Write this ratio as a fraction in simplest form without any units.
7 gallons to 40 quarts


Answer 1

9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

In order to make the units cancel, they must be the same. There are 4 quarts in 1 gallon, so 40 quarts = 10×4 quarts = 10×(1 gal) = 10 gal.

Then the ratio is ...

  (7 gal)/(10 gal) = 7/10

Related Questions

Help me with this question plz


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The points at the ends of the interval are ...

  (0, f(0)) = (0, 0)

  (7, f(7)) = (7, 119)

The average rate of change is given by the slope formula:

  m = (y2 -y1)/(x2 -x1)

  m = (119 -0)/(7 -0) = 119/7 = 17

Help me out!! Anyone




Step-by-step explanation:

if they have to wait for plane B and it arrives every 10 mins then 4:10 is the anser

Been stuck on this since yesterday !!?!?



Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

I have uploaded a graph for you. The x axis is the number of years. The y axis is the salary multiplied by 1000. I should have made the multiplication factor 10000 but 1000 will do.

The 5 given points are plotted in red. The blue line is the function.

The function is y = 5x + 35. That means for every year you add 5 times the year onto the salary.

No years is 35000

1 year is 1 * 5000 + 35000

2 years is 2 * 5000 + 35000 = 45000

6 years is 5 * 5000 * 35000 = 65000

and so on.

The point you want is x = 12

12 years is 12 * 5000 + 35000 = 95000

Forgot the graph


a. 41
b. 35
c. 23
d. 29




Step-by-step explanation:

The pattern is adding powers of 2.

4+1=5 (exception)







Step-by-step explanation:

4 + 1 = 5

5 + (1 × 2) = 5 +2 =7

7 + (2×2) = 7 + 4 = 11

11 +(4×2) = 11 + 8 = 19

19 + (8×2) = 19 + 16 = 35

A triangle has base of 7 1/8 feet and height 6 1/4 feet. Find the area of a triangle as a mixed number.


Answer: The area is 22 17/64.

Step-by-step explanation:

base = 7 1/8 = 57/8

height = 6 1/4 = 25/4

area = 1/2*b*h

= 1/2*57/8*25/4

= 1425/64

= 22 17/64

Is u=−12 a solution of 8u−1=6u?



No, -12 is not a solution.

Step-by-step explanation:





Untrue, to it’s not a solution

Evaluate the expression (2²x² over xy³ )² for x = 4 and y == 2.​




Step-by-step explanation:

State the domain and range of the following function:
{(- 3,4), (0,6), (2, - 2), (1, – 3), (6, - 7), (3, 2)}



[tex]Domain = \{-3,0,2,1,6,3\}[/tex]

[tex]Range = \{4,6,-2,-3,-7,2\}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\{(- 3,4), (0,6), (2, - 2), (1, - 3), (6, - 7), (3, 2)\}[/tex]


The domain and range

A function is represented as:

[tex]Function = \{(x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2),....(x_n,y_n)\}[/tex]


[tex]x \to[/tex] domain

[tex]y \to[/tex] range

So, we have:

[tex]Domain = \{-3,0,2,1,6,3\}[/tex]

[tex]Range = \{4,6,-2,-3,-7,2\}[/tex]

Solve the following formula for a.



B is correct .trust me

Step-by-step explanation:

Steve thinks he can drive legally 30 minutes after he drinks 5 beers. The legal limit is BAC = 0.08. Give a 90% prediction interval for Steve’s BAC. Can he be confident he won’t be arrested if he drives and is stopped?


Answer: Hello your question has some missing data attached below is the missing data

How well does the number of beers a student drinks predict his or her blood alcohol content (BAC)? Sixteen student volunteers at Ohio State University drank a randomly assigned number of 12-ounce cans of beer. Thirty minutes later, a police officer measured their BAC. Here are the data. The students were equally divided between men and women and differed in weight and usual drinking habits. Because of this variation, many students don’t believe that number of drinks predicts BAC well.


prediction  interval : (0.040 , 0.114)

Step-by-step explanation:

Given data:

Confidence level = 90%

Legal limit ( BAC ) = 0.08


sample size = 16

Degree of freedom ( df ) = 14

critical t value =  1.761

X =  4.81

Σ(x-x)² (Sx) =  72.44

also standard error of estimates = 0.0204

Y=  -0.01270  +  0.01796 * 5 = 0.077

given that ; the predicted value of Y at x = 5

Considering individual response Y

standard error = 0.0211

margin of error = 1.761 * 0.021 = 0.0371

Hence the limits of the prediction interval is :

Lower limit  = 0.077 - 0.037 = 0.040.

