Write a story between 350 to 500 words which includes the sentence “would he be able to convince them"

(Make sure your story has a proper plot i.e., beginning, middle and end)


Answer 1

Hi. Writing a story is very personal and you should use your imagination and your ability to develop a text. For that reason, I can't write a story for you, but I can help you by showing you how to write a story and that's what I'm going to do below:

First, you need to think about the plot of your story and you can do this by deciding what you want to write about. Do you want to write about a new kid who has arrived at school? About a girl who falls in love with her best friend? How about a group of friends who live an adventure in an unknown land? Any story that your imagination wants to develop will be welcome.Next you should think about the characters. As your question asks for a story of 300 to 500 words, it would be important that you think of a few characters, as this story is small.You can even make a character the narrator of the story and everything is told from his point of view and with his perceptions.

Here is an example plot that you can use as a model to write your story: You can write about a boy who is studying to be a great illusionist. He wants to do magic tricks that surprise his family members at the next family dinner. He spent several weeks practicing magic tricks. Will he be able to convince the family that he can be a good illusionist?

You can find more information on writing a story in the following related question:



Related Questions

Select the correct texts in the passage.
Which two details in Daliah’s campaign speech support her challenge of the opposition’s claim that classroom libraries are sufficient?

To the avid readers out there, I know that we do not currently have a school librarian, and our access to the library is limited. This is unacceptable, and I intend to address the problem if you elect me as student president.

All of you are tired of spending your own money to buy books for the library and for yourselves. I understand that the school’s budget was reduced due to cuts in funding from the state. But how are we supposed to grow as readers if the library is closed most of the time and can only be used to conduct research as scheduled by homeroom teachers?

The school, in partnership with the PTA, conducts many fundraisers to provide funds for the sports teams and STEM activities. Yes, I understand the importance those two opportunities; however, research shows that the more access students have to books, the more student achievement improves on state and district assessments. Research also shows that the more we read, the more we learn about different cultures. The result is that we become more open minded, and we can develop more compassion and empathy for others. All of those things are important to our growth as students and as contributors to society.

To those arguing that our English and reading teachers have classroom libraries, I say that that’s not enough. Those teachers stock classroom libraries using their own money and donations from crowdfunding sources. They take those books with them when they move to other schools or jobs, and then a new teacher has to take time to rebuild that classroom library while readers are left high and dry. That’s unfair, don’t you think? Yes, school district should do a better job of ensuring all schools have libraries and librarians. Yes, schools should do a better job of finding ways to equally fund all initiatives on campus. So, I will present a solution until those in charge can do better.

I propose working with the PTA to increase fundraising efforts so that the campus can hire a part-time librarian. This part-time staff member will work on campus three days a week during the times when we have interventions, homeroom, and club time. Until we can find our part-time librarian, I will also start a petition to share a librarian with our neighboring elementary school to work on our campus twice a week for three hours in the afternoon.

Those teachers stock classroom libraries using their own money and donations from crowdfunding sources. They take those books with them when they move to other schools or jobs, and then a new teacher has to take time to rebuild that classroom library while readers are left high and dry.



the correct answer would be

Those teachers stock classroom libraries using their own money and donations from crowdfunding sources.


They take those books with them when they move to other schools or jobs, and then a new teacher has to take time to rebuild that classroom library while readers are left high and dry.


i marked all of them for the greater of all who see this

The two details in Daliah’s campaign speech that supports her challenge of the opposition’s claim that classroom libraries are sufficient are:

Those teachers stock classroom libraries using their own money and donations from crowdfunding sources. They take those books with them when they move to other schools or jobs, and then a new teacher has to take time to rebuild that classroom library while readers are left high and dry.

What is a Rebuttal?

This refers to the counterargument that is used to disprove a point about something.

Hence, we can see that Daliah made use of rebuttals to disprove the point of her opposition that the classroom libraries are sufficient by stating that they were publicly funded and poorly stacked.

Read more about claims here:


add question tags to the following statements
1. you like pizza,...?


1. you like pizza, right?

1. you like pizza, don't you?



1.don't you?

2. Did he?

3. doesn't she?

4. shall we?

