Write a paragraph about the importance of a community work in which you want to be involved in.​


Answer 1

Though, the concept of community service is not very new its importance has developed in the past few years. There are thousands of organizations all over the world that engage and hold millions of young people all through the world. People of all age groups, with a maximum number of youth are involved in the process of community service. Community-based organizations include; social service organizations, non-profit providers and associations that engage both young people as well adults as volunteers. The process is beneficial both for the individuals as well as the society. Without community service people would not know the meaning of charity and giving back. Community service can be defined as a service that is performed for the benefit of the public. Community service is not a responsibly or an obligation; it is a commitment. A person must want to do it with good intentions and not because they are being forced to do so. Basically, community service is a way for a person to give back to a community in which they live.

Related Questions

John is a typical student. He usually ……………… on the lessons.

pays attention





The answer Is A, he pays attention.



1. Match the words with their correct meanings. a. communicate i. a person who spends most of the time with you b. tantrums ii. worthy of attention, striking, notably unusual c. companion iii. share or exchange information with others d. accomplish iv. a difficult or unlucky situation e. inspire V. a great victory or achievement f. remarkable vi. continuing to try g. determination vii. persuade, encourage, motivate tie h. triumph viii. childish display of bad temper i. adversity ix. very large e j. overwhelming x. will power, resolution k. persistence xi. achieve or complete successfully.​



a. communicate - iii. share ot exchangr information with others

b. tantrums - childish display of bad temper

c. companion - i. a person who spends time with you

d. accomplish - xi. achieve or complete successfully

e. inspire - vii. persuade, encourage, motivate

f. remarkable - ii. worthy of attention, striking, notably unusual

g. determination - x. will power,

h. triumph - v. a great victory

i. adversity - iv. a difficult or unlucky situation

j. overwhelming - ix. very large

k. persistence - vi. continuing to try

The correct matchings of the words to their meanings are:

a. communicate - iii. share or exchange information with othersb. tantrums - childish display of bad temperc. companion - i. a person who spends time with you

What is a Word Meaning?

This refers to the definition that is given to a word and things that are related to it when used in a sentence.

The other answers are:

d. accomplish - xi. achieve or complete successfullye. inspire - vii. persuade, encourage, motivatef. remarkable - ii. worthy of attention, striking, notably unusualg. determination - x. will power,h. triumph - v. a great victoryi. adversity - iv. a difficult or unlucky situationj. overwhelming - ix. very largek. persistence - vi. continuing to try

Read more about communication here:



if you read more we learn more if we learn more we become smarter write an essay on the importance of reading​



‘Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers’.  -Charles W. Elio-

A child's reading skills are important to their success in school as they will allow them to access the breadth of the curriculum and improve their communication and language skills. In addition, reading can be a fun and imaginative time for children, which opens doors to all kinds of new worlds for them.  

As part of our curriculum review at NAISAK, we have identified ‘reading’ as a key area for development and will be included in the school’s strategic development plan. With a busy timetable, teachers currently do not have enough time to listen to their children read as much as they would like to. That said, from today we have made some adjustments to the start of the day with the registration period being extended to 20 minutes, with a slightly shorter first lesson. This will allow students from across the Primary Stage to all start their day reading to either their teacher, learning support assistant, buddy or on their own. Additionally, all Primary teachers, including the Leadership Team, have new reading timetables allowing them to listen to individual readers who have been identified as needing extra support for a number of hours per week. We are hopeful that the changes made to both the students and teachers’ timetables will prove impactful and will help to accelerate reading progress across the Primary School. We will continue to update you over the coming term with further reading initiatives.

Why is reading so important?

Studies show that reading for pleasure makes a big difference to children’s educational performance. Likewise, evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who do not, but also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures.

In fact, reading for pleasure is more likely to determine whether a child does well at school than their social or economic background.

What difference can I make as a parent?

You can make a huge difference! Parents are the most important educators in a child’s life – even more important than their teachers – and it is never too early to start reading together.

Even before they were born, babies learn to recognise their parents' voices. Reading to your baby from birth, even for just a few minutes a day, gives them the comfort of hearing your voice and increases their exposure to language.


