Write the equation of the line that passes through the points (- 5, 1) and (2, 0) . Put your answer in fully reduced slope intercept form, unless it is a vertical or horizontal line


Answer 1


y=-1/7x + 12/7

Step-by-step explanation:

Start by finding the slope



next plug the slope and the point (-5,1) into point slope formula



x1= -5


y- 1 = -1/7(x - -5)


Distribute -1/7 first

y- 1=-1/7x + 5/7

Add 1 on both sides, but since its a fraction add 7/7

y=-1/7x + (5/7+7/7)


Related Questions

In a random sample of 7 residents of the state of Montana, the mean waste recycled per person per day was 2.8 pounds with a standard deviation of 0.16 pounds. Determine the 90% confidence interval for the mean waste recycled per person per day for the population of Montana. Assume the population is approximately normal.



The 90% confidence interval for the mean waste recycled per person per day for the population of Montana is between 2.68 and 2.92 pounds.

Step-by-step explanation:

We have the standard deviation for the sample, which means that the t-distribution is used to solve this question.

The first step to solve this problem is finding how many degrees of freedom, we have. This is the sample size subtracted by 1. So

df = 7 - 1 = 6

90% confidence interval

Now, we have to find a value of T, which is found looking at the t table, with 6 degrees of freedom(y-axis) and a confidence level of [tex]1 - \frac{1 - 0.9}{2} = 0.95[/tex]. So we have T = 1.9432.

The margin of error is:

[tex]M = T\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}} = 1.9432\frac{0.16}{\sqrt{7}} = 0.12[/tex]

In which s is the standard deviation of the sample and n is the size of the sample.

The lower end of the interval is the sample mean subtracted by M. So it is 2.8 - 0.12 = 2.68 pounds.

The upper end of the interval is the sample mean added to M. So it is 2.8 + 0.12 = 2.92 pounds.

The 90% confidence interval for the mean waste recycled per person per day for the population of Montana is between 2.68 and 2.92 pounds.

Meg is 6 years older than Victor. Meg's age is 2 years less than five times Victor's age. The equations below model the relationship between Meg's age (m) and Victor's age (v):

m = v + 6
m = 5v − 2

Which is a possible correct method to find Meg's and Victor's ages?

Solve m + 6 = 5m − 2 to find the value of m.
Write the points where the graphs of the equations intersect the x axis.
Solve v + 6 = 5v − 2 to find the value of v.
Write the points where the graphs of the equations intersect the y axis.



Option C

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1:  Find the correct method

Option A is incorrect because we don't have m + 6 and 5m - 2

Option B is incorrect because that wouldn't show us the correct value

Option C is correct, once we solve for v, we can plug in v and get the value of m.  For example:  v + 6 = 5v - 2 → v + 8 = 5v → 8 = 4v → 2 = v.  Then we plug it into the other equation m = 2 + 6 → m = 8

Option D is incorrect because that wouldn't show us the correct value.

Answer: Option C

find all complex numbers z such that z^2=2i

please answer in a+bi

thank you​


2 Answers:

z = 1 + i   and   z = -1 - i



We want z to be a complex number in the form z = a+bi, where a,b are real numbers and [tex]i = \sqrt{-1}[/tex] is imaginary.

Let's plug that into the equation your teacher gave you

[tex]z^2 = 2i\\\\(a+bi)^2 = 2i\\\\(a+bi)(a+bi) = 2i\\\\a(a+bi)+bi(a+bi) = 2i\\\\a^2+abi+abi+b^2*i^2 = 2i\\\\a^2+2abi+b^2*(-1) = 2i\\\\a^2+2abi-b^2 = 2i\\\\(a^2-b^2)+2abi = 0+2i\\\\[/tex]

You could use the FOIL rule to take a shortcut. I'm deciding to be a bit more wordy to show a further breakdown how everything is multiplying out.

Notice that the real part a^2-b^2 must be 0 so that it matches the real part on the right hand side.

a^2-b^2 = 0

(a-b)(a+b) = 0 .... difference of squares rule

a-b = 0 or a+b = 0

a = b or a = -b

So whatever solution z = a+bi is, it must have either a = b or a = -b.


