Write the number in standard form as a decimal


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

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the image is located at the bottom of the screen.



..... surface area = 16 km^2.

Can anyone please help me out?


i think D is the answer

Suppose that a local TV station conducts a survey of a random sample of 120 registered voters in order to predict the winner of a local election. The Democrat candidate was favored by 62 of the respondents.

a. Construct and interpret a 99% CI for the true proportion of voters who prefer the Republican candidate.
b. If a candidate needs a simple majority of the votes to win the election, can the Republican candidate be confident of victory? Justify your response with an appropriate statistical argument.



a) The 99% CI for the true proportion of voters who prefer the Republican candidate is (0.3658, 0.6001). This means that we are 99% sure that the true population proportion of all voters who prefer the Republican candidate is (0.3658, 0.6001).

b) The upper bound of the confidence interval is above 0.5 = 50%, which meas that the candidate can be confidence of victory.

Step-by-step explanation:

Question a:

In a sample with a number n of people surveyed with a probability of a success of [tex]\pi[/tex], and a confidence level of [tex]1-\alpha[/tex], we have the following confidence interval of proportions.

[tex]\pi \pm z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

In which

z is the z-score that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}[/tex].

Sample of 120 registered voters in order to predict the winner of a local election. The Democrat candidate was favored by 62 of the respondents.

So 120 - 62 = 58 favored the Republican candidate, so:

[tex]n = 120, \pi = \frac{58}{120} = 0.4833[/tex]

99% confidence level

So [tex]\alpha = 0.01[/tex], z is the value of Z that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{0.01}{2} = 0.995[/tex], so [tex]Z = 2.575[/tex].  

The lower limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi - z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.4833 - 2.575\sqrt{\frac{0.4833*0.5167}{120}} = 0.3658[/tex]

The upper limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi + z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.4833 + 2.575\sqrt{\frac{0.4833*0.5167}{120}} = 0.6001[/tex]

The 99% CI for the true proportion of voters who prefer the Republican candidate is (0.3658, 0.6001). This means that we are 99% sure that the true population proportion of all voters who prefer the Republican candidate is (0.3658, 0.6001).

b. If a candidate needs a simple majority of the votes to win the election, can the Republican candidate be confident of victory? Justify your response with an appropriate statistical argument.

The upper bound of the confidence interval is above 0.5 = 50%, which meas that the candidate can be confidence of victory.

14 cm 8 cm 10cm 5 cm.
find the area and the perimeter of the above figures ​


Perimeter means distance around a figure or curve.

Perimeter = Sum of all sides

Perimeter = 14cm + 8cm + 10cm + 5cm

Perimeter = 22cm + 15cm

Perimeter = 37cm

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps you



with this question plz



Step-by-step explanation:

(x-2)(x+4)=x^2+4x-2x-8=0=> x =2, x=0



Step-by-step explanation:

Carmen Martinez
What is the slope of the line that passes through the point 4,4 and 10,7 write your answer in simplest form



[tex]\boxed{\sf Slope(m)=\dfrac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m=\dfrac{7-4}{10-4}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m=\dfrac{3}{6}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m=\dfrac{1}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m\approx0.5[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

The slope of a line, also known as the change in the line or the ([tex]\frac{rise}{run}[/tex]) can be found using the following formula,


Where ([tex]x_1,y_1[/tex]) and ([tex]x_2,y_2[/tex]) are points on the line. Substitute the given information into the formula and solve for the slope.


Points on the line: [tex](4,4)\ \ \ (10, 7)[/tex]






A solid is formed by rotating the region bounded by y = x − x^2 and y = 0 about the line x = 2 . Use the shell method to find the volume of the solid.



The volume of the resulting solid is π/2 cubic units.

Step-by-step explanation:

Please refer to the diagram below.

The shell method is given by:

[tex]\displaystyle V = 2\pi \int _a ^b r(x) h(x)\, dx[/tex]

Where the representative rectangle is parallel to the axis of revolution, r(x) is the distance from the axis of revolution to the center of the rectangle, and h(x) is the height of the rectangle.

