what is (-5x-3y) - (-x-3z)


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:




Related Questions

What is the value of x in the equation -2 =5x + 3


-2 = 5x +3
5x = 3 + 2
5x = 5
x = 1

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps you and please mark it brainliest answer

Nick drew a rectangular political cartoon that measures 2 inches by 4 inches. He wants to enlarge the cartoon by a scale factor of 3 for a poster presentation. The area of the original cartoon will be what fraction of the area of the enlarged cartoon?



I believ the answer is 6/12 or 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:

2x3 = 6 and 4x3 = 12 and 6/12 simplified would be 1/2


I believe the answer is 6/12 or 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:

Please Help!!
The scale on the map is stated as 1 : 200000. A main road connects two towns which are 34 kilometres apart. How far will it be on the map, in centimetres, between the two towns along the main road




34 : 6800000

Step-by-step explanation:

1 : 20000034km : ?34km : 34km × 20000034km : 6800000km34 : 6800000

Write down the nth term of the following sequence

the following pattern are made using small squares



a) [tex]n = 4 + 7\cdot i[/tex], [tex]\forall\, i \in \mathbb{N}_O[/tex], b) [tex]n = 2 + (i+1)^{2}[/tex], [tex]\forall \,i\in \mathbb{N}_{O}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

a) The sequence is representative for an arithmetic sequence, whose key characteristic is that difference is between two consecutive elements is the same. In particular, the sequence has a difference of 7 between any two consecutive elements and the initial element is 4. Hence, we can derive the following formula:

[tex]n = n_{o} + r\cdot i[/tex], [tex]\forall\, i \in \mathbb{N}_O[/tex] (1)


[tex]n_{o}[/tex] - Initial element.

[tex]r[/tex] - Difference between two consecutive elements.

[tex]i[/tex] - Index.

If we know that [tex]n_{o} = 4[/tex] and [tex]r = 7[/tex], then the expression for the n-th term of the sequence is:

[tex]n = 4 + 7\cdot i[/tex], [tex]\forall \,i\in\mathbb{N}_{O}[/tex]

b) In this case, we have a geometric sequence described by the following equation:

[tex]n = 2 + (i+1)^{2}[/tex], [tex]\forall \,i\in \mathbb{N}_{O}[/tex]  (2)

The constant element ([tex]2[/tex]) represents the two extreme squares, whereas the second order binomial represents the total of squares in the middle ([tex](i+1)^{2}[/tex]) and emulates the area formula of the square.


Step-by-step explanation:


Find the following products :-
( -7 x² ) × 2 y
please give answer immediately
and give it correct
please don't write incorrect answer​



- 14x²y

Step-by-step explanation:


- 7x² × 2y

= - 7 × 2 × x² × y

= - 14x²y

(-7X2) = -14
X^2 x y = x^2y
Therefore (-7x^2) x 2y = 14x^2y

The step function f(x) is graphed
What is the value of ( -1)?
0 1
0 0
5 6







5 6



Cual de las siguientes expreciones permite a fatima obtener t que es la cantidad de palitos nesesaria para armar una figura n



T(n) = 4 + 12*n

Step-by-step explanation:

La pregunta completa se puede ver en la imagen de abajo.

En ella, podemos ver que:

La primera figura tiene: 16 palitos

la segunda figura, con n = 2, se añaden 3 palitos en cada extremo, por lo que tendremos 16 palitos + 4*3 palitos = (16 + 12) palitos

De manera similar, en la tercera figura se vuelven a añadir 3 palitos en cada extremo de la cruz, entonces esta figura tendrá:

(16 + 12) palitos + 4*3 palitos = (16 + 12 + 12) palitos.

Así, tenemos la relación:

T(1) = 16

T(2) = 16 + 12

T(3) = 16 + 12 + 12

Podemos asumir que la forma general será:

T(n) = 16 + 12*(n - 1)

podemos reescribir esto como:

T(n) = (12 + 4) + 12*(n - 1)

      = 4 + 12 + 12*(n - 1)

      = 4 + 12*n

La opción correcta es la primera.

Please help a-e I will rate and like response. Thank u




VOLUME OF SPHERE: ≈523.6cm^3

please answer this
simplify it too



x^2 +3x

Step-by-step explanation:

The outer rectangle has an area of

A = l*w = (4x)*(x+2) = 4x^2 +8x

The inner rectangle has an area of

A = (3x+5)*x = 3x^2 +5x

Subtract the inner rectangle from the outer rectangle

Shaded area = 4x^2 +8x - ( 3x^2 +5x)

Distribute the minus sign

                       =4x^2 +8x -  3x^2 -5x

Combine like terms

                       = x^2 +3x

Someone Please help‼️‼️‼️


Hi there!