5 hadn't you?

6. haven't they?

what is poverty according to Parker?​



According to Parker, poverty is a lack-that is living without hope, better foodstuffs, medicinal care, proper sanitation and proper education. It is like an acid that destroys pride, honour, health and future.


General definition of poverty: “Poverty is a state in which a part of the population does not have basic living conditions such as food, housing, sanitation, hygiene, health care, education, transportation, and the right to participate. community consensus”

Concepts of poverty

In the past we often equated poverty with low income. Considered as the primary focus to assess human poverty. This concept has a priority point is the convenience in identifying some people based on the poverty line, poor.

But reality has proven that the determination of poverty life by income is only measured for a part of life. Low income does not reflect all aspects of poverty, it does not tell us how poor and destitute the poor are. Due to that, this concept has a lot of limitations.

Currently, due to the development of the world economy, the concept of poverty has been understood more broadly and more deeply and can also be understood in different approaches:

The Conference on Poverty Reduction in the Asia Pacific Region organized by ESCAP in September 1993 in Bangkok - Thailand introduced the concept of poverty: Poverty includes absolute poverty and relative poverty.

Absolute poverty: is the state of one of the people are not enjoying and satisfying the basic human needs which are recognized by society according to the level of economic development and local customs .

Relative poverty: is the state of a part of the population below the average level of the community.

From the economic edge: Poverty is the extreme lack of choice and the inability to participate in the socio-economic life of the nation, mainly in the economic sphere.

According to the other side: Poverty is the response of the level of socio-economic development in each historical period, within a country, a region, a region.

In 1998, the UN DP published a report on the topic “Overcoming human poverty” that gave definitions of the poor.

Human misery: lack of human rights such as literacy, participation in the community system and adequate nourishment.

Poor currency: lack of income minimization and capacity expenditure minimization.

Extreme poverty: poverty, of the same kind, that is, the inability to satisfy the bare minimum needs.

The common poverty: the more important degree of poverty is defined as the inability to satisfy those who require food and food is really weak; these requirements are sometimes defined differently in the country this or that country.


Can you help me guys


Answer: where is the question

Explanation: where is the question


The “alien invaders” were revealed to have the same description as humans. They have two arms, two legs, no scales,and pale skin. The other is trying to tell us that with the way our world work and people not wanting to keep peace, one day we’re all going o end up in a position we can’t escape from. “[The aliens had] shot without even trying to negotiate, or to make peace” (paragraph 4) and that shows what the lesson in the story is. If humans want to strive for a new and better world full of peace and harmony, they’ll only get there if they stop starting pointless wars and accept the method of talking to others. The story is trying to show us a glimpse of what will happen if we don’t change the ways of our fighting soon.


This was my interpretation of the passage and thoughts on the message the author gave. It was a well-written story and I’m sure there’s many different views you could get from it, but in my opinion the aliens showing the human race had the most connection to real world problems.

What is a comparison of two things, which suggests they are the same?
A. Metaphor B. Simile C. Passive Voice D. Active Voice





simile is a comparison of two things, which suggests they are the same

B simile

Explanation: A simile is basically comparing one thing to another to help explain or show something.

Which of the following is an example of an ad hominem fallacy?
A. Who cares if Patricia disagrees? She's an idiot.
B. You think two plus two make five? But that's wrong!
C. This is a bad idea. You know why? Because it's a bad idea.
D. You can't hate chocolate. Everybody loves it!



B don't pick my answer



its A


just took test

If you were exploring the topic of science education, what category of classical invention would it fall in



the most important thing we can do is inspire young minds and to advance the kind of science, math and technology education that will youngsters take us to the next phase of space travel.

Which sentence uses commas correctly?
A. George Washington was born on February 22 1732, in Westmoreland County Virginia.
B. George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia.
C. George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia.





You usually put the comma after the date. For example, My birthday is one June 12, 1996. And then you put the comma after the city . Like Fremont, California. Or County. ETC.

C is the answer. Hope it helps

Select the correct texts in the passage.