From the diagram, we can see that r(x) = (2 - x) and that h(x) is simply y. The limits of integration are from a = 0 to b = 1. Therefore:

[tex]\displaystyle V = 2\pi \int_0^1\underbrace{\left(2-x\right)}_{r(x)}\underbrace{\left(x - x^2\right)}_{h(x)}\, dx[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \begin{aligned} V&= 2\pi \int_0 ^1 \left(2x-2x^2-x^2+x^3\right) \, dx\\ \\ &= 2\pi\int _0^1 x^3 -3x^2 + 2x \, dx \\ \\ &= 2\pi\left(\frac{x^4}{4} - x^3 + x^2 \Bigg|_0^1\right) \\ \\ &= 2\pi \left(\frac{1}{4} - 1 + 1 \right) \\ \\ &= \frac{\pi}{2}\end{aligned}[/tex]

The volume of the resulting solid is π/2 cubic units.



Step-by-step explanation:

I always like to draw an illustration for these problems.

For shells method think volume of cylinder=2pi×r×h

Integrate(2pi(2-x)(x-x^2) ,x=0...1)


Integrate(2pi(2x-2x^2-x^2+x^3 ,x=0...1)

Combine like terms

Integrate(2pi(2x-3x^2+x^3) ,x=0...1)

Begin to evaluate

2pi(2x^2/2-3x^3/3+x^4/4) ,x=0...1

2pi(x^2-x^3+x^4/4), x=0...1




The cost of producing pen​s with the company logo printed on them consists of a onetime setup fee of $265.00 plus $0.95 for each pen produced. This cost can be calculated using the formula C=265.00+0.95p, where p represents the number of pens produced and C is the cost. Use the formula to calculate the cost of producing 2900 pens.




If you are dealt 4 cards from a shuffled deck of 52​ cards, find the probability of getting 2 queens and 2 kings.

The probability is ___.
​(Round to six decimal places as​ needed.)




Step-by-step explanation:

Exact form: 13/12

Decimal form: 1.083 (put a line above the 3)

Mixed number form: 1 1/12

A sample of 13 sheets of cardstock is randomly selected and the following thicknesses are measured in millimeters. Give a point estimate for the population standard deviation. Round your answer to three decimal places. 1.96,1.81,1.97,1.83,1.87,1.84,1.85,1.94,1.96,1.81,1.86,1.95,1.89


Answer:  0.061



Add up the values to get

1.96+1.81+1.97+1.83+1.87+1.84+1.85+1.94+1.96+1.81+1.86+1.95+1.89= 24.54

Then divide over 13 (the number of values) to get 24.54/13 = 1.8876923 which is approximate.

So the mean is approximately 1.8876923


Now make a spreadsheet as shown below

We have the first column as the x values, which are the original numbers your teacher provided. The second column is of the form (x-M)^2, where M is the mean we computed earlier. We subtract off the mean and square the result.

After we compute that column of (x-M)^2 values, we add them up to get what is shown in the highlighted yellow cell at the bottom of the column.

That sum is approximately 0.04403076924

Next, we divide that over n-1 = 13-1 = 12

0.04403076924 /12 = 0.00366923077

That is the sample variance. Apply the square root to this to get the sample standard deviation. This is the point estimate of the population standard deviation. As the name implies, it works for samples that estimate population parameters.

sqrt(0.00366923077) = 0.06057417576822

This rounds to 0.061 which is the final answer.

Describe the following sequence using an algebraic expression as a rule 0; 2,4; 6​



Step-by-step explanation:

I assume the sequence is 0, 2, 4, 6

nth term = 2(n-1)

Choose the system of inequalities that best matches the graph below. A. B. C. D.


The system of inequalities that is graphed is:

y ≤ - (2/3)*x

y < x - 3

So the correct option is B.

Which system of inequalities is the graphed one?

First, we can see that for both of the inequalities the shaded part is below the lines.

You also can see that the solid line (correspondent to the symbol ≤) is the one with a negative slope, and the dashed line (correspondent with the line <) is the one with a positive slope.