[tex]\large\boxed{m = 2}[/tex]

Since the line is increasing (the y-values are increasing as x increases), we can automatically eliminate any answer choice containing a negative slope.

Thus, the only correct answer choice would be m = 2.

We could also solve using the slope formula:

m = y2-y1/x2-x1

Plug in given points:

m = 3-1 / 0 - (-1)

m = 2 / 1 = 2

what is the answer to this equation?




Step-by-step explanation:

apply (a+b)^2 formula

Answer: 4i
Hope this helps

The volume of a sphere is 3,000π m3. What is the radius of the sphere to the nearest meter?




Step-by-step explanation:

volume of sphere = [tex]\frac{4}{3} * pi * r^{3}[/tex] = 3000π

4r^3/3 = 3000

r^3 =2250

r = ∛2250 = 13.10370 = 13


Radius of the sphere is 13.1 m.

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]{ \boxed{ \pmb{volume = { \bf{ \frac{4}{3}\pi {r}^{3} }}}}}[/tex]


[tex]{ \tt{3000\pi = \frac{4}{3} \times \pi \times {( {r}^{3}) } }} \\ \\ { \tt{ {r}^{3} = \frac{3000 \times 3}{4} }} \\ \\ { \tt{r = \sqrt[3]{ \frac{3000 \times 3}{4} } }} \\ { \tt{r = 13.1 \: m}}[/tex]

Simultaneous equation 2x-Y= -1 x-2y=4​



x + y = -5

Step-by-step explanation:

2x - x - y + 2y = -1 - 4

x + y = -5

What is the value of the expression below when y = 8 y=8? 2 y + 7 2y+7




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]2 y + 7[/tex]

Replace y with 8

[tex]= 2 (8) + 7\\= 16+ 7\\= 23[/tex]

Therefore, the value of the expression when y=8 is 23.

I hope this helps!

Given that the point (-2,8) is on the graph of an equation that is symmetric with respect to the x-axis, what other point is on the graph?

(Type an ordered pair)


(-2, -8) Imagine the point (-2,8) being reflected in a mirror, where the x axis is the mirror. Since the point is 8 above the x axis, the reflected point will be 8 below.

Help please, I need with the question​


Answer: [tex]\frac{4}{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

tangent of ∠PLM = [tex]\frac{opposite}{adjacent} =\frac{4}{3}[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

Helpppp Please! Please!





Hope my answer helped u :)

please answer this!!​


triangle is always 180

both sides are equal so both sides are 51


f(x) = x2 – 12x – 29
f(3) = (x+ ?)+ ?



-6 and - 65

Step-by-step explanation:

X-12x-29, by completing the square we get (x-6)^2-65

if the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle has a length of 5 centimeters what is the length of one of the legs



a =b = [tex]\frac{5\sqrt{5} }{5}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]a^{2} +b^{2} = 5 ^{2}[/tex]

a = b

[tex]2a^{2} = 5 ^{2}[/tex]

[tex]2a^{2} = 25\\[/tex]

[tex]a^{2} = \frac{25}{5}[/tex]

a = [tex]\frac{5}{\sqrt{5} }[/tex]

must rationalize...

a =b = [tex]\frac{5\sqrt{5} }{5}[/tex]

I just need the numbers can anyone help me with this ??


Step-by-step explanation:


In order to graph this, a point would have to go through (-6, 1). Then, since it says it needs a slope of 5 (or, to make things a bit easer, we could see it as 5/1) we'd need the next point to be 5 up and 1 across.

One possible solution:

(-6, 1) -> (-5, 6)

One possible solution (-6,1) —-> (-5,6)

can i get some help please


The sum of the interior angles in a triangle is 180 degrees.

72 + 35 + <1 = 180

107 + <1 = 180

<1 = 73 degrees

Hope this helps!


<1 = 73

Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees

72+ 35+ <1 = 180

Combine like terms

107 + <1 =180

Subtract 107 from each side

<1 = 180-107

<1 = 73

dilations geometry!



A' (0,20)

B' (30,-20)

C' (-10,-40)

Answered by GAUTHMATH

If f(1) = 4 and f(n) = f(n − 1) + 5 then find the value of f(5).




Step-by-step explanation:






f(5) = 24

Step-by-step explanation:

f(1) = 4

f(n) = f(n − 1) + 5

Let n = 2

f(2) = f(2 − 1) + 5 = 4+5 = 9

Let n = 3

f(3) = f(3 − 1) + 5 = f(2)+5 = 9+5 = 14

Let n = 4

f(4) = f(4 − 1) + 5 = f(3)+5 = 14+5 = 19

Let n = 5

f(5) = f(5 − 1) + 5 = f(4)+5 = 19+5 = 24

Based on the graph of the trigonometric function,
what is the period?



