Write the definition of the rate of ATP hydrolyzation, R, in your own words. How would you calculate the rate of ATP hydrolyzation, R, if you know the step size of the motor protein, s, and the average vesicle velocity, v


Answer 1


ATP hydrolyzation is a process ( catabolic ) whereby chemical energy previously stored in phosphoanhydride bonds will be released by the process of bond splitting

R = Vesicle velocity / step size


The rate of ATP hydrolyzation can be explained  by relating ΔG ( Gibbs free energy)  and Q using this equation :  ΔrGo + RT ln(Q).   where ΔrGo = standard  Gibbs energy change.

while ATP hydrolyzation is a process ( catabolic ) whereby chemical energy previously stored in phosphoanhydride bonds will be released by the process of bond splitting

Calculating R

R = Vesicle velocity / step size

Related Questions

In the absence of oxygen, the pyruvic acid produced during
glycolysis is converted to co, and A. water B glycerol.ethanol
D. citric acid



B. Ethanol


During absence of O2 pyruvic acid is reduced to ethanol in alcoholic fermentation.


its is converted into co andoption .C Ethanol

write a documentary on journey of corona virus​



at this situation we need to take care of ourselves

because we know that it's disease which leads us to death

Coronavirus started as a vacation for all of people across the world celebrities people that work hard people that just needed a break from their job however it turned it into so much more it made small businesses lose so much money it made people lose the ones that they loved and it made riots and so many other things that needed to be said finally come out to the public there’s many ways that you could say coronavirus has had a bad impact on humanity but in other ways it’s made so many things that were kept in the dark finally coming to the light (BLM) it’s truly change some people people that used to be extroverts turn into introverts and it’s made us all show our true side because it scared all of us

In order to attract females, the male Bowerbird of Australia constructs elaborate structures called "bowers" on the forest floor. His bower is made from twigs, leaves, and moss, and is decorated with colorful ornaments such as feathers, pebbles, berries, and shells. If a female is sufficiently impressed with a bower, she will mate with the male who built it. This is an example of which of the five evolutionary forces? mutation gene flow non-random mating genetic drift



non-random mating


In animals, most cases of non-random matings are related to behavior. There are three main possible ways of non-random mating:

Harem reproduction ⇒ Dominant males mate with their group of femalesDiscriminated mating ⇒ Individuals mate with genetically similar partnersSexual selection ⇒ One of the couple members chooses the other one.  

Sexual selection

In many bird and mammal species, and even in some fish species, one of the sexes selects the other one to mate. In general, the one that chooses is the female.  

Intrasexual competition between males to get access to females plays a significant role in sexual selection. Males can develop weapons that make them greater fighters.

There is also intersexual selection, in which members of each sex apply selective pressures on the other sex, modeling their phenotype by choosing partners.

As notorious structures and behavior make males be more vulnerable to predation, sexual selection seems to operate against other types of natural selection, as it might affect males´ survival.

However, there seems to be a compensation between sexual selection and natural selection.


In the exposed example, the construction of elaborated and noticeable structures is done to attract females. If females are impressed with a bower, she will choose the male that built it to mate. The better the nest is, the better the male genetic quality. So the female chooses this male because his genetic charge is significant and reflects a higher fitness for their progeny.

A. Look carefully the next image, label its parts with the words from the box: SPINAL CORD CEREBRUM CEREBELLUM PERIPHERAL NERVES BRAIN STEM ​



You're welcome please give brainliest

Explain the self-correcting nature of science.​


The notion of a self-correcting science is based on the naive model of science as an objective process that incorporates new information and updates beliefs about the world depending on the available evidence. When new information suggests that old beliefs are false, the old beliefs are replaced by new beliefs.

The notion of a self-correcting science is based on the naive model of science as an objective process that incorporates new information and updates beliefs about the world depending on the available evidence. When new information suggests that old beliefs are false, the old beliefs are replaced by new beliefs.

one way viruses may be spread from person to person ​



virus spreads mainly between people who are in close contact with each other, typically within 1 metre. A person can be infected when aerosols or droplets containing the virus are inhaled or come directly into contact with the eyes, nose, or mouth.


This is the correct answer I hope this helps you out a little.

Current evidence suggests that the virus spreads mainly between people who are in close contact with each other, typically within 1 metre (short-range). A person can be infected when aerosols or droplets containing the virus are inhaled or come directly into contact with the eyes, nose, or mouth.

What differences would you expect to see in a population made up of individuals whose chromosomes experience crossing-over frequently compared with a population made up of individuals whose chromosomes do not cross over? Please explain your reasoning.