Only with that, we conclude that the correct option is B.

y ≤ - (2/3)*x

y < x - 3

If you want to learn more about inequalities:



If a $6 per unit tax is introduced in this market, then the new equilibrium quantity will be



soory i dont know just report me if you angry

What is the x intercept of the graph that is shown below? Please help me




Step-by-step explanation:

The x intercept is the value when it crosses the x axis ( the y value is zero)

x = -2 and y =0


Silicone implant augmentation rhinoplasty is used to correct congenital nose deformities. The success of the procedure depends on various biomechanical properties of the human nasal periosteum and fascia. An article reported that for a sample of 10 (newly deceased) adults, the mean failure strain (%) was 24.0, and the standard deviation was 3.2.

a. Assuming a normal distribution for failure strain, estimate true average strain in a way that converys information about precision and reliability.
b. Predict the strain for a single adult in a way that conveys information about precision and reliability. How does the prediction compare to the estimate calculated in part (a)?


Solution :

Given information :

A sample of n = 10 adults

The mean failure was 24 and the standard deviation was 3.2

a). The formula to calculate the 95% confidence interval is given by :

[tex]$\overline x \pm t_{\alpha/2,-1} \times \frac{s}{\sqrt n}$[/tex]

Here, [tex]$t_{\alpha/2,n-1} = t_{0.05/2,10-1}$[/tex]

                       = 2.145

Substitute the values

[tex]$24 \pm 2.145 \times \frac{3.2}{\sqrt {10}}$[/tex]

(26.17, 21.83)

When the [tex]\text{sampling of the same size}[/tex] is repeated from the [tex]\text{population}[/tex] [tex]n[/tex] infinite number of [tex]\text{times}[/tex], and the [tex]\text{confidence intervals}[/tex] are constructed, then [tex]95\%[/tex] of them contains the [tex]\text{true value of the population mean}[/tex], μ in between [tex](26.17, 21.83)[/tex]

b). The formula to calculate 95% prediction interval is given by :

    [tex]$\overline x \pm t_{\alpha/2,-1} \times s \sqrt{1+\frac{1}{n}}$[/tex]

   [tex]$24 \pm 2.145 \times 3.2 \sqrt{1+\frac{1}{10}}$[/tex]

   (31.13, 16.87)

II. Round to the nearest hundred.
11. 582
12. 1,234
13. 640
14. 770
15. 1,104 can you please tell what the answer?








Find the volume of the figure. Round your answers to the nearest tenth. It is recommended you use the π button on your calculator to solve.



628 mi^3

Step-by-step explanation:

the volume of a cylinder is given by:

V = base area x height


V = (3.14)(5)^2(8)

V = (3.14)(25)(8)

V = 628 mi^3

the volume of the cylinder is 628 cubic miles

The volume of the cylinder is 628 cubic miles.

We have a cylinder of radius 5 mi and height 8 mi.

We have to find the volume of the figure and round it to nearest tenth.

What is the volume of cylinder?

The volume of cylinder is given by the formula -

Volume [tex]=\pi r^{2} h[/tex]

We can use the above formula to calculate the volume of cylinder. In our case -

r = 5 mi

h = 8 mi

Substituting the values in the formula -

Volume [tex]=\pi\times5^{2}\times 8\\\\[/tex] = 628 cubic miles.

Hence, the volume of the cylinder is 628 cubic miles.

To solve more questions on finding the volume of cylinder, visit the link below -



A meat packaging plant uses a machine that packages chicken livers in six pound portions. A sample of 91 packages of chicken livers has a standard deviation of 0.47. Construct the 98% confidence interval to estimate the standard deviation of the weights of the packages prepared by the machine. Round your answers to two decimal places.
Lower endpoint______ Upper endpoint__



it simple as look

Step-by-step explanation:

He y I a m r a v I t ha n k S


How do you make 2.318181818 a mixed number



Hope this helps!

The sum of a number and its inverse is 3 29 / 52. Find the number?​


What does the inverse mean in this scenario

Susan randomly selected a sample of plants to determine the average height of the total 35 plants in her garden. She measured the heights (in inches) of 12 randomly selected plants and recorded the data:

1.0, 1.4, 1.8, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5, 4.2, 4.5, 4.8, 5.0, 5.3, 6.0
What is the sample mean of the heights of the plants in Susan's garden?