Which two details best develop the central idea about Julius Caesar?


by Hal Marcovitz

(excerpt from “The Rise of Julius Caesar”)

"Sulla was a brutal and relentless dictator". But one enemy who escaped his wrath was Gaius Julius Caesar. "Caesar was born in 100 BCE to a wealthy family"." As a nephew of Sulla’s opponent Marius, Caesar found himself on Sulla’s list of enemies". No doubt he too would have been killed, but his family intervened, and Sulla reluctantly spared his life. "Next, Sulla ordered Caesar to divorce his wife". "Caesar refused and fled the city". He joined a Roman army campaigning in Turkey and did not return until after Sulla’s death in 78 BCE.


Answer: “As a nephew of Sulla’s opponent Marius, Caesar found himself on Sulla’s list of enemies" and “Caesar refused and fled the city".

Explanation: I got it correct on edmentum/plato

The two details that form the central idea bout Julius Ceasar are:

"Sulla was a brutal and relentless dictator". But one enemy who escaped his wrath was Gaius Julius Caesar. and He joined a Roman army campaigning in Turkey and did not return until after Sulla’s death in 78 BCE.
What is a central idea?

The idea or thought that unifies all the other ideas and elements of the story is called the central idea.

Hence from the excerpt, it is correct to say that the central idea is that Julius Ceasar had to become a fugitive to escape his enemy - Sulla the dictator.

learn more about the central idea at

What is a central idea introduced in Part 1 of Antigone?



Whether civil law or divine law is more important


Question 15 of 24
What is the benefit of a review of a written work?
O A. It allows the writer to change his or her behavior in the future,
B. It informs the reader of the work's strengths and weaknesses,
c. It provides a summary of the written work for the reader.
O D. It shows the writer how to make changes to the piece of writing,


B. It informs the reader of the work’s strengths and weaknesses,

Help me please………………..



There is nothing


I need to know the answer pleaseeeeee


the answer is C. it shows an example of foreshadowing.

It’s going to be the first one A

Which pair of words has a similar denotations but different connotations

Vivid; bright


Are there more choices?

Other than brainly what is the best online app that supports English courses. I am in grade 7 and having a hard time finding the answers and help that I need. All my other courses are fine its just English.



quizlet and socratic is pretty good

Which sentence is correct?

A tango is where couples dance in 2/4 or 4/4 time.
4/4 time is when the dance is composed of 4-beat dance rhythms.
The reason we wanted to dance the tango was because we saw professional Argentinean dancers.
We have since learned that there are many different tango dance styles.



We have since learned that there are many different tango dance styles.


Reflect on CoV19 and its influence on your studies ​



    Coronavirus 19 had an impact on me because of the influence of my studies during that period. It has elevated my level of concern about my academic performance. Even though I have Wi-Fi, the line drops from time to time, causing me to miss vital information during live courses, increasing stress because of missed class instructions, and putting me further behind in my academics. I feel further behind than I have ever been. Given the size of my extended family, it is difficult for me to get engaged and complete my studies.  

     It was a challenging process. It seemed tense as if I were in an unfamiliar environment with a lot of distracting factors. My mind is blank as to what to do next. Yes, social connection is a vital component of the social experience and that being able to study with my peers is good. The task of staying on top of studies becomes increasingly challenging. But I do not believe it is solely because it has gotten worse; it is also since I do not have any friends who can assist me with it.

    The fact that I have been studying online together and it is simply not the same is causing me to rethink my study habits. I really want to make sure that I have relationships with my friends and that they know I am there for them. As a young individual, I find it difficult to get out of bed in the mornings. Knowing that the only way I will be able to contact my friends is through the phone or the internet is a source of anxiety.  

    Prior to the pandemic, I would look forward to the end of the school day with great enthusiasm and anticipation. Afterward, we would head over to a friend's place to finish our studies before doing something else active and exciting. Finally, the consequences of my studies have resulted in a loss of drive, overeating, and academic difficulties.

I hate to do this but to be honest I suck at Ela, normally I try to do things on my own but today it's due and I don't know what to write.

1 compound sentence, 1 complex sentence and 1 compound-complex sentence

5-7 sentences

Has to be about a unexpected situation that happened to you at perfect time.