If a = b, then the 2abi portion on the left side turns into 2a^2*i

Set this equal to 2i on the right hand side and isolate 'a'

[tex]2a^2*i = 2i\\\\2a^2 = 2\\\\a^2 = 1\\\\a = 1 \text{ or } a = -1\\\\[/tex]

So a = 1 leads to b = 1

Or a = -1 leads to b = -1

Two complex solutions so far are:   z = 1 + i   and   z = -1 - i  based on those two cases above.


Now consider the case that a = -b

We'll effectively have the same steps as the previous section, but the equation to solve now is [tex]-2a^2*i = 2i\\\\[/tex]

The only difference is that negative is out front. You should find that it leads to a^2 = -1, but this has no solutions because we stated earlier that a,b were real numbers.

So if a = -b, then it concludes with a,b being nonreal numbers. Ultimately we rule out the case that a = -b is possible.

Put another way, note how -2a^2 is always negative which clashes with the idea that the right hand side is positive (ignore the 'i' portions). This contradiction means that no real values of 'a' will make the equation [tex]-2a^2*i = 2i\\\\[/tex] to be true.


To wrap things up, we only have two solutions and they are  

z = 1 + i   and   z = -1 - i

You can use a tool like WolframAlpha to confirm this.

The probability that Barry Bonds hits a home run on any given at-bat is 0.16, and each at-bat is independent.

Part A: What is the probability that the next home run will be on his fifth at-bat? (5 points)

Part B: What is the expected number of at-bats until the next home run? (5 points)



a) 0.0797 = 7.97% probability that the next home run will be on his fifth at-bat.

b) The expected number of at-bats until the next home run is 6.25.

Step-by-step explanation:

For each at bat, there are two possible outcomes. Either it is a home run, or it is not. The probability of an at bat resulting in a home run is independent of any other at-bat, which means that the binomial probability distribution is used to solve this question.

Binomial probability distribution

The binomial probability is the probability of exactly x successes on n repeated trials, and X can only have two outcomes.

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

In which [tex]C_{n,x}[/tex] is the number of different combinations of x objects from a set of n elements, given by the following formula.

[tex]C_{n,x} = \frac{n!}{x!(n-x)!}[/tex]

And p is the probability of X happening.

The probability that Barry Bonds hits a home run on any given at-bat is 0.16

This means that [tex]p = 0.16[/tex]

Part A: What is the probability that the next home run will be on his fifth at-bat?

0 on his next 4(P(X = 0) when n = 4)

Home run on his 5th at-bat, with 0.16 probability. So

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = C_{4,0}.(0.16)^{0}.(0.84)^{4} = 0.49787136 [/tex]

0.49787136 *0.16 = 0.0797.

0.0797 = 7.97% probability that the next home run will be on his fifth at-bat.

Part B: What is the expected number of at-bats until the next home run?

The expected number of trials for n successes is given by:

[tex]E = \frac{n}{p}[/tex]

In this question, [tex]n = 1, p = 0.16[/tex]. So

[tex]E = \frac{1}{0.16} = 6.25[/tex]

The expected number of at-bats until the next home run is 6.25.

Which function is represented by the graph?

f(x) = −|x − 3| + 4
f(x) = −|x + 3| + 4
f(x) = −|x − 4| + 3
f(x) = −|x + 4| + 3


All of the equations have a graph that is reflected over the x axis. So look at the maximum point/ the vertex of the graph.

1) has vertex (3,4)
2)has vertex (-3,4)
3)has vertex (4,3)
4)has vertex(-4,3)

The functions should look the same, the only difference is the vertex.

How many spaces does it move over



The point at the bottom has to move over 2 to the left to be aligned with the point at the top however they will have a 3 space in between the 2 same for the point at the top, the top point moves over 2 to the right to be aligned with the bottom point, then they will have a 3 square space between each other.

Answer:Around 3 spaces between?

Step-by-step explanation:

Kenji simplifies 3^5 x 4^ 5and gets the result 12^10, but Darlene is not sure. Is Kenji correct? Justify your answer.


That's a question about exponentiation.


Kenji is wrong because he does not aply the porperty correctly.