Upper limit = 0.077 + 0.037 = 0.114


90% prediction interval  =  (0.040 , 0.114)

What is the area of the right triangle with sides 10,26 and 24



Area = 120

Step-by-step explanation:

Area = 1/2 bh

Area = 1/2 (10)(24)

Area = 1/2 (240)

Area = 120

The area of the right triangle is 120


[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 120 \ units^2}}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

We are asked to find the area of a triangle. The formula for calculating this is:

[tex]a= \frac{1}{2} bh[/tex]

This is a right triangle, so the base and height are the legs of the triangle. The 2 smallest sides are the legs because the longest side is the hypotenuse. Since the side lengths are 10, 26, and 24, the base and height must be 10 units and 24 units.

b= 10 unitsh= 24 units

Substitute these values into the formula.

[tex]a= \frac{ 1}{2} ( 10 \ units)(24 \ units)[/tex]

Multiply the numbers in parentheses.

[tex]a= \frac{1}{2}(240 \ units^2)[/tex]

Multiply by 1/2 or divide by 2.

[tex]a= 120 \ units^2[/tex]

The area of the triangle is 120 units squared.

HELPSSS PLSSSS I need help!!


Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter of the rectangle is

[tex]P = 2(4x + 2x) = 12x[/tex]

The perimeter of the octagon is

[tex]P = 8(1.5x) = 12x[/tex]

So for x = 1, the perimeter of the rectangle, as well as the octagon, is 12 cm. For x = 2, its 24 cm. For x = 3, it's 36 and so on. So the pattern here is with each integer increase in x, the perimeter increases by 12 cm. Also that the perimeters of both shapes are equal.

Triangle DEF has sides of length x, x+3, and x−1. What are all the possible types of DEF?


Triangle DEF is scalene

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

The triangle DEF will be a scalene triangle as all the sides of the triangle are unequal.

What is a scalene triangle?

A scalene triangle is a type of triangle which have all the sides to be unequal and similarly, all the angles will also be unequal to each other.

Given that:-

Triangle DEF has sides of length x, x+3, and x−1

it is given that all the sides of the triangle are x, x+3, and x−1 we can clearly see that for any value of x all the three sides will have different values. we can conclude from this that the triangle DEF is a scalene triangle.

Therefore triangle DEF will be a scalene triangle as all the sides of the triangle are unequal.

To know more about the scalene triangle follow



find the maximum number of children to whom 30 sweaters and 45 trousers can be equally divided. also how many sweaters and trousers will each get?​



five kids .each 6 sweaters and 9 trousers

Step-by-step explanation:


Hãy tìm hàm gốc f(t) có hàm ảnh Laplace như dưới đây:
F(p)=6/p(2p^2+4p +10)


It looks like we're given the Laplace transform of f(t),

[tex]F(p) = L_p\left\{f(t)\right\} = \dfrac6{p(2p^2+4p+10)} = \dfrac3{p(p^2+2p+5)}[/tex]

Start by splitting up F(p) into partial fractions:

[tex]\dfrac3{p(p^2+2p+5)} = \dfrac ap + \dfrac{bp+c}{p^2+2p+5} \\\\ 3 = a(p^2+2p+5) + (bp+c)p \\\\ 3 = (a+b)p^2 + (2a+c)p + 5a \\\\ \implies \begin{cases}a+b=0 \\ 2a+c=0 \\ 5a=3\end{cases} \implies a=\dfrac35,b=-\dfrac35, c=-\dfrac65[/tex]

[tex]F(p) = \dfrac3{5p} - \dfrac{3p+6}{5(p^2+2p+5)}[/tex]

Complete the square in the denominator,

[tex]p^2+2p+5 = p^2+2p+1+4 = (p+1)^2+4[/tex]

and rewrite the numerator in terms of p + 1,

[tex]3p+6 = 3(p+1) + 3[/tex]

Then splitting up the second term gives

[tex]F(p) = \dfrac3{5p} - \dfrac{3(p+1)}{5((p+1)^2+4)} - \dfrac3{5((p+1)^2+4)}[/tex]

Now take the inverse transform:

[tex]L^{-1}_t\left\{F(p)\right\} = \dfrac35 L^{-1}_t\left\{\dfrac1p\right\} - \dfrac35 L^{-1}_t\left\{\dfrac{p+1}{(p+1)^2+2^2}\right\} - \dfrac3{5\times2} L^{-1}_t\left\{\dfrac2{(p+1)^2+2^2}\right\} \\\\ L^{-1}_t\left\{F(p)\right\} = \dfrac35 - \dfrac35 e^{-t} L^{-1}_t\left\{\dfrac p{p^2+2^2}\right\} - \dfrac3{10} e^{-t} L^{-1}_t\left\{\dfrac2{p^2+2^2}\right\} \\\\ \implies \boxed{f(t) = \dfrac35 - \dfrac35 e^{-t} \cos(2t) - \dfrac3{10} e^{-t} \sin(2t)}[/tex]

What is the measure of m?