3.5 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

Sample mean basically means that we need to find the average of the samples.

So the formula for finding average is

Number of observations/ Number of Occurrences

So when we add the values together we get


So there are 12 numbers

So, 42/12 =

3.5 inches

The sample mean of the heights of the plants in Susan's garden is

3.5 inches.


Susan randomly selected a sample of plants to determine the average height of the total 35 plants in her garden.

She measured the heights (in inches) of 12 randomly selected plants and recorded the data:

1.0, 1.4, 1.8, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5, 4.2, 4.5, 4.8, 5.0, 5.3, 6.0

We have to find the sample mean of the heights of the plants in Susan's garden.

What is Average?

Average value in a set of given numbers is the middle value, calculate as dividing the total of all values by the number of values.


The recorded data is;

1.0, 1.4, 1.8, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5, 4.2, 4.5, 4.8, 5.0, 5.3, 6.0

To find the sample mean of the heights of the plants in Susan's garden we have to find the average of the recorded data.

Formula for average = [tex]\frac{sum of number of observation}{ number of occurrence}[/tex]

Hence, Average = [tex]\frac{1.0+ 1.4+1.8+2.0+ 2.5+3.5+4.2+4.5+ 4.8+ 5.0+ 5.3+ 6.0}{12} = \frac{42}{12} = 3.5[/tex]

Therefore, The sample mean of the heights of the plants in Susan's garden is 3.5 inches.

Learn more about the average visit:



The expression y + y + 2y is equivalent to ??
because ??




They would have the same value if a number was substituted for y

Step-by-step explanation:

y+y+2y =

Combine like terms


These are all like terms

They would have the same value if a number was substituted for y

Let y = 5

5+5+2(5) = 5+5+10 = 20

4(5) =20

Suppose that we ask n randomly selected people whether they share your birthday. (a) Give an expression in terms of n for the probability that no one shares your birthday (ignore leap years). $$ Correct: Your answer is correct. (b) What is the least number of people we need to select so that the probability is at least 0.8 that at least one person shares your birthday


Using the binomial distribution, it is found that:

a) The expression is [tex]\left(\frac{364}{365}\right)^{n}[/tex]

b) You need to select at least 587 people.

For each person, there are only two possible outcomes, either they share your birthday, or they do not. The probability of a person sharing your birthday is independent of any other person, hence, the binomial distribution is used to solve this question.

Binomial probability distribution

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]C_{n,x} = \frac{n!}{x!(n-x)!}[/tex]

The parameters are:

x is the number of successes. n is the number of trials. p is the probability of a success on a single trial.

There are 365 days in a non-leap year, hence, the probability of each person sharing your birthday is [tex]p = \frac{1}{365}[/tex]

Item a:

This probability is P(X = 0), hence:

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = C_{n,0}.\left(\frac{1}{365}\right)^{0}.\left(\frac{364}{365}\right)^{n} = \left(\frac{364}{365}\right)^{n}[/tex]

Hence, the expression is [tex]\left(\frac{364}{365}\right)^{n}[/tex]

Item b:

The probability that at least one person shares your birthday is:

[tex]P(X \geq 1) = 1 - P(X = 0)[/tex]

We want that:

[tex]P(X \geq 1) \geq 0.8[/tex]


[tex]1 - P(X = 0) \geq 0.8[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) \leq 0.2[/tex]


[tex]\left(\frac{364}{365}\right)^{n} \leq 0.2[/tex]

[tex]n\log{\left(\frac{364}{365}\right)} \leq \log{0.2}[/tex]

[tex]n \geq \frac{\log{0.2}}{\log{\left(\frac{364}{365}\right)}}[/tex]

[tex]n \geq 586.6[/tex]

Rounding up: You need to select at least 587 people.

To learn more about the binomial distribution, you can take a look at https://brainly.com/question/24863377

Use the compound interest formula to find the annual interest​ rate, r, if in 2 years an investment of 4,000 grows to 4410 The rate is %.