Step-by-step explanation:

A exponetiation has this form:


a is the base

b is the power or exponent

To understand that situation it's important to know a property about exponentiation. When we have a multiplication with the same exponent and diferent bases, the result is the multiplication of the bases with the same exponent. Let's see this above, in mathematical language:

[tex]\boxed{a^b \cdot c^b = (a\cdot c) ^b}[/tex]


[tex]2^3 \cdot 8^3 = (2 \cdot 8) ^3 = 16^3[/tex][tex]10^9 \cdot 23^9 = (10 \cdot 23) ^9 = 230^9[/tex]

Now, we can say why Kenji is wrong. It's easy simplify [tex]3^5 \cdot 4^5[/tex]! We know that the result is [tex](3 \cdot 4) ^5 = 12^5[/tex], but Kenji multiplied the bases and added the exponents, that's why he is wrong.

I hope I've helped. ^^

Enjoy your studies! \o/

T is the midpoint of pq where pt=3x-3 and tq=5x-7 find x


Answer: x = 2

Step-by-step explanation:


         (3x-3)                   (5x-7)

Since T is the midpoint we know that PT and TQ are equal

Just solve the equation: 3x-3 = 5x-7

[tex]3x-3 = 5x-7[/tex]

now move the x to one side

[tex]-3 = 2x-7[/tex] (I subtracted the 3x)

then get the 2x by itself


lastly, divide by 2 to get x by itself


Given the parabola below, find the endpoints of the latus rectum. (x-2)^2=-20(y+2)



The endpoints of the latus rectum are [tex](12, -7)[/tex] and [tex](-8, -7)[/tex].

Step-by-step explanation:

A parabola with vertex at point [tex]C(x, y) = (h,k)[/tex] and whose axis of symmetry is parallel to the y-axis is defined by the following formula:

[tex](x-h)^{2} = 4\cdot p \cdot (y-k)[/tex] (1)


[tex]y[/tex] - Independent variable.

[tex]x[/tex] - Dependent variable.

[tex]p[/tex] - Distance from vertex to the focus.

[tex]h[/tex], [tex]k[/tex] - Coordinates of the vertex.

The coordinates of the focus are represented by:

[tex]F(x,y) = (h, k+p)[/tex] (2)

The latus rectum is a line segment parallel to the x-axis which contains the focus. If we know that [tex]h = 2[/tex], [tex]k = -2[/tex] and [tex]p = -5[/tex], then the latus rectum is between the following endpoints:

By (2):

[tex]F(x,y) = (2, -2-5)[/tex]

[tex]F(x,y) = (2,-7)[/tex]

By (1):

[tex](x-2)^{2} = -20\cdot (-7+2)[/tex]

[tex](x-2)^{2} = 100[/tex]

[tex]x - 2 = \pm 10[/tex]

There are two solutions:

[tex]x_{1} = 2 + 10[/tex]

[tex]x_{1} = 12[/tex]

[tex]x_{2} = 2-10[/tex]

[tex]x_{2} = -8[/tex]

Hence, the endpoints of the latus rectum are [tex](12, -7)[/tex] and [tex](-8, -7)[/tex].

Linda leaves the school to go home. She walks 7 blocks south and then 9 blocks east. how far is Linda from her office?
A.8 blocks
B.11.5 blocks
C.20 blocks
D.14 blocks



B. 11.5

Step-by-step explanation:

That missing length can be solved via the equation a^2+b^2=c^2, where the hypotenuse is c. We know A and B, which is 7 and 9.


sqrt 130 is 11.4017543

Here, you kinda have to break the rules of rounding to say that it is B.

There could be a more efficient route for resolving this answer, but this is the method that I was taught.

what is the length of a rectangular solid with a volume of 180 cu ft, if it is 9 ft high and 4ft wide?



5 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for Volume is V=lwh, or Volume = length x width x height.

The equation would be:




To find the answer, divide by 36.

[tex]\frac{180}{36} =\frac{36l}{36}[/tex]


The following expression gives an approximate value of the total average credit card debt in a U.S. household (in dollars) t years after 1995.

400t + 5750

Use this expression to predict what the total average credit card debt will be in the year 2025.

Answer: In the year 2025, the total average credit card debt for a U.S. household will be ------------ dollars.



In 2025, t=30. so D=418*30+6000 = 18540

Find RS. Can anyone help?