Step-by-step explanation:

altitude on hypotenuse theorem:




What is the volume of a cone below?


The answer is 33pi ^3
Sorry not sure
Hope its help for your questions

plot the following points on a xy-plane.
(5,2) , (-2, 1) , (-1,-3)


Answer: See below

Step-by-step explanation:


Answer below

Step-by-step explanation:

Given FE=23.5, find BD.




Step-by-step explanation:

The required triangle is attached below :

The triangle AFE has it's by the mid segment as BD ;as B is the mid-point of line EA ; and D is the mid-point of line FA ;

HENCE, The Length of the midsegment BD = 1/2FE

Hence, BD =. 1/2 * 23.5

BD = 23.5 / 2 = 11.75

At a retail store they needed to do surveys of 32 stores which equals 40% of all their stores.How many stores does the owner have in total?






the owner have total 80 stores

Step-by-step explanation:




Step-by-step explanation:

40 % = 32 stores, so:

10% = 32/4 = 8 stores, and

100% = 8*10 = 80 stores.

4. Lynn can walk two miles intenta
24 minutes. At this rate, how long will
it take her to walk 6 miles?


Lynn will take 1 hour and 12 minutes to walk
6 miles.

Evaluate the expression for x = 3 and y= 4.



[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto -\dfrac{4x^3}{3y^2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto -\dfrac{4(3)^3}{3(4)^2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto -\dfrac{4(27)}{3(16)}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto -\dfrac{108}{48}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto -\dfrac{9}{4}[/tex]


O C) - 9/4

Step-by-step explanation:

- 4x^3/3y^2 where x = 3 and y = 4

Substitute x for 3 and y for 4

- 4(3)^3/3(4)^2

Simplify the exponents

- 4(27)/3(16)


- 108/48


- 9/4

Please answer this and show the work/explain
2/7m - 1/7 = 3/14


(2/7)m - (1/7) = 3/14

2m/7 =(3/14) + (1/7)

2m/7 = (3/14) + 2(1/7)

here we are multiplying 2 with 1/7 to make the denominator same for addition.

2m/7 = (3/14) +(2/14)

2m/7 = (3 + 2)/14

2m/7 = 5/14

2m = (5 *7)/14

2m = 35/14

2m = 5/2

m = 5/4

m = 1.25

So the value of "m" is 1.25

What is the value of the x variable in the solution to the following system of equations? (5 points) 2x − 3y = 3 5x − 4y = 4 Select one: a. −1 b. 0 c. x can be any number as there are infinitely many solutions to this system d. There is no x value as there is no solution to this system



D. There is no x value as there is no solution to this system

Step-by-step explanation:

2x − 3y = 3                                  5x − 4y = 4

5x - 4y = 4               -4y = -5x + 4                         y = 5/4x - 1

2x - 3(5/4x - 1) = 3

2x - 15/4x + 3 = 3

-7/4x = 0

x = 0

At any given time about 5.5% of women (age 15-45) are pregnant. A home pregnancy test is accurate 99% of the time if the woman taking the test is actually pregnant and 99.5% accurate if the woman is not pregnant. If the test yields a positive result, what is the posterior probability of the hypothesis that the woman is pregnant?




Step-by-step explanation:

What is the image of -8 ,8 after a dilation by a scale factor of one fourth centered at the origin?



(-2, 2)

Step-by-step explanation:

If you have a point (x, y) and you do a dilation by a scale factor K centered at the origin, the new point will just be (k*x, k*y)

So, if the original point is (-8, 8)

And we do a dilation by a scale factor k = 1/4

Then the image of the point will be:

(-8*(1/4), 8*(1/4))

(-8/4, 8/4)

(-2, 2)

find the value of the trigonometric ratio. make sure to simplify the fraction if needed



Sin A = o/h

= 9/41

Step-by-step explanation:

since Sin is equal to opposite over hypotenuse, from the question, the opposite angle of A is 9 and hypotenuse angle of A is 41. Thus the answer for Sin A= 9/41

HELP WITH 16 What is the value of X



C - 136


Step-by-step explanation:

Find the measure of the incanted angle to the nearest degree



Sinx = 21/40

x = inverse of sin (21/40)

x= 31.6682

hope u got it


31.6 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

sin-¹(p/h) = 31.6

Help please!??!!?!?


9514 1404 393


  a) CP = SP/1.1

  b) CP = $59.50

  c) GST = $5.95

Step-by-step explanation:

a) Divide by the coefficient of CP.

  SP = 1.1×CP

  CP = SP/1.1


b) Use the formula with the given value.

  CP = $65.45/1.1 = $59.50


c) You can do this two ways: subtract CP from SP, or multiply CP by 0.1.

  GST = SP -CP = $65.45 -59.50 = $5.95

  GST = CP×0.10 = $59.50 × 0.10 = $5.95

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