Write a program to input the radius of the base and height of a cylinder, and calculate and print the surface area, volume, and area of the base of the cylinder.According to the problem statement above, which of the following would be a data member?a) Radius of the baseb) Surface areac) Volumed) Input


Answer 1

Data members and member functions jointly determine the characteristics and actions of the objects in a Class. Data members are the variables that make up the data, and member functions are the methods used to modify these variables.

What are the data member in a program?

Members declared using any of the basic kinds as well as other types, such as pointer, reference, array types, bit fields, and user-defined types, are referred to as data members.

Any class may contain however many data members are necessary. The only situation in which a limitation might occur is when there is not enough memory.

Member data — information about the thing. Member functions — behavior-related aspects of the object-related functions A class is an object's blueprint. A class is a user-defined type that specifies the appearance of a certain type of object.

Therefore, radius, cylinder, print would be a data member.

Learn more about program here:



Related Questions

Which Windows installation method requires the use of Windows deployment services (WDS)?
1. Network Installation
2. Repair Installation
3. Bootable flash drive installation
4. Unattended installation​



1. Network Installation



Options (1) to (4)


Which requires WDS for installation

WDS are used for remote installations where users do not have to be physically present before installations can be done; in other words, it is necessary for network based installations.

Of all the given options, (a) is correct because without WDS, network installation cannot be done.

Imagine that you wanted to write a program that asks the user to enter in 5 grade values. The user may or may not enter valid grades, and you want to ensure that you obtain 5 valid values from the user. Which nested loop structure would you use?
A. A "for" loop inside of a "while" loop
B. A "while" loop inside of a "for" loop
C. None of the above
D. Either a or b would work


The type of nested loop which I would use to write the program is:

B. A "while" loop inside of a "for" loop

What is a Loop?

This refers to the control flow statement which is used to iterate and lets a particular line(s) of code execute repeatedly

With this in mind, we can see that the type of nested loop which I would use to write the program is a "while" loop inside of a "for" loop because it is a conditional statement that continues to ask for the certain valid grades until it gets the right one.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B

Read more about loops here:

(1)similarities between backspace key and delete key. (2) different between backspace key and delete key. (3) explain the term ergonomics. (4) explain the following. a click b right click c double click d triple click e drag and drop​




they are both editing keys

3.ergonomics are designed keying devices that alleviates wrist strain experienced when using ordinary keyboard for long hours


.a click is pressing and releasing the left mouse button onceright click is pressing the right mouse button once to display a short cut menu with commands from which a user can make a selectiondouble click is pressing the left button twice in rapid successiondrag and drop is where by the user drags an icon or item from one location on the screen to another.

Neymar machine that Run on electricity


"Neymar" = "name a"?

if so, well, there are many, like the little glowing box you use the type questions to the brainliest community, let it be a phone, a pc, or a molded Nintendo

if you meant Neymar indeed, I'm not sure if he runs on electricity, unless he is a soccer playing android somehow.

I need someone to explain gor me python coding!




Python is a computer programming language often used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis. Python is a general purpose language, meaning it can be used to create variety of different programs and isn't specialised for any specific problems

what is the role of media in our society, and how can we become responsible consumers producers of news and information in the digital age?​


1.Own your image, personal information and how these are used.Pay close attention to the 2.Terms of Use on apps and websites. ...

3.Obtain permissions when posting videos or 4.images of others on your networks. ...

Scrub your accounts. ...

5.Password diligence. ...

Spread love, not hate.

Marco travels often and does not have consistent wireless Internet service. He frequently uses his mobile phone service to provide Internet access to his tablet.

Which network type is Marco using?









For wireless devices like laptops, tablets, wireless desktops, and cellphones to communicate, a wireless LAN normally has a Wi-Fi router or wireless access point. A wireless LAN is essentially a LAN that doesn't use cables. Thus, option B is correct.

What are the PAN  network type is Marco using?

The computer network that links computers and other devices within a specific person's range is known as a personal area network (PAN). PAN stands for personal area network and gives a network range within a person's range, often within a range of 10 meters (33 feet).

A PAN is a network that primarily serves a tiny space, usually a single small room. It allows computer devices to share data and information with other nearby computers.

Therefore, Whereas in LAN, computers are connected via a network over a short distance, such as within a building, or in a single computer network made up of several computers.

Learn more about network type here:



You have two microservices that need to communicate with each other without holding up a thread on either end. One service will receive an ID and return a message once the job is complete.
Which communication framework should be used?
A.) Have a shared database that allows both
applications to read and write to the tables to share the data instead of having to communicate
B.) Use asynchronous messaging to send and receive messages between each microservice
C.) Abandon the microservice architecture so no interaction is needed
D.) Create a third service to handle the interaction between the services
E.) Use a RESTful architecture for both, send the ID through a POST, and ping the service with a GET until a response is available


Answer: E. Use a RESTful architecture for both, send the ID through a POST, and ping the service with a GET until a response is available.


Since there are two microservices that need to communicate with each other without holding up a thread on either end, the communication framework should be used is a RESTful architecture for both, send the ID through a POST, and ping the service with a GET until a response is available.

