write about a market day in your hometown ​


Answer 1


Here is your Answer


Hundreds of people visit this market every day. The market in my town is always alive with activity, like any other big market. Every moment buyers and sellers can be seen moving about in all directions. Sellers try to raise the prices of their goods as much as they can.

Give me markliest and 20 thx pls

Related Questions

Which of the following statements is correctly punctuated?
A. While Sam made many excuses, he could not run from the truth: he failed.
B. It didn’t matter if they were playing football; racing bikes; drawing pictures or writing storied, Megan was always better than Gina.
C. One thing always seems to ruin our camping trips; rain.
D. The store was closed; by the time he got there.



D. The store was closed; by the time he got there.


The sentence uses colon which connects the two sentences and summaries and explains the first sentence. It is very closely related.


Read the paragraph.
In science class, we like to spy cool things going on in our experiments. We use magnifying glasses to observe tiny growths. I look forward to every class, but it creeps me out when my classmate stares at me while I conduct experiments.
Based on the context, which statement best describes the connotations of the underlined words?
A. Spy and observe are neutral, and stares is positive.
B. Spy is positive, observe is neutral, and stares is negative.
C. Spy is neutral, observe is positive, and stares is neutral.
D. Spy is positive, observe is negative, and stares is positive.


i think it’s B but i’m not sure

Many same-sex couples in Canada have children from previous heterosexual relationships, but others choose to have a baby in the context of their same-sex relationship. What options are available in Canada for same-sex couples that wish to start a family?



1. Could be sperm donation from another party or clinic (female for sperm donation)

2. a person could ask a friend or visit a clinic to be sorted with somone that could carry their baby if it is a same sex male relationship.

An option that is available for any couples is IVF (in vitro fertilization) which harvests the eggs and sperm and places them in the woman's womb. An option for couples containing two women is a sperm bank, and an option for couples containing two men is surrogacy, which is where another person carries the baby for them.

Opponents of labeling defend GMOs, but proponents are skeptical.

What type of sentence is this?









it A bc it make sense to me and the other don't make sense too me you can try this one if that don't work I don't know then bye y'all have a nice day

How are the American identity and American literature connected?



American literature and literature, in general, holds a close relationship with the reality it's been written in. It projects the writer's identity, desires and beliefs, this is not only reflected in the actions of the characters in some cases but also in the language they use, how they develop under certain situations, the direct beliefs stated in the text in some cases. As the author is a part of a society that in a way or another influences the way he creates his identity, its easy to say his creation also projects the American identity

Condensed milk cultural


condensed milk is basically just thick milk

Answer: Condensed Mil is a short story by Russian author Varlam Shalamov.

Explanation: Explanation Shalamov spent fifteen years of his life in a Gulag a Russian forced-labor camp Condensed Milk is one of the many stories he wrote based on that terrifying experience.

Read the excerpt and choose the best answer from each drop-down menu.
As they lined up, the faces of the seven US team members-Amanda Borden, Amy Chow,
Dominique Dawes, Shannon Miller, Dominique Moceanu, Jaycie Phelps, and
Kerri Strug-projected concentration, confidence, and strength. In their American flag leotards,
they were my Supergirls. All they were missing were capes.
The underlined figure of speech is
The reader can infer that



The underlined figure of speech is  

a metaphor.

The reader can infer that

the author idolizes the gymnasts on the US team.


Which of the following is not a compound subject?
a. The emperor and his panther
b. Chips and salsa
c. Markers or crayons
d. Held its breath​


The answer is D!

~Have a great day!~

Why does Walt Whitman use the word singing In the title "I Hear America Singing"?



Whitman starts of the poem by stating, “I hear America singing”, suggesting that the people who he discusses in the lines to follow are not just individuals but part of something bigger. The use of the word “carols” given to the songs sung by the people, suggests that he gave the poem a more spiritual or religious touch.

Explanation: I think it's right.

Help on English 10 cdsvfgdgbvdvgdgdgbdb/gdkjlgmbdbgdbdbd



what is the question???

Choose the synonym for the word emergence that best fits in the sentence

The Emergence of the Beatles, a popular rock band , changed the course of musical history.

