Write a Narrative Essays on Give an account of a fearful experience you have had. Your essay should be about two hundred and fify words


Answer 1


I still can remember that day; the memory is fresh on my mind. It was during the summer holidays of 2017. I was with my family in Hawaii. We decided to go to a beach with clifts.

The beach was one of the nicest places I have ever seen. The blue water, the palm trees, the sun shining above my head,  warming the white sand under my bare feet, it was such a nice place. The most peculiar thing about that beach was the cliff and how the people jumped from it to the sea. Some locals were experts and did some tricks while on the air; others just dived straight into the water.

I had been watching all of them along with my brother. We were lying on the sand, under a shade, when he tells me -I bet that you would never jump from there, you are always scared of everything- I felt offended, so, I told him - Well you are wrong, to prove my point, I'm going to jump. What about you?-

He looked at me with a shocked expression, and when I stood up, he did too. Silently we walked towards the cliff. Ten minutes later, we were there, it was much higher than what I had thought, but I couldn't go back.

My brother looked at me and told me -See you- Then he stood on the edge, and with a  jump in the air, he was gone. Now it was my turn. My heart was beating fast; my palms were sweating; I was on the cliff's edge but couldn't dare to move. It was so simple, I just had to give a little jump, but I couldn't.

Suddenly, a local man came to me and told me -I was as scared as you, the first time, but trust me, it is one of the best feelings in the world. 5-year-old kids are jumping. If they can do it, you can too-

I took a deep breath and jumped. I was in the air, flying, the wind was on my face, I felt free. Then, I felt something cold and wet touch my feet, my legs, and the rest of my body. I did it!.

Once I had emerged from under the water, I looked at my brother and told him - let's do it again!-.

It was the most fearful experience I have had, but I am thankful that I faced my fear and jumped. It made me realize that I can do anything that I want and that the limits are in my head. I  have to be brave enough to face them.


In a narrative essay, we have to describe an experience such as an anecdote, or we can tell a story. In this case, we describe a fearful experience, which was jumping from a cliff.

The narrative has to be in chronological order. We have to describe all the previous events that led us to the principal part of the narrative, which was the jumping moment. We have to tell the reader how the story ends. Also, in the last paragraph, we have to write a reflection about that situation.

Describing the feelings and the place is an important part of the narrative since it helps the reader to imagine the scenario and comprehend what you felt in that moment.

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II. Put the verb into either the gerund (-ing) or the infinitive (with 'to'):
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9) I've finished ............................... (cook) - come and eat!
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18) I don't want (leave) ..................................... yet.





to come



to speak


to carry


to study


to come

to help

to bring

to visit

to go

to start

to leave

If a poet uses words that appeal to the senses of the reader, she is using imagery.





yes, correct when a poet uses words that appeal to the senses of the reader the poet is using imagery because the reader can now make an image of what the poet is talking about based off of their senses

IV – Complete the sentences using “Will” or “Going to”.
1. Look at those black clouds. It (rain).
2. I felt terrible. I think I sick. (be)
3. Tom here at about 8 o’clock. (probably/ get)
4. I think Sarah the present we bought for her. (like)
5. We my grandparents this evening. (visit)
6. “Gary phoned you while you were out”. “OK , I ……. him back. (call)
7. This cheese looks horrible. I it. ( not eat)
8. Tom the exam. He hasn’t studied hard enough. (not/pass)
9. “Are you going out this morning?” “No, I my room. (tidy)
10. television this evening? (you/watch)



1. Look at those black clouds. It will rain.

2. I felt terrible. I think I am going to be sick.  

3. Tom will probably get here at about 8 o’clock.  

4. I think Sarah will like the present we bought for her.  

5. We are going to visit my grandparents this evening.  

6. “Gary phoned you while you were out”. “OK , I will call him back.  

7. This cheese looks horrible. I am not going to eat it.  

8. Tom will not pass the exam. He hasn’t studied hard enough.  

9. “Are you going out this morning?” “No, I will tidy my room.  

10. Are you going to watch television this evening?


For whom is this passage most likely intended?



Tourists are the intended audience


words like "visual trademark" , "classic view", "preferably at sunset", and also the descriptive history of the House indicates that the passage is intended to attract tourists. No historians would be interested in the view of the House, nor would they be invested in watching the sunset from the House.

During the writing process, which activity is completed in the planning step?

choosing a topic
rearranging content
checking for spelling errors
creating a rough draft
refining sentence structure


During the writing process, the activity that is completed in the planning step is option D. creating a rough draft

What is the writing process?

During the planning step, the writer creates a rough draft by putting their initial ideas and thoughts down on paper. The rough draft is a preliminary version of the final document and is typically not polished or refined. The writer uses the rough draft to experiment with ideas, organize their thoughts, and determine the structure of the final document.

Therefore, Creating a rough draft during the planning step allows the writer to see how their ideas will flow and develop, and to make changes and revisions before the document is finalized. It also helps the writer to identify any gaps in their research or information, and to determine what additional research may be needed.