REST is a software architectural style which is used in defining the set of rules that be used for the creation of web services. The REST architecture allows requesting systems to be able to access and manipulate web resources.

If every company is now a technology company, then what does this mean for every student attending a business college




There are all sorts of possibilities for, say, inserting new technologies into existing processes. But most of these improvements are incremental. They are worth doing; in fact, they may be necessary for survival. No self-respecting airline, for instance, could do without an application that lets you download your boarding pass to your mobile telephone. It saves paper, can't get lost and customers want it.

But while it's essential to offer applications like the electronic boarding pass, those will not distinguish a company. Electronic boarding passes have already been replicated by nearly every airline. In fact, we've already forgotten who was first.



What is the link?


Output is the act of is the act of entering the data to the computer?​



Output is the act of the computer display information based on your input


Funny thing is that output is the exact opposite of what you just described

Identify the statement about Windows tasks that is FALSE.

To launch an application, click the Windows icon, select "All Programs," and then click an application.

The boot process is the process for powering off a computer.

A common way to shut down the computer’s operating system is by using the Start menu.

Users log into their accounts on the Welcome screen, before Windows is ready to use.


The statement about Windows tasks that is FALSE is

The boot process is the process for powering off a computer.

According to the question, we are to discuss about Windows tasks and how it works as regards to the computer.

As a result of this we can see that  in launching an application;

we need to click on Windows iconselect "All Programs," click an application.

Therefore, The boot process is not the process for powering off a computer.

Learn more about Windows tasks .


The statement that is false is: The boot process is the process for powering off a computer, which is the second option. The boot process is actually the process of starting or powering on a computer, not powering it off.

The boot process refers to the sequence of events that occur when a computer is powered on or restarted. It is the process of starting up the computer's hardware and loading the operating system into memory so that it is ready for use. During the boot process, the computer's firmware (such as the BIOS or UEFI) performs a series of checks and tests to ensure that the hardware components are functioning correctly. It then searches for the operating system on connected storage devices, such as the hard drive or solid-state drive, and loads it into memory.

Learn more about the boot process here.



Consider the following JavaScript code fragment:var greeting = function ( name ) {console.log ( name )}The best answer for what is wrong with this code is:Group of answer choices



name is a reserved word in JS and cannot be used as an identifier


From the group of answer choices provided the only one that may be a problem would be using the word name as a parameter. Although name is not a reserved word per say in JS it is in HTML, and since JS targets HTML it could cause some errors. This however does not prevent this code from running correctly. JS does not require semicolons anymore, and the opening and closing braces for a body of code does not need to be on their own lines. Also, variable names are not Strings and do not need to be inside quotes, even for console.log()

__________ makes the hardware usable, while __________ commands it to perform specific tasks. a.) The operating system, RAM b.) The CPU, RAM c.) The application software, the hard disk d.) The operating system, the application software



a then c


Without an operating system you just have a pile of metal, and the program contains code, which is just a series of commands


d.) The operating system, the application software

Write a recursive function named is_decreasing that takes as its parameter a list of numbers. It should return True if the elements of the list are strictly decreasing (each element in the array is strictly less than the previous one), but return False otherwise.





The term __________ denotes data that is being stored on devices like a universal serial bus (USB) thumb drive, laptop, server, DVD, CD, or server. The term __________ denotes data that exists in a mobile state on the network, such as data on the Internet, wireless networks, or a private network. A. data in transit, data on record B. data at rest, data in transit C. data in transit, data at rest D. data on record, data in motion



B. data at rest, data in transit


A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to effectively and efficiently create, store, modify, retrieve, centralize and manage data or informations in a database. Thus, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.

Generally, a database management system (DBMS) acts as an intermediary between the physical data files stored on a computer system and any software application or program.

Data at rest refers to a form of data that is stored on devices such as; a universal serial bus (USB) thumb drive, laptop, server, DVD, CD, or server.

Data in transit is simply any data that exists in a mobile or dynamic state on the network, such as data on the Internet, wireless networks, or a private network.

An engineer is configuring AMP for endpoints and wants to block certain files from executing. Which outbreak control method is used to accomplish this task


Question Completion with Options:

A. device flow correlation

B. simple detections

C. application blocking list

D. advanced custom detections


The outbreak control method that is used to accomplish the task of configuring AMP for endpoints and to block certain files from executing is:

C. application blocking list


The application blocking list creates a list of application files, which the AMP continuously tracks and analyzes to compare the file activities with previous cyber attacks.  Specifically, the AMP for Endpoints is a cloud-managed endpoint security solution, which provides a retrospective alert to prevent cyber-security threats, and rapidly detects, contains, and remediates malicious files on the endpoints.

continuously tracks and analyzes files and file activities across your systems, and compares these events to what preceded or happened in past attacks. If a file exhibits malicious behavior, the AMP provides you with a retrospective alert which enables you to stop a potential threat from succeeding.