A. Popularity
B. Intelligence
C. Sound
D. Debut





asdawef wqddaf

D. Debut. This is because both words indicate something new coming out into the world, revealing a fresh perspective.

sample essay on toilet the happiness room​



because we need to throw the harmful substances from our body as well it helps to makes a person fresh and free. So, he can do anywork without having dizziness and can do the work comfortably.

I doubt _____ he will come with me or not. *

a. Where
b. Ever
c. Whether
d. When​





Using what you know about word parts, which of the following words means belief in knowledge?



You can trust.


when did Amy have lessons with the piano teacher?



When her parents weren't home. o.o

1. Which statement best expresses the main idea in the article?
A. It is impossible to understand the reason for the sudden changes in emotions
during adolescence.
B. All individuals have the same experience and go through the same intellectual,
emotional, social and physical changes in adolescence.
C. Even though all individuals experience the intellectual, emotional, social and
physical changes of adolescence, everyone has a unique experience.
D. Adults are essential to really support teenagers through the intellectual,
emotional, social and physical changes that they go through during the period of
2. How does the author support her ideas about the adolescent experience?
A. Smith provides many different examples of the changes that all individuals will
go through.
B. Smith speaks directly to adolescents to explain how they will all experience
changes differently.
C. Smith uses scientific data to explain what is happening biologically as individuals
go through adolescence.
D. Smith speaks to parents to explain how they need to be more patient and
understanding with their children as they experience adolescence.
3. Who is the audience of this article, and why does the author speak to this audience directly?
A. The author speaks to teenagers to explain what’s happening in their bodies.
B. The author speaks to teachers to understand how to understand their teenage
C. The author speaks to parents to explain what’s happening in their teenage
children’s body.
D. The author speaks to scientists to help them understand what else to study
about adolescence.
4. What is the relationship between the physical and emotional changes that adolescents
A. The emotional changes cause the physical changes.
B. The physical changes cause the emotional changes.
C. The physical changes are minimal compared to the emotional changes.
D. The emotional changes are minimal compared to the physical changes.


Answer:     Where is the text though

1.)        C.   Even though all individuals experience the intellectual, emotional, social and physical changes of adolescence, everyone has a unique experience.

2.)      A.   Smith provides many different examples of the changes that all individuals will go through.

3.)      A.   The author speaks to teenagers to explain what’s happening in their bodies.

4.)      C. The physical changes are minimal compared to the emotional changes.

(If the text is speaking out to adults/parents, then chose the answers below)

1.)  D.    2.)  D.   3.)  C.   4.)  C.

A written composition in prose, usually nonfiction, on a specific topic, forming an independent part of a book or other publication, such as a newspaper or magazine.

Which statement best expresses the main idea in the article?

1.) C.   Even though all individuals experience the intellectual, emotional, social, and physical changes of adolescence, everyone has a unique experience.

2.) A.   Smith provides many different examples of the changes that all individuals will go through.

3.) A.   The author speaks to teenagers to explain what’s happening in their bodies.

4.) C. The physical changes are minimal compared to the emotional changes.

For more information about the article, refer to the link:-


My friends work in London ; they buy and sell cars . Change into singular



my friend work in London ;he/she buy and sell car.

When you go to a restaurant, you often think that the food you are ordering is good for you. Some restaurants serve healthy food, like fish or salad. Some people want all restaurants to tell them what is in each food, howmany calories, or how much fat.
They think the restaurants don't give people enough information, and this new plan helps people have a healthier food.
But cooks are not happy with this idea. One cook said, "People know that many sauces have butter in them. But if you say that this food has 1000 calories, nobody orders it."
Doctors say when people go to the restauran, they don't know the food is healthy or not. They say that people need more information about food.
If people know that the food has many calories, they ............... .



They don't order the food.


You see where the cook said ""People know that many sauces have butter in them. But if you say that this food has 1000 calories, nobody orders it."

By reading this one sentence we know why nobody would order food if you could see the calorie count.

Read the chart. Word lonely dark [play Word with a suffix loneliness darken Which word best completes the chart? O playful O screenplay O display O replay ​



I'm not sure of this question.