Step-by-step explanation:

Bank amount=PA*(1+r/100)^t


1.05=(1+x/100), x=5%

The function f is defined by f(x) = 4x + 1. What is the value of f(3)?
O 13
O 17
O 65
O 82




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 4x + 1

Let x= 3

f(3) = 4*3+1

    = 12+1

   = 13

The rationalisation factor of 2 + √3 is

step by step for BRAINLIST ​



rationalising factor wud be

2 - root3

as on multiying both and applying identity we end up

2^2 - (root3)^2

4 - 3 = 1

we got a rational number so rationalisng factor is

2 - root3

the value of M such that 3 3 M + 3 = 9 M + 4​


Step-by-step explanation:

If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 33M+3=9M+4[/tex]

Interchange sides

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 33M-9M=4-3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto (33-9)M=1[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 24M=1[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto M=\dfrac{1}{24}[/tex]

Find the value of y.


9514 1404 393


  (d) 6√3

Step-by-step explanation:

There are several ways to work multiple-choice problems. One of the simplest is to choose the only answer that makes any sense. Here, that is 6√3.

y is the hypotenuse of the medium-sized right triangle, so will be longer than that triangle's longest leg. y > 9

The only answer choice that meets this requirement is ...

  y = 6√3


In this geometry, all of the right triangles are similar. This means corresponding sides have the same ratio. For y, we're interested in the ratio of long leg to hypotenuse.

  long leg/hypotenuse = y/(9+3) = 9/y

  y² = 9(9+3) = 9·4·3

  y = 3·2·√3 . . . . . . take the square root

  y = 6√3


Additional comments

You may notice that y is the root of the product of the longer hypotenuse segment (9) and the whole hypotenuse (9+3 = 12). We can say that y is the "geometric mean" of these segment lengths. Similarly (pun only partially intended), x will be the root of the product of the short segment (3) and the whole hypotenuse (12)

  x = √(3·12) = 6

This is another "geometric mean" relation.

Further, the altitude will be the geometric mean of the two segments of the hypotenuse:

  h = √(9·3) = 3√3

A way to summarize all of these relations is to say that the legs of the right triangle that are not the hypotenuse are equal to the geometric mean of the segments of the hypotenuse that the leg intercepts.

  x = √(3·12)

  y = √(9·12)

  h = √(3·9)

Find the missing side round to the nearest tenth


Answer:  11.6


Work Shown:

sin(angle) = opposite/hypotenuse

sin(29) = x/24

24*sin(29) = x

x = 24*sin(29) ..... exact value

x = 11.635430885912 .... approximate value

x = 11.6

To get the approximate value, you'll need a calculator. Make sure the calculator is in degree mode.

The answer would be 12.

Lesson 1 Skills Practice
Lines For Exercises 1-12, use the figure at the right. In that figure, line m is parallel.

Classify each pair of angles as alternate interior, alternate exterior, or corresponding.

Pictures Below.


9514 1404 393


alternate interior: (2, 4), (3, 5)alternate exterior: (1, 7), (43°, 6)corresponding: (1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7), alternate interior: (2, 4), (3, 5)

corresponding: (1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7), (43°, 4)4)

Step-by-step explanation:

In this geometry, "corresponding" angles are in the same direction from the point of intersection of the transversal with the parallel line.

"Alternate" refers to angles on opposite sides of the transversal. "Interior" and "exterior" refer to angles between and outside of the parallel lines, respectively.

Here, we list all angle pairs in each classification, so you can answer questions 1-12 based on this list.

alternate interior: (2, 4), (3, 5)

alternate exterior: (1, 7), (43°, 6)

corresponding: (1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7), (43°, 4)


Additional classifications are also used:

consecutive (same-side) interior: (2, 5), (3, 4)

consecutive (same-side) exterior: (1, 6), (43°, 7)

vertical: (1, 3), (2, 43°), (4, 6), (5, 7)

linear pairs: (1, 2), (1, 43°), (2, 3), (3, 43°), (4, 5), (4, 7), (5, 6), (6, 7)