[tex]\displaystyle 4[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle y = 3sin\:(\frac{\pi}{2}x + \frac{\pi}{2}) \\ y = 3cos\:\frac{\pi}{2}x[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle y = Asin(Bx - C) + D \\ \\ Vertical\:Shift \hookrightarrow D \\ Horisontal\:[Phase]\:Shift \hookrightarrow \frac{C}{B} \\ Wavelength\:[Period] \hookrightarrow \frac{2}{B}\pi \\ Amplitude \hookrightarrow |A| \\ \\ Wavelength\:[Period] \hookrightarrow \frac{2}{B}\pi \hookrightarrow \boxed{4} \hookrightarrow \frac{2}{\frac{\pi}{2}}\pi[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle y = Acos(Bx - C) + D \\ \\ Vertical\:Shift \hookrightarrow D \\ Horisontal\:[Phase]\:Shift \hookrightarrow \frac{C}{B} \\ Wavelength\:[Period] \hookrightarrow \frac{2}{B}\pi \\ Amplitude \hookrightarrow |A| \\ \\ Wavelength\:[Period] \hookrightarrow \frac{2}{B}\pi \hookrightarrow \boxed{4} \hookrightarrow \frac{2}{\frac{\pi}{2}}\pi[/tex]

You will need the above information to help you interpret the graph. So, sinse you ONLY have a graph to wourk with, you MUST figure the period out by using wavelengths. So, looking at where the graph hits [tex]\displaystyle [-5, 0],[/tex] from there to [tex]\displaystyle [-1, 0],[/tex] they are obviously [tex]\displaystyle 4\:units[/tex] apart, telling you that the period of the graph is [tex]\displaystyle 4.[/tex] Now, the amplitude is obvious to figure out because it is the A-term, but of cource, if you want to be certain it is the amplitude, look at the graph to see how low and high each crest extends beyond the midline. The midline is the centre of your graph, also known as the vertical shift, which in this case the centre is at [tex]\displaystyle y = 0,[/tex] in which each crest is extended three units beyond the midline, hence, your amplitude. So, no matter how far the graph shifts vertically, the midline will ALWAYS follow.

I am delighted to assist you at any time.

A rectangular drawing is enlarged by 30%. The original dimensions of this drawing are 16cm x 24cm.
Determine the scale factor, as a fraction that represents this enlargement. What are the new, enlarged



Step-by-step explanation: Scale [tex]\frac{130}{100} = \frac{13}{10}[/tex]

New dimensions [tex]16 * 1.3 --- 24*1.3 =20.8 cm * 31.2 cm[/tex]

Write these sums as decimals:

2/100 + 3/1,000 =

1/10 + 4/10,000 =



1 ) 0.023

2 ) 0.1004

Step-by-step explanation:

2 / 100 + 3 / 1000

= 0.02 + 0.003

= 0.020 + 0.003

= 0.023

1 / 10 + 4 / 10,000

= 0.1 + 0.0004

= 0.1000 + 0.0004

= 0.1004

what is the equation of the line that is parallel to the given line and passes through the point (-3,2)? no links.



D) 4x +3y = -6

Step-by-step explanation:

paralell lines so m1 and m2 are equal

m = (3 +1 )/ (0 - 3 )

m = -4/ 3

y -2 = -4/3 (x +3)

y =-4x/3 -2

3y = -4x -6

4x +3y = -6

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
Z1 = 4cis (pi/2) and Z2=3cis(3pi/2)
The product of Z1 and Z2 is



z₁ × z₂ = 12·cis(2·π)

Step-by-step explanation:

z₁ = 4·cis(π/2), z₂ = 3·cis(3·π/2)

We have;

z₁ = 4·cis(π/2) = 4·(cos(π/2) + i·sin(π/2))

z₂ = 3·cis(3·π/2) = 3·(cos(3·π/2) + i·sin(3·π/2))

According to De Moivre's Theorem,

z₁ × z₂ = 4×3×(cos(π/2 + 3·π/2) + i·sin(π/2 + 3·π/2)) = 12·(cos(2·π) + i·sin(2·π))

∴ z₁ × z₂ = 12·cis(2·π)

Verificar que el volumen de ambas figuras es el mismo, para ello lleva a cabo el siguiente procedimiento:
a) Obtén una expresión para el volumen de la primera figura.
b) Transforma la expresión como una multiplicación de polinomios.
c) Identifica en tu resultado el área de la base prisma y su altura para concluir una igualdad. ​



English for fast response

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