write a story that ends with the expression:so it pays to be kind to strangers


Answer 1


One day, when I was walking home from school, I found a group of four little kids (around 8-9) standing around a storm drain, and they were looking down. One of the boys was crying, and saying how mad his mom was going to be if they couldn't get their kitten down from the storm drain. He was too scared to call his mother for help, or call 911 so the fire department can get it down. So instead he and his friends were trying to get the kitten out by luring it up with some food.

 "She can't climb, you idiot! She's too tiny." one of the boys said, and I stopped to watch as one of the girls reached as far as they could into the drain. The cat meowed and sounded so scared.

 "Let me help, guys. Does anyone have a crowbar I can use? And maybe a ladder?" The crying boy nodded, and I told him it was going to be okay, because I will help him get the cat up. He ran to his house, and got a small ladder and the crowbar I asked for with the help of his friend.

"What is the cat's name?" I asked the boy who was standing there, watching.

"Uh, I think her name is Mittens."

 The storm drain was the kind that had the manhole on the top, so I used the crowbar to pry it open, and carefully climbed down the manhole using the ladder. The cat meowed at me, and started clawing its way up my pant leg.

"Come here, Mittens," I say, and grab the little kitten, then carefully climb back out.

 By then, a few of the children's parents had come out to watch, and I handed the cat to the boy who was cheering with his friends. The adults thanked me, and the cat was returned to the boy's house safe and sound.

 The mother of the boy decided to let me babysit for her two children, Craig and Tina. Every week I babysit when ever they need me to, and I get paid well. So it really does pay to be kind to strangers.

This is actually a true story! I changed their names, obviously, but I babysit for them all the time. I hope you like it :)

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1. we are having

2.will remember

3.are you going

4.will pass

5.will complain

6.will do

7.am seeing

8.going to do

9.will you tell

10.is going to grow

What can a writer do to surprise readers in a story?
slow the story down and add more detail
create a plot twist that affects the story’s outcome
speed up the narrative progression
have the story continue to progress at a predictable rate



Create a plot twist


If it's a plot twist no one expects, then it will suprise readers.


create a plot twist that affects the story’s outcome


Plot twists usually are unexpected and surprise the reader when the read it.

Which statement is the best summary of the theme in
this passage?



The last one:  Unintentional betreyal can lead to serve consequences

or the second one

in the radio version of the war of the worlds, wheredo the events take place



The United States


Hope this helps ♡


The events of the radio version of the War of the Worlds take place in the United States, to be more precise in Grover´s Mill, New Jersey. It was an adaption made by Orson Welles of 1898 H.G. Wells´s novel " The War of the Worlds".

Hope this helps <33

In me thou seest the twilight of such day, As after sunset fadeth in the west, Which by and by black night doth take away, Death's second self that seals up all in rest. —"Sonnet 73," William Shakespeare Read the second quatrain of "Sonnet 73," and then answer the questions. What is the best paraphrase of these lines? What is the central idea of these lines?



There are a few metaphors in this passage and they are about various things. Each of the quatrains have something particular about them. 1 - his age is a time of year ; 2 his age is like late twilight, and in the 3rd - he compares himself to the glowing remnants of a fire...

He is advancing in age. In winter the man feels old age like cold in his bones. Then the age is compared to twilight - going slowly

He is explaining that death can be a slow process, but you must understand that you will die some day.


he must perceive these things and his love must be strengthened by the knowledge that he will soon be parted from the other person - like a fire that is extinguished slowly. dies out. death.


D, B


I took the test

What is the term for having everything in a paragraph logically
arranged with clear transitions between sentences?



The answer I think is Coherence

How does the play’s structure create suspense? Check all that apply.



The play's structure creates suspense:

A. by building tension through a series of crises where Nora must keep her secret;

B. by not resolving the conflict too soon, as Nora is able to keep her secret for a few days

E. by introducing characters and conflicts early when the audience learns that Nora has  committed a crime.


"A Doll's House" is a play by Henrik Ibsen. Very early in the play, the audience learns that Nora has committed a crime. At a time when women were not allowed to do the same things as men, Nora, having to borrow some money from the bank, forged her father's signature to be able to do it. She reveals that information to Mrs. Linde, a friend from school.