The segment XT splits the trapezoid exactly in half. The average of RS and Q will give us XT because of the properties of a trapezoid.

We find the area of a trapezoid by averaging the bases as well.

RS + Q / 2 = XT

RS + 26 / 2 = 22

RS + 26 = 44

RS = 18

Hope this helps!

A department store mails a customer satisfaction survey to people who make credit card purchases at the store. This month, 3521 people made credit card purchases. Surveys are mailed to 278 of these people, chosen at random, and 172 people return the survey form. Identify the population and the sample.



The population is the population of 3521 people who made credit card purchases.

The sample is the 172 people who returned the survey form.

Step-by-step explanation:

Department mails customers satisfactions forms to those who make credit cards purchase at the store, totaling 3521 people. Thus, the population is the population of 3521 people who made credit card purchases.

Surveys are mailed to 278 of these people, chosen at random, and 172 people return the survey form.

Thus the sample, that is, those from whom the data will be taken and expanded to the rest of the population, is the 172 people who returned the survey form.

The population is all 3521 people who made credit card purchases.

The sample is the 172 people who returned the survey form.

What are the zeroes of f(x) = x2 - X - 2?
x= -2,1
x = 2, -1
x= -2, -1
x = 2,1



x=2    x=-1

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = x^2 - X - 2

0= x^2 -x-2


0 =(x-2)(x+1)

Using the zero product property

x-2 =0   x+1 =0

x=2    x=-1


x=2, -1

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

We want to find the zeros of this function: f(x)=x²-x-2

The zeros are the values of x that will make f(x)=0

So that means in order to find the zeros, set f(x) as 0

In that case,


Now let's solve the quadratic equation

We can do it by factoring

-x is the sum of two numbers, while -2 is the product of those two same numbers

Now think: which two numbers add up to -1, but multiply to get -2?

Those numbers are -2 and 1

Now factor the polynomial by FOIL:


Split and solve





The zeros are x=2, -1

Hope this helps!

By which number should (2/5)^-3 be multiplied to get (1/2)^4 as a product ?​




[tex]x=\frac{2}{5} ^{3} \\[/tex]×[tex]\frac{1}{2}^{4}[/tex]

(negative in the exponent means reciprocal of the fraction)

x= [tex]\frac{1}{250}[/tex]

Brainliest please

Find the solution(s) of the system of equations. y = x2 + 4x y + x2 = –4x Question 7 options: A) (–4, 0) and (0, 0) B) (0, 0) C) (–4, 0) and (4, 0) D) (0, 0) and (4, 0)




Answer A (-4,0) and (0,0)

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}y&=&x^2+4x\\y+x^2&=&-4x\\\end{array} \right.\\\\\\\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}y&=&x^2+4x\\y&=&-x^2-4x\\\end{array} \right.\\\\\\\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}y&=&x^2+4x\\x^2+4x&=&-x^2-4x\\\end{array} \right.\\\\\\\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}2*x^2+8*x&=&0\\y&=&x^2+4x\\\end{array} \right.\\\\\\\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}x(x+4)&=&0\\y&=&x^2+4x\\\end{array} \right.\\\\\\[/tex]

[tex]\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}x&=&0 \\y&=&0\\\end{array} \right. \ or\ \left\{\begin{array}{ccc}x&=&-4 \\y&=&0\\\end{array} \right.[/tex]

Bobby wants to bring popsicles to a summer barbecue. He decides to try a new recipe for pineapple-orange popsicles, so he makes a small batch with 1 cup of pineapple juice and 3 cups of orange juice to taste. He likes the combination, so he uses 3 cups of pineapple juice and 7 cups of orange juice to make a larger batch for the barbecue. Which batch of popsicles tastes more like oranges?


Answer:The first would taste more like oranges

Step-by-step explanation:

what is the radius of a circle in it in if the area is 36m²?
A.0.339 m
B.3.39 m
C.78.5 m²
D.339 m



B. 3.39 m

Step-by-step explanation:

r² = A/π

= 36/3.14

= 11.465

r = √11.465 = 3.39



It doesn't change because to add fractions, you need a common denominator. To find it, they multiplied 1/3 by 2 to make 2/6, to add to the 3/6.