Consider an Erlang loss system. The average processing time is 3 minutes. The average inter-arrival time is 3 minutes. The number of servers is 3. What is r (sometimes referred to as the offered load)



r = 1


Average processing time ( p ) = 3 minutes

Average inter-arrival time ( a ) = 3 minutes

number of servers ( m ) = 3

Determine the value of r

r ( offered load ) = p/a

                          = 3 / 3  = 1

∴ value of r ( offered load ) = 1

AWS's EC2 is primarily considered which type? OA OB. Maas O Claas O D. None of the above O E. Serverless​



IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

"Amazon takes the responsibility of networking, storage, server and virtualization and the user is responsible for managing the Operating System, middleware, runtime, data and application."

Which statement is accurate to describe a spreadsheet versus an Excel workbook?
a) worksheets have one or more workbooks.
b) workbooks have one or more worksheets.
c) workbooks are the same as word documents.
d) worksheets always refer to real paper.


C is the correct answer

Can someone compress this ipv6 address? 558c:0000:0000:d367:7c8e:1216:0000:66be



11111 Power 2 sovle ​


123,454,321. you just multiply 11111 by itself

how to not addUse methods to: 1. Get a String from the user at the command line 2. Populate an ArrayList of Character data (the wrapper class), with each char in the String represented as a separate Character element in the ArrayList 3. Output each Character to the command line, each on a separate line space into my array list




The following code is written in Java. It asks the user to enter a string. Then the program loops through the string and separates the string into an ArrayList of characters. Finally, it outputs each character separately on a its own line.

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("Enter a String: ");

       String answer = in.nextLine();

       ArrayList<Character> charsList = new ArrayList<>();

       for (int i = 0; i < answer.length(); i++) {



       for (char x: charsList) {





Irene llegó tarde al colegio_______________






A company is deploying NAFDs in its office to improve employee productivity when dealing with paperwork. Which of the following concerns is MOST likely to be raised as a possible security issue in relation to these devices?
A. Sensitive scanned materials being saved on the local hard drive
B. Faulty printer drivers causing PC performance degradation
C. Improperly configured NIC settings interfering with network security
D. Excessive disk space consumption due to storing large documents



D. Excessive disk space consumption due to storing large documents.


When a company is planning to use NAFDs in its office rather than paper work, the efficiency of employees will increase as unnecessary paper work takes time in handling and printing. When data is stored on disks there is a risk that employees store large or irrelevant files in the disk which will create storage issues.

To nest one structure within another structure, you a. define both structures and then create a data member of the nested structure type within the other structure b. create a container that holds objects of the nested structure type and then include the container within another structure c. define the nested structure within another structure



Hence the correct option is option a) define both structures and then create a data member of the nested structure type within the other structure.


To make Address nested to Employee, we've to define Address structure before and out of doors Employee structure and make an object of Address structure inside Employee structure.

For example, we may need to store the address of an entity employee in a structure.

7. Which control is used to display multiple records in List Form
a) Data Grid View b) Textbox c) Label d) Button



I think a is correct answer.




How do i connect WiFi on windows xp without icon?


Right click anywhere on your taskbar, and then click Properties. Step 2: Find and click the Notification Area tab on the top bar, and then find the section labeled with System icons, check the checkbox for Network. Last, click OK to finish it.


Right click anywhere on your taskbar, and then click Properties. Step 2: Find and click the Notification Area tab on the top bar, and then find the section labeled with System icons, check the checkbox for Network. Last, click OK to finish it.

Write a program get_price.py with a function get_price() that takes a dictionary of fruits as an argument and returns the name of the most expensive fruit. Each item of the dictionary includes: A key: the name of the fruit A value: the price of the fruit.



The program is as follows:

def get_price(fruits):

   AllPrice = fruits.values()

   value_iterator = iter(AllPrice)

   mostExpensive = next(value_iterator)  

   for item in fruits:

       if fruits[item]>=mostExpensive:

           mostExpensive = fruits[item]

           fruitName = item


fruits = {}

n = int(input("Number of Fruits: "))

for i in range(n):

   name = input("Fruit name: ")

   price = int(input("Fruit price: "))

   fruits[name] = price



This defines the get_price function

def get_price(fruits):

This gets all price in the dictionary fruit

   AllPrice = fruits.values()

This passes the values to a value iterator

   value_iterator = iter(AllPrice)

This initializes mostExpensive to the first price in the dictionary

   mostExpensive = next(value_iterator)

This iterates through the elements of the dictionary  

   for item in fruits:

If current element is greater than or equals most expensive

       if fruits[item]>=mostExpensive:

Set most expensive to the current element

           mostExpensive = fruits[item]

Get the corresponding fruit name

           fruitName = item

Print fruit name


The main begins here

This initializes the fruit dictionary

fruits = {}

This gets input for the number of fruits

n = int(input("Number of Fruits: "))

This is repeated for every inputs

for i in range(n):

Get fruit name

   name = input("Fruit name: ")

Get fruit price

   price = int(input("Fruit price: "))

Append name and price to dictionary

   fruits[name] = price

Call the get_price function


Draw AND, OR, XOR and XNOR gates with truth table and logic gates.




see picture. let me know if you have questions.

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