Crossing over is a type of recombination that occurs during prophase I of meiosis and results in the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes. In a population where crossing over occurs frequently, there would be increased gene pool or genetic drift and variations compared to a population where individual chromosomes do not cross over. The offspring will be genetically unique because of crossing over and independent assortment.

The phenomenon of single or double fertilization is unique to the seed plants



Double fertilization


The phenomenon of double fertilization is unique to flowering plants (i.e., angiosperms). Each pollen grain produces two male gametes (sperm cells), one of which fertilizes the egg to form the zygote, whereas the other sperm fuses with polar nuclei in the female gametophyte in order to form a triploid cell (3n) called endosperm. Subsequently, this endosperm will support embryonic growth by supplying storage nutrients and by serving as a mechanical barrier during seed development and germination.

[tex]\sf[/tex] what is meaning of acceleration?​


Acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes with time. For example if an object was falling with no air resistance the only force acting upon it would be gravity therefore the vertical acceleration of the object would be -9.8 m/s^2. Also isn’t this supposed to be a physics question and not biology lol


The rate at which an object's velocity changes with respect to time is called acceleration. Accelerations are measured in terms of vectors. The orientation of an object's acceleration is given by the orientation of the net force acting on that object.


Identify the eicosanoid.

Vitamin D.


Sex hormones.


Bile salts.



The eicosanoids are a family of oxygenated derivatives of 20-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acids that includes prostaglandins, thromboxanes, leukotrienes, endocannabinoids, and isoecosanoids.

Why can't we meet all of our protein needs in one meal?


Because most people go for what tastes good rather than what is protein rich, and what tastes good is usually high in fat and carbohydrates, as opposed to proteins.

The function of the placental hormone human placental lactogen (hPL) is to ________. Question 12 options: prepare the breasts for lactation nourish the placenta regulate the menstrual cycle help the placenta to mature All of the above are true.



nourish the placenta


The hormone called human placental lactogen (hPL) is a hormone secreted by the placenta, which functions to supply nutrients and oxygen to the growing fetus in the womb.

The human placental lactogen is produced to help in the efficient use of ingested food substances in the production of energy (metabolism). This indirectly helps to nourish the placenta because if the mother efficiently converts food into nutrients, the placenta is also adequately nourished.

You find a neuron that is releasing acetylcholine onto a muscarinic receptor on its target cell. When you trace the axon back to the spinal cord, you see that it is part of the nerve coming from the upper regions of the spinal cord. Based on its anatomy, you should classify this neuron as





This neuron in the question is a parasympathetic type of neuron that releases the acetylcholine onto the target cell. It is the part of the nerve coming from the upper regions of the spinal chord.

The [tex]\text{parasympathetic}[/tex] nervous system mainly is composed of the cranial spinal nerves and the [tex]\text{sacral spinal nerves}[/tex]. The preganglionic neurons that arises from the brain or from the sacral spinal cord.

Therefore, the correct answer is "parasympathetic" neuron.

Humans are diploid; every individual carries only two alleles.

a. True
b. False


A. True :)

I hope this helps

I need help please

Are mutations always harmful? Why or why not?


Answer: Mutational effects can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral


Most non-neutral mutations are deleterious. In general, the more base pairs that are affected by a mutation, the larger the effect of the mutation, and the larger the mutation's probability of being deleterious.


For question 13.1-13.4, if you sorted 200 flies by eye color and body color, how many whole flies out of that 200 would you expect to exhibit each of the four phenotypes


i’ll give you the answer later

Sperm is produced in the?





produced from the testicals




produced from the testicals

Lebell the picture from A to H



I don't know it can I search it in my laptop and tell you the answer

Little Hazel had a painful cavity filled the last time she was at
the dentist. The next dental visit, she begins to cry when the
dental assistant walks out and calls her name. Provide a
rationale for her behavior based on classical conditioning
principles. Be sure to use behavioral terms in your answer
(US, UR, NS, CS, and CR should be identified for full credit).



UCS=US=unconditioned stimulus. UCR=UR=unconditioned response. CS=conditioned stimulus. CR=conditioned response. NS=neutral stimulus.

The plant cell's rigid cell wall prevents it from
bursting, but what keeps a plant upright?
A. cell walls
B. turgor pressure
C. cell membranes





A turgid cell is a cell that has turgor pressure. ... The resulting influx of water leads to a large turgor pressure being exerted against the plant cell wall. This makes the cell turgid. The presence of the cell wall in plants prevents the cell from bursting (osmotic lysis), which happens in a cell lacking a cell wall.

