans become too dependent on machines and lose
the ability to do things for themselves?" (paragraph 2)

(c)"Instead of hiring workers to perform tasks on an assembly
line, factory owners used automated machines that could do
the work of several people." (paragraph 5)

(d)"There was a time when robots and home automation were
just a fantasy." (paragraph 1)


The sentence from the passage contains objective language is (c)"Instead of hiring workers to perform tasks on an assembly

line, factory owners used automated machines that could do

the work of several people." (paragraph 5)

What is an Objective Language?

This refers to the use of words that is free from bias and makes use of facts only that can be verified.

Hence, we can see that although the complete text is not provided, I can make an inference about the objective language used and this would be option C because it states it in a matter-of-fact manner.

Read more about objective language here:



communication is always a
a. one
b. two





no explanation for this answer

He said to me, "Do you like ice-cream?" (Change the sentence into reported speech​



Do you like ice cream he said.


You need to change the person or tense.

Which of the following sentences uses the active voice?
O The tiller was pulled hard to starboard, but the strength of the breeze was too weak to move the boom.
O That blue sailboat is going to run aground if the keel isn't pulled up soon!
o Waves were breaking over the railing, so lifejackets were put on quickly.
The best sailors somehow sense a coming wind shift and react almost before it happens.


That blue sailboat….

What does Captain Black's age signify about Bradbury's futuristic
conjecture of earth and science?
The martin chronicles third expedition




Why is Effective Writing important even during the Age of Technology?



writing abilities channelize your knowledge and brain to the point of value.

They didnt notice that I was crying
They didnt notice that I was sad
They didnt notice that I was tired
They didnt notice that I was alone.
They didnt notice how attractive I was.
They didnt notice how sweet I actually am
They didnt notice how I actually to make other people smile.

They did notice my failing grades
They did notice my unattractiveness
They did notice the mean side of me
They did notice all of my mistakes
They did notice all of my flaws
They did notice that I wasn't good enough for them.


Wow when you read this you really notice how some people really are and how others are hurting, but it is true how people only pay attention to the things you do wrong and how they never support you and only bring you down.

write a 700-900 word essay that examines the cultural traditional and artistic context of the chapter and painting from the ramayana


The essay that you have been asked to do is an exploratory essay. In type of essay, you are required to do your research on referenced chapter and state your position, buttressing them with evidence from the text.

How do you write an exploratory essay?

An exploratory essay starts with research, during which you highlight points that will form as a collection of support for the position which you take based on your conviction.

It is to be noted that your essay must be arranged using the following outline:

Captivating IntroductionDetailed BodyStrong Conclusion.

Learn more about essays at:

6. Thanks to the successful launch of its latest model, Alberto Camera’s year-end -----
-- is projected to be the highest it has been in ten years.
(A) profit
(B) profited
(C) profitable
(D) profitably
8. A new schedule has been proposed as an ------- to the existing one in order to meet
the deadline.
(A) alternative
(B) altematives
(C) alternatively
(D) altemativeness
9. Consultants from JNB argued that online ----- -- will be the most cost-effective way
for The Bath Shop to attract younger customers.
(A) market
(B) marketed
(C) marketing
(D) marketable
10. Although they look ------- identical to the untrained eye, these two models of
printers actually feature completely different options.
(A) near
(B) nearly
(C) nearness
(D) nearing
11. After conducting an ----- -- review of Dr. Kaira’s proposal, the board of directors
decided to provide full funding for the research project.
(A) extent
(B) extensive
(C) extensiveness
(D) extensively


Below are the answers







30. To my horror, my wedding dress looked stained, torn and it had wrinkles * 1 point a. To my horror, my wedding dress looked stained, torn, and wrinkled. b. To my horror, my wedding dress looked like it had stained, torn and it had wrinkles c. To my horror, my wedding dress looked which was stained, torn and it had wrinkles d. To my horror, my wedding dress looked stain, tear and wrinkled​


Wedding wrinkles horror stained

Read the passage from Animal Farm.

"You have heard then, comrades," he said, "that we pigs now sleep in the beds of the farmhouse? And why not? You did not suppose, surely, that there was ever a ruling against beds? A bed merely means a place to sleep in. A pile of straw in a stall is a bed, properly regarded. The rule was against sheets, which are a human invention. We have removed the sheets from the farmhouse beds, and sleep between blankets. And very comfortable beds they are too! But not more comfortable than we need, I can tell you, comrades, with all the brainwork we have to do nowadays. You would not rob us of our repose, would you, comrades? You would not have us too tired to carry out our duties? Surely none of you wishes to see Jones back?"

The animals reassured him on this point immediately, and no more was said about the pigs sleeping in the farmhouse beds. And when, some days afterwards, it was announced that from now on the pigs would get up an hour later in the mornings than the other animals, no complaint was made about that either.

Which statement supports the idea that this passage is an allegory for totalitarian propaganda?

The animals agree that they do not wish to see Jones back.
The animals want the pigs to sleep in the farmhouse beds.
The animals support the pigs’ decision to sleep an extra hour.
The animals do not complain about pigs in power breaking rul


Answer: ''You would not rob us of our repose, would you, comrades? You would not have us too tired to carry out our duties? Surely none of you wishes to see Jones back?''


This statement supports the idea that this passage is an allegory for totalitarian propaganda because Jones is a demeaning authoritative figure that they do not wish to see returning, he does not allow them to sleep on comfortable beds so they can complete their ''slave'' duties properly.

1.You will meet the tour guide on your …………………at the hotel. (ARRIVE)
2. She felt ………………………that she passed the exam. (RELIEF)
3. Could you give me a …………………………...., please? (BAND)
4. Huong’s listening skill is ………………………and she really needs to improve it. (SATISFY)
5. After many years of ………………, Edison finally succeeded in inventing the light bulb. (FAIL)
6. She owes her ……………………..largely to her sense of humor. (POPULAR)
7. Joe and Kate want to visit an …………………………..institute. (OCEAN)
8. Giang put ………………….…on that towel to stop the bleeding. (PRESS)
9. The lovers stood, hand in hand, gazing at the …….………….sky. (STAR)
10. The new film is …………………….....…good. (EXCEPTION







Did you enjoy the flight? (both)​



yes a lot ,.......isjejdhdjdndnnd

What does this meannnn

please answer me please its urgent​



l. do. sing.

they. play. in. the. garden


is this a question tag

or what

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