Other Questions
Show why (237)^4 = 2^4 3^4 7^4 show work State newton's universal law of gravitation Nights and DragonsFrom the memoir of author Abigail Prynne1I sit at my desk listening to thunder growl outside my window. Flashes of light burst through the darkness, and wind races past my window. The thrilling combination of sight and sound conjures up visions of dragons roaring proudly, breathing fire, and soaring across the midnight sky. Dragons first fascinated me when I was a little girl. They have followed me ever since. The magnificent creatures appeared in storybooks I read in the library, paintings I saw in museums, movies I watched in the theater, and the dreams I had in my sleep. By the time I was thirteen, one question consumed me. I wanted to know if dragons ever existed, so I set out on a quest for facts.2As I started my research, I discovered many skeptics. Scientists presented evidence to show why dragons could notand did notexist. They explained that it would be impossible for dragons to fly because they would be too big. They laughed at the idea of dragons breathing fire. They pointed out that no other animal has ever done this. They said that if dragons had lived, someone would have found remains somewhere in the world. No bones about it, there were plenty of logical explanations. It would have been easy for me to accept that the only place dragons ever existed was in the imaginations of those who believed.3I could have given up, but I thought about my grandmother. She always told me that "people who believe that science is the answer to everything are missing out on everything else." With her words in mind, I searched some more. There were many facts that hinted that dragons may not be fictional. I noticed that cultures across the world all described dragons in similar ways. This was odd because they had no way to communicate with each other. I found dragons mentioned in more than just stories. They appeared in old legal papers, in the travel logs of Marco Polo, and in the Bible. I saw that the Chinese calendar uses a different animal each year. Dragons are included along with eleven real animals. I began to believe it was a real possibility that all of these people were talking about a creature that actually existed.4With renewed hope that there was some truth to the legends, I looked for new research. I found that some experts disagreed with popular arguments against dragons. They suggested that a dragon could have four stomachs like a cow. If it created stomach gases like birds, it might create enough to lift itself off the ground. This would give it the ability to fly. If it forced out air when diving toward the earth, it might release gases which could ignite into flame. When the animal died, the stomachs would release strong acids that would dissolve its dead body over time. Biologists backed up these ideas with sketches and models based on known animals. Not everyone agreed with these ideas, but many of the things we accept about dinosaurs and other extinct species started the same way.5I doubt we will ever truly know whether dragons existed. There may always be two sides to the fiery debate. Some will say the stories come from active imaginations. Some will believe with all their hearts that the legendary creatures roamed our ancient world. I don't know for certain which side to believe, but the sound and fury of a night like this makes me smile. It rekindles my childhood dreams and keeps the exciting possibility alive.In paragraph 5, the author discusses two sides to the dragon debate. Which statement best summarizes the ideas in the paragraph? The author implicitly states that she believes that dragons once existed. The author explicitly states that she believes that dragons once existed. The author implicitly states that she believes that dragons did not exist. 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Sports which cannot be played by fewer than ten people per team.C. Sports in which only one player per team competes at a time, withindividual scores counting toward the team score.D. Sports consisting of more than one player on the field or court at atime.SUBME -36 = 6(2-8n) please how do you describe philosophy Provide a therapeutic environment for the delivery of health careA. supportiveB. diagnosticC. biotechnologyD. informatics Which of these can lower the amount of monthly payments on a mortgage?InsuranceDown paymentProperty taxesCollateral - Mean test score was 200 with a standard deviation of 40- Mean number of years of service was 20 years with a standard deviation of 2 years.In comparing the relative dispersion of the two distributions, what are the coefficients of variation HELP ME PLEASE I NEED HELP The speed of the light is approximately 3x10^14 centimeters per second.how much will it take light to Tavel 9x10^14 centimeters for all of the questions with method thankyou The sum of two numbers is 52. One number is 3 times as large as the other. What are the numbers? Find the distance between the two points.(-5,1)(0,0)[?]Enter the number thatgoes beneath theradical symbol. why do children need more protein in there diet The celiac ganglion ________. Group of answer choices is located near the base of the superior mesenteric artery arises from the greater splanchnic nerve projects postganglionic fibers that innervate the small intestine and the kidney and urinary bladder arises from the lesser splanchnic nerve arises from the lumbar splanchnic nerve