The erosion of rock by wind is an example of an interaction
A. Atmosphere and Lithosphere
B. Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
C. Hydrosphere and Lithosphere
D. None of these



The erosion of rock by wind is an example of an interactionbetween:

B. ɑtmosphere ɑnd Hydrosphere

The erosion of rock by wind is an example of an interaction

between: B) Atmosphere and Hydrosphere.

What is erosion explained?

Erosion is the geological system in which earthen materials are worn away and transported by means of natural forces consisting of wind or water. A similar technique, weathering, breaks down or dissolves the rock, but does no longer involve movement.

What are erosion and weathering?

Weathering is the breaking down or dissolving of rocks and minerals on Earth's floor. as soon as a rock has been damaged, a process called erosion transports the bits of rock and minerals away. Water, acids, salt, flora, animals, and modifications in temperature are all dealers of weathering and erosion.

Learn more about erosion here: https://brainly.com/question/17905503


In Drosophila melanogaster the recessive alleles for brown and scarlet eyes (of two independent genes) produce a novel phenotype so that bw/bw;st/st is white. If a pure-breeding brown is crossed to a pure-breeding scarlet, what proportion of the F2 will be white



There are a lot of cells and tissues that support the developing embryo. How do you think this changes if the mother is a litter bearing animal such as cat, dog or mouse? (be sure to provide references to defend your answer


Answer: The cells and tissues support embryonic development in mammalian offsprings as these cells have the capacity to divide and differentiate.


Since the time from copulation till delivery of fetus several changes occur in the body of the mammalian mother including animals like cat, dog, and mouse to support the pregnancy. There are specialized totipotent cells which are proliferating specialized cells they have tendency to divide quickly and differentiate into functional types so that they can become a specialized organ or part of the body. If take an example of human which is also mammal in mother body after conception the egg gets fertilized to form sperm which changes to embryo the embryo divides and differentiate to form blastocysts and further divides and differentiate in several stages to become fetus.

Location 1
Process that occurred

Location 2
Process that occurred

Location 3
Process that occurred

Location 4
Process that occurred

Location 5
Process that occurred

Location 6
Process that occurred

Location 7
Process that occurred

Location 8
Process that occurred

Location 9
Process that occurred

Location 10
Process that occurred



what is your question 1 ,2 ya 3 wha

"Ancient Greek Myths for Kids: The Story of King Midas and the Golden Touch - Ancient Greek Myth for Kids" https://greece.mrdonn.org/greekgods/kingmidas.html​




Hello there!

Is there anything you need help with which is based on the story?

que es atomo y cuales son sus componente :3 rapido



átomo es la unidad constituyente más pequeña de la materia que tiene propiedades de un elemento químico.[1] Cada sólido, líquido, gas y plasma se compone de átomos neutros o ionizados. Los átomos son microscópicos; los tamaños típicos son alrededor de 100 pm (diez mil millonésima parte de un metro).[2] No obstante, los átomos no tienen límites bien definidos y hay diferentes formas de definir su tamaño que dan valores diferentes pero cercanos. Los átomos son lo suficientemente pequeños para que la física clásica dé resultados notablemente incorrectos. A través del desarrollo de la física, los modelos atómicos han incorporado principios cuánticos para explicar y predecir mejor su comportamiento


El átomo contiene protones, neutrones y electrones, con la excepción del átomo de hidrógeno-1, que no contiene neutrones, y del catión hidrógeno o hidrón, que no contiene electrones. Los protones y neutrones del átomo se denominan nucleones, por formar parte del núcleo atómico.

Which is the best description of biology? A. The study of humans and animals B. The study of all living things C. The study of plants and animals D. The study of humans, plants, and animals



B. The study of all living things.


Biology is the SCIENTIFIC study of life. It is a natural Science with a broad scope such as anatomy, physiology , morphology e.t.c.

These bacteria rapidly divide until they run out of space. Their growth then slows down, and their population size stabilizes. What kind of curve would accurately show these changes in the population?


The correct answer is B. S-curve


There are two models of population growth. One of them is the J-curve in which the population grows constantly without stabilizing, forming a J-shaped graph. Second, the S-curve is a model in which the population grows to a point, and from there it stabilizes, forming an S-shaped graph. According to the above, bacteria that divide rapidly until they run out of space and their growth slows down stabilizing the size of their population has an S curve model because the population does not grow unlimitedly but stabilized under specific circumstances. So, the correct answer is B. S-curve

The component that is not part of the health triangle is called what ?





Heredity is the component that is not a main factor in the health triangle.


is pawpaw a local food crop



Pawpaw means papaya. Hope you'll get some clues from here

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