Which sentence in this excerpt from the Declaration of Independence indicates that the colonists did not wish to remain hostile toward Great Britain in the future? in every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends


The sentence you would use would be:
We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

The exam will consist__ two sections.(fill the blank space)​





If you are feeling short on words you should “pad” the essay. True or false


Answer: FALSE

You should never "pad" an essay because that reads as repetitive. Instead, use more details or varied sentence structure to make it longer. Hope this helps!

paragraph made of idioms​








To what degree do you think the authors view is shared by the others in the store listening to the broadcast? Champion of the world


2nd degree because it’s just too much feeling

Match each area of study with its definition.
A. phonetics
C. semantics
E. morphology
G. psycholinguistics
I. nuerolinguistics
B. phonology
D. syntax
F. applied linguistics
H. sociolinguistics
J. anthropological linguistics
1. a study of language in relation to the brain
2. a study of language in relation to the mind
3. a study of word-formation systems
4. a study of language in relation to social diversity
5. a study of how human sounds are produced
6. a study of how sounds function in language
7. a study of language in relation to culture
8. a study of how meaning is conveyed in language
9. a study of how sentences are structured
10. a study of linguistic principles in relation to language teaching


1. I

2. G

3. E

4. H

5. A

6. B

7. J

8. C

9. D

10. F

In to build a fire what happens to the dog at the end of the story?



By the end of the story, he dies as a result of his arrogance. Through this story, London shows how the man's demise is due to his humanity and lack of knowledge when entering this journey. Also, he shows that the dog survives because of following its instincts which is something that the man does not pay attention to.


Here you go

which of the following is not a required step when you create a research question?



its answer is hypothesis

Hypothesis is the correct answer

Read the passage.

Jeremy spent all weekend cramming for a test on time management. When he got to school, he realized the test wasn’t until the following week.
Which literary device did the author use in the passage?





the use of "but"

Write an informative essay analyzing the role of the Odysseus’ journey in contemporary culture. Include a description of the elements of the hero’s journey and analyze how those elements are reflected in a contemporary hero story or movie. Compare contemporary hero journeys to those you read in Ulysses' journey as found in Bulfinch’s Mythology. Finally, analyze the popularity of hero journeys in culture today.

Your paper should include a thesis statement, key points, supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Follow the rules of grammar and usage. All of your sources should be correctly cited, using the format found in the MLA Style Guide format for in-text citations and providing a works-cited list. to view the MLA Style Guide.

View the rubric, Essay: An Analysis of the Hero's Journey in Contemporary Culture, for requirements and assessment details.





Write an informative essay analyzing the role of the Odysseus’ journey in contemporary culture. Include a description of the elements of the hero’s journey and analyze how those elements are reflected in a contemporary hero story or movie. Compare contemporary hero journeys to those you read in Ulysses' journey as found in Bulfinch’s Mythology. Finally, analyze the popularity of hero journeys in culture today.

Your paper should include a thesis statement, key points, supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Follow the rules of grammar and usage. All of your sources should be correctly cited, using the format found in the MLA Style Guide format for in-text citations and providing a works-cited list. to view the MLA Style Guide.

View the rubric, Essay: An Analysis of the Hero's Journey in Contemporary Culture, for requirements and assessment details.


please mark me brainlist

He is ________ man who stole my bicycle. (Choose suitable determiner) ​




I hope this will help you

how to address gender based violence​


The best way to address gender based violence is to get into contact with the police or a counselor, based on the level of violence.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Read the passage. (1) The umbrella dates back more than 3,000 years to Mesopotamia. (2) That ancient land was located in the Middle East. (3) The Middle East is a hot and sunny part of the world. (4) Royalty there demanded protection from the sun. (5) People developed the umbrella for this purpose. (6) Use of the umbrella as a sunshade then spread to ancient Europe. (7) In fact, if you analyze the origin of the word umbrella,you will see that it reflects the umbrella’s original purpose. (8) Umbrella comes from the Latin word umbra. (9) Umbra means “shade.” (10) Eventually, the Romans used the umbrella to protect themselves from the rain. (11) They used the umbrella to protect themselves from the sun as well. (12) Today, umbrellas are used mainly as raingear. Which is the most effective way to combine sentences 10 and 11? Eventually, the Romans used the umbrella to protect themselves from the rain as well as the sun. Eventually using the umbrella as protection from the rain as well as the sun, the Romans. Eventually, the Romans using the umbrella to protect themselves from the rain as well as the sun. Eventually, the Romans used for protection from the rain as well as the sun, the umbrella.