Soon afterwards, the very man who gave her the loan comes to her house. Nora's husband Torvald also works at the bank, and is unaware of what Nora has done. The man who lent her the money, Krogstad, is being fired by Torvald. Krogstad demands that Nora help him by threatening to tell her husband about her crime. Nora is able to keep the secret for a couple of days, which adds to the tension and suspense in the play. The audience cannot predict what will take place, if Nora will or won't have her secret revealed.

The crisis gets worse when Krogstad is effectively fired. He now blackmails Nora, demanding to be rehired in a higher position than the one he used to have. Mrs. Linde promises to help Nora, but does not prevent Krogstad from revealing the truth by means of a letter. When Torvald finally learns about Nora's crime, he humiliates her, saying he won't allow her to raise their children. Krogstad, however, returns the contract with the fake signature. He no longer wishes to blackmail Nora. Still, after years of treated as inferior and that final humiliation by Torvald, Nora decides to leave him. For that reason, the play was considered scandalous when it was first performed.

Match the following health problems with the advice or suggestions in the right column:
1.-headache ( )

2.-toothache ( )


4.-stomachache ()

5.-earache. ()

6.-cough ()

7.-backache ()

8.-fever ()

9.-I'm tired ear ()

10.-I'm hungry ()

A).-You should go to the dentist.

B).-You shouldn't smoke.

C).-You should rest.

D).-You should eat.

E).-You should take your

F).-You should rest your back.

G).-You should take an aspirin.

H).-You should take cold

I).-The doctor should look in your

J).-You shouldn't eat so much





1. Headache (You should take your medicine such as paracetamol or panadol)

2. Toothache ( You should go to the dentist.)

3. Cold(You should take cold medicine)

4. Stomachache (You shouldn't eat so much)

5. Earache. (The doctor should look in your ear)


6. Cough (You shouldn't smoke.)

7.-backache (You should rest your back.)

8. Fever: (You should take an aspirin.)

9.-I'm tired (You should rest.)

10.-I'm hungry (You should eat.)

How does flash backs in paragraph 46-54 create tension



The second chapter is a flashback to the staff meeting the previous week explaining how he got the job, and how each of the female teachers initially reacted to the news.


The correct response is - Chapter two is a flashback to the staff meeting the week before, at which he explained how he acquired the job and described the first reactions of each of the female instructors.

What is a Flashback?

When recollections of a prior trauma seem to be happening right now, it is referred to as a flashback. That implies that it is possible to feel as though assault is taking place all over again. It might be challenging to maintain a sense of reality during a flashback. Even the sensation that the offender is physically there could exist.

At first, flashbacks could appear random. They can be set off by quite commonplace sensory stimuli, such as someone's odor or a certain speech tone. You can take measures to lessen the stress of a flashback because it's a common reaction to this sort of trauma.

A physical sensation, an emotional recollection, a reminder of the incident, or even a stressful encounter unrelated to the event might cause flashbacks. Determine the occasions that cause your flashbacks. Make a strategy for how to avoid these triggers or how to handle them if you do come across them, if at all feasible.

To read more about Flashback, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/2955126


In Brad Leithauser's poem "A Teenage Couple," what difficult topic is the couple discussing?

how long their relationship will last
who will break up with whom
why their relationship is failing
who makes the decisions for the couple



who will break up with whom


In Brad Leithauser's poem "A Teenage Couple," the difficult topic that the couple is discussing is who will break up with whom.

The couple, according to the poem are at odds with each other and as a result we're discussing their breakup, even though they still loved each other, and the the difficult topic they were discussing is who will break up with whom.


Who will break up with whom.


I took the quiz and I got it right, don't worry about it.

1. Tom works for a company. It makes cars.
→ Tom works _______________________________



if the instruction is to join the two sentences the answer will be

Tom works for a company that makes cars.

I hope this helps

Tom works for a company that makes cars.

➺ Combine both the sentences together.

Which highlighted word is an adjective?
A lake with clean water is a wonder to behold.




clean: it modifies water. (What kind of water is it? Clean water.)





wonder: Noun

Behold: Verb


Clean: Adjective

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use is a described word 134

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Mother Nature and the Sun are related since the sun provides the energy required for plant growth.

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The sagebrush that dominates the sage-steppe landscape plays a critical role in the hydrologic cycle of the arid West. Sagebrush itself often serves as a “nurse” plant for other plants, many of which are important to sustaining grazing wildlife and domestic livestock.

hope it helps

please mark Brainliest


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4. How can you avoid plagiarizing information when writing your research report?
A.) Quote all the research you find and always cite your sources.
B.)Accurately paraphrase all the research and use as many quotes as possible.
C.) Use the research to support your own ideas and always cite your sources.
D.) Use as many quotes as possible and include a summary of each source.