C display


edge 2022

Which phrase accurately defines the term narrative?
A the information provided by an author
B the order in which things occur in a story
C a sequence of connected events
D the action parts of a story


The answer is C I just looked it up




100 on test

What is the theme of "Fighter" by Walter Dean Myers?2 paragraphs answer



The theme of the story is you got to do what you got to do.A example of this when Billy him self beat up bad but still do the fights for the money. Another example is that when he said he fight to get money to pay bills, and to get his wife so thing good.


Text to text-This character in this remember me of katniss in The Hunger Games because in the book she had to volunteer to save her sister just like Billy. In The Fighter billy has to fight to get money for his family.

Text to self-This character also remember me of my dad because made had to make hard choice to get his kids a better education. Billy did the same he had to make hard choice to get money for his family.


"Fighter" introduces the theme that social injustices cause people to be dishonest with each other, but it is important to understand and forgive them.

We can see this theme, because "Fighter" shows how a man named Billy lies to his family, in order to get money to support them and not let them be in need.

Billy can't support his family economically and so he starts to participate in boxing matches, without his wife knowing, because she doesn't want him to get involved in this type of activity.

Blly goes to fight every night and tells his wife he is going out for a workout. When she discovers the truth, she is upset, but she understands the reasons that led Billy to make this decision and forgives him.

The theme of a text is important because:

Presents the main subject that the work wants to address.It presents a message or teaching that the author wants to convey to the reader.It promotes reflection on important topics covered in the plot of history.

With that, we can conclude that the theme is a very important element of a story and that it must be identified through the reading and interpretation of the text.

You can find more information about what a story is about at the link below:


Which of the following
choices is equivalent to
-22m - 33 - 44m? Pls no links

a) 11(-2m- 3 - 4m)

b) 11(2m - 3 - 4m)

c)-11(2m + 3 - 4m)

d) -11(2m-3-4m)


Answer:c is the  answer



option A

11(-2m- 3 - 4m)

= -22m -33 -44m

? questions as follows: I Did she boy an arange? 2. Does he like Swimming? 3. Is she sick? -Was she sick 4 Do I go to him every day? s. Are they happy?


I see it 3 or 2 I don’t see why it carrrg. Heck

Why does Rama agree to do for sugriva



So Lord Rama vows to slay Vali, restore the Kiskintha realm, and appoint Sugriva as king. Because of Hanuman, they become extremely close friends, discussing their concerns and pledging to support one other in times of need.

what story topic would most likely be explored in green literature?



I suspect anything to do with the environment, and why it is

used in literature such as this.

Help with this question



The third statement.


If somebody had a "tech mindset", the person would use any opportunity given to him/her to learn and perfect the use of any digital devices given to him/her.

Question 2 (Common mistakes) 2.1 Correct mistakes in the following sentences. 2.1.1 You felt so lonely 2.12 The restaurant is opened every day. 2.1.3 We are five in my familyhome. 2.1.4 Do you like a glass of water? 2.1.5 He insisted to carry his own bag. 2.1.6 Athenkosi will retum back my phone before noon. 2.17 Siziphiwe can be able to drive a car. 21.8 Qhamisa is my cousin sister who is the most beautiful of them all. 2.1.9 I didn't knew I was wrong. 2.1.10 Tell me why did you do that? [10x10]​



2.1.1 You felt so lonely!

2.12 The restaurant is opened every day.

2.1.3 We are five in my family home.

2.1.4 Do you like a glass of water?

2.1.5 He insisted to carry his own bag.

2.1.6 Athenkosi will return back my phone before noon.!

2.17 Siziphiwe can be able to drive a car.

21.8 Qhamisa is my cousin's sister who is the most beautiful of them all.

2.1.9 I didn't know I was wrong.

2.1.10 Tell me why did you do that?


Correct the mistakes in this sentence
We have very little cookies for the kids' party. Could you buy some, please?


Answer:      The apostrophe at the beginning and the comma at the end.

Jack lent me a few books ____ are of value.

A) that  
B) who  
C) what
D) which





D), Jack lent me a few books which are of value

Which quote from the passage best illustrates the theme of trusting oneself?

"’Is it what I should do?’”
“’I don't want to know. I want to watch it all unfold.’”
"’Let me think about this,’ she said. ’Can I be by myself for a while?’"
"’Speak aloud to me when you want to talk. I'll come to you.’”


I would say the first one! Good luck!




Right on edge

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