Can be made up.​



"I previously led a big corporation's event planning team and was in charge of the product launch party. It's critical to prepare for the unexpected. As a result, I wrote down potential scenarios, such as a lack of tech assistance, and devised ways to cope with them. My customer, on the other hand, requested a vegan option for the buffet the day before the event. I had a dialogue with them, weighed other choices, and set expectations. Finally, I brought in pre-prepared vegan meals from the grocery store for a fair price." This occurred at just the perfect time, as I was about to embark on a major undertaking. Furthermore, due to the preceding incident, this event had an unanticipated turn of events that was avoided.


Compound sentence:

a sentence in which two or more subjects or predicates are found.

Complex sentence:

Complex sentences are, like compound sentences, related and connected to one other. The only thing that differs is. Compound sentences include two clauses that are considered to be independent.

"if i forget thee, oh Earth" tells the story of people who have had to ?​



"If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth" is the story of Marvin, a child who lives in a lunar colony. One day, his father (who is also the head scientist) drives him across the surface to see a glimpse of Earth, glowing with lethal radiation. Marvin recalls that Earth was made uninhabitable in a nuclear war.

1.Change the following sentences into passive.
a.Close all the gates at once.
b.Don't waste your time.
c.Let him do it.
d.Kindly grant me a week's leave.
e.Bring me a cup of tea.



a) let all the gates are closed at once.

b)let your time not be wasted.

c) lei it be done by him.

d) you are requested to grant me a week leave.

e) let a cup of tea brought by me.

hope this will help you

1 mark me brainliest if you want other answer.


Instructions: There are proper noun and common nouns, write a proper noun for each
common noun below.
Example: state - Mississippi
49.) city
50.) team


Error couldn’t find question

2. Use the word bank to match the term to the definition and to fill in the
blanks below.
lungs diaphragm nasal passages
trachea bronchi alveoli
1. - These little sacs are where carbon dioxide leaves the blood and
oxygen enter it.
2. - This large muscle helps you fill and empty your lungs.
3. - You inhale air through these about 20 times a minute.
4. - Two large, and very important, organs inside your chest cavity.
5. - This tube that carries air to lungs.
6. - The tube inside the lungs that leads to the alveoli.
Respiration begins in the , where air comes into the body.
Air travels through the to the . The
pushes up and down to fill and empty the lungs. Inside the lungs,
air in the travels to the small sacs called . Inside
those small sacs is where the important gas exchange occurs



Lungs = 4. - Two large, and very important, organs inside your chest cavity.

Diaphram = 2. - This large muscle helps you fill and empty your lungs.

Nasal Passages = 3. - You inhale air through these about 20 times a minute.

Trachea = 5. - This tube that carries air to lungs.

Bronchi = 6. - The tube inside the lungs that leads to the alveoli.

Alveoli = 1. - These little sacs are where carbon dioxide leaves the blood and oxygen enter it.

Respiration begins in the nasal passages, where air comes into the body.

Air travels through the to the trachea. The diaphram

pushes up and down to fill and empty the lungs. Inside the lungs,

air in the bronchi travels to the small sacs called alveoli.

Read the following lines from Poe's "Alone."

And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.

The above lines contain what poetic device?




irony is the poetic device




your supposed to read a book we dont now he book  soryy thank for points thought


What is computer called a versatile machine?​



[tex]because \: it \: is \: used \: in \: almost \: all \: field \\ for \: various \: puposes \\ thank \: you[/tex]

Complete the following
The owner's daughter is only
employee; the real
work is done by everyone
A. consternation
B. scruple
C. copious
D. nominal



Nominal is the correct answer


C. copious is the right answer

According to a recent survey, the growth of facility investment tends to fall _________ there is a presidential election.

A. which
B. in order that
C. when
D. on behalf of



Option C (when), is the answer.

Hi! ❤️ pls help asap pls


Answer: I think it is A


give one subject you think you are at advantage why? ​



give one subject you think you are at advantage why?


because maths is one subject that open you knowledge it help how to do thing and how to do make it easy to do.

How is the atmosphere in the countryside ?



The atmosphere should be better do to the lower amount of pollution due to the more spread out population of people as well as it should be a bit cooler than the city once again because of lower population.


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