Learn more about writing process on:



. The librarian asked us_________so much noise.
A. not to make B. no make C. not making D. don’t make



A. Not to make.

The answers is A, Not to make so much noise.

Where ____?
have you been
are you been
has you been
have you were

¿cual es lacorrecta?



Where have you been?


good luck, hope this helps.

Here’s just a filler answer so you can give the other guy brainliest. He got it right

Rewrite the following sentence;

A. I am not interested in football. My brother is also not interested in football.

B. Neither........​



neither of us is intreseted in football


i dont really know but hope it helps

family. This her
Which claim could use the excerpts given above as textual support?


thought fcugfvzzzgzzffzzzzgggg

Read the passage from a letter that President Jimmy Carter wrote to Congress in 1977.

This message brings together a great variety of programs. It deals not only with ways to preserve the wilderness, wildlife, and natural and historical resources which are a beautiful and valued part of America's national heritage: it deals also with the effects of pollution, toxic chemicals, and the damage caused by the demand for energy. Each of these concerns, in its own way, affects the environment; and together they underscore the importance of environmental protection in all our lives.

Which statement best describes the overall claim?

The wilderness and the rest of nature contain beauty and value for all Americans.
Pollution and the amount of energy people use have negative effects on the environment.
Americans have many concerns about the environment and how it is being affected.
Protecting the environment is essential for maintaining Americans’ quality of life.



D but don't be surprised if it is C.


It's not A, much as we would like it to be. A only mentions 1 part.

Same thing with B. That's the other half that A is missing.

C is true, but the better answer is D.

D is the underlying need that Americans have to maintain the quality of life possessed. The needs must be addressed the same way as letting the environment thrive.

Answer: D / last option


2023 edge , just a more simple answer than the first persons , in case anyone was confused lol

I wish I ______ you some money for your rent, but I am broke myself.

A.can lend

B.could lend

C.will lend

D.would lend



C)will lend

Is the right answer


I wish I could lend you some money for your rent, but I am broke myself.


What is a good hook to start off a paragraph about why certain books should not be banned from schools and libraries?




censorship goes against the very values that are the reasons for the ban in the first place

if a book is offensive to you

it goes against your values

it brings about a feeling of being offended

if this is by design by the author (like mark twain/) then youd be banning someone who agrees with you

if an author is offending you on purpose (like hitler in mein kampf)

then you are depriving others of feeling that way because now the book is banned

you are also depriving others of disproving others who agree with offensive material

those who agree will feel special having offensive material because now it is "underground" so to speak

soviet union ran into this problem when they banned american/western literature

Part 1.
Exercise 1: Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
1/A. activity
B. annual
C. annoucement D. anniversary
2. A. spirit
B. stimulate
C. maximum D. childish
3. A. society
B. remote
D. cosy
4. A. representative B. general
C. refreshment
D. celebrate
5. A.) marathon
B. enthusiastic C. ethnic
D. smoothly
6. A. effective
B. eradicate
C. enthusiatic D. effort
7. A. campaign B. clap
C. craft
D. gratitude
8. A. mutual
B) universal
C. usual
D. survey
9. A. strategy
B. gerneral
C. geography D. great
10.A. minority B. martyr
C. cosy
D. loyalty
11. A. charity
B. gratitude
C. craft
D. attitude
12.A. donation B. remote
D. minority
18.A. yesidential
B. refreshment
C. remote
D. remember
14.A. issue
B. minority
C. childish
D. brighten
15. A. clear
B. near
C. bear
D. hear




C D C D A D D D B B C 12 thiếu 18 B A C

BRAINLIEST if correct! +20 pts

Select the adjective phrase to complete the sentence.

Alexa held the bouquet _______.

A. of white roses

B. in a tight grip

C. with her right hand

D. and smiled brightly



Alexa held the bouquet of white roses


Adjective - is a phrase or word that describes the noun.

Example: I had a rose gold iPhone.- iPhone is the noun while rose gold is the adjective.

[tex]\tt{ \green{P} \orange{s} \red{y} \blue{x} \pink{c} \purple{h} \green{i} e}[/tex]

HELPPPP PLEASEE think about the expectations placed on simone biles leading up to the 2021 olympics, not only expectations from herself or her coaches, but from the entire nation. how do you imagine that might feel ?


I would imagine that would feel very pressuring mentally to do perfect and win the gold. That must be very pressuring towards her.

What is blocking?
A. Taking ideas further
B. Asking constructive questions
C. Directing the discussion
D. Stopping work by being negative, interrupting, or talking about something else
Reset Selection



d. stopping work by being negative, interrupting, or talking about something else.


Problems and opportunities created by Corona virus​



coronavirus has brought alot of changes ..some are negative and others are positive,that is to say,the positive changes are the opportunities and negative changes are problems

to start with are the problems and these include

,, coronavirus has led to delay in education as for students in some countries ain't schooling til now

,,it has led to death of people since it is a disease.alot of death rates are encountered

,,it has led to standstill in some businesses like those that are not government aided.i mean private ones,

,,due to standstill in businesses , people have become poor because they don't work

,,it has led to breakup of families as in like due to poverty...etc

some opportunities are

,,it has led to emergency of some businesses like mask making, sanitizer sort

,,it has led to development of medical jobs since they now treat on high rates of payments

,,it has led to improvement in hand craft making like mask making

,,it led to unity of some families since some busy parents are not busy now due to standstill in some businesses


hope it helps....if yes..mark brainiest.

