write couple of paragraphs about multiple languageand its importance.​


Answer 1
Those who speak more than one language have the ability to process information in a more logical fashion. For instance, rather than making decisions based on emotion, those who had to consider decisions in a foreign language made wiser decisions based on analytical reasoning. This may also explain why bilingual students tend to score better than their peers on academic tests. Whether you are traveling abroad or doing business with someone abroad over the phone, the ability to communicate is essential. When you learn to speak another language, communication becomes easier. As you travel, you will be able to find out information yourself rather than rely on translators.

Related Questions

Identify a central idea in the text and analyze how the author uses one literary technique or literary element to develop a central idea In The wonderful wizard of oz


In general, we can say that the central idea of "The wonderful wizard of oz" is that good is more powerful than evil and will always be victorious.

The author does this through the literary technique of developing archetypes. An archetype is a very well-defined and generalized model of behavior. We can see this in "The wonderful wizard of oz" because the author leaves characters very well defined with good behavior patterns and bad behavior patterns. Good characters always achieve their goals and evil characters always get defeated, no matter how much they try to succeed at something. This becomes even more evident when Dorothy, who represents the archetype of good, defeats the Wicked Witch of the West, which represents the archetype of evil. Dorothy defeats the witch even though she doesn't have special powers and abilities, just using the force of good.

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Hi! ❤️

What was one important factor that caused Judaism to spread around
the world?


Answer: its's option B


� = � �, � = �!� + �



I'm sorry what is the actual question?

According to the narrator what has driven so many people mad black and white Notes of a native son


Which is an example of using an open-ended question to uncover a problem? O a) "Do you have a problem you'd like addressed today?" b) "Is there a problem? C) "What seems to be the problem?" O d) "Can I help you?"

respect the teacher into passive​



Respect the teacher.

The sentences which do not have any subject in them, their passive form usually include the word "Let".

Hence, The sentence structure is like:

Let + object + be + past participle.

This would make the above sentence as:

Let the teacher be respected.


Hope this helped!


Work individually. Think of your own reading experience and write a paragraph of 150 – 200

words. Use the following questions to guide you.

1. What books or texts did you read when you were in high school?

2. How did you read them? Did you read them all in similar ways? Did you use different

ways of reading? If different, what were the ways?

3. Do you think your reading in the past was effective? Why or why not?

4. Do you think you will need to change the way you read for your university study?





While I can't just write up a paragraph for you ( Twould be plagarism ), I can certainly help. List the books you read in high school, and in the ways you read them ( quickly, slowly, methodically, excitiedly, ect. ect. ) Example: " I read War and Peace when I was in high school, and while at first I felt a bit overwhelmed, as I continued, I began to get more and more engrossed in the book, the plot, and fell in love with all the characters. It made me realize that I should slow down and learn to enjoy the book for what it was, not just words, but an art well worth taking the time to appreciate. " and then continue to say how if you were to read another book like it, how you could/would read it, maybe differently, or the same if desired so.


It's alot easier to finish once you start, trust me :)

What section of the outline is represented by "1. Africa?"



The answer is topic



Did you have any problems _our house?


It depends on what the problem is
It depends on what’s that problem but use on

If there is a childhood obesity problem, who is on the best position to change it: The Government, Parents, or Fast Food companies?


in my opinion parents are the first who are responsible.Parents are the most close person of every child and they do got right to control the activities of their children.But nowadays due to their business or laziness,they feed different junk foods to their children which makes them obese.for eg they send biscuits and noodles to their children as a tiffin in school, they send their children to distribute chocolates during their birthdays etc..They have the key to shape their childrens life.so they are on the best position to change their childs problem....

Author Ken Yabuki wrote a magazine article based on ____ recent visit to Iceland

Select one:
a. his
b. he
c. him
d. himself


The answer is A. His is a possessive pronoun.

Imagery is when the author uses words to create "mental images" for the reader.





When you read a story  a particular part of the story  creates an image in your mind that makes you understand really what the story is talking about

My mother lives around me Far awayr



My mother around me lives far away.

She always forgets her purse
Change into Negative Form ​



she does not always forget her purse


she never forgot her purse


also s should not add to the forgot

hope it help you

Define and explain the term email.





Email is used to mail someone electronically.