It shows that it’s 10 but it shows that it’s 202 because you know it shows that it shows the Middle Eastern people have been seen today and umbrellas to protect her self as essential so many people see that as a bad thing and a good thing so your opinion is to show number one

Write an essay on corona virus and its impact on human life​



The CO.VID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and presents an unprecedented challenge to public health, food systems and the world of work. The economic and social disruption caused by the pandemic is devastating: tens of millions of people are at risk of falling into extreme poverty, while the number of undernourished people, currently estimated at nearly 690 million, could increase by up to 132 million by the end of the year.

Millions of enterprises face an existential threat. Nearly half of the world’s 3.3 billion global workforce are at risk of losing their livelihoods. Informal economy workers are particularly vulnerable because the majority lack social protection and access to quality health care and have lost access to productive assets. Without the means to earn an income during lockdowns, many are unable to feed themselves and their families. For most, no income means no food, or, at best, less food and less nutritious food.

The pandemic has been affecting the entire food system and has laid bare its fragility. Border closures, trade restrictions and confinement measures have been preventing farmers from accessing markets, including for buying inputs and selling their produce, and agricultural workers from harvesting crops, thus disrupting domestic and international food supply chains and reducing access to healthy, safe and diverse diets. The pandemic has decimated jobs and placed millions of livelihoods at risk. As breadwinners lose jobs, fall ill and die, the food security and nutrition of millions of women and men are under threat, with those in low-income countries, particularly the most marginalized populations, which include small-scale farmers and indigenous peoples, being hardest hit.

Life before the pandemic




Life before the pandemic was full of relationships and outings. It was a life that was constantly taken for granted because it had always been our normal.  We never had to worry about forgetting our mask at home or staying 6 feet apart from another human. It was normal.

Is it ok to use Double contractions when speaking (like I'd've,she'll've etc)Do natives understand them,,.​



It’s better to not use contractions while talking in English. Personally, it sounds a bit weird when contractions are used.


She has visited her grandparents, ___?
Select one:
a. hasn't she
b. has she
c. doesn't she
d. does she



a. hasn't she


Present perfect with negative tags

Tag questions (or question tags) turn a statement into a question. They are often used for checking information that we think we know is true.

Tag questions are made using an auxiliary verb (for example: be or have) and a subject pronoun (for example: I, you, she). Negative question tags are usually contracted: It's warm today, isn't it (not 'is it not')

Usually if the main clause is positive, the question tag is negative, and if the main clause is negative, it's positive. For example: It's cold (positive), isn't it (negative)? And: It isn't cold (negative), is it (positive)?

If the main clause has an auxiliary verb in it, you use the same verb in the tag question. If there is no auxiliary verb (in the present simple and past simple) use do / does / did (just like when you make a normal question).

There is one weird exception: the question tag after I am is aren't I.

For example: I'm in charge of the food, aren't I?

Read the paragraph.

[1] Studies have shown that kids who eat healthy food have more energy. [2] When students are more energized, they get better grades. [3] Still, half the Lincoln High students eat pizza at its lunchtime. [4] The school plans to start offering healthier options like salads and fruit as an alternative.

Which sentence contains a pronoun-antecedent error?
sentence 4
sentence 3
sentence 2
sentence 1



Answer: Sentence 3 contains a pronoun-antecedent error.