Answer: I'm not sure but by my opinion

The problem would be people lost their jobs, losing love once, many companies went bankrupt, people don't know what to do at home ( cause them to become lazy)

The opportunities would be

families have more time together

people can finally explore their hobbies and talents


Explain Holden’s confusion about his own assertiveness.


Holden from what story?

Please help me from 1 to 20 please



1.f. 2.ro. 3.s 4.f. 5.s 6.ro 7.ro

Which of the following is the correct way to punctuate this statement?
A. I have to tell Carl about the movie he would love it.
B. I have to tell Carl about the movie: he would love it.
c. I have to tell Carl about the movie, he would love it.
D. I have to tell Carl about the movie; he would love it.
Reset Selection


Answer: C

Explanation: hope it helps

7. What type of irony is found in the final paragraph when Jim says, "They're too nice
to use just at present"?
a. situational irony
b. dramatic irony
c verbal irony
d. no irony


the answer is c verbal irony

Question 1. We paid through the_________ to get the car fixed.
A. head B. nose C. lips D. mouth



I Think money


because you need lot of money

One who tricks other is bound to get tricked



what do you mean.?????????


hmm what are trying to say


is it a que or a tjought

The difference between responding to life as a Victim or a Creator is how we choose to use our





Sociology can be defined as a social science that deals with the study of the socio-cultural interaction of humans with respect to the structure, functioning and development of their society.

The main purpose of sociology is to develop and enhance human knowledge or understanding of important socio-cultural processes through the gathering and analysis of all aspects of the social life of the people living in a society.

A victim can be defined as an individual or person that is at the receiving end of an unfortunate circumstance (bad events) in life and as such may be regarded as a pessimist.

A creator can be defined as an individual or person that believes there exist an option that would always lead him or her to successfully achieving his or her goal, aim, aspiration, dream, etc. Thus, a creator is an optimistic individual who uses the power of wise choices while making creator choices everytime in life.

In this context, the difference between responding to life as a victim (who is an underachiever) or a Creator (who excel in his or her endeavor) is how we choose to use our energy.

This ultimately implies that, a victim would most likely use his or her energy negatively while a creator would positively use his energy to always make wise choices in life.

Sentence that states subject and controlling idea in paragraph what's the term?



The "topic sentence" is the sentence in which the main idea of the paragraph is stated. It is unquestionably the most important sentence in the paragraph. The topic sentence generally is composed of two parts: (a) the topic itself and (b) the controlling idea. The Topic. The topic is the subject of the paragraph.



What is \redD{\text{A}}Astart color #e84d39, start text, A, end text, end color #e84d39 rounded to the nearest ten?



I don't know anything about this one

A gift wrapped box that wants to become a human in comic strip form mine is a Chamaeleon and a human who is helping to get her into a human form


A gift wrapped box is a comic strip in which a gift box wants to become a human and experience this live events.

It wants to feel free and move freely just like the humans do.

The gift wrapped box feels that it has been in a prison and it is dependent on others to move from one place to another.

This is a comic strip which excites the reader and amuse them with the thoughts of a wrapped gift box.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24384699

Edgar Allan Poe The great American writer Edgar Allan Poe is known for his haunting poetry and his literary criticism. His skill as a critic had great influence on the writing of his time; it also earned him enemies. Poe led a life that can only be described as tragic, yet he left an indelible mark on American literature. Considering its tone and language, who would be the most likely audience for this passage



Who loves the horror stories.


The most likely audience for this passage are those who loves to read and hear horror stories because Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories and tales of mystery and the macabre. Those people who love mystery and the macabre stories can be the audience of his stories while on the other hand, those people who did not like mystery and the macabre stories have to far from his stories because the person did not like it.

Please don't make a noise. I (work). (correct tense)​


Please don't make noise. I am working.


Please don't make a noise. I am working.

3. Fill in the blanks with "a / an / the or θ (without articles)". (Điền “a/an/ the hoặc θ (không cần mạo từ)” vào chỗ trống).
1. There is _____ cat and _____ dog are playing in the yard. _____ cat is small and nice, _____ dog is a little bigger and nice, to 2. He’s got ____ expensive car. ____ car is very beautiful and modern. He likes ____ car ____ lot. 3. It took her _____ hour to wait for _____ children. 4. _____ earth goes around _____ sun.
5. What’s _____ matter with you? - I’ve got headache.
6. What’s _____ time? - _____ time is money. 7. What’s _____ time? - It’s _____ quarter past ten.
8. His brother is studying in _____ university in _____ United States of America. 9. In _____ end, they agreed to travel by _____ sea. 10. Yesterday I went to ____ school by ____ bus because my bike had been broken down.



1. a& a & a & the

2. an & the & a &a

hope it's will help you

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