It's full form is electronic mail. There is a sign that helps helps us to indicate an Email i,e. .com

Hope that helps you please follow

how to answer rewrites​



[tex]\color{pink}{\overline{\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \: \: \: }}[/tex]

How to answer rewrites?

To solve the rewrites you just have to adjust the grammar to answer it, and you write the correct grammar.

For example:

Doing homework she's her passed to.

When we rewrite it:

She's doing her homework to passed

[tex]\color{pink}{\overline{\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \: \: \: }}[/tex]

Hi brainly users! when you have a question you can ask me! i will gratefull answer it! Have a good day!


[tex]\bold\color{violet}{✍︎Fairy \: Elf}[/tex]




the answer of the question is 3 and 4 paragraph

7. Three people were _____ in the accident.
A. damaged B. injured C. spoilt D. broken



B. injured


Three people were injured in the accident.

Is food included in tax-free weekend in Missouri?? HELP ME IM CONFUSED SHORT ANSWER PLZ





full list of tax exempt items for 2021:

Back to School Clothing – any article having a taxable value of $100 or less School supplies – not to exceed $50 per purchase Computer & technology software – taxable value of $350 or less Personal laptops/computers – not to exceed $1,500 Computer peripheral devices – not to exceed $1,500 Graphing Calculators – not to exceed $150

Read the excerpt from Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby.

My own house was an eyesore, but it was a small eyesore, and it had been overlooked, so I had a view of the water, a partial view of my neighbor's lawn, and the consoling proximity of millionaires—all for eighty dollars a month.

Across the courtesy bay the white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered along the water, and the history of the summer really begins on the evening I drove over there.

The contrast created between East Egg and West Egg suggests that
the main character feels comfortable in all social situations.
Nick will experience a series of financial pitfalls as the story unfolds.
the story’s conflict will be based on wealth and appearances.
the story will be presented from a number of differing perspectives.





Is it a question?sklwjg

Past tense of speed



the amount of motion travelled before to ur current motion/destination

Leave a like !


The past tense of speed is SPED.


hope that helped.

why does the gate sometimes creak? question from house with the grey gate poem​



The house with a grey gate is a poem to show the generation gap between two generations . The old man and woman are a relic from the past.


May be it will help

Plzzz,help me!!!
I will give you make Brainliest if you answers good and exactly!!!



shows, show, perform performance, Act acting dream dreams

Wat is the place of software in desktop publishing


Answer:Desktop publishing (DTP) software is designed for creating visual communications such as brochures, business cards, greeting cards, web pages, posters, and more for professional or personal printing online or on-screen.

ILL MAKE U BRAINIEST Read the following and answer the question below:
Our story begins with Greg who was torn. He knew that if he did this, his company would end up producing a lot of
pollution. The lake they would end up dumping their waste into would be poisoned. Nothing would ever live there again.
However, if he chose the cleaner option, it would be more expensive. He would have to lay off hundreds to afford the
cleaner option. People like Ben Carlson, who was home with his three daughters, oblivious that his job was currently on
the line. Greg knew that either option had its faults, but Greg valued his workers more than the environment. He signed
the order and condemned the lake, but saved his workers.
What kind of narrator is being used?
A. Intrusive
B. Unreliable
C. Inadequate
D. Self-conscious



self conscious option d

The kind of narrator that is being used is inadequate. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is Pollution?

Pollution may be defined as the presence of unwanted substances or impurities in the environment that harms the overall health and well-being of living entities.

Some polluted substances are more toxic and poisonous to human as well as animal health to a larger extent.

The context of this question illustrates the causes and impacts of pollution that is most preferentially associated with the dumping of waste into water bodies.

The inadequate kind of narrator is being utilized in this passage. This is because it does not deliver any clear sense of understanding to the readers except few points. It also describes some sort of methods of cleaning such impurities throughout the water bodies.

Therefore, the kind of narrator that is being used is inadequate. Thus, the correct option is C.

To learn more about Pollution, refer to the link:



Help me please……………….


C. Advanced electronic devices
C. Advanced electronic devices

can i have an analysis of poem repair by finuala dowling


"Repair" written by Finuala Dowling is a poem considered poetical prose. This is because it does not have a common poem structure, that is, it is not organized in verses and stanzas, but is written as a straight paragraph. In addition to being a poetical prose, "Repair" is also considered a narrative poem as it presents a story with characters, where the narrator is the speaker. The poem does not have rhymes and does not follow a well-defined metric system, as is common in these two types of poems.