C.) Use the research to support your own ideas and always cite your sources.


To plagiarize means to use the words or ideas of another as if they were your own.

what is moral values?



The values that which helps us to become good person, which help us to be a role model, which help us to besuccessful in life etc are known as moral values. For example: respecting elders, loving juniors, helping others in need etc.

I hope this will help you

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Compare the time management strategies both women used and explain the pros and cons from each woman’s schedule.
Reflecting on your own schedule, explain one thing you do well to manage your time. Explain one way you hope to find more balance in your schedule.



Balanced schedule refers to the time given equally to all activities.


Balanced schedule refers to the time that is given to all work so that all the work receives time in a balanced manner while on the other hand, time management refers to the process of organizing and planning your time between specific activities. Time management strategies women used is to set the priorities means which work is done first and which is done later. In this way, the most important work will be done first whereas the least important one is done in the last. One thing that I do well to manage my time by dividing the time into small parts and specific time is given to every task for completion.

What character has a dream sequence in Dr Jekyll and mr Hyde



Dr.Henry Jekyll


Hope it helps

I need help pleaseeeee



I would say it's C........

can you guys give me examples of an account true event story essay​



Write about a friend you lost and the reason why, share your friendship story too for good measure.


Throw in how long you were friends, how old you both were, and how you wish things turned out, also what you think about him/her now.

Slect a commercial or public service announcement that uses an emotional appeal.How would you characterize the way it persuades listener with emotion.Ls it effective in persuading you as a listener?Why or why not?



Stand Up To Cancer  - Public Service Announcement. Boom Broadcast.


The public service announcement for standing put to cancer is characterized by the use of emptions such as fear and worry regarding the use of harmful and injuries substances that are caused due to smoking. Persuades the listener to pay attention towards the family and individuals in the society. Also provides us awareness and makes us take prompt action.

The beauties of Washington, unique in a hundred ways and
surpassing in dozens of others all cities and parks in the United
States, are now enhanced many-fold by a sight found in America
only in the capital city. The cherry trees of Potomac Park and the
Tidal Basin are now abloom with their billowy clouds of pale and
pink blossoms, rivaled only by those in the land of the Mikado.
What is the most likely reason why Cobb begins the article with
these sentences?



to establish the idea that Washington's cherry blossoms are a rare and magnificent sight


rupa did not help the needy people
change itni affirmative



rupa helped the needy people

3. In a short essay, identify how two characters from A Raisin in the Sun serve as symbols of
at least one of the play's themes. Describe in detail how these symbols support the theme or
themes. Also analyze the effects of this symbolism on the reader's experience. Be sure to
include examples from the text to support your answer.



Racial Discrimination and the need to fight against it is a major theme in the story, and Mr. Lindner serves as a symbol of that matter.

Mr. Lindner´s attempt to bribe the Youngers to keep them from moving into the all-white Clybourne Park neighborhood is led by his and the Improvement Association´s discriminatory ideas against black people. And how that attempted bribe almost tears the family apart makes the reader aware of the prevailing discrimination, even when the violence that it generates seems a negotiation more than an act of oppression.

The importance of following one´s dreams is another important theme in this play, and Walter is a great symbol of this idea: he wants to accept the bribe so they can have money and buy nice things for the family. But by the end of the story, when he refuses the money and acknowledges that the dream of having their own house is the most important dream for the family. His character, and this development, also symbolizes the theme of the importance of family, and his change throughout the play helps the reader better understand how difficult his situation was and how much he needed to be more aware of his family´s feelings.


In "A Raisin in the Sun," by Lorraine Hansberry, the importance of dreams, family, and fighting against racial discrimination are the main themes.

What did Raleigh win over the natives?​



successfully navigated the river and inlets


let me know if you have any questions

4. What details about the culture (such as movies, movie stars, cars, clothing, etc.) do teens today think are important as opposed to those in the novel? (The Outsiders)



Social media affects a huge part of it. Pop culture does too.


Because people, especially girls, are changing their appearances because of the affect it has on them because of social media.

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cp=90400spend=5600total cp=90400plus560096000sp=93600loss=cp-sp96000-936002400loss percent=[tex] \frac{cp}{loss} \times 100[/tex][tex] \frac{2400}{96000} \times 100[/tex]2.5 ans

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