Answer: B

Explanation: i took the test on edge

He could understand it if you______it to him more clearly


mm he could understand it if you spoke to him more clearly, he could understand it if you translated it to him more clearly ^

Define fear is fear itself


need the rest of the question but fears actual definition is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. My definition would be something that causes unpleasant emotion and even unpleasant physical actions such as increased heart rate BP sweating even nausea

What are some slang terms that you use on a regular basis? What do these terms mean? Where do these term come from?


jit: term used mainly in florida meaning someone younger than you originated in florida

Packaging—the material we use to put products in—is everywhere, especially at grocery and
drug stores. Yogurt comes in plastic cups with aluminum tops covered by plastic lids. Razors are
in plastic cases wrapped in cardboard. Packaging is important—it keeps food fresh and safe to
eat. It protects products from damage. But it’s the greatest source of waste in many countries
around the world.
Packaging also hurts the environment. Packaging is made from many different materials.
Some of these materials, such as plastic, contain chemicals that pollute water and soil (dirt) and
are harmful to people and animals. In addition, to make packaging from paper, cardboard, and
wood, people must cut down trees. Fewer trees can lead to climate change and other serious
environmental problems. So what can we do to reduce all this packaging?
Everyone is concerned about packaging, including the people who use it the most,
manufacturers, people that create and package products. In the past, they overused packaging.
According to one government agency, manufacturers are beginning to reduce the amount of
packaging that they use. CDs are an example. In the past, they came in large cardboard
containers that were twice as big as the CDs inside them. Now, they come in small plastic boxes.
Soft drink manufacturers are putting drinks into thinner bottles and cans that use less material.
However, even though there is less waste from packaging, it’s still waste. We still have to do
something with it. Here’s what the average person can do: We can reduce the amount of
packaging that we buy, and when we do buy it, we can reuse it. We can reduce the amount of
packaging that we actually bring home by buying large-sized products that do more than one
thing, for example, laundry detergent that has fabric softener in it. We can reuse materials instead
of throwing them away. For example, we can use plastic or glass containers to store food, office
supplies, and other objects.
Reducing and reusing are just two ways to limit waste from packaging. There are many other
ways. Let’s all work together to reduce waste!

Which best describes the purpose and audience of this passage?
Multiple Choice
to inform packaging manufacturers of new ways to reduce the size of their packaging
to instruct government agencies in new ways to measure amounts of packaging
to entertain consumers by describing problems caused by small amounts of packaging
to persuade consumers to reduce the amount of packaging they use and throw away



to persuade consumers to reduce the amount of packaging they use and throw away


It talks about what consumers can do to reduce their packaging waste.

Which sentence is irrelevant to the central idea of the
O "How do these humors get out of balance?"
O "This is where the overlapping ideas of Elizabethan
medicine might leave you a little confused."
O "By far the most important cause is divine
O "People believe that illnesses may be sent to punish
them for a sin-or simply because God wants them
to die and go to Heaven."


Hi. You did not submit the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours, which showed the text that is attached below. In that case, I hope this answer can help you.


"How do these humors get out of balance?"


The main idea of the text is to show how medicine in Elizabethan times was different from the medicine we know today, as people believed that diseases had a divine nature and were some way of God punishing, or rescuing, a person. In this case, the sentence selected above is not relevant to the central idea of the text, since the central idea of a text is the main subject addressed by the author and in the text above, this subject refers to people's beliefs about diseases.


B. "This is where the overlapping ideas of Elizabethan"


100% on edge 21

Plz help me with the answer


the answer is dramatic irony

definition dna text medium?



its a promising storage medium capable of storing an abundance of data.

Which active reading technique appears to require the most effort on the part of a student?

A. Vocabulary notebook
B. Highlighting
C. Sticky notes
D. Researching


I would say D. Just because research takes a LOT of effort.

20 pts + BRAINLIEST!

(From Damon and Pythias)

How does Damon advance the plot of this story?

A. Damon spends time in jail awaiting Pythias's return, which creates surprise for readers.

B. Damon defends Pythias's actions when Dionysius mocks Damon's loyalty to Pythias, leading to the rising action of the story.

C. Damon agrees to pledge himself for Pythias's return, which shows Damon's loyalty for his friend, creating tension in the story.

D. Damon willingly goes to his execution, hoping his friend does not return, which leads to the climax of the story.

( I report spam answers )


How does Damon advance the plot of this story?


D. Damon willingly goes to his execution, hoping his friend does not return, which leads to the climax of the story.

Hope it is helpful to you ❣️☪️☺️

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