A map has a scale in which 1.25 inches represents 250 miles.

How many miles does 1 inch represent?


Answer:  200 miles

Work Shown:

(1.25 inches)/(250 miles) = (1 inch)/(x miles)

(1.25)/(250) = 1/x

1.25x = 250*1 ..... cross multiplication

1.25x = 250

x = 250/(1.25)

x = 200 miles

one month is what percentage of a year given that there are 7 days in a week, and 12 months in a year



it should be 8.333333%

Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is 8.3% or 8.4% when rounding. If you were to round to the nearest it would be 8.0% since 8.3 is closer to 8.0 not 9.0.

In the figure, triangles ABC and DEF are congruent.
Find the measure of DF.
a. 13m
b. 12m
c. 7m
d. 13.928m


It’s d hope it helps

Choose the correct solution for the given equation x^2-6x=40




Step-by-step explanation:

not sure where the options are but if you were to solve this equation first bring everything to one side.

x^2 - 6x - 40 = 0

factor it

(x-10)(x+4) = 0

set each part to 0

x-10 = 0 and x+4 = 0

solutions are 10 and -4

Our soccer team lost 9 games this season. That was 3/8 of all they played. How many games did they play this season?​




Step-by-step explanation:

3/8 = 9

9÷3= 3

the remainder of 3/8 is 5/8 so


Which of the statements is true for the two division problems below? A: (x^2-3x-18)/(x-6) B. (x^3-x^2-5x-3)/(x^2+2x+1)



B is the right statement


add the answer choices

Step-by-step explanation:

Match each set of vertices with the type of triangle they form.
A(2, 0), B(3, 2), C(5, 1)
obtuse scalene triangle
A(4, 2), B(6, 2), C(5, 3.73)
isosceles right triangle
A(-5, 2), B(-4, 4), C(-2, 2)
right triangle
A(-3, 1), B(-3, 4), C(-1, 1)
acute scalene triangle
A(-4, 2), B(-2, 4), C(-1, 4)


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

When the same problem is repeated, I like to solve it using a spreadsheet. That way, the formulas only need to be entered once, and the arithmetic is (almost) guaranteed to be done correctly.

A "form factor" computed from side lengths can be used to determine the type of triangle. Where 'c' is the long side, that factor can be computed as ...

  f = a² +b² -c²

and interpreted as follows:

f = 0, right trianglef > 0, acute trianglef < 0, obtuse triangle

(The sign of f matches the sign of the cosine of the largest angle computed using the law of cosines.)

Of course, a right triangle can also be identified by looking at the slopes of the sides of the triangle. If any pair of slopes has a product that is -1, or if any pair is 0 and "undefined", then the triangle will be a right triangle.


The attached spreadsheet is designed to accommodate a number of different problem requirements. It shows both side lengths and slopes, and it shows the "form factor" as described above. The final classification is shown at far right.

Mr Gardner is making 6 treat bags. He has 185 chocolate-covered raisins to share evenly among the treat bags.



✎There will be 30 Chocolate-Covered raisins in each bag.

✎ And 5 Remaining.

Step-by-step explanation:

Take 185 and divide it by 6 and you should get 30 per bag with a remainder of 5 :)

A) 30 chocolate covered raisins will be in each bag.

B) 5 chocolate covered raisins will be left over

See the photo attached to see the long division.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

A town recently dismissed 8 employees in order to meet their new budget reductions. The town had 9 employees over 50 years of age and 16 under 50. If the dismissed employees were selected at random, what is the probability that at least 7 employees were over 50? Express your answer as a fraction or a decimal number rounded to four decimal places.



The probability that at least 7 employees were over 50 is 0.0073%.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that a town recently dismissed 8 employees in order to meet their new budget reductions, and the town had 9 employees over 50 years of age and 16 under 50, if the dismissed employees were selected at random, to determine what is the probability that at least 7 employees were over 50, the following calculation must be performed:

9/25 x 8/24 x 7/23 x 6/22 x 5/21 x 4/20 x 3/19 = X

0.36 x 0.33 x 0.304 x 0.272 x 0.238 x 0.2 x 0.157 = X

0.000073 = X

100X = 0.0073

Therefore, the probability that at least 7 employees were over 50 is 0.0073%.