The poem has as its themes solidarity, empathy between friends and the certainty that only time can cure the pain we feel. We can see this when the speaker presents the story of two boys, who are friends and who joined the speaker, to cheer up a four-year-old girl who had lost her mother. They decided to do this because they sympathized with the little girl's situation, since they themselves had the same experience and know how painful it was. The three friends try to cheer the little girl up with treats and games, but she cries for missing her mother. That's when they decide to put the little girl to sleep telling her stories. At that point, they realize that only time will heal the little girl's pain, just as it did their pain.

You can find more information in this related question: https://brainly.com/question/24239553?referrer=searchResults

V. Read and answer the questions (2pts) David Attenborough David Attenborough was voted one of the top ten" heroes of our time" by the New Statesman magazine in 2011. Even in his nineties, he was still hosting natural history and wildlife shows on the BBC. For more than 60 years, his shows have influenced a generation of wildlife filmmakers. He has also published many books and has played a major role in environmental projects around. Diane Sawyer Diane Sawyer is an American TV journalist and has been working in journalism and media since 1967. She has had a variety of roles and began her career as a TV weather reporter in home state of Kentucky. Early on, She went to work as an aide in the White House and wrote statements for the President. As a reporter she became famous for doing high profile interview with world leaders and famous actor. Diane has receives many awards, including two Emmy awards for outstanding news achievements, and was named in Forbes magazine’s List of the World’s100 Most Powerful Women. 1. Who has been working in television longer? How much longer? ____________________________________________________________________ 2. What different kinds of shows has Diane worked on? ____________________________________________________________________ 3. In what ways are they each role models? ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Who has worked as a writer as well as on TV? ____________________________________________________________________ 5. How have they both made their mark on the world? ____________________________________________________________________


David Attenborough and Diana Sawyer are big names in television program work, being pioneers in their fields and serving as an model to other professionals in their particular fields. In this regard, you can answer the questions above as follows:

1. David Attenborough works longer in television. As we can see in the text above, he worked for 60 years in television programs. Which means that he started working in 1961, if we consider the current year, while Diane Sawyer started working in 1967.

2. By reading the above text, we can see that Diana Sawyer has worked on several types of TV shows. Among them, we can mention: news programs (such as a weather reporter) and talk shows (such as a reporter who interviewed artists and world leaders). Outside of TV, she worked as an advisor at the White House, writing statements for the president.

3. David Attenborough has had a strong vision of environmentalism and wildlife. He was one of the pioneers to present this type of subject on TV and because of that, he was considered a great example for filmmakers and reporters who wanted to address this type of subject. By the way, he was a great example participating in environmental projects and writing books about it. On the other hand, Diane Sawyer is considered a role model, due to her resourcefulness and versatility, as she was a great professional in every field in which she worked. In addition, she managed to be an important woman for the media, when women were not so visible in this sector, being considered one of the most influential women in the world.

4. Diane Sawyer has worked as a writer in addition to working on TV. We can see this in the text above, which shows that she wrote several statements for the president of the republic when she worked as an adviser in the White House. In addition to writing the news so efficiently that she was twice awarded an Emmy.

5. Both made their marks in the world by being people dedicated in their work, to the point of standing out in the area in which they were involved. David Attenborough, became a reference in environmental journalism and wildlife cinematography, while Diane Sawyer became a reference as a dedicated, focused reporter with a great capacity for writing and communication.

Unfortunately, Brainly doesn't have anything related to Diana Sawyer, but you can find more information about David Attenborough at the link below:


how to learn english well?



you can see korean or others movie I'n English subtitles

A system must include _______.
A.an input, an output and a process.
B.something to do with a form of transport.
C.a microprocessor.
D.fuel, water and electricity.



A.an input. an output and process

I don't need to study .... at university to become a famous actor


Well you kinda do so yeah

A university is an institution of higher education and research that grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects. It provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education.

'Actor' in the singular usually refers to a man, but some women who act prefer to be called 'actors' rather than ' actresses'.

Who is an actor?

An actor is someone whose job is acting in plays or films.

For more information about university, refer to the link:-


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