Which of the binomials below is a factor of this trinomial?


Answer:  x+4

This is because the given expression factors to (x+4)(x+4), which condenses to (x+4)^2.

To factor, think of two numbers that A) multiply to 16, and B) add to 8. Those values would be 4 and 4

4+4 = 8

4*4 = 16

So that's how we end up with (x+4)(x+4). You can use the FOIL rule to expand that out and get x^2+8x+16 again to help verify you have the correct factorization.

Other Questions
Please help me anyone Plan production for the next year. The demand forecast is: spring, 20,600; summer, 9,400; fall, 15,400; winter, 18,400. At the beginning of spring, you have 69 workers and 1,030 units in inventory. The union contract specifies that you may lay off workers only once a year, at the beginning of summer. Also, you may hire new workers only at the end of summer to begin regular work in the fall. The number of workers laid off at the beginning of summer and the number hired at the end of summer should result in planned production levels for summer and fall that equal the demand forecasts for summer and fall, respectively. If demand exceeds supply, use overtime in spring only, which means that backorders could occur in winter. You are given these costs: hiring, $130 per new worker; layoff, $260 per worker laid off; holding, $21 per unit-quarter; backorder cost, $9 per unit; regular time labor, $11 per hour; overtime, $17 per hour. Productivity is 0.5 unit per worker hour, eight hours per day, 50 days per quarter.Find the total cost of this plan. Note: Hiring expense occurs at beginning of Fall. (Leave no cells blank - be certain to enter "O" wherever required.) Fall 15,400 Winter 18,400 15,400 30,800 77 18,400 36,800 77 Spring Summer Forecast 20,600 9,400 Beginning inventory I 1,030 Production required 9,400 Production hours required 39,140 18,800 Regular workforce 69 47 Regular production Overtime hours Overtime production Total production Ending inventory Ending backorders Workers hired Workers laid off Spring Summer Fall Winter Straight time Overtime Inventory Backorder Hiring Layoff Total Total cost Anyone good at Ks3 math? Sally wanted to replace the old carpet in her home. She entered into a contract with Good Carpet Co. (GCC) for the purchase and installation of a new carpet. The price of the carpet was $3,000 and the cost of the labor to install the carpet was $150. Later Sally became dissatisfied with this transaction and wants to sue GCC. Sally wants to apply the contract rules of the UCC, but GCC wants to apply the contract rules of the common law. Which source of law should govern this case Can anyone help with problem 5? Which one is right??? Jed goes to the deli to purchase turkey that costs $6.71 per pound. State regulations indicate that the scale used in the deli must be accurate to within 1 20 pound. According to the scale, Jed's purchase weighs one-fourth pound and costs $1.68. How much might he have been undercharged or overcharged due to a scale error Question 14 please show ALL STEPS Hellllppppppppppppppppppppppp The photo shows a liger. Its father is a male lion, and its mother is a female tiger.Which two facts show that lions and tigers are closely related but separate species?A. Male lions and female tigers can produce offspring.B. Male ligers cannot produce offspring with female ligers.C. Male and female tigers cannot grow as large as ligers.D. Female ligers can produce offspring with male lions or tigers. A sofa is on sale for $703, which is 26% less than the regular price what is the regular price? If Bob gains 15 pounds, then the ratio of Bob's weight to Tom's weight would be 7 to 5. If Tom weighs 115 pounds, what is Bobs weight now? Sarah had 25 candies. Sarah gave 25 of the candies to her sister. Of the amount left, she gave 2/3 to her friend. How many candies does Sarah have left for herself? A motorist travels 90 miles at a rate of 20 miles per hour. If he returns the same distance at a rate of 40 miles per hour, what is the average speed for the entire trip, in miles per hour? What is this answer PH=? Barriers of successful monitoring of a company Tm x,y tha mn: x^2-2xy+3y-5x+7=0 during times of personal crisis we may feel the need to engage the services of a therapist to help us with out problemsfact or opinion and why A data set is displayed using a dot plot. The range of the data is between 50 and 90, and the distribution is skewed left. Where is there most likely a peak in the data?left side of the graphright side of the graphmiddle of the graphcannot be determined without more informationplease help ASAPpppppppppppppppppppppp